Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JU LY 9. 1953 PAGE TEN NOTH I FOR ■ d RI HI K \TIO N ROI (.11 OK M O U N T $ l \ O I S PI HI K U N U SALE i •• b ' Marriage I li enses Issued. h a K : is and Betty I N fc W S OF R E C O R D a.i.e Hill, b. Cl o l Nv :t 6 27 53. George K J 'tics and Jeun Derrick, o : Malheur C> u: ty, June 26 t< both o f Ontario. 7 1 53. July 2 William Robert Garrett, o f Vale, Heal Estate Iranafers Recorded Ore and Jean Pennington, o f On- Get V J t ■( rge W VW V Gabriel I B U l i l i V et , U ux A to • P — E - . r «I Patee et ux Tract 7. Irrigated Land ’ Jr ’ ’ 1 . , . , r u , .. < omplaints r ikd In t treuil ( ourt Ccrp subdivision. 6 8 53 $. ervir» V N .1 United Oredit S Service vs J V V Jim Jim Orville F Brown et ux to C ltr- scoggin et ux 6 30 53. Recovery on ence W Clark et u x -L o ts 23 24 and m $280 56 N 'j of Lot 25, Block 2. Riverside Truck Insurance Exchange vs Max Add. to Ontario. 5 2 53 $500 Whittaker. 7 2 53 Damages. $217 27 K«yomaj-o Hori et al to Owyhee Ditch C o —easement over land in Sec 33-20-46 6 19 53 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass left Grigg Bros. Produce. Inc. to T A Curtis et ux—8 4 8 R L S E 1« Sec. 17- Friday morning for Martinsdale, Mont, to visit with old friends. Mr 13-47 . 6 19 53 $10 Fred Lzicar et ux to J William and M r s H o m e r W hite at the ” 71” Boor et ux—Lots 4 and 5, Block 4. ranch. They returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle Terrace Heights Add. to Ontario. visited over the Fourth with Mr 6 29 53 $1. K0 and Mrs Robert McCurdy at Enter- Alfred L. Callahan to George W. lze The McCurdys are former wdkinson et al—S 'v S W V S W 1« - N . ' residents SE '« sec. 29; N E 1« N E '« Sec. 3 1 ; Nyssa Nys s a r e ld e n U . Among the group of Nysmns who N W '.N W U and N E '« N W 1 * and N 'j picnicked on the Payette River a- fiE i4 gee. 32-37-46 4 6 31. $10. (Q bove Emmett July 4, were Mr and q Deed». Mrs. Barney Wilson and Richard, w R Welbi et ux John Clinton y andcv'e rt et UX—Lot 1 Block 8 EldlTd(,e Add ^ VaIe 6 ' 13 M m _’ Ho. O pa> immedi or prcp^>als deemed best for the wiu oe r«ju .rea . ately tiie am* unt there• f. Ho *ard H itch Oi/ner, or to let the contract In Any Person, claiming ' i e.y United States Department 'if the Administrator of the E la t e o f whole or ui part. The right u re- the above-described land are ad erved to waive any defect in any Interior, Bureau of Land Manage lohn F Enos, deceased. vised to file their < laim bJ* - ment Land O ffice Portland 18, Ore proposal. tion«, on or before the time d e :g - gon, June 23. 1953 NOTICE No proposal will be considered un- nated for sale NO TICE is hereby given that un NO TICE IS H EREBY G IVE N iess accompanied by an acceptable Frances A Patten der the second proviso o f tection Manager. 3465. R S , as amended by ection That Harry H. Haney, and Maude proposal guarantee in an amount of First publication July 2, 1953. 14 o f tlie act o f June 28 1934 >48 S. Haney, husband and wife, the not less than five per cent o f the Last publication July 30. 1953. #K*t . 1274i, and pursuant to the ap- owners In fee simple of a tract of total amount o f the proposal. This plication o f John E. Garrett, Serial land situated within the boundaries guarantee may be in the form o f a NO TICE FOR PI B LI( ATION No Oregon 02542, there will be of- 0j Owyhee Irrigation District, Certified or Cashier's check, made ISO LA TE D TR A C T Jwcd, to the highest bidder, but at ¿escribed as follows to-wit payable to the Owyhee Ditch Co. not less than $160 00 for the tract P U B LIC LAND SALE or a bidder’s bond, which will be re All that portion of Lot Two '2» * t a public sale to be held at 10 00 turned upon the signing o f the con United States Department of the south o f the Kingman Drain, o ’clock a.m., on the 10th day ol Aug- tract and the posting of Performance Interior. Bureau of Land Manage Lot Three (3) and Lot Four (4 » u*t next, at this office, the follow Bond, anti complying to all other ment Land O ffice Portland 18, Ore- in Section Six (6», Township in g tract o f land: N ‘-»NE‘. (lot 1 requirements as stated by law, or gon, June 23, 1953. Twenty-one <21) South, Range and lot 2» section 6, T. 19 S , R. 44 ----------- . NO TICE is hereby given that un- required by ------------------------- the specifications. Forty-seven (47», E W M except E W.M , Oregon, containing 80 acres, Proposals sent through the mail der prov‘ i’^ rV’ of s* ct*°h *.’ 