THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. PAGE EIGHT [DONALD DUCK By W a lt Disney The Week's I!u Acres News HI F O L K S / I'M H ER E TO ASK YOU TO GIVE GENEROUSLY TO TH E F I G H T A G A IN S T C A N C E R / M A K E Y O U R C O N T R IB U T IO N TO TH E A M E R I C A N CANCER S O C IE T Y F v O THURSDAY. JUNE 25. 1953 Farmerettes flub Mr and Mrs. J. H. Preston and Bob Blakesley left fcr Twin FalL> af- | ^t*r spending several weeks visiting 1 the Harry Wood and Frank Pretton homes Bob left a few days later for California where he will undergo further hospitalization. Mr and Mrs. J. T Martin had a gathering of old friends at their home Sunday in honor of their visit ing daughters. Visiting at the G. E Pulsipher home Sunday afternoon were Polly Ballard of Parma. Deanna and Eve lyn Evans, Mrs. H E Sager and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wild of Pay- V ette. discu sed and hospital gowns to be sewed for the Malheur Memorial ho'p.tal in Nyssa were taken by sev eral members. Hostesses were Mrs. Bessie Cary and Mrs Emma Orcutt. Richard Jenkins ¿.ad dinner at the heme of his mother, Mrs. G E Pulsipher, Monday. S.F.C. James Johnson and family from Fort Lewis has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob John son. Members of tne Do More 4-H club met at the Community hall Friday night for their fun night. They played softball until dark and then held a meeting to discuss what rec reation they were going to have the remainder of the summer. The pro program to be given at the county picnic was rehearsed and Bob Thom son led them in some new games he had learned at short course. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of Nys sa visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. E Pulsipher at their home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hann have been entertaining Mr. Hann’s sister, her husband and son from Gordon. Neb Mr. and Mrs. O^car Samuels re turned h< me Monday evening after visiting relatives in Kin.-as and Mis'ouri. Mrs. J. T Martin and daughter were guests of Mrs. Tom Lyda Fri day. She took them to Bci e Middleton, Meridian and N.imp.t Terry and Warren Montague traveled to Boise Friday to soe the Shrine circus on the trip sponsored by the business men of Payette | county. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr', Bob Johnson is their daughter, Mrs. Rite Bally, and her daughter trom Portland. Nonme will stay to ;>end the summer with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson. Mrs. Ravena Carlson and sons, Larry and Le Roy, of Denver and Mrs. Marilyn Lynch and children. Steven and Marsia of Springfield, Ore. were guests of Mr. and Mis. i J. T. Martin this week. all returned home Monday. The Farmerettes club met at the Ralph and Billy McCracken ac ts mpumed Mr'. Geo. Bi-'endorfer hall Wedne-day afternoon with 15 when she returned from Salt Lake member.' and three children pres City last week Their parents plan ent. Plans for making a quilt were Mrs. George Morler to come after the boys this week-end. Dial 2733 Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson and their grandson, Gary and D nnie, Four men from this community spent lii't week-end in Twin Falls. left l.i-t Friday night for National They left Friday and returned hone Guard camp at Ft. Lewis, Wash. M They were Dim BowFrs. Fred Mit Mr. and Mrs K. I Peterson and chell. Don Bullard and Gerald Zit- Donna visited at the Wm. Toomb ♦eTcob home Thursday evening. Jack Schenk is in the Nyssa hos Mrs Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. Wm pital after having suffered a heart Tiximb attened the Ladie- Pinochle attack last week. club held at the home of Mrs. Ruben Mrs George Hast and infant Graham Friday afternoon. daughter. Carla May. returned from A1 Th nip n and Mrs. Herschel the Ny.-v'j hospital Monday of this Thompson and two boys visited with week her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earp. Mr and Mrs. George Moeller and of Emmett one day last week. daughters left Saturday for a Leon Price of Brogan visited with month's vacation in Arkansas. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr and Mrs. Otis Bullard return Price Sunday. ed Friday from spending a week at Visiting at the A1 Thompson home TRUCKS their cabin at McCall. Sunday were his brother and wife. Visiting ince Tue-day at the .Jay Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thompson < 1 Warner home were Mr. and Mr- Emmett. Howard Anderson and four children Mr and Mi-'. Orland White and of Hibbings, Minn. daughter of Ontario visited at the Mrs. Jim Crummit and children Raymond Price heme Sunday after of Boi>e spent Sunday at the Jay noon. Warner home. Visitors at the F. P. French home Bible school began Monday, June Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James 22 at the Arcadia school home and Gray from Senica, Mis- Gayle R 'it will continue through Friday, June ers of John Day. Mr and Mrs. Clar 26 ence Bard of near Cairo Junction, ; delivered Johnny Tucker and E Wright of their daughter, Mrs. DorLs Holaday, I John Day were Sunday visitors at and her three daughters, Virginia, locally the Jay Warner home Patty and Barbara from Ukiah and A picnic was held Sunday at the Mi'S Doris Hasegau of Cairo Junc Norman Hlpp home honoring Mrs. tion. In the group was Mr. French's Lawrence Carlson and son, Larry, oldest daughter, oldest granddaugh- of Kent, Wash Those present be- ter and oldest great-granddaughter. sides the honored guests were the -------------------------- John Irby family and the Royce Irby SALAD DRESSING 105 HI’ Valve-in-head Fngine • 8.0 to 1 Com« family of Payette, the Joe Logsdon ’■* cup ice water pression Ratio • “ 6-Footer” Cab • 45-Ampere lamily of Baker. Mrs. Kia-le and h cup nonfat dry milk solids Generator • Double-Acting Shock Absorbers Gordon and the Norman Hipp fam 1 3 cup commercial or homemade j salad dressing ily • Recirculating Ball-Bearing Steering • Self- 2 teaspoons sugar Visitors during the week at the Energizing Brakes • Synchro-Mesh Trans \ teaspoon salt George Hust home were Mrs Minnie 1 8 teaspoon dry mustard White f P.iM tte Mr Jhn Daniel' mission • 6-I‘lv Heavv-Dutv Tires. Da-h cayenne pepper and children of Weiser atul Mrs Dm 2 tablespoons lemon juice or other Coriell of Boise. • M o d e l 101 22. D U A l- R \ N G t TRUCK HYDRA M A T IC ond other optional The Harold Houston family atul tart Juice equipment, accessories, state and local taxes, if any, additional. Prices Place Water In small bowl. Add , Mr anil Mrs. Ben Houston drove to m ay vary jl .jhfly in c ng commen t es due to shippinQ c h a rp M * Weiser Tuesday to attend the fun nonfat dry milk solids and beat with eral of Hank Shaw Mrs. Ben Hou a rotary beater until smooth and All p ric e s subject to c h a n g e without notice. ston went on to Council to spend a thick. This takes about 10 minutes ■vith a hand operated beater. Add few days. Mrs. Harold Houston, Peggy and other ingredients and blend well. Tom came h me from Eugene, where Chill and serve on salad. Makes 1 2ND AND GOOD \\ I NI I NYSSA, OREGON Tom had attended school this past cup. term. Around Arcadia their h e m s - at 19 S 3rd street Mr. viiere they called cn cld friends. At Portland. T.m a l. a b. '.her of Mr- G L. a. .'e they took the children to Julia Mr Frank Preston and Mr. unJ S01-th of Ny .-a. Davis park. Mrs. Clyde Denning of Parma re Mr. and Mrs. Maylin Maxfield and Horace Wood is now attending the turned Thursday from San Leon-iro family returned la.'t Sunday after Air Force National Guard encamp where they were called by the un spending three weeks in Salt Lake expected death of their three year City and Southern Utah. ment at Boise. The Grange gave a potluck dinner cld niece and granddaughter. Eld red Irving Is visiting at the Bob Thomsen, Don Hutchinsen home of h i' parent'. Mr and Mr' E. f r the community June II. The play, “Tubaccy Road with Detours,” was and Marilyn Cary returned home W. Irving before leaving to spend again presented. The Evans family Wednesday after spending the last the summer in Canada He has been -ang the Crow Song. M i s s Phyllis five days at 4-H shert course in Mos attending the University of Oregon at Eugene. Evans was presented with a scholar- cow. Rev. and Mrs. Austin J. Hollings Corynne Fry returned re 'hip to Boise Junior college. After the meeting the members had a cently from a week's trip to Salt worth arrived home last Thur-day following a two weeks vacation. Mrs. charivarie for the George Pulsiphers. Lake City. Shirley Loe has ended her visit John Schoenwald and daughter, George obliginly wheeled his new Darlene of Vale accompanied them. wife through Nyssa streets in a little with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan red wagon and then treated the Bob Johnson and has returned to Doyle at Naples. Idaho; Mr and. her home at Cornilus, Ore. crowd. Mr^. R A Lyford at Kallispell, The Do-Mcre 4-H club attended Montana, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Living Miss Jean Evans has been enter taining her cousin, Babe Evans from the County 4H picnic at Payette ston at Plains, Montana and toured Saturday. They contributed a