THE N V S3 A GATE CITY JO URN A L. N Y S S A I Ml I - 11, -I, r and s: tr m U \ Mr and Mr-. Ver- h. me of sptr.: the Fcurth »¿hing near Bak O Wilson and i<t er and visiting Mr- He>ler'- brother turned Monday. M. - ar.d Mrs. \\ K JULY 9 1953 PAGE FIVE Martha N rlar.d in tiny n> Apple Valley on the F. urth of July. Mrs Charle- Ltedy ana Mr>. El- vin Worden took Mary and Gone family spent Saturday. July 4 at the Worden fishing Saturday afternoon. h me of Mr and Mrs. Mark Sumida Mr and Mr- Lcui- Prat; and Mr and Mrs. 1). H. Johnson and family returned Tuesday from a Bruce and Clark returned to Ogden week's vacation in Washington and Friday alter spending three days to the Canadian Border In at the home of Mr and Mrs. Grant they visited Mr and Mr.- Stewart Jones Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Jones Aitkin.-. Bruce and Dave Walter* are sisters. At Lewiston they called on Mr. and With Normal Installation Mrs. Paul Body. In Umit 11a they visited Mrs. Pratt's sister, Mrs Lu Only ther Carrell. and saw McNary dam They called on Mr. and Mr.-. Frank Gray at Quincy The Cub Scouts will meet with Modern Pioneer ( lab Mrs Stanley Hill Monday afternoon. D ia l 2135 Last Monday Mrs. Hill took the group to a section of the Old Oregon Kay Borge spent Saturday night Trad by the A D Moses place and with Nanoy Hill. to examine other old landmarks near Mrs. Forest Hardman, who has Kingman Kokm y and Adrian. 121 M a in St. spent Three weeks visiting in Port Mr and Mrs Forest Hardman had land. was accompanied home by Mr Fourth o f July dinner with the Bert TV Party July 12 and Mrs Henry H Hardman Diane Treadways at Parma. W e G ive S 4 H Green Stamps Hardman remained in Portland. Mrs. Gene Pratt took her children Mr. and Mrs Roger Norland and swimming at Snivelvs pool Satur sons attended a family picnic at the day afternoon and to Caldwell that night to see the fireworks The Roy and George Hirai fam i lies went out near Unity for picnick ing and fishing on July Fourth. Mr and Mrs George Carpenter. Canton. Okla.. who have spent the past two weeks at the home of their daughter. Mrs Elvin Worden, left by train Thursday morning to visit another daughter in Pacific, Wa-h. Brenda Walters, Mr and Mrs. Klass Laan and daughters and M r and Mrs. Monty Spelman and Bruce were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Stanley H ill home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leedy. Weis- build cr. crior t July Four'h with Mrs L y dia Warden. Mrs. Worden returned to Welser with them Sunday to at tend a picnic and stay the remainder By Laminating Our o f .he week S'anley Hill, C irl Le® and David Low Priced went fishing near Whitney Friday and Saturdav. Their fishing trip e " - ','d abruptly wh°n thev suprised a b‘ 7 cougar standing at their camp ‘ e Saturday evening. D '- a ld Costlev stayed Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of his i,” El vi n Wcrden, and helped Per M— in 2500-foot Units sin -k hay. Mr. and Mrs. P ovpt Norland and Delivered On Your Ranch cons went to Caldwell Saturday F IN A N C IN G A V A IL A B L E night to see the fireworks. Mrs. Stanley Hill entertained sev en members and one guest o f the See JOHN Modern Pioneer club Tuesday. Fun for the afternoon consisted of a white elephant gift exchange. Irvin T o p liff is now feeling well enough to do some o f his work Dur ing the past week Mr. and Mrs. Dial 2295 Dial 2295 Harry Warren spent several days helping at the T o p liff home, and • Henry Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day were callers Mr and Mrs. Charles Waddington and aon, John, Fi'.er, Ida., spent Fourth of July week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. B Hill. Fourth of July week-end gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simp-on were Mr. Simpson’s mother, Mrs. Myrtle Sherrick. Eureka. Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Peters. Areata, Calif. The guests were honored by a dinner Saturday which Mr. and Mrs. John Ea.-on and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Simpson and children and Wesley and Charles Walker also attended. Mrs. C. B Hill was hostss io l card club Friday afternoon Mrs. L. Dierking won the prize for high, Mrs. Don Fox got low and Mrs. Lui-t Stam and Mrs. Paul Cleaver won traveling prizes. | Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kriegh and j family attended a picnic at the | Wendell Richmond home near On tario Sunday. 't r OREGON. T H U R S D A Y W’ahlert and IT S A ADMIRAL 17-In. T.V. 2 0 9 .95 <f* Newell Heights /' Do Your Shopping at M & W MARKET Thursday - Friday - Saturday Before At tending the NYSSA NITE RODEO Friday and Saturday Nights. GET YOUR TICKETS HERE PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Prices Effective Friday-Saturday-Sunday FROZEN FOODS SPECIAL ATTENTION ■ -, Bak ery /-» Ice Cream Sunfreze Special LEMON ADE 6 o x . 4 for 5? Jumbo Qts. hand dipped ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. 4 for 5‘ lc Double-dip Cones MR. W H E A T G R O W E R - YOUR OWN STORAGE GRAINERY %wjf' c bpe cial Friday & Saturday 69^Z Fr61ich Bread 29* 2 for S4S 2x4 STOCK Only $ 3 0 .0 0 SH 0R SUGA At The NYSSA LUMBER CO. .v?,> . .. Jr- & D yK?-■ ad k : v ‘ tk "ääfcaoB^ ■, .i -2~v *« Only Zenith Quality Can Guarantee You Outstanding Features Like These! reception. e Built-In Provision for UHF-Provi- — Sfation to itation tuning without further adjustment. sion for Tuner Strips to receive new UHF stations without the use of a con verter or adapter, • Electronic Diltanco A d ju ito r — Changes from station to-station with out further adjustment. • Tuning All But Elim inated. • fla w le ss C ab in etry. f e | J • 2 5 °o G re ate r D istance. Enjoy the ih RODEO S j i k f f e H i-c 95c 39c 3 f0T Of- Nctlley’s Keen FU i t U D C lflttilf ^ ^ July 10-11 Groun i d But For Complete Driving FRANKS Pleasure with Your Car, Have It "SUMMERIZED" Come In Sunday, July 12, lor Our TV Party. Open at 2 P. M. By Our Experts WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE White Star chunk d L IV E ! NITE be sure to Se« Our TV Sel In Action R e m e m b e r to inspect PHILCOS and ZENITHS before you buy at 3 fOT 46-OZ. c a n i No. 303 2 45c for NYSSA • 20«h Brighter Picture. • Peflection-Proof Picture Tube. f^j 49< 25< 2-lb. bOX T ZS3L. — . MlMHBU. ^ V BMILIiiMHi COME IN NOW FOR A DEMONSTRATION Phone 2721 $ b • Zenith Fr in ge -Lo ck — Set it once for best reception in fringe areas and forget it! • Super Automatic Station Selector 25-lbs. Gerber's strained ii! Tuna r" Here is almost unbelievable performance —achieved by Zenith Quality, Zenith features. 25% g re a tc distance with a 20% brighter picture! Finest achievement of Zenith Quality in TV - tested and proved in areas of worst reception nation-wide! • N ew M illio n D o lla r " K - 5 3 " Chassis — Proved in areal of worst Baby 89< .65 Popular brands White Satin úran<¡ las f e d e r a l E x c i s e T ax and W arranty ^18 Nabisco and Purity Tolde 7V N ew Zeniih "7u< ’ . - M o lic i K»812K. [ 7-inch (I iH sq. in.) o lim in o li picture tabe screen. Freshly rr 5 itn P Rugged gitoti look covered cabinet in any color. *lncl ^ Beef BERRETTS Service Dial 2346 6th & Main at the "Y* 3 « S ’ita fiïtâ T L MARKET 33< Lb. Young, tender beef 39 < u. DOG FOOD v Please brand 15-oz. cans for .. »* $1 25c \ We Pay the \ Top Market \ Price for \ Ranch Eggs Nyssa Nyssa x ;! «