455, R. S., ing therefrom the following de Th e land will be sold subject to the Prop« ould be inaiked ulainlv as snrh »=> amended by section 14 of t ie act •provisions o f the Act of March 4, scribed tract of land i should „a a a , , J . uch. ot June 2«, 1934 ' 48. S ta t. 12741, and 1*33 (47 Stat 1570, 30 U.S.C. sec Beginning at a point 1672 feet ^h<" ^ eCr! £ ry pursuant to the application of Allen 334», and to the provisions and limi- i north of the southwest corner of the Owyhee Ditch Co., Box 697, On- Fletcher Serial No. Oregon 02060, Nations o f Section 29. Act of Feb Section Six (6». Township Twen tario, Oregon. ! there will be offered, to the highest ruary 25, 1920 ( 41 Stat 449, 30 U S C. ty-one »21», South. Range Forty- It Is the purpose o f the Owner to bidder, but at not less than $3 00 166). There will also be reserved a seven (47), E W M .; thence run complete this improvement in the per acre, at a public sale to oe held Tight-of-w ay for a Federal Aid High ning north 990 feet; thence run shortest possible time, work to be at 10:30 o ’clock am , on the 7th day way under sec. 17 of the Act of No ning east 1356 11 feet, to the me started as soon as water Is out o f August next, at this office, the vem ber 8, 1921 (42 Stat. 2121. the Owvhee canal on Oetn)w»r is following tracts of land. N £ s 5 E '« , _ _ ander line of the west bank of This tract is ordered into the mar “T, (JctoDer 15, ep, v w ;,S E '« sec Orval E Green to Helen J Green- ket on a showing that the greater the Snake River; thence run 1953. Necessary equipment and effec- 28 w C w 1 *sec 34 r 14* S R 42 undivided '-j interest in S'-» Sec. portion thereof is mountainous or ning along said meander line live organization will be insited upon, e ' w m Oregon and the W 'i. W 4 36-19-45: S '5S W ', Sec. 34-18-46; lo o rough for cultivation. south 11 degrees 30’ east 250 99 The Owyhee Ditch Company E E »./ n E '« sec 10 T 15 S R. Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 3-19-46. 6 16 53. Bids may be made by the principal feet: thence running south 06- By H. E. Noah, President 42 E„ W. M , Oregon, containing 840 or his agent, either personally at degrees 15’ east 290 40 feet; Attest: R. E Brooke, Secretary. acres. Th e iands comprise five iso- Helen J. Green to Orval E. Green- the sale or by mail. thence running south 15 degrees First publication June 25. 1953. lated tracts, and no bid. will be ac- undivided interest in N - S W '* Bids sent by mail will be con 30' east 316.80 feet; thence run Last publication July 9 1953 cepted for less than a :ngle isolated 34-18-46. 6 16 53. $1. sidered only if received at this o f ___________;____ tract. W. A. Myers et u^t to Orel \V My- ning south 22 degrees 00' east fice prior to the hour fixed for the NO TICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Bids may be m.i 1 .e princi- er' undivided interest in S E '4 177 61 feet; thence running sale. These bids must be accomp We Have we.-t 1603 53 feet to the point or anied by certified checks or post ■ t lll'G 'l O R M O ;'TA IN 0 1.'S T R.%C T ^ M My- office money orders for the amount place of beginning, containing P i HLIC LA N D »A L E Blds sent my mall wlU be con- ei -u n d ivided Mi interest in S E ’ , o f the bids and must be enclosed in 32.99 acre, more or less, all of the TTnifos» o , „ (0 , sidered only If received at this of- Sec- 10-18-45. 6 30 53. $1. -sealed envelopes. The envelope h u m above described lands being in Tn£r T8, ^ rv?rPa o enf ° f th€ flce Pridr 1° ^ h' :lr f‘ xtd for the C L Murray et ux t0 3 R Arrien- be marked in the lower left-hand the Southwest Quarter i S W 'i) n Portland 1«. sale. These bid mu t be » vsmpan- Lots 20 to 25. inc„ Block 8. Hadleys corner substantially as follows: of Section Six 16 ». Township McvTiriF tl ’ • , ! ied by certified check- or post-office 3rd Add. to Vale. 3 7 46. $350. “ Public sale bid. Serial No. Oregon NO TICE is hereby given that un- money orders for the amounts o f Jeanette A. Vanderbilt to Mar- Twenty-one <21 > South, Range 02542. Sale, 10 00 A. M , Augu t 10, the second Proviso o f section the blds and mu.t b, enclosed in garet C. Johnson— 3.79 acres in Sec. Forty--even (47» E.W M In Mal 1953 ” -455 R. S as amended by section 14 sealed envelopes. The e r n p e s must 36-16-47. 