THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON community, Mr Rosco* Kellogg NX hat s Lookie-ing for M odern Cooks and Mr> Gibson and, Sharon, of Nampa, were seri< usly injured in an accident when thc:r Phone ï-2769, l’irma car went into the borrow pit near Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Fort Morgan, Colo. Mr and Mr-. Dwight Seward and family were fol- Walter liâmes 74. a resident o f lowm* in another car but ’»ere n : Parma in the Apple Valiev commun- lnvolved ln ’ he accident. They were i;y for 41 year-, died at hi- home at to Kan' as ! attend ne fune- 5:20 Friday incrning after an illne-s ° ‘ ^ rs Seward’s mother. All fivt occupants of the vehicle are in the of over t wo years, Mr liâmes was born March 24, , , lospital at Fort Morgan Mr and 1879 at Warren.-burg. Mo., where he Mr ^ w a rd and Mrs Kellogg are resided until coming to Parma in in casts. Dr Kellogg left Sunday t. go to Fort Morgan to help bring the 1912. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. injured folk home Mr and Mrs. Virgil Seward came Caroline Iiames, and two sons, Wal­ ter Iiames, Jr., of Parma, and John from Half way, Ore , to help the Don Iiames of Reseda, Calif., and one Sewards with the extra chores, grandaughter, Carol Iiames of Cald- Mr and Mr-, eo Voght and twc well, three brothers and three sis- daughters of Waterloo, Io., were ters. houseguests o f the Ted Dicks last Funeral services were conducted week at the Lienkaemper funeral home, Mr and Mrs. Leo Vogt and Mr and Nyssa. at 2 o ’clock Tuesday, June Mrs. Orie Boles of Waterloo. Iowa 23. Burial was at the Parma ceme- Mr. and Mrs. Will Boles of Tacoma tery. Wa-h., and Mrs Dorothy Ho-ford Mr. and Mrs. Fred F: her, Mildred and daughter of Seattle, Wa-h . were Fisher of Portland and Dim Fisher Friday dinner guests at the Ted of Seattle, John Fi her and Miss Dick heme. Ruby Roach were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Stout took a guests at the home of Mrs. Martha sieht; eeing trip to Boise and up to S. Norland. Payette akes Sunday. John liâmes of Reseda. Calif., ar- Mr and Mr- Walter IL'kman of rived here Sunday evening. called Arena Valley and houseguests, Mr- home by the death of his father, Julia Howard and Mi-s Anna Seh- Walter Iiames. wover of ong Beach. Calif., aunts of Mr. and Mr-. Fr d Fi-her left Mrs. De-Loyd S himmel- and Mr- early Monday morning to take Don Ida Hickman of Dustin, Calif, grand- and Mildred Fi.-her to Portland. mother of Mr-. Schimmels, visited Mr. and Mr- John Lay from Den in the DeLoyd Schimmels home ver, Colo., have nvvpd into the Wedne day evening, small house belonging to Frank Mr. and Mr- Severct Fox. Mr. and Plagman. Mrs. Chas. McFarland and Mr. and Mr. and Mr-. John Sommars, Jr . Mr- DeLoyd Schimmels attended a and family of Nampa and Mr and hamburger fry and -quare dance at What the modern cookie maker needs is neatly framed in the photo­ Mrs. John Lay were Sunday dinner the Ross Crispino home in Nampa graph by a choice selection of cookies that require only two minutes gue-ts at the John Scmmars, S r . Sunday night. mixing time. Secret o f quick cookies is in the box of basic cookie mix, heme. Mr. and Mr-. B'-b Edison and fam- available at anybody’s grocery store. Just add water to the mix, and Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Her hey o f ilv of Fruitland and Mr. and Mrs. batter for old-fashioned Sugar Cookies is ready to spoon onto cookie California were Wednesday dinner CPyd Sample enj ved a picnic din- sheets for baking. gue-ts at the Jack Ree d home. Rev. ner al the Roy Wilker.