Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1953)
t :: e k y s s a PAGE TWELVE g a t e c it y journal , nyssa . Barker Hurls N o Hit No Run Game for Joe INYSSA THEATRE D IA L 393Î WEDNESDAY-THURS. July 1-2 "BRONCO BUSTER" In Technicolor with JOHN LUND M O T T BRAD Y JOYCE HOLDEN ( » I L L W IL L S Th e story o i the men who ride the rodeo circuit, action adven ture and a thousand thrills. FRIDAY-SATURDAY JULY 3-4 "MY PAL GUS" with RIC H A R D W ID M tK K JOANNE DKU AU D REY TO TT E R GEOROE W IN S LO W Introducing Gu.s, whose hair-rais ing antic.-, torment his teachers, flabbergast his father in the year's funniest comedy. S U N .-M O N .-T U E S . JU LY 5-6-7 "PETER PAN" In Technicolor with BOBBY D RISC O LL K A T H R Y N BE ItTM O N T 1IANS CO NRIED B IL L THOMPSON' W alt Disney’ - most magnificient achievement, incomparable enler- U ln m tn i for j ingstei from seven to seventy. Continuous showing Sunday. Adm.—25c - Me Matinee 25e - 7Ec Evening W E D N E S D A Y -T H U R S . J U L Y 8-9 "SOMETHING FOR THE BIRDS" W ith V IC TO R M ATU RE P A T R IC IA NEAL EDMUND G W ENN A topnotch comedy that’s worth its weight in laughter I t ’s more fun than a barrel o f monkeys. O regon . T h u r s d a y , Morris Is Tobler's; 2nd Ward Downs Waggoner's r : CnM ]wPr Liiuiia opedn.ei july 2 . 1953 Wheat Allotment Meeting Called For Monday Eve. Marie Hansen Rodeo Queen At Eiackfoot Nyssa Births . . . Babies born during the weeg at the Malheur Memorial hospital were boys to Mr and Mrs. Inocen.-o Or- tez of Parma. June 22; Mr and Mrs. W alter Cannon. Nyssa, June 24 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grijalva, Nyssa, June 23; Mr. and Mrs. Amarande Mon- toya, Nyssa. June 25; Mr. and Mrs Lyle Reece, Nyssa, June 26. Mr. and Mrs. Oeraid Macky, Adrian. June 29 and Mr and M f . Ted Smally Jc* M :rris. Pa; te bu-mt • m in the season was di-iied up Tuesday tail in the clutches and -cattering daily The Slackfoc: Bulletin, night in a doublehtader that saw the five hits he issued, tllowing no and U. S. government bond super- newspaper of Blackfoot, Ida car- i.DS 2nd Ward trim Waggoner Mo- more than one to an He gave -.old Nyssa Lions club members Monday noon what it Chairman Glen L. Hutchinson an- r.ed a double-column picture and tors 6-3 behind the four-hit hurling up six bases on balls. G Dillon sparkled at third for the oleans to be an American. nounced today that an important stor>’ >n lls June 15 issue about a o f Reger Skeen m the first game 40-minute talk was ba^ed on informational meeting on wheat al- NY**5’® 6Lr* -* do *** a;’ t*u^ fn and G Barker’s no-hit no-run win Farmers, malting two difficu lt cat- his knowledge gleaned from a nine- lotments and marketing quotas wiu the second annual Blackfoot Slam - for Tobler’s Feed over Hollings- ches. o f F ™nCe' countries h t ! i \ ? rZ V ** _ held . on July 6 at 8 p m at the 1Q , , Mane Parma. June 29. worths’ in the nightcap. and oilier ur European sev- Featured . was Id-year-old It was the effective pitching of R eral years ago. plus his many years hotel. 40 ° I' U r,° Th * purpose Ha„ « , n daughter of Mr. and Mr.- ° irls were born t0 M r- and Mrs Skeen that baffled the Motormen as o f living as an American patriot. o f this meeting is to give every wheat Laurence Hansen, who served as one w s Laurence of Nyssa on the 27 there were but few errors in the Morris is G reece-btm and speaks Brower an opportunity to hear the of th# princesses to Queen Colleen »nd to Mr and Mrs. Robert Haney of game. Skeen gave up but four hits, fluently in a brand of English ex- , wfl*at allotment and marketing Bybee at last year’’s Nyssa Nite Nyssa, June 28. three o f them in the sixth inning to pressively his own George Kam a? Is quota provisions explained and to Rodeo. j ------------------ produce Waggoner’s only runs, with his name, but he goes by the name discuss