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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1953)
THURSDAY. JUNE 25. 1353 T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . \1 cry and their so: l and his wi O t fe i Cinger jellied Salads Are Tempting - ' U r i rA v U l i j j M '.¿erri' V e in . ■ t the -eal p: item i» w - ¿ V - ■i a s.nnlat'd tli.n; • therwise could son. Paul, made a surprise i be In the therapeutic diets, where • M : :ncry hcir.e. W 4 * Modern |*ione<*r ( lub Lois Counsil empha-.s is n pi- tein, nonfat Tuesday member- of the Owyhee dry mhk -eld. i.- the economical Dial *135 Dial 2139 Ward went in and put up Way:-. ? answer. I Garner's hay. as he is unable to do Nonfat dry milk ¿.-lids contains J. i\ P at > .¡:g daughter of Mr The Sun-e: V-iiie;. & club the work He had a spinal operation 8 per cent calcium Formerly it was Mrs Gene Pratt, received a se- met at the h- me c f Paul Knotting- earlier this year. B tter meals at lower cost are thought that calcium was needed Mr. and Mr LaDell Ether:neton cut in her head Wednesday ham June 20 There were nine mem wi; u every homemaker, re.-taureaior, prunarily in the formative years. was cut b> a hoe, but is recov and children. Barbara and Albert, bers, two guests and the leader pres and institution manager is eekmg Now it ,s e-tablt-hed that it is ur ering nicely. ent. The next meeting will be post of Ogden, are on a trip and stopped : ‘day Nonfat dry m.ik -olid- en- gently needed at all time.- of life for poned a week, and will meet on July in for a day at the home of his si-ter The bookmobile stopped Friday a. .es each of them to -erve foods building and maintaining bone- and 11. This is to be stock inspection and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. m rmng to meet the 12 children ■Efferent enough to be mtere-ting, teeth. day. Each member is to have his George Folkman. rtiding from this community. enough to be appealing, low Not only ribolavin, but all of the his or her animal in -how-shape ex The Nazarene missionary meeting B.lly Mammon was clawed badly cost enough to be irre-istible. water-soluble vitamins o f milk are cept fer clipping, but they should be was held Thursday afternoon at the and bitten Sunday by a dog at the Nonfat dry milk solids is one of a component part of nonfat dry milk brushed and washed if necessary. h^me of Mr and Mr- E J Hobson. the Gene Pratt home Mrs. Pratt had the least expensive and most con achds. The.-e include niacin, thia Have them tied or in a pen ck>-e to Mr ia d Mr- e J Hobeon ate taken her and Billy to Sniv centrated sources of protein, calcium mine. pantothenic acid, and pyridox- the house. There will not be time to Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs e l 's for a swim and had Just re- and riboflavin It Ls remarkably uni vnt. It is an important staple ingredi go to pastures to see them Every James Langley. turned home when the dog bit Bally form in composition, and therefore ent for every kitchen. It requires- no one is to meet at Fred Babcock's Mr and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and as the boy attempted to pet him a reliable source of the nonfat milk refrigeration and has excellent keep home at 11 o ’clock and bring a sack family. Mr and Mr.- Max Sweeney ing quality It is convenient and easy Gone Pratt has purchased a hay- solids. lunch. The tour will end at the home of Adrian and Mr and Mrs. John taler and started to put it in use. More than one-third cf nonf-v to u-e in cooking and baking— is of Stanley Mills. Timmerman, Jr., had a wiener roast Forest Hardman and Lee Saxton dry nnlk solids is a complete milk .-unply mixed or sifted with other The Pleasant Hour met with Mrs. at the Timmerman home. have a partnership on a hay baler. protein—capable of maintaining life ingredients. For Father's day there was a fam Amelia Fyllingness June 18. eight Mr and Mrs Roger Norland and and supporting growth This milk ladies were present. Mrs. Harold ily picnic held at the Owyhee dam sen- spent Sunday evening at the protein has a "bonus'' value—it e f Oklahoma is the windiest state in Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fyllingness was co-hostess. Martha Norland home in Apple Val- fectively supplements cereal protein the U. S. George Reed and their children and Capt "R ed" and Mrs Fosterman and their children o f the Army Air their families, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Mr and Mrs Jake Borge and fam- ' Force in Texas, and Mr and Mrs Reed and family. Buck Reed, Mr ily and Mrs. Sanley Hill. Nancy and George Eichner were guests of Lt. and Mrs. Claude Wilson and family, David attended the Cub Scout pack and Mrs. E. E. Cloninger last week. Mr and Mrs. Pete Wilson and David picnic at Givens Hot Springs Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Distler o f They were former C.C.C. boys when > A large group was In attendance &■ Lt. Cloninger was in charge of the California. Mr and