Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1953)
THZ N Y S S A G ATE CITY JO U R N A L. N Y SSA . OREGON NEWS OF RECORD L ' 3. Bi -ck 7, Eldredge Ada to Vale 6 20 53 *10. Krai L 'h ttr Transfers Recorded ( hr; ;>.;er R Davis et ix to R N N. Elliott et ux lo Philip Roth B Wilburn et ux- Lots 3, 9. 10 A et al—lands in Tox-n.-hips 12. 13 a:ul tar o 6 17 53 »10 14. Range 41 6 5 43 $'2.629.73 Philip Roth et al to Max F Bar- A. J. Burns et ux to W yatt C. low et al—lancU In Townships 12. 13. S.T ih et ux—metes and bounds in |e 41.1 3 LM . I -00.00 SW4, -1-19-17. 6 5 53. *1,000. n urtun r. Bark * at al u Bridgi - Fredrick T Arnold to Hideo Ha- port Land & Livestock Co.—lands in • - . i t : ..\ S .MW i Sec 32-15-43 Townships 13 and 14, Range 41 6 23 53 $25.000. 6 15 53. *10 00. Mrlfrcd Makin t< Hazel Gro.'.' ft Br. igep irt Land & Livestock Co. vir—N . N E '.N E '.S E ’ » Sec. 5-18-47 to F. C. Vaughan— lands in Town 6 3 53 *10. ship' 12. 13 and 14, Range 41. 6 15 - Reme R Butting et ux to Roland 53 $10. Washburn et ux-Tract 9. H ill Crest Jo-e Echanis et ux to C. Clyde Acres Subdivision. 5 25 53. $10. Smith et ux— part oi W .. o f Ixits James N. Back et ux to Alameda 1 to 5, inc.. Block 4, Villa Park Add. Heights Addition, I n c —75 by 105 to Ontario. 5 29 53 $10 iQ.C. Deed-. feet in N E 's N W 1, Sec. 9-18-47. C. Clyde Smith et ux to L. Richard 6 12 53 $10. Grixg e: ux— part of W 1? of Lets Alameda Heights Add., Inc. »> 1 to 5. inc.. Block 4. Villa Park Add. James W Petersen et ux—75 by 105 to Ontario: also 10 feet o f vacated feet in NE ,NWVt Sec. 9-18-47. 6 5 - alley. 6 15 53. $10. 53 *10 D. C. Jordan et al to Harry B Grace C Lincoln to Robt. E Lees Oouldln et ux—Lots 3 and 4. Sec. 7: —Lot.- 3, 4 and 5. Block 172, On Lot 1 Sec. 18-17-44; E '. N E '. S E 1. tario. 6 22 53 $975. Sec. 12-17-43, less 3.73 acres. 6 9 53 Richard Glaves et ux to Icle I $ 10 . Glaves—Lots 9, 10 and So. 5 feet of Thencn Elordi et ux to Union High L •: 3. Bl ck 121, Ontario. 6 25 53 School District No. 1— all block 2. $10. Blackaby Add. to Jordan Valiev Rita Napier to Lorreta Fretwell— C 22 53. $1 500. undivided 4 interest in Lot 6. Block G i rge W. Black well et ux to Ph >- 4. Pioneer Add. to Jordan Valley. ebe Evans—West 5 feet of Lot 3, 6 23 53 $1. Block 7, Eldredge Add. to Vale. State Land Board to R. H Kelley 1 13 53. $10. et ux—Lots 33. 34 35 and 36, Block Phoebe Evans to W illiam Joseph 3. Hadleys 1st Add. to Vale. 6 22 53: Sprauer—Lot 4 and West 5 feet of $1.250. a ft£ STA fi O BETWEEN Y O U AND LOSS! Bob Thompson Agency Dial 3355 t US to W illi T B 4 Nyssa. « I I 53. I D W Wili am e: .x to J o h n H ff- • V.V NK , ? 7-21- Mrs. Alva C *04011 38 6 io 5J *1. tQ C Deed». Dial 2M»t War: sue Liven » s Iv-urd W aller Clarence Br . k- of On- Mr and Mr.- Andj Boll , f W ider tar.o. Ore and Marilyn Ruth Lytle, and Mr. and Mr Uvn.ird c l Nys.-a, Ore 6 26 53 and family of Ny-.-a vi.-r.ed s . ,y CompUints filed in t ircuit Court Lytle, Kilpatrick & Schroedcr vs a: U m W ard Lund) Si Mr and Mr- Bill McRhtr- : :.d Elmer A Krohler et al. 6 20 53 R e - a o f Missouri M.-ited la-t »cek at covery on account. $2.987 82 Peivr J Burn- \ - Joe Kimchuck the John McAlister hcm< Th<\\ lot: 6 22 53. Recover on note. $1.312 96 Monday for a visit a: Portland and S ’ ate Unemployment C mp. Ccm Salem. vs. Farrel West. 6 23 53 Recovery cf Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kn vl, and compen.-ation. $127 27. family of Oakridge are visiting .nth United Credit Service vs Nara Mrs. Knowles' si.