THÈ NY5SA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYLSA. OREGON. THURSDAY JULY 2 U S) Owyhee M m . Kenneth M. Donald Dial 3209 Thursday afternoon aftd evening 42 pev pie called at the open house at the Oscar H^u-ton home to wish Mrs. Rosa Kirkley a happy birthday *' she 86 that day. Besides those wno live in this community, those who called were Mr and Mrs Charles Corlield. Mrs Oole Thorn- berg. Mrs. Joe Kuban, Mrs Gerald Good fellow, Mrs. Lynn Gillson. Mrs. Prank Freeman. Mrs Ray Bullir.g- ton, Mrs. Selmar Peterson. Mrs Rob ert Grimes, Mrs. Harry Kueston. all of the Hi Line community, and Mrs. P »V S impler ar.u K.<reu f P tve :e M. - K.r .ey received many nice 8*l.s t'«ke, ice •retm and punih Were ened b> Mr- H. U--.on 1 ;*> a Bible >ch>x.J * a - held a: the 0*>hee Coirunuiuty Church marking the completion of k A large crowd at.ended to hear their child ren say their verses and sing the songs they had learned There were 83 children enrolled with an average attendance of 75. Mrs Martha Klmgback and Fred arrived Monday evening from Seat tle to spend a few days visiting in the Kenneth Me Donald home Fred was graduated this month from Seattle Pacific College Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hartley at tended a canasta party Saturday IS TO PRESERVE YOUR FOOD IN ITS TASTIEST FORM by PROPERLY PROCESSING IT FOR YOUR FREEZER LOCKER By renting your locker from use, wo can place your pro i M en fT r;,—- <'*■- $ —— v-si*» - , cessed foods directly info if without waste of time or dan ger of spoilage. See Us For Rates m When You Buy Bacon . . . " F IS C H E R 'S " You W ill Like Out: CUSTOM CURING Call Us FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE WE GIVE TV TICKETS Open 'Til 7 P. M„ Monday Through Saturday \'z m ile west on Alberta Ave. Dial 3093. locker plant Dial 3103 slaughterhouse and cutting room. evening in N> the D’.. me H 1- comb heme Mr and Mr Marty Me K m ana daughter and Mr and M: U;--k t e a ' ts > ' • . M om - kc W after spending a week here with M: - Mi Kim.- parent.- Mr and Mrs i i >' kt r Linda Jones of B. .-e spent from Thursday until Monday with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Bvrd Walters. Mr and Mr> A1 Parker and Char lotte attended a family picnic in the Caldwell park Sunday Mr and Mrs. William Peutz left Monday for McCall to spend seme time at their summer home there Mrs M Atagi took her son. Junior, to Boise Monday afternoon where he entered the hospital to have an ad enoid operation Tuesday Mr and Mrs Russell Patton Jr. and children of Quincy left Monday morning after visiting here with her parents. Mr and Mrs Earl Crocker. Jeanne Crocker went with the Pat tons to visit for a time. Mrs Martha Klinback and Fred left Saturday morning for Walla- Walla where they will spend two days with her sisters and then go to Qunicy to the Oeorge Gregg home before returning to their home in Seattle. Mr and Mrs. Mark Hartley had dinner Sunday for the birthday of Mr- Sam Hartley Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hartley and Joanne and Brent. Mr. and Mr- Merton Gressley of Br !-'?n Bow. Nebr and Mr- F. J. Gressley and Elmer Ore'-ley cf Au rora. N'br. lef Friday morning for the!r h"mes after visiting the pa't wo k with ‘he Russell Oressleys Mr and Mr Ni--« and Mr. a"d Mrs. S. D. Bigelow were Sun day dinner gue ts of Mrs Mildred H t\ Fr lay a'tern, n Mrs. Gerald Slip py. Mrs Homer Brewer and Mrs. T’wi Langley f >rm this vicinity and M•■<. Anna Spark- from Adrian each t'-k a car.lead of young ters to the - v naming pool in Ontario with the ■ ’) at ending from Nyssa as part of the Nyssa recreation program ‘ of the youn-ters plan to attend ea»h Friday afternoon. Saturday evening dinner guests at the Gerald Slippy home were Mr. and Mrs. J P. Franklin and daugh ter cf Parma. Butch Parrott of Chula Vista. Calif.. Linda Jones of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Wal ters. