THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 25. 1953 Uncial JVrtitiitics J o n e s -N on tin Rites Performed & A br.Je - f Wednesday afternoon was M:-s Shirley Nolan, daughter of Mr atid Mr> Irl W Nolen. who*, wedding to Charles H Jones was solemnized at the Meth dist enurch Rev. Vern Taylor officiated Mr Jones is the son of Mr> J.r.e- o f Garibaldi, Ore. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dressmaker suit of Botany blue flannel, with white accessories, and carried a bouquet of ptnk carnations and white rose.-. Miss Evelyn Duddridge was ma d of honor and wore a yellow linen suit with white accessories Per-hing Taylor, o f Garibaldi was best man. Miss Laura Schenk played the wedding marches and accompanied Mrs. Royce Chadwick who sang. “God Gave Me You." Assisting with the reception, which followed the ceremony, were Mrs. Jack Atkeson of Boise; and Miss Schenk, who cut the cake. Mrs. Don Jensen and Miss Glenda Ward of Baker, who served the punch and Mrs. Grace Hanson o f Prineville, who had charge o f the gift table. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Thornqulst o f Corvallis, grandparents o f the bride; Mr and Mrs. Roy Nolan and W illiam Allison o f Vale, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Pershing Taylor, Jimmy Wakeman, Mrs. Jones and Robert Jones, all of Garibaldi. A fter a -her; wedding trip to P a y­ ette Lake-, the couple will be em­ ployed this summer at the Bear Val­ ley Ranger Station near Canycn City. In September, they will return to Corvallis where Mr. Jones recently commissioned second lieutenant in the United States Army, will finish ¡as education at Oregon state col­ lege. — Photo by 3thoen Portraits Val Child Marries Canadian Girl O f interest this week is the mar­ riage of Val Dee Child, -on af Pres, and Mr.v Arvel Child and M i . m M ar­ ion Yvonne Vanderv. ort, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Vanderwoort c f Bellville, Ontario. Canada. They were married in an afternoon cere­ mony June 5 in the Idaho Falls tem­ ple by Pres. William Kilpack. A hon. ring the couple wa- given in the Ny a stake house. The bride received guests in a tra­ ditional white gown of over ta f­ feta with a peter pan collar and vri t length p-int'oe sleeves. The full length skirt featured lace in­ sert Her fingertip veil was held in place by an open tiera. She carried a bouquet of red rosebud-. Miss Nani J y Child vas maid of honor. She wore a pink frock of brocade organdy and carried a bou­ quet of pink and white roses. Howard Flanary was best man. Mother cf the bride, Mr Vander- woort wore a two piece linen dress with white accessories and a corsage c f talisman noses. Mrs. Child wore .a model of white linen with blue ac- ces:cr:es and a red rc tbud cor age. During intermission a program va given with President Fred 31a’ ker cf Ontario as master of cerem .lies. Numbers included a quartet by Lynn, Keith, Reed and Ardeen Child, brothers of the groom; duet, “ I ’ve Searched the World for You" written by Mrs. D. O. Bybee and sung by Mrs. Frank Pike and Nanette Bybee trio, Nani Child, Nanette Bybee and Ellen Hunter and a reading by Mrs. El vcod Flinders. Jo Rae OUen of Morgan, Utah had charge of the guest book. Mrs. Glenn Peterson, Mr . Hubert Christene=n and Mr- Sam Lemon had charge cf of the gifts, assisted by Reona Chris­ tensen, Virginia Sander , Caolyn Nakashima and Judy Olsen. Wedding cake and punch were served by Mrs. Hugo Ol-en, Mrs. Leen Child, Mrs. Ersel Beus, Mrs. Pat Williams and Mrs. Marvin W il­ son. The couple honeym-oned at A l­ turas Lake. Idaho and are making their home in Idaho Falls un­ til this fall, when Mr. Child will con- tine his studies at the B Y U at Provo, Utah. ;|ì) k ®¡Food Sills Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bum pas cele- b:.. a Uie,r ooth wedding anniver- ..ry at their heme at 623 N. 6th in A. ¡ a. A dinner party was given with places laid for 19 gue-ts. Centerpiece for the table was a three tier wed­ ding cake decorated with gold bells, and a large be uouct of flowers wired to them from Chicago. Guests included Mr. and Mr-. M. A. Sullivan and five children of P a r­ ma: a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Miles, and daughters, Louise and Jessie, o f Caldwell; another daughter and Mrs. A. J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mr.