with others the reasons for| i t was stated in the B la c k fo o t'ROUKO ^ A R B M EEK S TA R TS Woods, B Wilson and L Wilson do (Continued from page 1» A series of meetings o f the com "Joe Morris", which was his fighting allotments and quotas. This meeting story that Miss Hansen was "select-j ing the scoring. monicker when he was following the will also allow the wheat grower to ed over a field o f five other contest- [ van committee, missions o f the Methodist church are acquaint himself with implications ant after a judging contest that Herriman said there is room for H Bolles struck out four W ardm en,1 in progress this week. purpose o f ring sport. Morris has the enviable record of o f a favorable or unfavorable vote involved points for personal beauty,¡m ore cars in the caravan. keeping the blows well distributed horse and horsemanship” w s having sold more than $75.000 in on a marketing quota referendum over the game and not allowing any wiui/* tOT >e4r’s W illis Bertram is heading the ad work o f the church. U. S. W ar and Savings bonds. Th e program is to include a repre. vance ticket sale, and tickets have until the third inning, when the Meetings already held were the Th e import of the message he had sentative o f extension service from been distributed to every business first two runs o f the game were commission on membersiup and Monday for Lions members was that Oregon State college, Charles Smith house in Nyssa. made. _ „ , _. . ... evangelism, Monday; the commls- we must not over-play or over -esti- , h„ . , n Cowboys and rodeo contestants are Bolle* and Skeen each walked one s|on on education, Tuesday, and the mate ourselves in the matter of tak- expected to start arriving here early and what to do with diverted acres man- commission on missions, Wednesday. Uig the destiny o f this country for Funeral services were held Wed- next week, according to Grant Rine- Prank Skeen, 2nd Ward manager. The commission on finance is to 8ranted He emphasized the need for A representative o f the PM A state committee will discuss present legis- i nesday of „ last week at the Lien- . hart, arena secretary and treasurer . . . dropped a pinch—hit double over meet this Thursday, 8 pm . at the looking after the fellow »'ho is pack ing a rifle on his shoulder in foreign lation and a representative o f the kaemper Pun«--al nHa' ;J T L Jam~? o f th « Nyssa Nite Rodeo association. the Infield in the seventh inning for church. lands. Oregon Wheat Growers organization at hls home 'in Nyssa * Une “ Ralph Lawrence, rodeo parade the scond double o f the game, the pians 0f [he commissions will be H. m W slfe L m rv t a chairman, was still busy this week first coming from the but of R n.K , nt#d a[ he He defined Americanism as being will discuss the choice facing Oregon ‘ skw n in th»> f o u r t h p.e.semt-d at two meetings to be held pure o f heart and having a heart- wheat growers. Adrian. Mo where he lived ' £ £ of han? lin(? f|naI d<*a11* to r the an- -skeen in the fourth. Monday night at the church, the felt concern for America A general discussion period will his early life. He was married to nua Parade. dut sald indications Barker was near perfection in the first of whlch is ^ executive council. ! _________________ __ follow in which any individual ques- j Martha Rebecca Raines at Carolton. were that this year’s a ffa ir would nightcap, setting the first six men composing [he commission chair-, tions will be answered. Ark. Dec 25. 1897 To this union were be the equal of any. down that faced him, and striking meni [he president of the Wom en’s 1 All wheat growers are urged to born tVo daughters and the oldest,’ The parade is to be held Friday, out 14 to post his no-hit-no-run 6-0 Society of Christian Service, the take advantage o f this opportunity Jessie May, preceded him in death July 10. beginning at 2 p.m . win over Hollingsworths’. He issued recording steWard and the charge lay Sept. 16. 