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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON P K Z E T 'A 'O I i hi : <,\TK I I I V jot KN Al. DI AMI K. ALTERS - - . - . . Editor mnd Publivher Advertising Manager RICHARD II V YOST _ D u n « R. Alter* »rad C«o. L. XXhorton. Owner* «# 0 SUBSCRIPTION KATES In Malheur County O rigin, and Payette ar.d Canyon Counties. Idaho: 1 year - •- 00 newspaper R US HE R S EL-esrhere m the V £ A., SOCIATION per y e a r ------------------- $3 M Smglt C p.-1 01 i Str.ctly to Advance > Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United State* the act at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of Mar on 3. 1879 More Increase Coming ut to sample public opinion on first class and airmail in an m crea i th r t QÍ tV he >J post office department deficit, efl Ct n. there is little or no protest from iy seem. hich is beginning to take all in- th< nment for granted. erf It the increase several times dur- years, but rvost of them have failed to protest in| paving for value received in de- be ome county. The penny post card ;ne: liv «V paot when the price was doubled to became a thing of the hit right at the treasury of fraternal and civic organiz- tions that use that means to compunicate with members. It is hard to understand why the post office depart ment ar.d congress, through several administrations and contrary to the advice of investigating committees, con tinue to make the increases where they hurt the most and ignore reccommendations for economy where it would do some good. Just why government agencies and politicians are al lowed to abuse their franking privilege is one of the un answerable questions of the 20th century. Millions of pounds of tripe pass through the mail each year, to wind up in office trash baskets after mail clerks have had to handle each piece as though it carried a three-cent stamp intead of a couple of lines telling that the envelope contains an official document. Numerous senators and representatives continue to mail out po litical propoganda. some government agencies resort to idiotic ramblings they lable as news for no apparent reason than to keep their stenographers and mimeo graph machines busy. Other agencies, giving out valu able information, display no sense of organization or economy by mailing several releases at one time, all to the same address and in separate franked envelopes. More millions of pounds of direct mail advertising are being handled by the nation’s post offices at rates far below the actual o s t of handling, but there is no mention of increases for much of this junk that over burdens postal clerks and irritates the public. We believe Postmaster General Summerfield should tour the country and inspect each post office lobby waste basket. There he will find no unopened first class mail and no newspapers, but we’ll bet a three-cent stamp he would find them overflowing with material now be ing mailed free or at special rates. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and j Dinner Held In Park M. He>r.a Lar-m and family of S*:: L j « C :: j vert r w v j at • dinner riven Sunday in the ar.d M: E O Carr ar.d family. Mr. ar.d Mrs L - r . Child and Karen and St-.: Mr ar.d Mr J r.r. Schenk, and family ar.d Mr ar.d M: Ersel 3eus. No-Host Picnic Held BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE N vssa ture flags and red ar.d »r-te rtoe.- fermed the oenterptece- Robert Lee of Vale »a - -e -.a s ter of ceremcnie- He introduced Mrs Helen Lar r. f S i. L -»e Cat) as the mam speaker Other numbers t n ’ h■ p r: gram ( C t • Nanette 3yb“ e. Jar..:e Williams ar.d Vela Dee P uisca ar.d a Ha»u~un guitar number Mrs Larson was presented ■....... Orchid by Mrs Lem Child, stake MIA secretary Pre.-.den: Arvel L Child also add re- ed the ?: ip Ttv. e m charge f the arra ig - ments »ere Pre-tcer.t F- id Bis ser of Ontario, Mr- E: ?1 Be- Mr- John Schenk Mr Ez Carr P. land M u . R ' el Hunter ar.d E b Bium- ires o f Vale The Nyssa ukt Aaranlc pr:?