THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R EG O N TW O VKZZ T H U R S D A Y . JU N E 25. 1953 burial iW c 5 TIIK G A TE CITY JO l RNAI. DU4 NE K ...................................................Editar and Publisher hanlev Barlow Honored RI< HARD II N. VOST _ Advertising Manager Duane K Alter» and Ceo. L. Whorton Owner* SUBSCRIPTION R\TES In Malheur County. Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Countte.'. Idaho: I N É WS P A P I * PUBLI SHERS Mrs. Herb Fisher entertained nembers of the Tuesday afternoon »ridge club a: her home. Mrs B B -lenkaemper and Mrs. Glen Kena - :. were uue-: player« i c n B. B I „ienkaemper won high score. Elsewhere in the U.S.A., per year W hO .07 (Str.ctly in Advance) /Ir. and Mrs. Wieneke Entertain Mr. and Mrs. at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 Mr. and Mrs Ward Wier.eke en- :-r:a:ned members of their Mr. and Mrs. bridge club at their home Thursday night. Dr. and Mrs. Olsen were guest players. Warren Farmer won high and Mrs. Oran: Lewis w;n second high. » Vf VX rs. Kesler ] Entertains »ilrs. v. L. Kepler en; :er:ained me mbers c i hifr aRernoon v- ana :a club at her heme Friday q f - err. n. Mr . Dale Garrí •cn and Mr s. 3, B. Lie:nkaeir.per wcm prizes h gh and sit'on d high silore. John L. Briehl, Pastor 10 a m , Sunday school. 11 a m , divine worship. FIRST Wed , 8 p. m . education class. Church of Christ You are invited to wor- ( I1R1STLAN ! ’hip with us. Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minister CATHOLIC CIIl'RCH 10 a. m.. church school. Elvin Park Avenue and Third Street Ballou, superintendent. Rembert Ahles, O. F. M. 11 a. m., morning worship, directed Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a m by minister. vnd daily at 8 a. m. 7 p. m . Christian Youth Fellow- Saturday, 10 a. m.. Catechism ah:p classes. 8 p m., evening worship. ( III Ki ll NOTES C i v ie Club G uests At Gerit Stam Hume Members and guests of the Nyssa Jivic club were entertained at the •cuntry home c f Mrs. Gerit Stam ia : Wednesday af.ernoon for their regular June garden meeting. Included in the program were two • : lin solos by Mrs. Herb Fisher and the reading of several appropriate poems by Mrs. Stam During the CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Christian Center Mission East 2nd and’Ehrgood 10 a. m ., Sunday school. 11 a. m., morning worship. 7:30 p m., evangelistic service. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Haskell friend. Pastor South 2nd and Reece Ave. 10 a. m.. Sunday school. 11 a. m.. morning worship. 8 p. m.. evangelistic service. Tues., 8 p. m., prayer service, m ., 8 p m., young people. THE CHURCH OK I HE NAZARENE Robert Jaekson, Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 p. m., morning worship. 7 p m., N.YP.S. and Junior meet­ ings. 7 <5 p. m . evaiigelistlc service. ADRIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Henry K. Moore, Pastor 10 a. m., Bible school. 11 a. m , morning worship. 11 a. m , junior church. CHURCH OF CHRIST Parma, Idaho McConnel Ave. O. E. Robinson, Minister 10 a. m., Bible study. 11 a m., morning worship. 8 p. m., Sunday evening service. Wednesday, 8 d . m.. Bible study FREE METHODIST CHURCH Adrian, Oregon 10 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. COMMUNITY METHODIST ( 111 KOI Vernon L. Taylor, Minister 9 45 a. m . church school. 11 a. m„ morning worship. 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. L. D.S. 1st WARD Gordon Ray, Bishop 9:15 a m , priesthood meeting. 10:30 a. m„ Sunday school 7:30 p. m , sacrament meeting. Tuesday, 2 p. m., relief society. Wednesday, 4 p. m , primary; 7:30 p. m , M., I. A. L. D. S. 2nd WARD D. Hubert Christensen, Bishop 9:15 a m., priesthood meeting. 10*30 a. m., Sunday school. 8 p. m.. sacrament meeting. Tuesday. 2 p. m., relief society. Wednesday, 4 p. m., primary; 8 p. m., M.I.A. FAITH LUTHERAN CHIRCH Fifth Street and Park Avenue MISSIONARY BAPTIST CIICR( H Elder Lee Jolliff, Pastor 10 a m., Sunday school. 11 a m., morning worship. 8 p m.. evening worship. Wednesday. 8 p. m., prayer service. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Carl Gross, Rector Morning worship and Sunday school, 9:30 a. rn. T Y P E W R I T E R S All Makes Birl v va> honored n birthday at a swimming Ontario Thursday. Olive Janelle Haney accompam- |*.Iiss Fisher Entertains $2 00 ASSOCIATION Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United State« the act Stm ley 13th >ar:y :r. leus and ■ - uj Camp Meetings Planned at Farm Horns E. J. Hobson Ju eits Fi n Canada W ean. n y a. :tr. n v. .t: ar.d git f Mr ar.d Mr D :. -M w Mr - : ci Mr Syd- i .. 1 Mr J h.n 1..e Ny- i Church of the Nuza- M.Mar.u ali of c .