1339 at Nyssa. open, Lawrence said, to any mer- to be more fully informed o f the one waik to the 24 men to face him. leader, who will preside. From the age o f 29, Mr W olfe chant, dealer, club, group cr indi- Nyssa’s Rodeo Queen Virginia wheat allotments and marketing Longest inning was the sixth, when The same evening, Monday, the lived in the west, ccming to this vidual, including children, to make three o f six baters were out on call official board, with Melvin Spietze, Corn and her royal court. Princesses program. community from Montana where the an entry. Sally Lawrence and Betty Morton, ed strikes. chairman, presiding, will hold its family lived nearly 20 years. Mr. and There will be a number o f pro will have a full week c f activities DANCE PLANN ED Only two Farmer lads got one Mrs. W olfe were among the fir-t fessional floats in this year's par de, !.U' w e /_iSCalJ^ ar, W ,hiCh during Rodeo week, which begins base, one by walk and the other by begin- Tentative plans are being made for settlers on the new land under the in June. Main order o f busi Tobler’s only error. L Holmes died ness will be discussion and adoption Monday. a stake Fourth o f July dance to be Owyhee project. They had lived at Lawrence said. These have been se on second and Hiatt on third in the of the church's program for the Monday noon they will be the held in the stake house on Alberta Nyssa for the past 19 years. He is cured from the Cherry Fstival com ame inning, the sixth. guests of Nyssa L.on- club. Tue-day avenue Saturday evening. A floor survived by his wife, one daughter mittee o f Emmett and were trans- year. B Church had one for two to lead noon the guests of the Nyssa Busi show has been planned and refresh Mrs. Lyle Bartron o f Nyssa, three P0i'ted to Nyssa recently by members the Nyssa Junior chamber of Tabler batters, others getting hits ness M en’s association and Wednes ment- will be sold. Don Moss's orch sisters, one brother and two grand- estra will be featured. sons. commerce. being E. Barker, Moore, Ander>o:i day noon the Nyssa chamber of com merce. nd C. Wilson. J. Assumendi went the distance Wedne.-day and Thursday a fter noons they will head the rodeo cara Ben Franklin Store is among the van in its tour o f Snake River Valley Butler Brothers a ffilia te s across the nation included in the Certificates towns, and Friday afternoon will of Distinction award "given by the head the rodeo parade. Friday and Saturday nights they Brand Names Foundation in recog With but one doubleheader, sched nition of the out-tanding work Beil will reign supreme over the seventh uled for this Thursday night, and Franklin Stores did in presenting annual Nyssa Nite Rodeo, one make-up game remaining to be brand names products’ to their c u s t - ------------------------ played during the first half o f the omers. Ny -a Soft-ball league, Tobler's lead Tlie award was made on "Brand with five .straight wins as of Tues Names Day', April 15, 1953, at the W iildorf-A-toria hotel, in New York day night. Gene Vertree, who has been opera LDS 2nd Ward is in second spot City. Bowns, manager o f the local Ben ting G ene’s Appliance at the Su- with two wins and one loss. Tonight's doubleheader will be be- Franklin store, received his copy of perior Paint and Glass Co. for the the Certificate o f Distinctk n Mon- Pasl several months, has moved his tween Berrett’s il-3 i and Waggoner day and is displaying it in the ,tore shop to the Ed Ca -o Furniture store M. r (2-2) at 7 30 p m and May on North Main street where he will thi- week. Trucking < 0-4» and LD S 2nd Ward serve as service man for the furni in the nightcap. ture store Vertree and Ed Ca e an The make-up game between Hol- nounced that the appliance man will continue all kinds of service on ap 1 i» i >• 1 >rths' and LDS 2nd Ward has pliances and will handle the store’s not been definitely scheduled yet, installation and appliance work. but most likely w.ll be played next Bob Points, high-point m art-m an week, in the Nyssa Rifle and Pistol club S O FTB ALL S TA N D IN G S for May, dropped to second place for TE A M W L June as result o f Cecil Findling Tobler's Feed 5 0 beating him out in the club shoot 2 Lynn A. Swensen, son o f Mr and LDS 2nd Ward 1 held la. t Sunday. 