«t- h 1 ar.d g.rh banquet »as held Saturday n.rht tn the -take recrea- t. n hall ».th p'ace latd fur 500 y u:h ar.d 93 leaders. The patriotic theme »as carried ... M.t.a- Beginning July 1st CHURCH NOTES 10 a. m., church school. Elvln Ballou, superintendent. 11 a. m.. morning worship, directed ov minister 7 p m., Christian Youth Fellow- ahlp. 8 p. m., evening worship. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Ha.skell Friend. Pastor South 2nd and Reese Ave. 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m . morning worship. 8 p m.. evangelistic service. T u e i, 8 p. m . prayer service, r r l , 8 p m . young people. THE CHURCH OF THE N.AZARENE Robert Jackson. Pastor 10 a. m , Sunday school. morning worship. 7 p. m , N.Y.PS. and Junior meet ings. 7:45 p. m . evangelistic service. 11 p re COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Vernon L. Taylor. Minister 9:45 a. m . church school. 11 a. m , morning worship. 7 p. m , Youih Fellowship. 9:15 a. m., priesthood meeting. 10 30 a m . Sunday school. 8 p. m.. sacrament meeting. Tuesday. 2 d m., relief society. Wednesday, 4 p. m . primary; 8 p. m . M I A. CATHOLIC C fll'R c n Park Avenue and Third Street Kemhert Allies. O. F. M. ht^q Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m and daily at 8 a. m. Saturday. 10 a. m.. Catechism classes. NIW CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Christian ( enter Mission East 2nd and'Ehrgood h t' t o H. P. WKHAIKI nttRCuny M a r t / S with reverte gear and neutral •»•li —4 fell* fea' ».« Ï Ut« this cOf«poct lightweight for fishing — for fo*iy fun. work booti, wot«r sportsl Footvrts silk- smooth trolling pivi tp««d, powtr and «ndwronc« you'd •ap«<t to g«t only its a h«ov»#r, costlior outboard, la- mot« Fv«l Tonk, Uni-Catt On« P > • Go™ Housing, Full F«oth«r«d Sof«fy St««ring. Waterproof Mogn«so and Spark Hugs, S>mpl« Positive Shift, Full Jawaled Power*. 10 a m., Sunday school. 11 a m.. morning worship. 7:30 p m . evangelistic service. A D K I W COMMUNITY ( III Rt II Henry rl. Moore, Pastor 10 a m . Biole school. 11 a m . morning worship. 11 a m . Junior church. ( HI Rt H (iF CHRIST Parma. Idaho MrConnrl Ave. O. F Robinson, Minister 10 a m . Bible study U a. m , morntog worship. 8 p m , Sunday everung service. Wednesday. 8 d m . Bible study FREE METHODIST ( III K( II Adrian. Orrgon Mr ar.d Mr Marx Hartley gave .Mr. and Mr*. William Schiremin a d.r.ner party Sunday in honor of and son-. Dick ana Glenr. returned v Hartlev's me-her. Mrs Sam las: *eek from a visit a; Garden.a. Hartley cf Adrian Other guest- »ere Sam Hartley ar.d Bren: of Adrian Calif. Vern Uuus and Hurley spi-ril the and JoAnr.e Hartley o f Ontario. »eek-end fuhing at Prairie Ci:y. Mr. and Mr*. George N. ft. ur and Dinner Guests Mr- Pearlce Kir.-er visited toe rc.-e I ..uner guests Saturday sight at carder^ a: the Julia Davn park Sun the t i me of Mr and Mrs Cuff day Later, they v.sited fnends at the M.r.k »ere Mr and Mr- Verlan veterans hospital Mace and Jan of Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Jim Olson were Sun- •j.__ dav visit rs at the Joseph Maugha: h me The Ol-ons left Nyssa Mon- Mrs. Larson Entertains Mr- R 3 y Larson entertained mem- dav for Calif^rt.ia. They »ill spenc oer- : ■ tr.c Thur-cay afterr...- r. s- me time there before returning to br.dge club at her home » .:h Mrs. their heme by »a y of Seattle. Mrs. Gordon Winchester and Harold Brendle ar.d Mr- Kenneth daughter Connie left for her home Ccitle as guest players. Mrs Frank Morgan »on high and Thursday in Castle Rock. Wash- Mr.- Arthur Bcydell »o n toe travel after a month's visit with her par ents, Mr and Mrs. Lynn Matheny. ing prize. ^ F0Ñ YOUR / / , < ¡/ L J ? /A J i! ¡Jim c /f K y > / ^ { W e Have A Large ^ Selection of Prices Effective Thursday - Friday - Sunday LIRE WORKS W e Will Be Closed Saturday, July 4th f You’ll feel more like celebrating than ever when you see these super values! Everything you need to make your 4fh of July meals grand and glorious and all at roal s-vings! Fryei Large, Colored Pan Ready ^ T? L EiâCn Cant«loupes ^ ’V . kl 1 ■ B ■ B P »»« 3 ç a . 39< Roly Poly Brand 39< - _________________________________________ ^ ¿J Double Luck Cut G r e e n » B e an s 3 cans J 9 C State Fair Solid Pack ^ T o m a to e s Bells Select Ripe Olives , 2 cans 39C / C o ilrO r,S ^ A Idaho Thrifty Pack Spud Chips 39c 25c Pkgs. ^ ^ TAYLOR’S FOOD MARKET BEAT THE PRICE BY SAVING TWICE— MISSION XR Y HXPTIST ( III Rl II Elder Lee Jotliff, Pastor Don B. Moss Firestone Store 417 Main Dial 2124 ST P XII > H I M OP XL t 111 R en Re* ( arl (iron Rector ' I rn.r.g school, * » » r-h.p a m and Sunday 425 Arcadia Blvd. _ 3 cans LOW PRICES PLUS 10 a m . Sunday school H a m , nxirnlng wvrship 8 p m . evening worship. Wed e.-dav. 8 p m , prayer serried. 9c 3 9 ! > Pass 2 # Ida Dell Cream Style m Sis \ Corn ( 10 a m , church schooL 11 a. tn., morning worship. 'i_ Honored On Birthday .sX d M : 9:15 a. m . priesthood meeting. 10:30 a m., Sunday school 7:30 p m , sacrament meeting Tuesday. 2 p. m., relief society. Wedne.-day, 4 p m , primary; 7:30 p. m . II., I. A. 10 a. m , Sunday school. 11 a m . divine wo: h:p Wed., 8 p m . education class. You are cordially invited to wor ship with us. Desssrl Seed Co. Mr ar.d Mr ELvxtd Flinders and Mr ar.d Mr- Marvin Wilson enter tained at dinner Tuesday fsr their h useguests Mr ar.d Mr- Dave Pars er and Maxine of Rupert. Ida and John and J C H -toer f H • per U nh . They returned to their h:m e Wed- nss-iay evening Mr. and Mrs. Warren HeWt and son of Boise spent the »etk-e.nd -vith Mrs. Louise Helat ar.d brother- rt ; ««q FIRST Church of Christ CHRISTIAN Austin J. Hollingsworth. Minister UXITII H I l»ER \\ ( III RCII Fifth Street and Park Avenue John L. Briehl. Pastor Oui; Terms Are Cash Houseguests Honored LOCAL NEWS made this week T he couple make their h :m e in Ny-.-a SÂmm *T VKE FIRESIDE HELD Path »a y c f Happiness“ »as the theme c f an address g.ven a: a fire- Hetei i f Salt Lake City for LD.S. uth. Mr- Carl Burningham »as m harge f the meeting ar.d Miss Vela D e e P . n t*k Jr Oleaxaer pr—l • dsr.t. conducted. Other numbers on toe program »ere Phil Huffaker, solo: Jclene and Ellen Hunter, due: ar.d remarks by Mr Er-e! Beu- take V W M I A president. Mrs Larson »as preserved »ith a e:f- of appree.atton by Mrs. Burn- ingham. L. D. S. 2nd WARD D. Hubert Christensen. Bishop TO OUR FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS single ring ceremony A hen stung toe you: o uple wa> giver. Thursday nigh: the Oregon Trail school heu-e T *vre a white satin »ed d - gewn. 150 guest* »ere present A sh e ie r »a? g.ven fsr them Ju ne 16 at Marsine Mr and Mrs Chase ».11 ma their heme in Marking »nere t groom is engaged in farming A no-h : buffet picnic »as held nigh: a: the r.tme of Mr and Mr Marvin Wils n. her.'ring Mr. ar.d Mr- H -gr of Morgan. Utah. G t. included Mr ar.d Mr- Leo Marriage Rites Performed Mr ar.d Mr Leon Child, and In Idaho Falls Temple family Mr ar.d Mr Arvel Child Karen Farman. da-ghter of Mr ar.d family, ar.c Mr and Mr E !»ood and Mrs Otto Furman of Mttchell Marriage Announced Fhr.ders and family Butte and Ralph Chs -e . f Mars mg Anr.runcement cf toe marriage of »ere married June 23 to the Idah: Fern Mane Niccum. daughter c f Mr*. Jay Bunn and Mr*. Richard Youth Banquet Falls Temple. Parer.- - of the brtde Clarence C Niccum ar.d Beatrice Ma on »ere ir. Boise Tuesday. USE CLASSIFIED FOR RESULTS ar.d groom »ere present f r the Salarar Louis Vbarreche »as Held Saturday L D S . 1st WARD Gordon Ray, Bishop Roto-Rooter Sewer Service Dial 2.122 i n c ù t i E lite s THURSDAY. JULY 2. H33 We Give TV Tickets Dial 3111 1 ' T! ♦2 I at t Mrs as s who whe Cha ber¡ Ox Fra ton, ert of t