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald went to Owyhee Dam for iinner Saturday evening to honor Bob Morf to on his birthday. Jack Sumpter of Elk City. Idaho ^alled on his father, E. L. ‘•Fort” Sumpter, Saturday evening. Mrs. Ray Sumpter and Karen of Payette ac companied Jack and Karen stayed to visit with her aunt and uncle and her cousin, David, until Thurs day. Mrs. Don Franklin and sons and How his $51,000 tool kit works for you Yest erday — Manpower and a drill rig co n trived from a sp rin gy sap lin g, cable and drill b its sank our first w ells. S in ce th e ru d im en tary to o ls r e str ic te d th eir d ep th , th e y produced little oil. T h e “ tea k e ttle ’ refineries o f th e d ay w ere lim ited , to o . T h e y utilized only a p o rtion o f th e p etroleu m and tu rn ed out a sm all num ber o f useful p ro d u cts. T o d a y —Eac/t of our 34,750 Standard Oilers works with an aierage $51,000 worth of tools. They use diesel-electric drill rigs to tap oil pools as far as three or more miles deep. With refinery units that rearrange the structure of petro leum molecules they make each drop of crude useful. Ingenious production, refining and re search “to o ls” like these enable Standard Oilers to make more than 1100 different prod ucts from a barrel of o il. . . gasoline 509c better th an it w as 25 y e a r s ago, and w ear-savin g lu b rican ts; in g red ien ts for w rin k le-resista n t fab rics, low-cost plastics and work-saving house hold detergents; sprays to increase farm crops; asphalt for road builders, and many more. Standard’s investment in “tools” to make oil serve you better amounts to $1,772,000,000. That’s $51,000 worth for every Standard Oiler. With this $51,000 tool kit he not only makes more products for you—he makes them better, cheaper, more easily available. Questions or comments about our Company are welcome. Write: Standard Oil Company of California, P.O. Box 3496-A, San Francisco. California. STANDARD OI L COMPANY OF C A L I F O R N I A plans ahead to serve you better Mi Dick B: *n and son- >f P>. i ,• cumc after Pafsy Br wn Wh. h . spent the pa. week her grir.j- parcr'-s. \L ar.d M ‘ I vr.r K -a- Wi ley Gary ar.d I \ m F r i L r and Mike and David B ’< w.i s’ ned t i vis.: thi- week with their grand parents Mr and Mr- Me:' n G .f le\ f Broken B>w. Nebr were tv dinner at the Payette C. untry Cl .b Tuesday evening for Mr and M K< .th Gressley of Om an Mr F J Gressley and Elmer Gressley b ;h f S . i o. a:.o Ni .1 V Russell Oressley. Mr and Mrs Byrd Walters. L : ,i.i Jones of Boise, and Mr and Mr' Gerald Slippy and sons went to the Ray Franklin home In Parma Thu; - day to have ice cream and birthdaj cake Mr Franklin. Mr and Mrs Howard P.i-ker ir. 1 children of Kellogg and Mr- Elsie Stover of Homedale were Fridav evening supper guests in the A1 Parker home. Mr and Mrs. Silas Bigelow were hosts at dinner Wedne-day iron f r Mrs Martha KUngbark and Fred of Seattle. Miss Norma Powell of Port land. Miss Emma Lou Bell of South Carolina Miss Powell and Mi— Bell helped teach in the Daily Vacation Bible school held for the part two weeks at the Owyhee Community church. Mr and Mr- Ernest Wymer and Patty of Seattle visited at the Don ald Hatt home Friday Mr and Mrs. Russell Gressley >• 1 their house guests. Mr and Mr- Merton Gressley. Mrs F J Gi -sjoy and Elmer Gressley of Nebraska uid Mr and Mrs Keith Gressley of Ont ario were dinner guests in the Sam M Connell heme Wednesday even ing. Pat-y Brown cf Boise and Kiv M D nald called on Mr- Ed B a - r Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch of Adrian had dinner with Mr and Mr- Donald Hatt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald were surori d Tue-day morning when Mr-. McDonald- aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Marion R liney of Gibbonsville. Ida., arrived to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and Mary E’.len had dinner Sunday eve ning at the Donald Brewer home celebrating the birthday of Wood- row Brc ver of Ontario. Other gue.