song the Glacier National Park. They Nampa all week. The 4-H girls enrolled in cooking by Kenneth Keck and a short skit, returned by way of Payette Lakes projects met at the home of their "Weather or Not,” to the entertain where they spent some time Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Field are in leader, Mrs. Olive Thomson. Thurs ment. Slaterville, Utah, where they went day afternoon. The girls cooked and to attend the furenal of Mr. Field’s practiced judging. Mrs. Thomson LOCAL NEWS father. erved refreshments. Mr. and Airs. Robert Timson of Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. Mrs Frank T. Johnson recently Tacoma Wash, former Nyssa res and Mrs. Ray Strickland were Rev. vent to the veterans hospital in idents have moved to Nyssa to make and Mrs. Austin Hollingsworth. Get a red See what you get! Thank You Your T.V. DEALER, Peterson Furniture Co. 121 Main St. Mr anc Mr 1 1 IVl"Ctt and their tvs use --u, f Her schei h mi . day i ‘venii Thomp When ’u './ina S.l 1 tf rs ret lim «-1 from l or mo and íi t e r . Mr- Ven Salte i Evelyn ClIrant. returned . Dn Wedm they all V Korinewt c k . Wash., to see M d a u ilhter. Mr> IV tori' s: irp I eturrted T hur> - day Mi Slu r; )mp.inuHi them home Mr Al/.:ru S. vas ope- rated on Frida y le Ori tarlo •me home pita! 8h( WA.' Tuesd it \ lier m ; hi Ile M V« and K .'l\ li >me i ■ M Mit Mr- 1) o v : icraft Mr Wm. H E ( roc tend t' Toomi at the h me t' !f Mrs Herb Th ornas e l H-. 1 Bond Di.>txle t T ne day af- temoon Mrs Wna. T\lomb and Mr U i Mr and Cliff B. a mont calle I Kenneth A N i Plymouth Sundav afternoon. M: day morning at the home of her par ent.«. Mr and M D I, Hurst She came to be with her mother, who un- I drrwent surgery at the Nyssa hos pital Tuesday Mr Hurst was able 4o return to her home Saturday Mrs Weeks who Is from Mirtle Creek Ore., plan.' to st.u until her mother Is tip and feeling better Mr and Mrs Art Spark and Dick attended an Evans reunion In Cald well Sunday This affair Is held each year in honor of Mr' Spark'1 moth er’* relative' Those from this community who • r Inn held a Otvn Hot Sprint Sun day »' Mis Her !u l 'I .onip 'll • a id D i •• \ Bvrtle Carl.» n 1«'!' I- .o'.a f Naples, Ida *>• III w fe • 4 family wh hid >e«n v ii n- her tt-Hhcr Ut the pa. t two weeks They » YOL/Â W S fi 1 Nyssa, Ore. P.S. WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS WITH T.V. SETS, TOO For T.V. Installation Dial 3211 G/V£S H fcm e / ïj T.V., T.V.! That's all you h ear these days! There a re more stories going around than you can shake a DX Range finder at. If this keeps up, in time we a re going to com e close to blowing a fuse. AUDIO LOCK, QUITE ZONE SOUND, AUTOMATIC PICTURE LOCK, ETC. 53 different Models to choose from—ADMIRAL, BENDIX AND STROMBERG-CARLSON. ROBCRTS-NYSSA, Inc. Mm. Ed B a n rtt Dial 2181 Dear Public: W e are AUTHORIZED FACTORY SALES and SERVICE for ADMIRAL, BENDIX and STROMBERG- Carlson . . . SO BE SURE, BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR T.V. SET, TO SEE T.V. in YOUR OWN HOME. 1763.86 Kingman Kolony June 25, 1953 Just in case you haven't heard, our MOBILE T. V. UNIT is a pick-up with a T. V. MAST and ANTENNA in stalled on it. W e are here to give you the finest service that you can receive anywhere. A 1953 Gi'AC Pickup at $ Nyssa, Oregon Honest folks, if you want to see a T. V. set in your home, just come in and pick out your choice of any of our 53 different models that we have for you to choose from. W e will get our MOBILE UNIT out to vour heme and YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT T.V. WILL DO IN YOUR OWN HOME (without any obligation on your part). jyj / / V Æ: for PETERSON FURNITURE CO. B/GGBR N/CfC£i Y/GH-COST-OF-i/V/NG . ere aren't m any tilin gs yen buy tnat give such a " b i q n ic k el's w o rth " as your electric service. W h a t 's a n ic k e l's worth of electricity? A t Idaho Power C o m p a n y 's low electric rates, it's e n o u g h to cook an entire meal fcr a fam ily cf four or five. A n ickel's worth of electricity will run y c u r radio for 3C hours, it will light an average hom e all eve n ing cr r - ? r e * v s the feed in y c u r refrigerator for th ro ? d '^ s . Yes, electricity gives people a bigger nickel's worth — and the people who live in Snake River valley have one of the biggest bargains of all! Household electric rates in the Idaho Power service area remain 35°o below the national average. Use all the electricity you want— it's one of your best buys today! I D A H O ? P O WE R T ù’c t'tuuùj Does So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE1