THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 25. 1953 PAGE TW ELVE Used Car Bargains NYSSA THEATRE DIAL 3932 THURSDAY-FRIDAY JUNE 25-26 "THE SAVAGE In Technicolor with CHARLTON HESTON SUSAN .MORROW PETER HANSON JOAN TAYLOR Dtirring outdoor drama, the sav­ age, white by birth, Indian by adoption. SATURDAY, JUNE 27 "BABES IN BAGDAD" Too late to c l a s s i * y Chesnut Attends Used Adrian F.B. Has Car Dealer s School r o p ic Discussion FOR SALE—1952 .'mall apartment OUR 4tn OF JULY s i * Astral refriger*: r. Only u-.ed Wayne Chesnut spent three daj Farm Bureau center held 6 month'. L. C. McDermott D al ci lait week, returning Saturday, at SPECIALS its regular meeting Monday ni,ht, 2586 24-3tp. P.rtiand, where he attended a school June 15. in connection with the an­ CLEAN CARS READY FOR far Chevrolet dealers. nual Adrian grade school election at HELP WANTED—Man for year a- The local car dealer said the the grade school bu.lding A TROUBLE FREE ruund farm work M. C. Seuell, Nil -chools theme was "Merchandising L L Krtager was re-elecf:d to the FOURTH OF JULY TRIP Acres, Phone 5073. Nyssa. 24-lt. of Used Cars." Points considered Adrian grade school board for a 1951 Chevrolet Sedan, an eye step­ during the three days were apprais­ three year term. per. One owner and very clean. FOR SALE —49 Ford 6 or 50 Plym­ ing of used cars, reconditioning, dis­ Among matters discussed were the Finished in a dark green with outh. Both in A -l condition Will play methods and advertising. Spec con-olidation of several farms in tne white side wall tires and lots of . ell either one. Phone 2884 24-tfc. lal emphasis, he said, was placed on Ridgeview district. Lou Pratt re- extras that you don't have to pay the need for advertising. vle ved * • . p* r® ®u"eau as set up by the state organisation, for. Low Mileage and rarin' to go ADVERTISING FOR BIDS v h p i k v u i f v R m i m v r s :he ot a 4~H Kreager saf« y club- none-stop. July 4th special $1445 Sealed bids will be received by the APPLE \ ALLEY KLSIDLN i s and formin* a staU( laboratory re- 1951 Chevrolet Sedan. Just about the Secretar • of the Owyhee Ditch Co , SI H E R INJI HIES IN VMO.t K ported that the county board voted best value you have ever seen The Olitarl0 Oregon, at the office at Word was received Tuesday even- in a resolution favoring action on Original owner wants his family 65_s w 2nd Ave _ unt;] 3 p . m . MST, ing that Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward ^h* building of a laboratory for the to buy the car. Your family's sure on the 1st day of August, 1953, for and family and Mr. and Mrs Albert study of animal diseases in this part to like this one Plan your vacation the construction of Cow Hollow Seward of Apple Valley (see Apple of the country. It was decided to operate a lunch in this one-owner Money-saving Crossing of the Owyhee Canal, Mal­ Valley news, page 9i and Nampa concession booth at the county fair, sedan. Only $1395 relatives riding with them, who were heur County. Oregon. on a county-wide basis, if the plans 1950 Studebaker Starlite coupe. Ov­ Proposals will be opened and pub­ injured in a wreck, will be brought meet with the approval of other cen. erdrive, radio, heater ad very nice. home by train Friday. Dr. Rosco licly read at the above stated hour. ters. We have to repair a dent in one Plans, specifications, proposal Kellogg of Nampa, formerly of Nys­ Mrs. Jake Borge presented plans fender and the rest is perfect You forms, and other information are on sa, left Sunday night for Fort Mor­ for decorating the regular fair booth. could sure enjoy the 4th in this Potluck refreshments and visiting file for examination and may be ob­ gan, Colo., near where the wreck one. July 4th special tained at the office of Melvin V. occured, and reported that those concluded the meeting. Only $1195 . --------------------------- 2 .. ... . Davenport, professional engineer, suffering injuries will have to be 1050 Pontiac Club coupe It will be , w m n 1 ■ 1722 South 10th St., Caldwell, Idaho, returned on stretchers. in Thursday. Has very low milage ..... ... , „ Phone 9-2121, upon deposit of ten with hydramatic transmission One , ^ ... ,___ , ._ ............ ,, dollars tor the safe return of the ALLEGED ROBR$KYATTEMPT of those hard to find cars and all CHANGED TO DISORDERLY plans and specifications. the extras are free. All propsals must be made on Frank Ramirez, Eagle Pass, Tex. July 4th special. Only $1495 forms furnished, must be signed by appeared before Justice of the (Continued from page 1 ) CHEVROLET TRADE-INS ARE the bidder with his name and post Peace, Don M. Graham Tuesday ALWAYS CHEAPER July 10 and 11, and office address, and must give the evening and was fined $50 and $4 50 “ WHEREAS, committees of the 1950 Ford V8 Sedan. Has overdrive, time required for completion. costs on a disorderly conduct charge. Nyssa Nite Rcdeo association are radio, heater and many other ex­ The right is reserved to reject all Ramirez was arrested Sunday by putting forth every effort to make tra'. Finished in a light tan and proposals, or to accept the city police and charged with assault this year’s rodeo one of the best in paint Is new. Just waiting for an or proposals deemed best for the with intent to rob on the complaint the West, and owner to take a trouble-free trip Owner, or to let the contract in of Ben Gutierrez, who filed a com­ "WHEREAS, the spirit of the Old over the 4th of July. July 4th Special. Only $1115 whole or in part. The right is re­ plaint that Ramierez had attemped West will be re-lived in this area served to waive any defect in any to start a fight and take his money. during the next two weeks, and 1949 Chevrolet 2 door (Aero). A very The court found insufficient evid­ "WHEREAS, as mayor of the City neat little car in good condition propc-al. of Nyssa, I have the authority to ence for the original charge and No proposal will be considered un- and will take you many trouble- accompanied by an acceptable Ramirez pleaded guilty to the dis- make proclamations in the best in­ free miles any time you feel like le terests of the city. I hereby going. This car is especially noted pri p o .il guarantee in an amount of orderly conduct charge. "PROCLAIM that tne period of net less than five per cent of the for its economy. July 4th spe dal. time from July 1. 1953, to and in­ DKIVER EXAMINER HERE Only $1045 total amount of the proposal. This cluding July 11, 1953, be observed .n 1948 Plymouth Sedan. For a cheaper guarantee may be in the form of a FRIDAY OF NEXT WEEK the City of Nyssa as "Rodeo Garb" Certified or Cashier’s check, made Driver license examiner- will be in week, when all residents of Nyssa car with a lot of happy miles you Just couldn’t go wrong with this payable to the Owyhee Ditch Co., Nyssa Friday of next week between must wear in combination at least one at our July 4th special price or a bidder’s bond, which will be re­ 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. to give driving two articles of western attire when tests to applicants, according to tne appearing on the streets of Nyssa. for only $525 turned upon the signing of the con ­ secretary of state’s office. tract and the po.-ting of Performance "Signed: Thomas O. Jones, mayor < IIEVROI.ET TRADE-INS ARE The examiners appear at the Nys­ Bond, and complying to all other of the city of Nyssa, Ore.” CHEAPER sa city hall on alternate Fridays to If you want a good pickup, here is requirements as stated by law, or take care of persons wishing original RECOVERS FROM OPERATION required by the specifications. the cream of the crop licenses or permits to drive. Dale Dewey, 10-year-old son of Propo-als sent through the mail 1951 Studebaker V- ton, 4-speod big Frank Dewey, Nyssa, was resting big motor, good tires and look' shi uld be marked plainly as such COMING EVENTS veil at home Monday following an like new. Only $1195 and addressed to the Secretary cf Friday, July 3—Cooked l'ucd ale operation Saturday for the removal the Owyhee Ditch Co . Box 697, On­ 1950 International 'n-ton at the Ralph Lawrence office begin- of a plate from his left leg tario, Oregf n. Only ning at 9:30 a. m. by the WS.C.S The plate was put in his leg three It is the purpo-e of the Owner to 1950 International, 1-ton with stock of the Methodist church. years ago when he was treated for complete this improvement in the rack $1395 injuries received in an auto accident. shortest possible time, work to be 1949 Ford '--to n pickup. 4 speed trans., radio, heater. Runs like started as scon as water is out of GENE STANLEY ACCEPTS new. Only $945 the Owyhee canal on October 15, POSITION IN BOISE 1953 Necessary equipment and effec­ 1948 Chevrolet '•.