-ter, Mr Man 1 Wi-e 6 25 53 Recovery on account. Bishop and family. $362 78 The Cup and Saucer club me with Petitions Filed in ITobalo Court their leader, Mrs, Eugene Stephen, Estate of J. J. Mahoney, decea ed. Friday afternoon. A demonstration 6 25 53. of how to make potato .alad va.- given. Ten members were present. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Sandra 'were Sunday dinner a n a: the Claude Day home in K.: man Justice Court Kolony. June 10. Francis D. Hayes, no op- ■ i vard TopUif erat, r ’s license, $3 fine, $4 50 costs. evening at the Irvin T opliff u. int June 11. John R. Pickett, non near Adrian. resident with no angling license, $20 Mr. and Mrs. Dan N, ami fine, $4 50 costs. son cf Anderson dam ranch \ : June 12, Adrian Oliva, hit and Tuesday evening dinner cue - at run driving. $25 fine. $4.50 costs, o r the home of Mr. Norland' ,-i t r dered to pay $25.25 damages to Emil Mrs. Eugene Stephen and family \ nia Tuck« P a u l^ for damage- to car. June 13, Mager R Martinez, no er o f Nyssa were Sunday dinner operator's license, $3 fine, $4.50 guests at the Wayne Simp, n home Several from this community at costs. tended the Bible school pis gram at June 15. John C. Krul, angling the Owyhee community church Fri with t wo lines, $25 fine. $4.50 costs. day evening Blanche Zuniga, driving with more Mrs. Guy Tanner attended tin than 3 adults in front seat, $3 fine, funeral Friday at Emmett ef he: $4.50 costs. Gilbert E. R a ff, failure uncle. Elisha Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Isam Lee and chil to stop at through highway, S3 fine, dren and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Lin $4.50 costs. June 16, Joe J. Madrid, violation and baby of Missouri are visiting at basic rule. $10 fine, $4.50 costs. Betty the John McAlister home Mrs. I-am Lee is a sister o f Mrs. McAlister and Jean Burbridge, passing with in Carroll is her nephew. sufficient clearance, $3 fine. $4.50 Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister and costs. family and their hou-e guests. Mr June 19. Fern Marie Niccum, no and Mrs. Bill McPherson and son, operator’s license. $3 fine. $4.50 costs. June 20, Nicodemu.s M Hernandez, failure to signal for turn S3 fine, $4.50 costs. June 23, Roberto Appedoca, as- I sault and battery, fined 350 and $4 50 costs, Appedoca surrendered to city I police after warrant for arrest is- I sued June 7 and he could not be located. His son, Erneso Appedoca, ' arrested at same time on similar charge, appeared and case was con tinued pending induction into arm ed forces. Police Court June 21, Luis Valencia, Leon Ben- | ardo, Leo Gallegos, Felix Rodriges, public intoxication, each fined $25 ( and costs. June 22, Arthur Thomas, public in toxication, fined $25 and costs. June 23, Joe Felix, Michail Casias, vagrancy, each fined $25 and costs. Lazaro Silva, public intoxication, ! fined $25 and costs. Thomas Casa- rez-Melendez, disorderly conduct, J fined $25 and costs, in jail in lieu of payment. Buena Vista Court Cases . . . J U LY 2. 1953 PAGE N I N I a.-J M a.»d Mrs J m Elred ai.J - x'nding .-everal day- fi.-hing near creek near Wet-er Sunday. e i. ' e a p. a 1 e Unity. Mr and Mrs Flay O riffitts visk Sunday. Mi . m . i o R-' hie nome Sunday. Mr . Mr Guy Ta- .er \. . . ; 1 Beaten en d * Thur.