2 Hollingsworths’ 2 1 On the basis of the army course Mrs. Alvin C. Swensen o f the Nyssa 2 Waggoner Motors 2 A. modified system o f scoring. Find- community, has arrived at Castle ling had 78 out of a possible 100 to Air Force base, Merced. Calif, for a 1 3 Berrett’s Service Point’s 71 Vein Roberts was second four week Air Force reserve officer May Trucking 0 4 training corps summer camp. with 66 points. Cadet Swensen, a student at Brig- Other mark-men and their scores were John Strickland, 58; Hank *lam Young University, is attending Storm 33; Neal Nichelson, 32; C liff the training camp to observe Air Main, 29; Fred Stephen. 26, and Force work by living on the base He Cecil Richards 13 wl11 stud>' the mission o f the 93rd A- a warm-up for its debut next The shooting was done on the himbardment wing and functions week in the Border league the Nys- club’s range at 300-and 500-yard Performed by the 93rd air base sa Merchants will meet the formid- distances, using the 30-calibre Gar- yrouP ___________________ able Mt, Home Air Force baseball alld n f *e . . . . Next meeting of the club has been team here at 1 p.m. Sunday in the set for Thursday, July 9, instead of fir t game of a double header, to be Friday, July 10. and will be held in played on the high -chool diamond. Ralph Lawrence's office. Fir-i reports of a lawn hose cutting In the -econd game the Mt Heme epidemic were received this week team will meet the Mexican Ramb when at least one fam ily reported lers o f Ontario. that new hose was cut into pieces The Merchants al.-o had a game unetime Saturday night. About six eheduled for thi- Wednesday with The end a combined business feet of the ho.-e was taken from the Nampa hero. and vacation trip came Sunday with yard after diagonal cuts had been the return to Ny-.-a of Carlos Buch made. Similar vandalism oecured in On ner, who, with his family, ha- spent t wo weeks in Portland and vicinity. tario several weeks ago and police First t vo days of his two weeks were able to apprehend Juvenile- were spent ui Ogden by Buchner. whose parents paid for the damage Upon in- return from there Buchner done. After more than seven and a half picked up hi.- family on June 16 and years of serving the ci y iT Nyssa hearted for Portland. SPE( I \l. G U I V|S \T I E S T I V A L This Coupon good for S50.00 on and its residents, Finley Sinister ati- A fter dispe-ing of business matt?'.- May r and Mrs. Tom Jones were any car or Iruck priced nounced this week the -ale of the there he -ixuit a week with his fem- among -peoial guests at the Cherry Ny a Sanitation Sen ici • to Ray Fox. 11 v at N 'sko vini Beach. On the.r ro- Fe-tival at Emmett Saturday. They over S500.00. Pox announced tha he would i tur.-. tr ;> the Buchners vi.-teu rela rode in the parade with city officials BRING THIS COUPON continue to give compie te service to tive a: Vancouver. Wu.-h , and fr i from throughout the Snake river end at Salem. valley and were among guests at a Ny a He will man i te 1 li- new busl- luncheon held at the home of the ness from his home at 525 No. Sev- A "downea-ter” is a New Englan mu’ r > f Emmett Saturday after enth street. To avoid c onfuslon, he 39 Buick Special _ ...... .. 53 Dodue, Sdn. R&H and Ovrdr. $189 der, especially one from Maine. noon. will u-e the same phone number that Model A Pickup 9 000 mi. $300 Discount .. $77 is already listed to Ny a Sanila - 41 Dodge IT. Duals. 