THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JU LY 2 1953 I USE THE* Ç lA S S /F /t£ rF° B <10«CK* Classified Advertising Rates Tw o cents pel word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the For Sale For Sale Piano, u-ed automatic washer, o f­ FOR SALE—Used furnace and stok- fice de k. only $35 |OOd e • nduion Heldt Bn U-ed Frigidaire refrigerator, box phene 3285 between 6 and 7 p m 25-2t. clean aa a whistle, only $10. Three ga* ranges, looks like a FOR SALE— Good dairy cows. Have brand new range. $35 and up. Easy been on Standard D.H I.A. testing, ■. rn i.: j ; U f l i 23-tl Over 35 u-ed washers to choose from $5 and up FOR SALE—6 room modern home Squint free— strain free—Easy vis­ plu- 3 rental home.'. W ill take trailer ion Golden lens that changes the house or small acreage as part pay­ har.-h, blui-h light of ordinary tele­ ment. $7.000, $1,500 down. Mel Beck vision into soft easy to watch na­ Real Estate. 23-ifc. tural tones. Hoffman TV. U.ed refrigerator. $15. FOR S ALE —One appaloosa gelding, Ez Carr Appliances one Palamino mare. Both very gen­ Nyssa tle. Dixie Ktnkade. 517 N. 7th .street. 20 S. 1st Nyssa. 25-2tp. FOR SALE— G M.C. 303 truck, 270 Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement w ill not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2233. BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mei Our New Business Buildin is Located 3 Blocks North of “ Y ” on U S. 20, across from Berrett’s Service Station. PAGE E L E V E * ( M il* <>r T il\ N K S Mi and Mr- W T Bumpa. wl-h to thank the pa ■S and peo»pie of . S 1 rune churc h for ithe many me•e gift:> reeeiv €*d on the ir golden Wt’ddmg ;finniver .ary They also wbh to thank the fr »ends and re halves ioi' gifts and ca rds received from 5 states. Fe nn.-lyvamia . Texa- . Arizona, Idaho an d Oregion. Mr. and Mr W T Buinpas Miscellaneous LOCAL NEWS Mr and OUR 4th OF JULY SPECIALS FARM LOANS Uou you Knou^ The answer to everyday insurance problems* BY R A LPH LAW RENCE Q U E S T IO N : Is it necessary to tell an insurance Company that there is a mortgage or time pay­ ment contract on a car? ANSW ER: Yes. There is a place for that information on all auto Insurance applications and to withhold it would be to make a false application. If the car is mortgaged after the insurance lias been placed the Company must be notified. • If you'll address your own In­ surance questions to this office, we'll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. Nyssa Insurance Aqency 105 Main St. Dial 2544 PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians Help Wanted I ... ( l i 1 1.1 le f t M e m . Around Arcadia Used Car Bargains Wanted M r- day f r Sait Lake City. They return­ ed Wednesday. . Ms.tors Wednesday at the Lyle NOTICI ro CKEDIIORS Bartr. a home were Mr. and Mrs. In the County Court of the State of Earl Bartron and Denny Bartron o f Oregon for the County of Malheur O-wego. Ore; Mrs. Millie Campbell In tlM M i ' he R i:e of and Mr- Jes- BeU and son Vernal o f Frank J Cahill, deceased Boise and Mrs. George Bartron o f NO TICE IS HEREBY G IVE N Meridian They were here to attend That the undersigned. The First Na­ the funeral o f James Wolfe. tional Bank of Portland, has been Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wilson and appointed administrator with the Janice Rae are here from Klam m ath W ill annexed of the estate o f Frank Falls to -pend the summer. J. Cahill, deceased, by the County JoAnn lloudenpylr of Babbit, Nee. Court o f Malheur County, Oregon, arrived Saturday morning to visit and has qualified M such NOW, THEREFORE, all persons two weeks at the C liff Mink home. having claims against the estate of Miss Hoodenpyle Is a niece o f Mr. Frank J. Cahill, deceased, are here­ Mink. by notified and required to present Richard Wilson is home on leave the same, with proper vouchers, duly from the United States Army. A t verified, within six <6 » months from the end o f his furlough, he will re­ the date of this Notice, to the under- port back to Camp Roberts, Calif. igned, The First National Hank of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Porterfield and Portland, at the law office of Harold daughter of Santa Cruz, Calif, left Henigson at Nyssa. Oregon, which Monday after visiting a week here place the undersigned .