-day evening a: the Gerald H rn home in Apple Valley. il p.cnuk' i hed on Manns the LuVern Cleaver home. Mr- Ward Lundy, S r. Mr- Ward Lundy. Jr., and Mrs. Robert Run- c rn attended the meeting of the Merry Matrons club at the hi me of Mr- John Bowen in Vale Wedne-- day. Tuesday visitors at the Wayne We Give N___ Simp-on home were John D Hooper t v Tickets and J C. Hooper o f Hooper, Utah, and Mr. and Mrs Dean Fewer- of Vale. Â Mr and Mr- Willis Bertram and STATE t . Sally spent the week-end at Pay ^ * INSPECTED ette Lakes. They returned home by A MEATS way of Boise where they attended the ball game Sunday evening. W. W. Gilbert Deffanbaugh and Mrs. Marvin Elmore and children of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests at the Eld ward T o p liff home. Mr. and Mr- Delbert Cleaver and etis, Mr and Mrs H > ward Day and Mr and Mrs. J.ime- Ritchie were Saturday evening guests at the Lloyd Cleaver home, Francis and Sammy Cleaver are vi-iiing at the Eugene Cloaver home. Evelyn Cleaver is visiting a: the Lloyd Cleaver home. Su.-an Cleaver is visiting at the Har. Id Wilson ¡vin e near Ny sa and Truman and Johnny are visiting at the Elmer Scott home at Payette while their parents, M r and Mr- Le.-ter Cleavt r. and Mr. and Mrs Geo. Cleaver are W E SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE. .. W ra p and Freeze • r j* - M HOPKINS W HOLESALE SEND YOUR C L E A N IN G MEATS to PARM A DRY CLEANERS Pick Up and D elivery Monday — Thursday Phone Parma 3-3131 Collect 1 mile North, THE BRAND NEW MIRACLE SOIL CONDITIONER! Custom Service On All Appliances Gene Vertree Shop Moved to Ed Case Furniture Co. Phone 3316 ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT FERTI I.UX CONDITIONS AND ENRICHES SAME AREA FOR V* COST OF PEAT MOSS LO C A L N E W S Mrs. Helen Ijirson and three i children of Salt Lake City arrived Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Beus where they were houseguests until Monday when i they returned home. Mrs. Lar-on is the general secretary o f the Young women’s M I.A. at Salt Lake. The Misses Olive and Gladys Win- dette of California arrived in Nyssa Monday where they are guests of their uncle, H. R. Sherwood and family. Mas MIRACLE PLANT FOOD F ER TI-LUX Is the miraculous new chemical soil conditioner you’ve read so much about. Made with the amazing new PO LY A C R Y L O N IT R ILE which changes the mechanical structure of the soil by transforming It Into easily pulverized soil aggregates— I’M ’!» the addition of every essential mineral and vital rooting hormone known to modern science. For the FIKST TIM E you can buy a complete soil conditioner H U 'S miracle plant food containing al 113 essential min erals and hormone, including Vitamin HI and B2. Tests conducted by n world famous laboratory and leading agricul tural stations show this miracle plant food Is absorbed liy plants almost Immediately, providing plants with vital, life- giving substanee to shoot new life into every root in the soil. Ferti-Lux offers revolutionary efficiency and economy because It works chemically. Ferti-Lux conies in liipild concentrate form, Is easily diluted to the proper strength for application. One gallon of Fer> Lux will properly condition and enrich 2,000 square feet of soil to a depth of from 8 to 5 inches, and contains more plant food than found in one ton of fertilizer. F E R T I-H 'X costs less than 1 /H the cost of Peat Moss per application. And I KHTI-I.I X results last indefinitely. Willi one single application F E R T I-L U X con ditions and enriches the soil for years— still more time and money saved. JUST SPRINKLE FERTI-LUX ON! NO IIACK-BREAKING W ORK! GET MIRACLE RESULTS U ITHOUT DIRTYNG YOUR HANDS! Save Compare NEW LOW PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE RATES 8.27 SEMI A N N U A L L Y Low Rates for Other Coverages Also N O MEMBERSHIP FEES— N O N ASSESSABLE N A T IO N A L S T A N D A R D A U T O M O B IL E P O L IC Y Prompt, Friendly Claim Service