■er.e is «pjator-ng a carr.p checuled to .art r.ex. Thuridaj Give Commencement evening a: 8 o ’clock and ccnt-nu Program At Church each through July 12. Th C n’.msncemer.: n.ght was held meetings Will be he.d at E J K .fa- las; Sunday a: the Chr;-t:a:i son’s farm, in the Sunset Valley church a; a c l :m x f the dady community. 13 m.les southwe. t cf vacat.on B.ble school. Songs a:.d Nv- a cn the Ovyhee dam r ad. Memory work wa^ pre ented unci r T..e Rev. W.litam H Phillips c f the direc’ itn of Mr>. Harold R .b. Apple River, 111, will appear a3 the b n-. superintendant. A display ,* evangelist, Hob^cn .-aid. He is one hand v rk also featured the evenir. ■ cf tiie founders of the Nanercnc Average attendance for the two church and an evangelist of naticn- wo®ks was 33 pupils ar.d 11 teacher* wtde fame Mr. ar.d Mrs. Marvi i M.l- •• .:«>» —— H«M m»IM«» »1 ler of Harper, kr.cwn as the sor.g evangel! ts. w.U provide music f.r MEULLER all the services. H .b cn is serving a; chairman c f FU R N AC ES— a committee making arrangements for the meetings and is assisted by LINK EELT Ed Topliff. Darrell Williams, A1 Se­ STOKERS ward and Mrs. Bill Bradley. Estimates Gladly Given business heur plans were completed for the preparation of a float to be entered in the parade July 10 M> - dames J hn Broad. Herb Fisher, Dick F rbe--. D;ck Yost and Stam were named to the committee to decorate the float. The group enjoyed a tcur of tha garden and a study c f special flower arrangements prepared by Mrs, Stam. Assisting Mrs. Stam on the tea committee were Mrs. Maurice Judd. Mrs. Ted Morgan. Mrs. A Held: and Mrs. Don Graham. This was the concluding Civic club meet­ ing for the summer, the next sched­ uled event being the fall fashion show September 16. HEATING Phone 134L2 G E O R G S J. KINZER Parma, Idaho Tlv v rev The answer to everyday insurance problems* BY —Photo by Srhcen Portraits 1 quets. Miss Joan Marcum, sister cf the The wedding of Miss Delcres C ff- grocm was flower girl. She wore a man and Melvin G Marcum was yellow organdy dress. Glenn Marcu.-n assited his brother solemnized last Sunday at 2 p m. at as best man. James Pruyn and Ten- the Nyssa Mtthcdist church by Rev- Poster were ushers. erendVernon L Tavlor. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Mrs. Marcum, mother c f the , Merle Marcum and Mr and Mrs. grocm were a gr^en afternoon drev- [ Wilber Coffman are parents c f the and yellow rosebud corsage. Mrs couple. g Coffman were a pale blue afternocr Mrs. Mark Hartley was*' l:: t. ac­ I dress and yellc v rosebud ccr age. companied by Mrs Kinsey Keveren A reception was held in the church The bride, given in marriage by basement following the ceremony her father, wore a gown of white Mrs. C. S Vnderkurtrher cut the French lace over satin which feat­ cake and Mrs. Carl Richards anc ured a tight fitting bodice and long Mr3. Harold Wilscn poured the pointed sleeves. The ballerina length punch. skirt was fashioned in three tiers of Out-of-town gue ts included Mrs lace. Her fingertip veil was held in Lloyd Woodward, Caldwell; Mr. and place by a Juliet cap c f seed pearls. Mrs. Paul Hart, Miss Hattie Guess- She carried a bouquet of red roses. a -d Miss Mildred Cecil of Boise Mrs Bill Wilson, sister of the bride Following the ceremcny, the was matron of honor. She wore a couple left for a wedding trip t< lavender organdy over taffeta model the coast. and carried a mixed sweet pea bou­ The bride attended Nyssa schools quet Bridesmaids, Bonnie Ward and and Boise Junior college. The bride­ Dorthea Bretz wore ballerina length groom attended Nyssa schools and gowns of pale green organdy over Williamette university. They will : taffeta They carried sweet pea bou- make their future home in Nyssa. RALPH Melvin Marcum a n d Delores Coffman Married Bought—Sold—Rented—Repaired Fletcher’s Typewriter Exchange Hlway 20 West P.O. Box 459- Boise. Ph. 26961- Idaho * ^ LAW RENCE * N O W IS T H E TIM E r|. "T O QUESTION: I have read that smoke damage is listed in the Ex­ tended Coverage clause of a fire invurannee policy. Will that clause insure payment for dam­ age to walls and ceiling from a smoky fire place? SAVE DEPOSIT S M A L J AT FIRST N A T I O N A L O N O R BEFORE J U L Y 10th E A R N IN T E R E S T F R O M J U L Y 1st ANSWER: No; a fire in a fire place is considered a “ friendly fire” and most fire places smoke occasionally. The smoke damage mentioned in Extended Coverage must be “ sudden and unusual.” ‘ N O W bank 10 to 5 S IX D A Y S a W E E l v V i r NYSSA BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK L __ J O f PORTLAND •If you’ll address your own in­ surance questions to this office, we’ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. b M — O P tN 10 TO S SIX DAYS A W UK Nyssa Insurance Agency ' FaUwal Dwat b—i mmt* Co>»oe Luxe D rweruixt Cab illustrated. Dial 2288 314 Main, Nyssa "O n ly Ford D«*l«ra Sail À-1 Used Cara and Trucka"