-elects as it? at the Paul Penrod home and with place o f business in all matters con­ , t ther relatives. nected with said estate. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth TH E F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK left Saturday morning for Belling­ OF PO R T LA N D ham, Wash, where they attended By Geo W. Stewart. Trust Officer the wedding of their son, Robert Administrator of the Estate of Frank Pearce. They returned home today. J. Cahill, decascd. Kay and Lyle Cottle left Monday Dated and first published June 11, morning to spend a week fishing at 1953. Prarie City. Last publication July 9, 1953. Ron Campbell returned Saturday night after spending two weeks visiting his daughters in Washington and f ’ altf. m il Mr- Frank Cranny and Frank returned with him to visit here. Mrs. George Mailer Dial 2733 FARM S c m er business location. 60 foot Farms 145 acres paid up water right. 1« t- frontage on one street and 120 foot CATTLE RANCH o f free water, 3 bedroom modern frontage on the other, in heart of 200 head permit, 3 sections leased home, labor house, large barn, sev- Nys.-a, $2.800, 'a down. land, 117 acres Irrigated land. eral out buildings, productive HOMES Cheap water. Two sets of improve­ ments. Immediate possession. $32,500. $12.000 down. New 2 bedroom home. $5450. $500 80 acres top row crop land, ea.-t $05.000 , 29'; down down. Ea-y terms on balance. end o f Sun.-et Valley, 3 bedr :n SAFE W A Y TO FA R M 3 bedroom home, city block, 60-70 acre row crop land, plus 100 modern heme. $2 500, $1,100 down. $500 per year. acres good river bottom pasture. 160 acres. 55 acre.' irrigated, small Attractive 1 bedroom semi-mod­ $10,000, terms arranged to suit you. home, $10.000. Veterans 1 an ern home, on Park Avenue, fenced VIEW O F TH E V A LLE Y place. in yard, $3.150. $1.500 down. New brick home. 100 good acres, 80 acres. 60 acres irrigated, place $50,030, on terms. 2 bedroom modern home, close in, is in pasture, corn, alfalfa, and c, rner location, $3.400. $1,00 down. P A ID UP W ATER R IG H T grain, crop- go, 3 bedr oin modern 5 acres, 2 bedroom modern home, 70 acra* cultivated, mostly row home, cattle feeding set up, $18.500, crop land. Balance fenced pasture shady yard, good set of out buildings, engine, top condition. Good tires, j $10.000 down. land, part irrigated. $30,000. FOR S.ALE— Good u-ed 100 gallon good beet bed. Dial 3189. 23-tic. 160 acres, row crop and -t ck ,-et cl c to Nyssa, $12,000. electric water heater $79.50. Ideal ENJOY TH IS LO C A TIO N 2 bedroom modern hr me, fire up, small home. $28.000, daw down Gas & Appliance. 25-tfc. FOR SALE—49 Ford 6 or 50 P ly m -! 63 acres of good laying land with place, wall full ...... to wall .... carpeting, ... r ..... _____ good 4 room home. Ideal for dairy­ payment. cuth. Bath in A -l condition. W ill 20 acres on highway north of Ny - ba ement, oil furnace, attached ga- Kz Scz—Th e only talking money sell either cne. Phone 2884. 24-tfc. ing. $20,000: 1 3 down. sa, row crop land, modern home. rage, 100- ft frontage, corner loca- does is to say "G O O D B Y E /' IR R IG A T E D PASTU RE m s i m ss O PPO R TU N IT IE S I for IS FOR s a l e — Champion fruit trees. 44 acres of good tame pasture. FOR S A L E —1952 \V h;>u-e au­ Draft fruit trees. Luther Burbank Onion storage, 14,000 square fo 1 $3.500 down, loan can be obtained Good home and other buildings. tomatic washer. You take over the varieties. Flowing and ect. Stark $10,500 warehouse. on the balance. contract. See Carole Wilson at the sales representative. Write J. C. Journal office or Ez Carr, 20 So. 1st. Krul, 915 Idaho street or dial 3044, W H A T A B A R G A IN 22-tfc. 40 acres «f fine row crop land, Nyssa. 