-on Irm e, It’s simple to vary basic cookie mix by adding ingredients to make Hershey u id t be the paster here. Snuda: your fa' rit< i ed oats for Oatmeal C Mrs. Clarence Lanca- t r of Nv- \ Mr T ’-.nnuel Botner and Spice Cookies, and a package cn< k i> tlie equipment in the kitchen. In • rt Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kenne :th Saunders ant. i - guest p ik a: the Apple aie graduated size measuring cups for measuring liquid ar.d o ;. added i.\. redients. cm k.o cutters with a clean cutting edge, and g left on a trip to the eas t con-t. They V church Sunday, expect to be gone abou t a month. Mr. and Mrs. P-Loyd Schimmel axing snoots. A sturdy, good grade aluminum cookie i achieves the r:ght les ults Mr. and Mr-. A. S. S award of his were í lunday dinner guests xeshifts like baking cookies on t th e ___ inverted layer cake o roa st pans do not yield evenly biowiu baked c< kies Chixi.-e a cc ol sheet that allows at least an inch J more between the ends and s of the cookie sheet and the oven wall, This will avoi J Block 11 'A of h circulation, or cookies that arc darkt r 1 on the bottom than on the to h Dough mad« with ci n 1 cess f u ! 1y betv en slice ts of w j a boatd or n ! mg pin. Apple Valley »-SIM' FOR ALL YOUR DUSTING AND SPRAYING NEEDS, C a ll C o lle ri P a r m a 3-2311 c r N a m p a G-0C31 FOR PROM PT A N D E F F IC IE N T SE R V IC E F IE L D C H E C K C N R E Q U E ST Our pilots are experienced in low and slow flying. Using the very finest of equipment to insure complete coverage on ail types of crop foliage. Clark's Flying Service, Inc. Parma Nampa parental, T-ney Schimmel.- hi :ie. A P.T.A. exec:¡live meeting was held at the C. A. Eutcher h me Wed­ nesday evening c f last week Can­ ning committee- were chc-en and the ladies will be notified by phone. Rcfro hment.- c f punch and cake t was served by Air-. Butcher. Mr. and Mrs. O. c . Callison o f Roswell were Sunday afternoon visi­ tors athe F. y Rucker heme. Dale Morgan spent the week-end on a camping trip with the Boy Scouts at Starkey. Cub Sccut den 3 will start their swimming lessons at Caldwell this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B b Shippy at Seattle. Mrs. Cecil Scott is staying at the Boston home while they are away. Mrs. Jack Wilson and children and Mrs. Sara Miller attended the Shri- ner’s circus at Boise Thursday of THURSDAY. JUNE 2S. 1353 PAGE N IN I M f " ‘.<1 ' I r . \ | , i \ | ,,n^ .mil J e m and Wanda returned to their home Saturday from Morrison, Okla where they had been visiting Mr Long's parent.-. Mr and Mrs. Erne-t Lunger. Marie Sebum arrived Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Carl Seburn. She will remain Marie -sebum was a dinner guest m Nys.-a a week before leaving for Cheyenne, Wyo., where .-he will en­ at the W W Fo-ter home Wednes­ day evening. ter stewardess training. D ial 2M l Mr and Mr- Robert Runcorn and t >may and Mr and Mr- Ward Lun- d> Jr., and .-on.- had dinner Sunday everting at the East Side cafe in Ontario in honor of Father's day. Mr ..nd Mrs Ralph Murphy and family of Twin Falls are visiting a: the Harry Belles home Mr and Mrs. Lavern Cleaver and family fished at Beulah dam Sunday. M and Mr- LaVern Cleaver and family returned home Sunday even- :ng and Mr. and Mr- Geo Cleaver remained there and came home v . . nening with Mi LI wd Cleaver who fished there Monday. Mr and Mrs. Ward Lundy. Sr., and Carol Ann were Sunday dinner gue-t- at the Leonard Phillip- home ir Nys-a. Miss Barbara Tanner was a week- e” 1 guest at the home of her aunt, Mr- Ann Pratt, in Ontario. Ju:ru- Tanner visited Friday eve­ rt m r the home of his aunt, Mrs. Ann Pratt, in Ontario. Word ha- been received of the a f a .