Coverage applies in all parts o f U.S.A., its possessions, C A N A D A , 75 miles over the border into M E XIC O EXAMPLE Just Sprinkle Ferti-Lux On! Banish Hoeing and Raking! Eliminate Digging In! Yes, nothing else to «lo. No muss, no fuss, no work! And F E ItT I-LU X does what no other soil conditioner does . . . It provides plants with every vital plant food known to science. Other liipild *.iil condi tioners do not have the special penetrant con tained In FER TI-LUX . They settle on top and do not sink in. Have to be hoed or raked In. Hut not with F E R T I-L U X ! With other dry soil con ditioners you have to dig the f l a k e s i n t o t h e ground. Rack breaking work. And it ruins your lawn and landscaping for an entire s«-ason. Not with F E R T I-L U X ! CONVERTS HARD-PACKED AND CLAY-TYPE SOILS INTO FERTILE, WORKABLE AERATED AND MOISTURE-RETAINING GARDEN LOAM Phosphoric Acid 21% Potassium 17% $28.67 Calcium (C aO ) Save Money Without Sacrificing Dependability— Buy FARMERS M UTUAL INSURANCE C O M PA N Y OF ENUMCLAW, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHED 1898 HENRY "HANK" STORM 7**1 2544 , iwui store. Rea. Phon* 3392 « I f M V . No Other Soil Conditioner and Miracle Plant Food Known to Science Has Ever Before Con tained All These Vital Nutrients in One Solu tion! Nitrogen 23% Magnesium (M gO ) .02% Sulphur .02% Boron (B203) . 1 % Zinc (ZnO) .02% Iron (Fe203j Cobalt .003% 1 qt. — IV i lbs. — $2.50 Enough for up to COO sq. ft I gal. — 0 lbs. —» $7.95 Enough for up to 2,000 sq. ft Vt gal. — «■/, lbs. — $4.t5 Enough for up to 3,000 sq. ft. 2 gal. — 18 lbs. — f 15.25 Enough for up to 4,000 *q. f t DISTRIBUTED BY • 02 % Manganese Sodium— Trac* ________ (Mn.’OS) .02% Hormone (Aplha N'apthaiene Molybdenum ’ Acetic) .04% __iim ^ — Trace Plus Vitamin Bl and 112 and the Miracle Soli Condi tioner P O L Y A C R i LO N lTK ILE. . 02 % COM PARE TH ESE PRICES A N D COVERAGE F e r t i -L u x P r o d u c t s BOX 53 FREEMAN, W A S H IN G T O N For Sale in Nyssa by A 15% Saving on Your Fire Inaurane» N y *** A P P L Y AT A N Y TIM E — even during hot, dry weather. Wonder ful for all soils and plants. I HR- T I-L U X quickly promotes healthy, rupid growth of ull types of plants. A P P L Y AT A N Y TIM E regard less of weather! F E R T I-L U X can not burn tendcrest of plants— even when upplieil to exposed roots. Foid-proof! (joes to work In min utes because It goes directly to the roots. Clean, easy to use. Simply sprinkle on with watering cun, pull, hose applicator or sprayer. Flower gardens, lawns, trees be come more beautiful, bloom pro fusely, live Winger. 1 Gallon Conditions 4 0 ,0 0 0 lbs. of Soil! Does the W ork of 15 Bales of Peat Moss! M A K E OF C A R S — CHEVROLET - FORD - PL Y M O U T H , 1950-1953 Model* Standard Six Month* Policy B O D IL Y IN J U R Y , $5,000 / $10,000 $ 8.27 P R O P E R T Y D A M A G E . $5,000 M E D IC A L P A Y M E N T S L im it— $500.00 P olicy Holder 2.00 L im it— $500.00 Guests 3.20 FIRE, TH E FT, C O M PR E H E N S IV E 15.20 C O L L IS IO N A N D UPSET: $50.00 Ded. Form Cost Each 6 Months (Current Rates) A M A ZIN G RESULTS IN 7 DAYS! For Roses . . . Lawns . . . Shrubs . .. Trees . . . All Flow ers . . . Evergreens . . . Vege tables . . . Fruits . . . House Plants. Are Your Automobile Insurance Rates Too High? BST*n «X. M » « mile West on Columbia Ave. f e r t i - LUX Radios— Refrigerators— Ranges— W ashers IN Mais St. V It’s Here At Last! Repairing and Service 201 No. 9th Cut, Cure, FOR SOFT, LIGHT, FERTILE SOIL AND QUICK PLANT GROWTH APPLIANCE 118 North Main H. G J THURSDAY ' TOBLER’S FEED & FUEL, Inc.