22-4tp. modern 4 bedroom home. W ill irri­ Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. FOR SALE!— 1952 Allis Chalmers Ez Sez—The world is full of willing gate in two fields with minor INSURANCE combine, tandum wheels, pick-up people. Some willing to work, the leveling, very deep soil. Cheap wat- LOANS attachment, Scour Kleen has rest willing to let them. NYSSA, OREGON — D IA L 2033 Mr. and Mrs. Letser Bagley and ter $25,000, crop included, $10,000 thrashed 18 acres wheat, 20 acres --------------------------------------------- -— I down. son o f Weiser visited Tuesday at the alfalfa, A. M. Ekanger, Route 2, Mirror — Lamp — End Tables — ! CHOICE ACREAGE George Hust home. Nyssa. 25-ltp. Sewing Machines, etc. None over $10. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard left 5 good acres, modern 2 bedroom Ez Carr Appliances. Just west o f 1 home, good outbuildings, close in. Sunday to spend two weeks in their cabin in McCall. FOR SALE— 13 geese. I f interested Railroad Station. 21-tfc. Specially priced at $12,000. Terms Appliance Repairing and Service Dial 2327. 22-tfc. John Schenk is home from the arranged to suit. , Radios, refrigerators, ranges and Nyssa hospital and is reported to be Used We> electric range Homes ; washers. Custom service on all ap­ Ez sez: You've reached middle age like new $99.50. Ideal Gas & Appli­ improving. pliances. Gene Vertree Shop moved P A Y NO RENT when the little woman tells you to ances. 20 So. 1st. CLEAN CARS READY FOR 21-tfc. T h three teachers o f the Arcadia Save your rent money by buying to Ed Case Furniture Store. 118 pull in your stomach. . . and you j Bible school, Miss Anna Bauman, 25-lt. this nearly new one bedroom home. North Main, Phone 3316. A TROUBLE FREE already have! 21-t.fc. Annette Stradley and Marline Berg- Extra large lot gives ample room FOURTH OF JULY TR IP am, presented their pupils in a short FREE lor garden, shrubs, trees, etc. TRAD E IN A R T IF IC IA L BREEDING 1951 Chevrolet Sedan, an eye stop­ program Friday night. Marvin Mc­ $4,200 on terms. your old fashioned washer Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals For greater milk production in the per. One owner and very clean. Clain assisted with the program. Your W IFE years to come, breed your dairy cows HOME FOR CHIDREN Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans and fam ­ Finished In a dark green with Dial Nyssa 3017 is now using, on a new modern auto- Nearly new 2 bedroom home—safe to the proven bulls and sons of pro­ ily o f WlUoworeek and Mr. and Mrs. white side wall tires and lots of natic Hotpoint washer. Liberal Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. "all on one floor” plan. Back yard ven bulls that we are offering to you extras that you don't have to pay Howard Anderson o f Hibbings, Minn, rade. Easy terms. fenced. Productive garden spot. by artificial breeding, $7 per cow. for. Low Mileage and rarin’ to go were guests Thursday for a chicken Malheur Dairy Breeders Assn. Phone Ez Carr Appliances dinner at the Jay Warner home a f­ PIC TU R E OF TH E Y E A R none-stop. July 4th special $1445 2010, Nyssa or 1099-W, Ontario. 20 South 1st. Beautiful blond used bed room set. ter which the Anderson fam ily left Your wife and children in this big 21-tfc. Mr. and Mrs. Chest. Bed complete 25-tfc. 1951 Chevrolet Sedan. Just about the for their home. beautiful yard. 2 bedroom modern best value you have ever seen. The and nite stand. Save over H price Mr. and Mrs. George Hust and Vili the person who got my goat Ez Carr Appliances. 20 So. 1st. W A N TE D — Baby sitting in my home, home. $6500. Terms arranged. Original owner wants his family children drove to Manns Creek Sun­ ilease return it and collect reward, with mother’s careful instructions. 21-tfc. ID E AL LO C ATIO N to buy the car. Your family's sure day where George helped with the ïz Carr. 20 So. 1st. 21-tfc. Nearly new two bedroom home Sharon K ay Field, phone 2171. to like this one. Plan your vacation branding at his parents ranch. 