6 24 53. $500. (Q.C. Deed». heur County, Oregon; Th e person making the highest Sue Clark Bowles to Stella L. bid will be required to pay immedi have fil(d a petition with the Board ? L } ] e aca of Jllne 28> 193u4 <48 stat • be marked in the lower left-hand of Directors o f the Owyhee Irriga- 1- i 4 i , and pursuant to the applies- com er substantiallv a follow "Pub- Ruse—lands in Sections 12. 15 and ately the amount thereof Any persons claiming adversely turn District in which aid petition- gon, iirT aY 'N o*O regon 02399!’ there sale3'8 b‘d ’ S e m l N° ' Oregon 02060 16-17-46 10 15 52. $10. (Q.C. Deed». 10:30 A M . August 7. 1953.'’ the above-described land are ad ei pray that the above described will be offered, to the highest bidder, The person making the highest vised to file their claims or objec lands be excluded f: >m the Owyhee but at not less than $1,970.21 for the tions, on or before the time desig Irrigation District and that a hear- tract, at a public sale to be held at bid will be required t > pay immedi ately the amount thereof. nated for sale. intt be held on aid petition by the 1100 o’clock a m., on the 7th day of Any persons claiming adversely Frances A. Patton B ,rd at its regular meeting on the August next, at this office, the fol- the above-described land are ad Manager. 4th dav of August, 1953. at the office ld™ ns trad^ °A !and:ti,'-'N E ' 4. S E '^ vised to file their claims, or objec First publication July 2, 1963. ,;1 tlii- District at N v, a. Oregon, for o r e ^ n 'a n d ’ K 8 X f c tions, on or before the time desig Last publication July 30, 1953. -la- piirp. e of determining the ex- N E , t j 2, & 3 sec 7 nated for sale. ..It« j , f , o iil n /1 s o • M vu vn rl f u r ... n .. ^ ^ __ ____ ' ’ ' An? person entitled to claim a elusion o f said I n land a.y prayed for T 23 S „ R. 43 E., W.M., Oregon on- NO TICE OF SALE OF REAL preference right under the first pro in said petition. taining 716.44 acres. I’ ltOPE K TY viso to said section 14 as an owner All persons interested in, or who This tract is ordered into the mar of contiguous land mu • a -ert his In the County ( ourt of the State of may be affected by such change of ke on a» showing that the greater elaim wfthin 30 days from the date Oregon for the County of Malheur boundaries of aid District '. « ’. la p - portion thereof s mountainous or of public offering and < nduional In the Matter of the E ate of pear at the office o f said District * n too rough for cultivation. saie to the highest bidder and at the JOHN F. ENOS, deceased. the 4th day o f August, 1953, at 8:00 made by the principal expiration o f aid preference right NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, P, M 1 ■: / z1 ' r ' naJJy tli« p, rfod, if no uch ri That the undei 'igned administra: r vMting, if any they may have, why 'i, , 1 ,,y ,rntf.! ’___ u_ ____________sorted, the high” t bidder will be o f the estate o f John F. Enas, de said lands should not be excluded >,en t, l)y ma'l wih be consid- ¿^clared the purchaser of the land, ered only if received at this office , n .. ceased. by virtue of an order duly Frances A. Patton fr m the Owyhee Irrigation Di trict prior to the hour fixed for the sale, issued out o f the County Court of Manager. ' and the boundaries of aid District These bids must be accompanied by the State of Oregon ft r Malheur changed as a result o f such exclu- First publication July 2, 1953. certified checks or post-office money County, on the 24th day o f June, -ion, as prayed for in said petition orders for the amounts of the bids Last publication July 30, 1953. 1953, on or after the 3rd day of Harold Henigson and must be enclosed in sealed en Augis t, 1953, will sell at private sale Secretary, Owyhee Irrigation Dis- velopes. The envelopes must be mar G A TE C IT Y JOURNAL ADS lo the highest bidde for cash ked in the lower left-hand corner or trict GF.T RESULTS cash and credit, all of the right, substantially as follows: "Public sale Publication: July 2. 1953. title, interest and estate which said Last Publication: July 9. 