- m Friday to Mr and Mr Nod Campbell of Payallup. Wash., former re.-idents of thi- conrmunity. A picnic in h nor of Father’s day vas held Sunday in the park at Nys- i Th -e attending were Mr. and Mr- Silas Hoffman, Mr and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman and Clenda, Mr. ii’ i Mrs. Howard Day and Sandra. Mr- Jame- Ritchie and children. Mr. Mrs Claude Day and family, Mr. and Mr- K irold Robbins and daug- tor- and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day. Mr. and Mr Willis Bertram and Mr and Mr-. Thurman Hill fi-hed a: r ulah dim Sunday. Lucille B en- he day the Wil >n Hand Towel Saie Size 15x27— 1st Quality— 14 colors— Plain Colors, Gold, Light Green. Dark Green, Flamingo, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Salmon, Pink, Maroon. Designed Colors— Green, Yellow, Blue, Salmon, Red. — ..... — SU M M ER SKIRTS 60 Skirts, Values to 5.S5 S iz e 10 to 13 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and tic J hn McAlister ha- boon ill -> flu the past weok. Tanner and Den King fi-hed M ilheur re-erv »ir Friday and \V, was received of the birth ■ f a 'l ' Mr. and Mr-. Chub Aired a; O d n. They are former residents j f till- c mmunity. Chub is r. >.v ser­ ving in the Armv. Mr. and M rs.' Alva Gaodoll loft Wednesday night for Wray. Colo., where they were called bv the ser- , U ‘ io s of Mr- Goodell’s father. Mr Magnus Fknnger an 1 Mr- C'.r v d Sunday af- ternoon M the Delbert Cleaver home. Severn! from th!- community at- i tended the Bible sohoel program nt ‘ bo Methodi-t church in Nys.-a Fri- | dav evening Mr . James Ster.hen. Jr., wa- hos- ! te-s to the Chatterbox club W edne-•- d.av afternoon. R'-eer Rtenhen, who Just returned I h me from Gei :-gp F- x ccllrge, left Monday morning for Indian Reck 1 Lookout in tlie Whitman National i f rre.-t. rear Fate where he will erve as a lockout for the summer, i A'” Mart i N ot la ; nd Ray­ mond of Anple Vnllfy were Sunday evening dinner gue-ts .at the Eugene i Stenhen home. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Sr., and Eugene Stephen visited Thurs- G e t t hi s e x t r a s e r v i c e — at n o e x t r a cost ! More: vacation pla ygrg ' j nd si More national parks, lilies, hi-.lori- spots ,n all 111 states, Canada and Mexico can be reached b> Grey- hound. J*' » V ... n e t ho : : l rtservations ! Grey­ hound as ill arrange for hotel ac- eoniniodaiions ahead of t.nic . . . at no extra charge! ii « 0 > - '- r V.P. 'J. SPECIAL SIGHTSEEING TTI1FS! Grey- hound will plan exciting trips to points of interest along the — ay. G rey h o u n d 's " V a c a - lion Planning S e n iie " of firs you dozens of Pre-Planned I ours to choose from. Featured are many loti-cost tours to popular t aco- lion atlrailions thruout America. See your Greyhound agent for com plete information. “ IBRJ” SERVICE! Many Grey- hounds take you straight thru . , . no changes . . . no transfer of baggage ...sam e seat all the way — at no cxira tost! I IKïüpfi i « la -t wee,:. Mr. and Mrs. D n R. b.r f Wei-er visited at the Archie Deer, rh It me Sunday. Mr-. Iiobie is the mother f Mr Dc er-ch. J in G riffin - f Grot!.: v. ed a: the Ge >ra ■ GrTfin home Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Henry A tebery or Weiser were Sunday . up; er guests at the Gone H nev home. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H itch and Helen and Phillip o f Big Bend were Sunday dinner guests at the Tcm Fergu. on heme. The C A. Butcher family had Jots of company th- past week. Mr. and Mr-. Cre-s Jack-on and daughter of Burnt River. Ore., were Tuesday overnight guests, Mr. and Mrs. Mr-. B u'-her’ it-ter. Mr- Bill Pad­ Claude Hinklev o f Cottonwood were gett and her hu.-band and children guests Wednesday and Thursday and of Caldwell were visitors Sunday. h ?» ~ liki RüüWÛ IdIP Yellowstone S18.20 Canadian Rockiès (Cal ary). $40.15 Colorado (Denver) $32.35 California (Los Angeles) $34.15 New York City $90.85 Utah Parks (Cedar City) $27.85 (Grand Canyon-Zion- Bryce) Plus Tax GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT 511 Main Thone 9912 . . answer Chevrolet trucks m ust be the h ' h«ty! i J m r i Hi) _____ ■ J l ‘f r r 4 i / Leather Palm— Leather extends down Fleet operaiers, farmers, indopondenf truckers — truck users everywhere — buy more Chevrolets than any other make. There can be only one reason for that: Chevrolet trucks offer more of what you wr»n*. Back of Fingers. Short Gauntlet..... Pair As the official registration figures keep roll­ ing in, they keep telling the same positive story about truck popularity and truck value: Again in 1953, for the twelfth straight pro­ duction year, truck buyers show a clear-cut and decisive preference for Chevrolet trucks. If you’re a truck user, this fact is mighty W E GIVE TV TICKETS Dry Goods Clothing Shoes Miss M.tliU- Hurtles of Olympia. Wash, arrived Saturday to spend two weeks visiting in Nyssa at the home of her brother and sister-in- law. Mr and Mr- Henry Hartley. w * WORK GLOVE for Portland where she will attend summer school at Lewis and Clark college This fall, she will enter Ore­ gon medical school for laboratory technician training. Alan returned home recently after spending two week- in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Xrthur Cartwright visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Yibert Kesler were day evening at the Le ter Norland dinner guest- last Sunday at the 3. h me in Wilder. P Bybee home. I $2 m Donna Jean Cheldrlin left Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and three sons of Lebanon, have been guest- of Grace Wilsons’s parents, Mr. and Mr- W W Foster While here they were dinner guest- of Mr and Mr-. R T Sager, Mrs M L Kurtz o f Adrian. Mr. and Mr- O-oar Bratton and Mr and Mr- Meildean Robbin- They left Ny.-.-a Thursday for their home On the way they planned to visit Mr. and Mr- Ken­ neth Elliot, a sister of Mr Wilson’s at Baker and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wil-on at Yakima Ï.'here's only one. BRACKEN ’S j ined M: and Mrs Lyle Fullmer of Twin Falls and they fished at I-land Park and toured Yellowstone to­ gether. .Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunn and Vr. and Mr- Herbert Bergam went to Boi-e last Thursday to a Ha life rafter T. V school and sales meeting They enjoyed dinner together after the meeting. LOCAL NEWS Buena Visla Mrs. \lv a O oodrll BRACKEN'S X-Ray Shoe Fitting important to you. Why7 Well, as you know, trucks arc built and bought for just one reason—to do a job. So isn’t it logical then that since Chevrolet trucks outsell all others, they must do a better job at lower cost? That’s why it will pay you to stop in and see us before you buy your next truck. MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN A N Y OTHER MAKE! Y O U R Q U A L IT Y S TO R E Nyssa, Or agon 420 MAIN NYSSÀ MOTORS NYSS A. OHE. DIAL 2 m m .V.