■-ton pickup, Gene Stanley, assistant manager tive organization will be insited upon. very nice $575 of Everybody’s Store for the past 20 The Owyhee Ditch Company 1947 Jeep pickup, very low months, announced his resignation By H. E. Noah. President milage this week to accept a position with Attest: R. E Brooke, Secretary. NYSSA MOTORS. Inc. the Retail Credit Co. in Boise. Stan­ Fir-t publication June 25, 1953. ley will take over his new duties Nyssa, Oregon Last publication July 9, 1953. July 6. Mayor Proclaims Rodeo Garb Week In Color with PAULETTE GODDARD GYPSY ROSE LEE Also "PISTOL HARVEST" with TIM HOLT RICHARD MARTIN SUNDAY-MONDAY JUNE 28-2» "ALL ASHORE" In Technicolor with MICKEY ROONEY DM K HAYM1 S PEGGY RYAN r a y M c D o n a l d Seven days shore leave on Cata­ lina Island . . . for three Gob- . . what could be better? Matinee Sun. 1:30 TUESDAY, JUNE 30 "SALLY AND ST. ANNE" with ANN BLYTHE EDMUND GWEN A wonderful .-tory about a won­ derful family. WEDNESDAY-THURS. JULY 1-2 "BRONCO BUSTERS" ATT! ND WFDDING Mr ar.d Mr Charle- Steffen- at­ tended the v-.ading c f D.reen Alli­ son of Ny-.-.a ar.d J:m Fea:-_n at La- Grande Sunday ir. tne Method.-t church. Reverend Gernhardt per­ formed the ceremony. They al-o at­ tended a reception at the groonu home on Park I-land. N EW T A N K E R i • \ t h ■ 11. 1 1 IL L If D K 1 K I n T;.e f.r-t run c f the N>--.i Rural Fr e Protect, n di.-trier’s new tanker ;r i k was made Tuesday afternoon when firemen were called to the Duart Benedict farm, two miles north of Nyssa cn the Ontario high- wiy. had turned in an alarm when a tra.-h fire was nearing two 280-galicn gasoline tank.-, but the fire was under control by the KAY RIGGS RLTl'RNS the regular rural fire truck and FROM COOS BAY Kay Riggs returned Thursday the new tanker arrived. from Coes Bay, Ore., where he at­ NYSSA.N GRADUATES tended a session of the A F. o f L. Deane Irving, daughter of Mr. and convention and received his scholar­ M E W Irving was graduated ship. The four winners from the from Oregon state school o f science state were there. They also met and at Corvallis at commencement exer­ were photographed with Governor cises held June 9 For the past year, Paul Patterson of Oregon. she attended Oregon state medical school at Portland and has six months more of training before she MRS. RIGNEY TO SCHOOL will become a laboratory technician. Mrs. J. W. Rigney will leave Sat­ Mr and Mrs. Irving attended the urday night for a four weeks’ session graduation. at the University of Oregon at Eu- | gene. She will attend a special ses­ NOTICE sion on speech correction taught by The Jaycee-ette meeting planned Dr. Van Riper, who is an authority for July 2 has been cancelled until in the field of stuttering. further notice Camp Meeting Sponsored by NYSSA CHURCH of ihe NAZARENE JULY 2 - 12 8:00 P.M. EACH EVENING HOBSON'S FARM 13 miles southwest of Nyssa on Road to O w yhee Dam SUNSET VALLEY G ood Music Sound Preaching Use Everyone Gate City Journal W elcom e Classified Ads. In Technicolor with JOHN LUND SCOTT BRADY JOYCE HOLDEN CHILL WILLS The picture with a thousand thrills. The story of the men who rode the rodeo circuit. FREE Rev. Wm. II. Phillips Evangelist FREE ESTIMATES Rev.Phillips FREE Your Lawn Yellow Given on Building Work FREE from Apple River, 111., is one of our Founders and a Pio­ neer in our Church. The Schools Churches and Homes Too Much Water? Buill by Us in Ihe Valley Give It A Dose of FREE Hou-Aciinile $ 3 .8 5 80-lb. bag FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Show Our Ability Rev. and Mrs. Miller, Phone 2540 — Nyssa Harper, will have charge Dean Fife & Company Rev. Marvin Miller Song Evangelist of the musical programs DESSERT SEED CO. Nvssa Dial 3115 i N o n -a la re , flat finish i J ______ i 'l a i a r m , 1 i SUNDAY, JUNE 28lh For . . . HAIL INSURANCE FUL-COLOR ■MucraEcrxee • • • S 6 i washes in a wink on w a lls and w oodw ork Revolutionary new rubber- latex Ful-Color dries to a non- porus surface where dirt sim­ ply can'l ding Now — easily clean these much-so led spots; * ★ « AROUND LIGHT SWITCHES ALONG DOOR IDGLS ON WINDOW SILLS it BASEBOARDS, TOO J r f colorful, wothoblo ful ColorI DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE Nyss« Dial 2124 $ 29.95 $ 29.95 Bed Spreads g 0 RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY Solid Pack Brown's Ice Cream Hand Packed Qt. 75c — Gal. S2.05 LET US DRESS and Cake Roll 50c CUT satin, quilted Bed Spreads. PARM A % Gal. 8 0 Ç Dial 6697 Nyssa These are beautiful full bed size Last Chance Cafe Gem Special UP . Soft Ice Cream YOUR Our Own Make POULTRY Qt. 40c — 1 2 Gal. 80c 1 Gal. S I.50 See U» About Other Produce GEM PRODUCE CO. 6th and Good Dial 2815 CARL'S DOLL HOUSE CAFE 511 Main Dial 9912