24-3tc. with finished apartments in base­ FO R S A L » in this one-owner Money-saving Mrs Norman B lp p and children C H ARCO AL ment. $12,500, F.H.A. terms. sedan. Only $1395 drove to Payette Friday to take Mrs. 2 bedroom house, good location Gone are the days . . . when auto­ 69c Bag S T U R D Y PR E -W A R 1950 Studebaker Starlite coupe. O v­ Lawrence CarLson and Larry to the F.H.A. terms, $8400. mobiles were horseless carriages and CO N STRU CTIO N erdrive, radio, heater ad very nice. train. They had been visiting here Ideal Gas & Appliance 160 acres, fall delivery, $28.000. white enamels turned Yellow ! T o ­ Convenient location, 4 finished We have to repair a dent in one tor two days. 1 bed room home on two lots, 20-tfc day's automobile is a home on wheels Bob Rhodes, an airforce boy, re­ bedrooms, full basement. $12,500, fender and the rest is perfect. You $2,750, $500 down. and today's W H IT E IM PERVO cently stationed in Alaska, and his easy terms. !z Sez— Fellows who drive with one could sure enjoy the 4th in this 4 houses on two acres, hlway ENAM EL stays super-white as long new bride spent the last 10 days at NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME and are usually headed for the frontage, $17,000, terms. one. July 4th special the Ernest Stephenson home. They hurch aisle. Some will walk down Large rooms with hard wood floors, as the durable finish lasts . . . You Only $1195 100 acres—good location, beautiful utility room. Safe convenient, all can get IM PERVO from your Ben­ 1950 Pontiac Club coupe. It will be left Saturday for Vermont where he t; others will be carried. will be stationed, The Everett Rhodes home, new machine shed, excellent on one floor arrangement. $13,000, jamin Moore Paint Dealer, Nyssa in Thursday. Has very low milage family o f Buhl. Ida., were also visi­ soil $50.000 Bob Thompson Agency. USED A P P L IA N C E easy terms. Lumber Co. 13-tfc. with hydramatic transmission. One tors at the Stephenson home the Blacksmith shop with equipment B R AN D NEW B AR G AIN S of those hard to find cars and all past 10 days. Everett and Bob 2 bedroom home with full base­ eluxe Electric Range _________ $69 and house on 1/4 acre fronting high­ KEYS MADE Rhodes are Mrs. Stephensons broth- the extras are free. ment. Detached double garage. sed W a s h e r ___________________ |2fl way in good farming center. $2,900, 81 July 4th special. Only $1495 L a rge corner lot. Facing the park. While You Wail $1,000 down. iw Gem Electric Cabinet Mrs. Norman Hipp attended a CHEVROLET TR A D E -IN S ARE $13,500, easy terms. weiner bake Monday night at the sewing machine and 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An FIRESTONE STORE A LW A Y S CHEAPER John Broad home. It was given by attachments .......... $119 abundance o f free gravity water, LO TS O F ROOM 1950 Ford V8 Sedan. Has overdrive, the lasers o f the Eagles auxiliary for 4 room house, full basement, mod­ -2-ft. Refrigerator $22.50 $31,500, easy terms. MISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux radio, heater and many other ex­ the winners In the membership con­ ern tenant house, extra lot, all for 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. FIRESTONE STORE tras. Finished in a light tan and test. $6,750. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, 19-tfc. down, balance like rent. paint is new. Just waiting for an The Bruce Beck family of Mont­ phone 0287-J4. 44-t f. Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn S PE C IA L B A R G A IN owner to take a trouble-free trip pelier. Ida., were guests from Mon­ 3 bedroom brick home, not new, and chicken house $4,200. have several used electric and day through Friday at the Les Bur­ over the 4th of July. Septic tanks and cesspools cleaned. but still good. $3.500. refrigerators traded in on the ID E AL FOR COUPLE July 4th Special. Only $1145 bank home. Dial 4-3763, Parma or 4-2161 Parma v Servel. Come in and choose one. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bullard spent Nearly new single bedroom mod­ Hardware. 