-. Carrie Fox of Apple Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilde and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilde. Two sons. Duward o f Chicago and Durland Bumpas of Pitt, burg were unable to attend. Shopping Regularly at M & W MARKET Cuts Down Your Food Bills — Cuts 'Em W ay Down . . . Because W e Make Every Price a Low Price Every Day. That Means Savings all Along Your Food O rd?r... Savings That Really Add up Quickly Because There are More of Them. And What's More — You Save with Your Satis­ faction Guaranteed on Every Purchase Because W e Feature the Famous Brands You Prefer for Finer Quality and Good-tasting Goodness. FROZEN ice Cream FOODS SPECIAL Tw o circles of the W.S.C.S. o f the Methodist church met Thursday a f­ ternoon. Mrs. George Coleman entertained members of the Dorcas circle at her heme. Mrs. L. E. Robbins and Mrs. Merildean Robbins had charge of the devotions and program. They were presented in the form o f a play about the United Nations. Plans were made for a picnic for members and their husbands the last of July. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Zora Osborn and Mrs. Oscar Kurtz. Carolyn Lcwe, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs Ralph Lowe, celebrated her ixth birthday Monday with a party at her home. She had 13 little guests. Miss Lowe received many lovely gifts. 59c Jumbo Qts. hand dioped LEMON ADE A hot weather treat 4 for 59c Mr. and Mrs. C liff Mink enter­ tained members o f their Mr. and Mrs. bridge club Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson as guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle won high and the Wilsons wen sec­ ond. .;._ Tuesday Bridge Club Meets Members o f the Mr. and Mrs. Tue.-day evening bridge club met at the E. A. Liming home. Three tab!: were in play. High score was won by Mrs. Harold Brendle and second high by Dr. John Ol-en. Bridge Partv Given lit J 'M 'r * « f t pas*el g' f o s 5 c Double-dip Cones Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Millard Giant Size Canned Meats Spaghetti Wilson's A real value Franco-American No. 1 size ^ . Z IOr Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wilson en­ tertained at a bridge party Wednes­ day night with four tables in play. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson won high; Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings won second high and Mr. and Mrs. — Photo by Schoen Portraits Edward Boydell won low. ❖ —* Their corsages were of carnations Coffee Hours and roses. Six women were hostesses at Civic A program was given at intermiss­ club coffee hours this past week to ion with Don Bishop as master of raise funds to meet the club's pledge ceremonies. Those taking part in­ cluded June Hartley, Phildon Huff- for library benefit, according to Mrs. aker. Jr . Becky Brough. Keith Stok­ Bert Lienkaemper, chairman of the er. Lloyd Poulson, Dale Sessions and project. Mrs. Don M Graham and Mrs. Kay Ballantyne. Mrs. Laurence Brown was in Lloyd Wilson entertained with cof­ charge o f the gue-t book and Mrs. fee hours at their respective homes Keith Woo ley and Mr- Norman Thursday and Mrs. Louie Attebery Garner had charge of the gift tables. was a Friday hoste- Mrs, Dick F jr - M rs Richard Maw and Ilene Patter­ be- and Mr-. Campbell Baer were son cut the cake and poured the co-hostesses at a social afternoon punch. Monday and Mrs. Leonard Hewctt The bride attended EOCE and entertained Wednesday morning. graduated ft m BYU at Pr The Mr Lienkaemper L- keeping a c m* c< ¿pie * iii make theu hon.« o* Ltt:;, pee t !> t I ' * rafereu< e •.J * r y Ctoii. hostess Wkshjftg to call h«r. 4 for Clear Water PICKLES Del Monte Special Dill 24-oz. 2 5 lbs. Picket's colored bag Sundav Night Bridge Club Meets at Minks atid Becky Brough were bride - TV SNACKS 69ç Doz. . . 1 5 C 10-oz. pkg. * Carolvn Lowe Honored . r ana 1» : r. Kelly. Kay Bail .n- Friday and Saturday Sunfreze Special POLOR PEAS 4 for Bakery Special W.S.C.S. Circles Meet * [r. and Mrs. Paul S Willis were ored at a wedding reception ■n June 11 at the Nyssa stake se. Paul Willis is the son of Mr. Mrs. Stephen Willis of Lehi, h and Mr- Willis is the former •ion Ballantyne, daughter of Mr Mrs Leslie C. Ballantyne. hey were married June 9th .n the ) S Temple at Salt Lake City, he bride wore an original model rhite nylon tulle and lace with a floor lenght skirt and short ves. She carried a bouquet of t and white carnations. Ir- Keith St- k> r va matr n of Easier to Pay Prices Effective Thursday - Friday-Saturday— June 25,26, 27 50th Wedding Anniversary Hn-iored bv Couple Members of the Mary and Martha , circle met at the home o f Mrs. Dick Richey. The missionary program was given by Mrs. Anna Johnson. The rest o f the afternoon was spent •working on articles for the fall bazaar. Mrs. Dick Richey was assisted in serving by Mrs. Alvin S utliff and Mrs. Houston Wilson. . and Mrs. Paul llis Honored PAGE FIVE All Cuts of Beef on Sale this Week Come from the Polio Steer Purchased at Auction by M & W Market from Walt Roth Round Steak Sirloin Steak CHUCK ROAST Grade AA u. 69< Grade AA Grade AA u . 43 < DAIRY MONTH SPECIAL \ r N CANNED MILK Large size 4 for 57p MARKET & é o. life li M aia ai 1k« " T A ll Brands m Case of 48 can* * N rm * . 'We Give TV Tickets' $6.79