50 Olds. 88 Sdn. RAH, One $377 tion Service, 2(1*7, 47 International IT. Stake. Methodists Plan Program for Year In Series Meets Funeral Held For Owyhee Settler Rodeo Royalty to Have Busy Week BF Store Gets Honor Award Tobler's Heads Softball League Effective July 1. 1953, !he Gene's Appliance C hanges Location NYSSA SANITATION SERVICE Will be Under M anagem ent of R a y Fox FindJing Take >s Marksman Lead Residence 525 No. 7th St. Attends Air Force ROTC Summer Cam p Phone 2427 "I Wish to Thank the Residents of Nyssa for Their Fine Cooperation During the More Than Seven and a Half Y ears It Has Been My Pleasure to Serve Them." FRIDAY-SATURDAY JULY 10-11 "JALOPY" LEO G ORCKY III \T/. 11ALL BERNARD G A IU 'E Y "CHICAGO CALLING" DAN 111 RYF.A M A R Y ANDERSON S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y JU LY 12 13 "FORT TI" W ith G E O R G I MONTGOME B Y lit A ING B A( ON P H Y L L IS FOW LER HOW AIM» I’ i ERIE Flaming action, lusty romance, adventure supreme The First Oudoor Epic in 3 Dimension. Continuous Showing Sunday T U F .S D A Y -W F .D N F.SD A Y JU LY 14-15 "THE STARS ARE SINGING" In Technical <r w.;h Roortnary ( looney Anna Maria \ll*erghettl Bob Williams John Archer It* got that lovable lilt, that heart-tugging humor that make for movie masterpieces. THURSDAY-FRIDAY JULY 16-17 "TROUBLE ALONG THE W A Y " W ith JOHN W A Y N E D O NN A REED C H A R L E S CO LB U R N TO M T U IJ .Y t f s Joltin John W ayne at his all- iLaie best story o f a football coach that mingles thrills and heart throbs. Merchants Play Mt. Home Sunday (Signed) Finley Shuster Lawn Hose Cut By Night-Time Vandals Buchners Return From 2-Week V acation Trip July 4th Specials DEPENDABLE VACATION CARS Shuster Sells To Ray Fox $ 5 0 . 0 0 COUPON BANK CONTRACTS WRITTEN GUARANTEES Fisherman's First Trout 19-Incher AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Fishing liver the week end at Cas cade reservoir was reported "poor" by Ny.-sans. In spite of catches made by three members of a party that set une kind o f a record. Mr and Mrs. C. N. Neely and Mr. and Mr- Ed Case reported that "fish were not biting as they usually do” but Nee ly was successful in catching his first rainbow trout—a 19 Richer Case landed an 18-lnch rainbow and Mrs Case outdid the two men in the numWr of fish, but they were four catfish Riding Club Meets Mr and Mrs. Vlv Marshall were hosts Tuesday night to the Owyhee Riding club at thetr home and ser ved the members, with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer, a lawn supper Th e club wa- invites! to participate in the second annual Hells Canyon celebration, scheduled for July 18-19 Next meeting o f the club will be | held July 31. The Only Studio in the Area Fully Equipped to do Complete Aerial Photography SCHOEN PORTRAITS 114 South 3rd St. Nyasa. Oregon Dial 6648 for Appointments owner, Hvdromatic, double $1647 eagle tires 48 Plvm. Sdn. DeLuxe $897 New Rebuilt Engine 46 Chew 5-Pass Coupe R&H New blue paint, new rebuilt $697 engine . $199 41 Pontiac Sdn. R&H. $49 Model A-Coupe 47 Dodge 1*2 T. II. D. 2-speed ... . $777 $997 49 GMC *2 T. 4 speed 53 Dodge Sdn. V8, 2-tone 3.000 Mi. $300 Discount 49 Chev. Fleetline Sdn. $1097 R&H, one owner 48 Packard 8 Sdn. R&H and Ovrdr $897 New tires, blue finish 46 Ford 5-pass Cpe R&H. $597 Good tires, seat covers 4 ip « | 51 Plym. Sdn. 21,000 mi, New tires, one owner, Blue finish 49 Dodge Sdn., fluid drive. 2-tone paint, one local owner 46 Olds. “6” 5-passenger coupe. R&H. new rebuilt engine. Seat covers 41 Buick Sedanette. R&H Black Finish. Good tires 40 Chev. Cpe R&H 33 Ford Pickup 51 Dodge T. 4-speed 41 Chev. >4 T. 4-speed __ $697 $1397 $1147 $687 $297 $169 $139 $1197 $387 HAL JOHNSON YOUR DEPENDABLE DODGE—PLYMOUTH DEALER 9th 8c Main Ph. 9-7405 CALD W tLL 10th 8c Cleveland Ph. 9-9960