13-tfc. 1949 Chevrolet 2 door (Aeroi A very al Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. BOB TH O M PSO N AG ENCY ern home. $3,000, $1,500 down. neat little car in good condition Sunday visiting with friends in Vale. 17-tf. Dial 3355 Stop having septic tank trouble by W ELL W O R TH TH E M ONEY and will take you many troubie- Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor putting in Field Dain. Dial 3993 free miles any time you feel lika ied Servel gas refrigerator $3950 furnace, utility room. $7,950, evenings. 9-tf. going. This car is especially noted eal Gas & Appliance. 16-tfc. Business Opportunities for its economy. July 4th spe -ini. . C OAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready HOMES FOR SALE W ANTED — To do custom baling. HOME AND 100 M O N TH L Y Only $1045 2320tp. Excellent 2-bedroom home. Hard- MM. Wire tie. Dial 3233. Lovely new home with 4 modern to build your driveway, parking area, 1948 Plymouth Sedan. For a cheaper lod floors, front room carpeted, rental cabins. Room to build sev­ school yard, feed lot. lounging « r car with a lot of happy miles you i ■ctric dish washer and disposal W ANTED Hay balin eral more, $17,000. Terms arranged. implement shed. Only pugmlll as- I Just couldn't go wrong with this Phone 092-R5, Henry Preuss, Pay­ phaltic concrete mix in this area, i ik, basement, furnace heat. On one at our July 4th special price ette, Idaho. 22-4tp. 14 U N IT M O TEL ved street. Best location. W ell located and very attractive. Low cost, guaranteed wonk, free esti­ f ir only $825 mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A 2-bedrocms, modern, attached ga­ $40,000. includes all furnishings. CHEVROLET TR A D E -IN S ARE or phone 280, Ontario. 13-tf. ge, large utility room. Nearly new. S A R A Z IN CLIN IC CHEAPER lly $7000. -------- ■ Dr. J. J. Sarazin I f you want a good pickup, here is We Have Two Good Business Remember old K in g Midas, whose W ANTED —Berry picker-. Kido farm. 16 North 3rd Dial 6615 touch turned everything to gold? the cream of the crop Buildings for Sale. Both Leased Dr. K. E. Kerby Dial 2524. 24-2tp. Night and Sunday Fhone? and Paying Good Return. The room you “ touch” this season 1951 Studebaker '4 ton, 4-speed big Dr. K. A. Danford Ken Pond 3168 Also Apartments and Business big motor, good tires and looks with Benjamin Moore paint won’t Physicians and Surgeon« FO REIG N EM PLO YM ENT, Ala.-ka. Hank Storm 3392 Locations. Ilk« MW. Only $1195 change to gold, but its new-found So. Ain., Africa, Arabia, Mexico, BERNARD EASTM AN Europe, etc. and jobs in U. S. $3,000 beauty will amaze you. . . . Your 1950 International !4-ton al 2643 Nyssa to $14.000, Fare Paid. Write, Job $1095 friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. 1 Only Real Estate — Insurance Communication Service, Box 398,1 13-tfc. 1950 International, 1-ton with stock Farm Loans Portland 7, Oregon. 25-4t. W AN TED —Trucking of any kind, rack $1395 L. A. MAULDING. M. D. M ISCELLANEOUS— Do you need 1949 Ford 'A-ton pickup, 4 speed except livestock. Dial 2190. Ez sez: An expert Is an ordinary Physirlan and Surgeon money to remodel your home or to trans., radio, heater. Runs like 13-tfc. guy — Who Is a long way from Dial 2216 build outbuildings or garage? We new. Only $945 21-tfc. home. Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 can arrange a loan for you and give FOR RE N T — New Clarke 8-inch RADIO and TELEVISION 1948 Chevrolet '/4-ton pickup, Daily Except Saturday and you up to three years to pay It. R SALE— 4 room modern house, floor sanders and 6-tich edger.; very nice $875 SERVICE Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc h nice lawn and shade trees, Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. 1947 Jeep pickup, very low Complete Radio Repair Service FOR RE N T — Apartment. Dial 6650 upped with gas. Dial 3914. milage $795 Tubes and Parts in Stock M ISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. 