Mrs. M L Kurtz and Mr Verne Alvin and Harold Cash of camp here, 16 years ago. Many in and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz picnicked in the valley will remember them as Portland were overnight gue-ts Fri the Parma park Sunday. day night at the S. E. Flanagan being on the C.C.C. ball team Charles and Grace Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crow spent the home. Mr and Mrs Rav Leppier of Wap- family of Nyssa called at the M. L fi! week-end with her parents, Mr. and Ginger Jellied Tuna Salad and Dudley Kurtz homes Monday Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. ato. Wash., were week-end guests at 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin 1 tablespoon lemon juice Crow are attending summer school the home of Her.schell Gregg. They Mr and Mrs. Dick Kriegh and cup coid water arp the grandparents of th" Gregg at LaGrande. 'hildren spent several days last week cups hot pale dry ginger ale Marion Gregg and his daughter, children. 'n Buhl and Pocatello visiting fri cup diced, peeled apples teaspoon salt Mr. and Mrs. T-m Distler of Sac Susan, of Corvallis, Mont., were end and relatives. cup broken walnut meats guests of his mother, Mrs. Annie ramento. C a lif. have been visiting The Adrian Livestock 4-H club this week with her sisters, Air-. P en Gregg, the first part of the week. Sprinkle gelatin on cold water. Dissolve in hot pale dry ginger ala \dd me: at the H D McKinley home Mrs. Leland Montg mery returned Wilson and Mrs, Claude Wil r. her cult and lemon juice. Chill until consistency o f unbeaten egg white Fold Monday afternoon with their lead home from a visit with her sisters brother-'. Clarence, and Buck R^ed. in tuna, apples and walnuts. Spoon into la>g» ®ohl which has '»■•rj ers Mrs William Toombs and Mr- in the Ogden vicinity last Tuesday and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. rinsed in cold water. Chill until set. Unmold •• «hicory. Makes * Vr R. D McKinley A livestock tour f evening. She had gone there the George Reed. S . e i ' jngs. inspection was discussed ar.d James Terrv Flanagan went with the Thursday before While -he was gone McKinley showed four of his young ,\i Mr. Montgomery'- brother and hi- re t of th? N’. ' a Jur cr League Saturday. The Ny.-sa team wen 7-1. Mrs. Scott and children . f heifers. « wife, Mr. and Mr Hugh Mor.tgem- b a -'b a ’.l t°am to plav in J ltn Day They will play Tuesday with Ontario. B :i ? were supper guests Sunday cf Mrs. George DeHaven took her Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis J-H Garden club members to visit ' and children, formerly of the v alley, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick, Mr. the hothouse in Nyssa Monday. Dale You can add many hours of life to your tractor’s new as Mosier, Wash., were here and Mr.-. George Folkman and Mr. track-roller lioarmg- if you lubricate tin ,a r, from Tuesday to Saturday for a visit and Mrs. Roy Holmes attended the Brrge went from here. K aye Hammon spent the week-end ly w ith R I’M T racto r R oller Lubri • mt. It flows with tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt horse races in Ontario Saturday eve in N\ - a at the Lloyd Wil-on li >tne evenly to all bearing surfaces and coat them w ith Hill:- and her sister and brother-in- ning. I Pete Hammon has the mumps this a tough, wear-resisting film that stays on even in la v, Mr and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Berne Lorensen of LaGrande vas week, but is recovering. sidehill op. ration. It also forms a tight seal at In ar- The small girl, Diana, will stay with at the Ken Lorensen heme over Sun Terry Bcrge has a new project- her aunt and her grandparents day. iiig edges that helps keep out dirt, mud, and v> ;,r. the making of la wn furniture. If^any for a longer visit. u The Sunset Valley auxiliary is to one would be Interested in having R1‘M T ractor Roller Lubricant comes in three Friday Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pen- meet with Mrs. George Folkman seme made you may call at his home YJ grades for C aterpillars to meet all o| tilling c in-' da.vis and children and Mrs. Le vis July 2. i to see samples. dilions, and in a special A C Type mr Alii. Clul Mitchell drove to 3oise to visit the Douglas, small son of Mr. and Mr- Brewer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Y mers. A-k us to deliver you a supply today. women's grandmother. Mrs. Carrie S Hillts and their uncle, Mainon Hillis, Vern Garner, is ill with the mump Donald Brewer and family ate din Chalk Butte Grange met Friday ner with Mr. and Mrs T H. Brewer and his children. night. They welcomed two ru w mem Carol Folkman left Sunday for Ed Stein r of Harr ah. Wash., for bers, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Garner. For Top TV Enjoyment, ( Hayward, Calif., to vi-it her sister mer resident of the valley is in On Ira Price, Jr., Na mi Kan« aster, and lr ther-in-lnw, Mr and Mr Get Top TV Service tario for a