1953. deceased had, at the time o f his death in the following described real \D V ERTISIN G KOI! BIDS property with the tenaments, hered Deep, foam-rubber cushioning Sealed bids will be received by the itaments and appurtenances, to-wit: Secretary of the Owyhee Ditch Co., in both the seats and the seat All of the East Half of Block Ontario, Oregon, at the office at fcaciis lends added luxury to Nineteen il9 ), consisting oí Lots 65-SW 2nd Ave., until 3 P.M., MST, R o a d m a ster comfort eleven (11) to Twenty (20» In Of) the l 't day of August, 1953, for clusive, in the townsite o f Ad- the construction of Cow Hollow rian. Malheur County, state of Crossing of the Owyhee Canal, M al Oregon, as the same is shown on heur County, Oregon. « .... _ the official plat of Adrian now Proposals will be opened and pub on record in the office of the re licly read at the above stated hour. borde; Conveyances of said Plans, specifications, proposal bounty; forms, and other information are on and »«.id administrator will sell the file for examination and may be ob- whole thereof in one unit, or in tained at the office o f Melvin V fractional part - abject to the con- Davenport, professional engineer, firmatlon of aid C unty Court 1722 South 10th St., Caldwell, Idaho, All bids for .aid property, or any Phone 9-2121, upon deposit o f ten part thereof, shall be submitted in dollars for the safe return o f the writing to the administrat-T at the plans and specifications, W O ftlD S ONLY W Q V f s r i r A i V A IV I VO office of hi- attorney, Clyde H All propsaL must be made on Snider, in the Held! Building, 18 forms furnished, must be signed by North 3rd, Nv a O r e n The ad- the b.cider with his name and post mlnist.rator re-erve the right to re- office address, and must give the li#63 M: in i Mr Phillip W son and Jinice Mr and M i H u ton W .l- -on and L traine and Mr and Mr D wight W ycoff and children. LOCAL NEWS RENSTROM Insurance Agency Nyssa Dial 6697 FARM ERS Do You Need a Good Used Truck? a 1941 GMC — New Engine Guarantee Nearly New Tires Fair Beef Bed See Leo Fife or Dial 3189 Effective July 1. 1953, the NYSSA SANITATION SERVICE Will be Under Management of Ray Fox Residence 525 No. 7th St. Eve r try t i n Phone 2427 s i lap o f Lu xu ry ? 4V » vd sports-car touch wire wheel covers, as illustrated optional at extra cost . JULY 10-11 We Leave Bull Throw- 0 ing to the Cowboy, But We Are Experts in the Preparation oí Your Favorite Beef Cuts for Your Locker When You Say Bacon . . . Say "F IS C H E R 'S " You Will Lika Our CUSTOM CURING Call U. FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE \ \ ’c\l like to spoil you a bit. W c M like to scat you in a 1953 Buick R o a d m a s t f r a n d let y o u b e c o d d led in the most su m p tu o u s comfort on four wheels. W h a t w e have in mind is m ore than just a s a m p lin g of the spacious roominess here — and of the cush ions that cradle you in opulent and enveloping softness. I t ’s the m agn ificen t l u x u r y o f R o a d m a s t e r travel that w e ’d like you to k n o w . . . The soul-satisfyinf feel of bossint almost limitless power from the world’s newest and most advanced I ’S engine. . . The casual case with which you command sparkling getaway from T w in -T u rb in e Dynaflow — and the sheer com fort of its new quiet and infinite smoothness . . . The matchless gentleness and level ness of ride from all-coil springing, to rq u e -tu b e steadiness, liq u id - smooth power delivery — making you barely aware of motion, of road irregularities, o f stopping and starting. . . A n d the consummate ease- of- handling you enjoy from the most maneuverable R oadmaster in Buick history. A car with the hydraulic help of P ower S teering . A car with the velvety control of still finer braking—plus the added convenience of T o w e r Brakes,* if you wish. S u r e ly , you ought to look into this supremely satisfying R o a d m a s t e r for 1953—and see for yourself that the lap of luxury is m ore than a fig u r e of speech w h e n you tak e y ou r seat here. W h y not visit us soon? ^Optional at extra cost. R oadmaster Ci$tom built bf Baick WHIN MTTM AUTOMOMIIS A ** iUUT »UICK W ill iUIlD TH«M- WE GIVE TV TICKETS l/2 Opan 'Til 7 P. M.. Monday Through Saturday mile west on Alberta Ave Dial 3093, locker plant Dial 3103 slaughterhouse and cutting room Second St. and Good A re . R obC FtS" N V SScJ, IllC. NYSSA, OREGON