--- besides the guest of honor, were Mr and Mrs. Roy Brewer and Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Brewer, all of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Hcrner Brewer. Sunday dinner guests at the F. E Crocker home were Mr and Mr Melvin Crocker and Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore and Gary of No- tus, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell P it- ton, Jr., and children of Quincy. Wash. Mrs. M. Atagi and sons attended a picnic in the Payette park Sunday- given by the Young Matrons club After a picnic lunch at noon the group played games and had races and contests until evening when a weiner rcast was held. Mrs. Lynn K.vgar and daughters, Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Brown, of Boise, called at the Ed Bassett heme Sunday afternoon. NYSSA NITE Annual Ride 'em cowboy! Bust that bronc! Throw that steer! Rope that calf! Big-time rodeo coming up! Spine- tingling thrills for all as famed stars compete for top money . . . and clowns risk life and limb for a laugh! Kurry-hurry-hurry to pick up your tickets for the year's most exciting event! Friday - Saturday JULY 10-11 Newell Heights Motlern Pioneer Club Dial 2135 Mr and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz and children left Sunday morning to go j to Yakima where they will meet two 1 of Mrs. Kurtz's sisters from Van couver. B C. She has not seen these sisters for 19 years. Marilyn Parker was a guest of Karla kriegh all day Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kriegh of Twin Falls were week-end guests at the Dick Kriegh home enroute to J Canada. He is a brother of Dick I Kriegh. Mrs. Harry Warren of Parma is spending a tew d t j i at the home of i her daughter, Mr Irvin Topliff, 11 while Mr. Topliff is ill. Irvin Topliff was taken to the i| Nyssa hospital Saturday morning suffering from virus pneumonia. | Saturday evening he was brought back home as he had broken out with the measles and didn't wish to stay in the isolation ward at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Suter and fam ily of Parma called at the Irvin Topliff home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren of Parma and Charlc- Warren of Uniop were dinner guests at the Irvin Top liff homp Sunday. Charles Warren ; is Mrs. Topliff’s grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cason of Nampa vi :ted at the M L. Judd heme Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd were gue ts at the Gordon Judd home in Parma Saturday evening for a northern Idaho trout dinner. Visitors at the M. L. and M. O. Judd home- Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Downer and Anne of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. L J. and Mr. and Mr-, Ross Kinney of On tario. Mr. and Mrs L. R Kinney of Ontario and their housegue ts, Mrs. J. R Frost of New Jer.-ey and Mrs. Patterson of Seattle. Jeanie Pratt spent Sunday at the , Eugene Pratt home. She was help ing her father In the haying. Mr and Mrs. M. O. Judd enter tained Mr and Mrs. James Embree of Harper and Mr and Mrs. Eugene Judd of Hailey. Ida , at dinner Fri day evening The guests were being honored on their fourth wedding an niversaries. They spent the night at the M. L Judd home Bobby Strane of Seattle is visit ing at the Vern Butler home He is their nephew Mr and Mrs. Vern Butler and family were dinner guests at the h om e of Mrv Ada Butler In Ontario I Sunday. TYPEWRITERS All Makes Bought—Sold—Rented—Repaired F letc h er's T y p ew riter F.xchange Hlway 20 West P.O. Box 459- Boise. Ph 26961- Idaho TWO BIG NIGHTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY WORLD FAMOUS COWBOYS THE WEST'S TOUGHEST BRONCS *1,500 Cash Prizes HARLEY TUCKER'S STOCK Including Brahma Bulls * -------------------- • --------------------- Scoity Bagdell-Bullfighler & Clown -------------------- • --------------------- Lloyd Husl and His Trained Dogs ADMISSION ADULTS, $1.50 Children Under 12, 76c 3.000 SEATING CAPACITY SPONSORED BY NYSSA NITE RODEO ASSOCIATION Made Up of O wyhee Riding Club and Nyssa Chamber of Commerce