couple of weeks helping For mors information about Standard Oil Company t. California p. and Larry Culbcrt in are in Cor Billy Hadley. at the Andrews Seed company. call your local StanJard ma.i vallis attending the 4-Ii summer Expert T V service plays a big Robert Rcffett made a hurry-up school. part in your television enjoy trip from Moses Lake. Wash . Tues WILLIAM E. SCHIREMAN Fern Price who is working in Pay day to his parents home. Mr. and ment. Our technicians have the ette was at the home of her parent . Dial 3131 Mrs. John Reffett. know-how and skill to keep Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Knottingham Mr and Mrs. Ira Price, over Sunday. your set at the peak of per were here from Boise over the week- j Father’s Day, Mr. and Mrs. Hamer formance. Ask about our thrif end at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil. He helped Mr. Counsil ty T V service contract. repair the pump. Jack Reffett came from John Day T V Anfer.nas and Paris this week to fish at the dam. He had pretty good luck fishing. He visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Carried in Stock Mrs. John Reffett. Sherill Jean Zesiger came Sunday to spend a few days visiting at the , home o f Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekan- ger. A uthorized Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite came i H O F F M A N T V S E R V IC E from Haines last week-end to get j their children, who have been visit ing their vrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett. Mrs. Dor thy Rice, Ollie Hayden and her friend were down from Eagle Sunday for the birthday of 501 M ain Mrs. Rice’s daughter, Pattie. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall and Mr. Nowell Hoighls Sunset Valley Springtime is salad time. From now on, through the warm weather months, it will take light food, attractive in appearance, to tempt th« appetites of your family. Sparkling molded salads have eye-appeal, so stimulating to jaded appetites. When pale dry ginger ale is used as the liquid in which to dissolve the gelatin, salads have an extra sparkle and extremely re freshing flavor. These salads can be served often without becoming monotonous since there are many combinations of fruits and vegetables that may be used. Here is one, using tuna fish as its main ingredient, that is delicious. If apples are not available, you might substitute drained pineapple tid-bits, or celery. Lower Cos! Wiih Dry Milk -: r,; How to make tractcr-*rack J bearings last longer m 7-oz. can tun», drained and flaked Ur HERB'S RADIO SERVICE Are Your Automobile Insurance Rates Too Save Compare NEW LOW PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE RATES 8.27 SEM I A N N U A L L Y Low Rates for Other Coverages Also NO MEMBERSHIP FEES— NON ASSESSABLE PERFO RM ANCE! N A T IO N A L S T A N D A R D A U T O M O B IL E P O L IC Y kind Prom pt. F riendly Claim Service Coverage applies in all parts of U .S.A ., its possessions, C A N A D A , 75 miles over the border into M E X IC O i EXAMPLE r fé M A K E OF C A R S — C H E V R O L E T - F O R D - P L Y M O U T H , 1950-1953 M odel» Standard Six M onths Policy B O D IL Y IN JU R Y, $5,000 / $10,000 PR O P ER TY D A M A G E , $5,000 ........ ....... M E D IC A L P A Y M E N T S Limit— $500.00 Policy Holder Limit— $500.00 Guests FIRE, TH EFT, C O M PR EH E N SIV E . ............. C O LLISIO N A N D UPSET: $50.00 Ded. Form ...... ....... Cost Each 6 M onths (Current Rates) ........$ 8.27 2.00 3.20 15.20 $28.67 Save Money Without Sacrificing Dependability— Buy FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY E N U M C I .A W . W A S H I N G T O N — E S T A B L I S H E D Saving on Y ou r Fire Insurance HENRY "HANK" STORM 201 N o. 9th N yssa Res. Phone 3392 W e’ll take you out and put a Jut through it« paces. You’ll m u why it’s a new of car before it has used a teauup of gas. ? ECONOM Y! it takes only a teacup o f gas to show you the almost unbelievable gas m ileage the H u dson Jet delivers. A SCIENTIFIC, DRAM ATIC TEST I Our "T eacup Test” uses scientific measuring equip- ment. It shows you exact, low fuel consumption while the Jet is in action. e d it J HOW YOU MAY WIN A FREE JIT I After ’ ’Teacup T est,” on official entry blank, complete in 25 words or less: ’’The advantages of this new kind o f car, the compact Hudson Jet, are . . . ” Get details from H udson Dealers. Because it’s wonderfully compact, it's a delight to handle, drive and park in today’s traffic . . . and there’s ample room for six. On any nearby road, hill or high way you select, we’ll outperform and outdemonstrate any other make o f car in the lowest price field with the new Hudson Jet. W h a t’ s m ore, w e’ il prove by means o f scientific measuring equipment that this magnificent performer will do it with less gas th a n any o f th e m . P o w e rfu l statement? You bet! But the Hudson Jet is a powerful per former. W e ’ll prove every word — with just a teacup o f gas! /