10- t fc .' or 3083 ai-tte Here comes color. A washable, rub­ Quick Service NYSSA MOTORS. Inc. berized finish for Interior walls and FOR R E N T—2-room furnished cab- : Work Guaranteed 5 ACRES FOR SALE Nyssa, Oregon Doctor trim. bedroom modern home with in, Chadwick camp. 4-tf. I JAKES RADIO and T.V .~ wood •covers most surfaces In one uni- ement, excellent location, good C. R. VAN PATTEN SHOP form coat. , garden, fruit trees, barn chicken FOR R E N T—Furnished and unfur­ Chiropractic Physician Ix>cated in W’iLson Bros. Drpt. Store •dries to a satin sheen In less than u?e, and other outbuildings. nished apartments. Dial 6669, Physiotherapist 11-tf. one hour. .700. Offices at 265 North Oregon W AN TED •twelve handsome colors all ready iYSSA INSU RANCE AGENC Y Ontario Phone 478 FOR R E N T — Furnished basement to use. Dead Animals Ralph G. Lawrence. Agent Apt. Lights and water furnished. Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. Removed Free. Nyssa, Oregon Dial 3130 23-tfc. Dial Nyssa 3947 START YOUR BETTER R S ALE — Fuller paints and wall FOR R E N T—Three room furnished Payette 670. HERD TO D A Y >er. Budget terms available. Fire- apartment. Full sized range, refrig­ Idaho Animal Products Co. ne Store. 2-tf. erator, home freezer, utilities furn­ Artifical Insemination to Sires ished. 112 Park Ave. 23-tfc. W AN TED — Highest pncea paid for proved in the top 2% o f each breed ---------------------- 1 FO R SALE slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, Ouernsey, Jersey, Hoi. Brown Swiss, room home, new oonstruc- FOR R E N T—Tw o 250-ton capacity- Milking short horn. Also 2 beef Across from 23-tf. phone 306, Ontario. ompletely modern, dining trench silos. Lloyd Lewis. Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc breeds. $7.50 per cow. No charge for ittached garage; very good FOR R E N T—Two and three room return service. Ray Bowns. New on K in g ave. $12.000, terms, furnished apartments. 15 Park ave. Plymouth, 4041. IN S T A L L YOUR OWN room modern home, F.H.A. Dial 6698 Everything furnished if DR. J. A. McFALL IDAHO PROVED SIRE TV A N TE N N A 22-tfc. Optometrist d, good location, corner lot. necessary. $35 and $40. DR. JOHN EASLY SEP VICE a n d MASTS treet, very nice yard. $9500.: FOR RE N T — Newly decorated ;?-tfc. Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon See "S M IT T Y " Eyes Examined grocery store with cold stor- apartment, 2 large rooms, shower, Phone 3914 kers. excellent location on furnished, reasonable. Stunz duplex. 502 N. Third Phon« 9-2312 ghway. Reasonable terms. Dial 7786. 24-2tC Iroom modern home, full DR. GEO. E. COBERN 718 Arthur St. W AN TED To trade I h. p. Century it, extra large lot well im- FOR R E N T —Three-room furnished EVENINGS B Y A P P O IN TM E N T $5.000, easy terms. East apartment, close In. H H Kingrey, W AN TED — Baby sitting. or lifh t motor for 1 3 or % h. p variable Caldwell, Idaho Nyssa Dial 6649 Dial 6684 S-tf house work Can Uve out Dial 898* speed motor. Inquire Gate City street. 24-2tp A IN SU RAN CE A G SN C T Journal 12-tf FOB R E N T Paint «prwj f un Fire- HI G. Uwrtac*. Ina* C m Journal Classified Ada. ilR fc. la SC Dtal <344 j R um iu rt MEL BECK—REALTOR I ani children vi-ited at the WUltam An­ derson home in Ontario Si unlay night. KEN POND““ “ ™ “ Dentists DR. C. M. TYLE R W ILS O N B U ILD IN G Dial 2771, Nyssa O ff'ce Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays, 8 to 12 J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Dial 2638 Sarazin Clinic Wanted For Rent Journal Classified Ads Pays Jewelry Stores Optometrists DR. C.W. CRAVES Wanted NYSSA OREGON DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dental Clinic 7th and Bower Dial 3311 Chiropractor Doctor EDGEL W WOOD Chiropractic Physician Colon and rectal treatments. Offiees at 2 Arradia Blvd. Nyssa Dial 3939 EDWIN W. OLDHAM, D. C. 101 East 1st St. Dial 3230 Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy Nyssa, Oregon Veterinarians NYSSA VETERINARY CLINIC Dr. B. E. Ross Dr. D R. Mason Large and Small Animals 407 Main St. Dial 2010 D r. Marvin M. Prenilcw Veterinary Surgeon Large and Small 216 W. Park Fh. 2341 New Plymouth. Idaho