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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1953)
• THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. TH U RSD A Y LOCAL NEWS *i't S.inda> it . B i.< *:th thetr son Mr and M r» Ivin Mumford « » d a a 1 • \ ■Ruth Lynn H jd.on . f Ogden \.¿lied A *c 1 »tu-td'c C.»on Wil) return FdWard O 'treni They celebrated last weik-end at the Q- rdi.n Oattain * the 6th birthday of thetr grand home l : : i Reno. Nr. tx daughter. Kathryn. Mr and Mrs. Vail 1’uiU.p of >»H I Neeles' furlough in Ny.-.-a at the Mr and Mr* Dun M.i.* ami h«>\s Lake City arrived M nday i .r a v.-:t I home c f his parents, M: end Mr left Sunday for Salt Lake City on at the Vern M ncur heme. | c K Oi-en. a bu ir r tr.p While they are away. Mr>. S«o»t Prarvrn and children Mr. *rvd M r C liff M »m were In Ilene Mo.- will be a hou.e gue-t of attended the Christian church B.ble I Baker last *eek-end visiting at the Kay Adam- school picnic Friday noon. ■ home c l Mr and M Gecrge Hen- 1 •■land Morris, a student of O.S.C. Visitors l»si Sunday in the G. J. neman. has arrived in Nyssa to spend his Mitchell heme were Mr and Mrs Mr end Mr*. Samuel Jackson, an 1 .'ummer vacation at the home o f his Dorsy Donnelly and daughters Beth I Mr. and Mr.-. Fred F >x o f Cardston, parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Morris. and Kathleen, Dale Donnelly of I Alberta. Canada visited last Wed- Mr and Mrs. Scott Pearson »ere Caldwell and Doris Kocntz of Boise In esday at the C K Olson home. Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Moneur of ir. Payette Friday nigh: where they Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Oxtrom vi-itrd attended a picnic tor Clarence May. Rupert visited in Nyssa last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moneur and Mr and Mr- Vern Moneur. I Taylor's Markel Offers . . . . Payette a the P »^ i Kauffm an h :ne Mr- Werner I’ eutz .-pent from M ;.d\y until Friday in the Ny • ho.-p.ta! receiving medical treat ment. Mr and Mr- Plotts of Salt Lake City and Mra. Nebaker and son of Ogden spent a few days last week in the Roland Maw home Mrs Donnie DeHaven and Debbv of We^ser and Harriet Johnson c f Hams, who is visiting Mr- DeHaven, brought Louise Hite home after she had spent the la>t two weeks with her sister. Mrs. DeHaven. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Culbertson and Larry and their hou-e, Mr and Mrs. Elmer Dale Culbert on of Knoxville. Tenn., attended the Mrs. Ella Sm ith is v io lin * in O n quarter horse show in Emmett Sat tario with her sister, Mrs. Lucille urday with Mr. and Mrs. Pete W il son. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Graham and children o f Quincy and Mrs. Tom Johnson of Nyssa called Friday a f ternoon at the Werner Peutz home Mr and Mrs. Kenneth McDon ald called at the Jim Harper home Mrs. Kenneth McDonald in Adrian Saturday evening. Dial 3109 Mr. and Mrs. Max Jones of L- Owyhee w ith 2 LARGE or 1 GIANT FAB LARGE SI ZE GIANT SIZE Television Test P atlern Will Be On the Air Thursday, June 18th (KFXD-Channel 6) Come in and inspect our Philco and Zenith Television sets. And see why they are among the fad in g television sets on the market today. Television is no better than the service behind it and we are in the position to service our sets with a factory trained serviceman. Remember to inspect PHILCOS and ZENITHS before you buy at WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Phone 2721 Nyssa Mrs. Claude Skinner took six members of the Handy Workers 1-H club and their leader, Mrs. Fred Babcock, t o . G iven’s Hot Springs Friday afternoon for a swim and ■weiner roast. This was the last ac- tvity o f the year for the club At the spring fair where the girls exhibited their work, Shirley Skinner and K ay McDonald won blue ribbons, P a tricia Babcock a red ribbon and Karen Mitchell, Sally Reed and Sal ley Gregg won white ribbons. The girls modeled their dresses and Kay McDonald, Sally Reed and Shirley Skinner won blue ribbons. Friday the girls presented Mr>. Babcock with a pair of nylons as a thank you gift. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cook and Doris drove to LaGrande Tuesday to bring their daughter, Virginia, home for the summer from EO.C.E. Mr and Mrs. Silas Bigelow. Mrs. Mildred Hite and Mr and Mrs. Don ald Hatt and children were Sunday dinner guests at the Niss H alt home Mr. and Mrs. Jess Chadwell of Emmett were Sunday dinner guests of his sister. Mrs. Omar Hite and I family. Mr and Mrs. Harlan Roger re turned home Tuesday evening from Grandview, Wash., where they had visited since Saturday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Hallmark, The Rogers brought their grandson, El ton Hallmark, home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson were dinner guests in Nampa Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cottle. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Linville and son, Steve, o f Seattle are visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Linville. Pat is on leave from the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dale Culbert son o f Knoxville, Ten., arrived F ri day evening at the home o f his brother, Charlie Culbertson, where they visited until Monday morning before going on to California to see his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and sons were Sunday dinner guests in Your Lawn Yellow from Too Much W ater? Give It A Dose of t v M Mr R;i 11 Gressley, were •f. dinner Tli i: day evening at the Ontario Country club for Mr and Mr- H b i sen ot New Pi.m r.h. Mr , . Mr- Keith ■ i '■■■• : On tari md Mr. and Mrs Russell Gre- ley All of the couples except the Keith Grasakys a niversaries. Mr and Mrs Roland Maw .vent . daughter, Lauda, who has been in the Shriner's hospital for some cime Mr and Mr- Bill Peu:z left F ri day for McCall to attend the wed ding o f Irene Brewster to Joseph and ... — - - — - 80-lb. bag DESSERT SEED CO. Dial 3115 IV i • n f P i Laurence P- ,rz fr m La) Angele went M Call S i::,. iy m mine : > attend the wedding. Mr. and I h children o f the HiLane community and her si.ster, Mr- Reva W rof of Nampa were Smuiay cut • f M K si dM Houston. Brenda Walter went • B i-e Saturday afternoon to attend Bible school for the next two week Bren da is spending the summer with her grandparents, Mr and Mr- Ellis Walters. Mr .uid Mr Ru.--ell Ore ley en tertained at dinner Saturday even ing for Mr. and Mrs Keith Gressley o f Ontario, Mr and Mrs Sam M c Connell of Nys a and their gue-t- Mr a r.i M m Jones. Mr Ell W liter vt : ed in Cha- • .1.-1 Sund.u a. Me a: d M r WU* ham McEwen and daughters. Elmer Dale Culbertson of K n ox- v lie. Tenn , uui Larry Culbertson . ailed a- the S D Bigelow hoia* Sunday morning ■ nl From where I s it... 6r/ Jo e Marsh H^rrd About the Electric Weather Predictor? Sijuint Smith Guilt up quite a reputation lust month by predict ing the weather. What he said usually came true. It got so that folks would sit around his little Antique Shop just to get his opinion. Hou-Acliniie $ 3.85 Nyssa PAGE NIH I JU N E 13. 1953 u< x Last Monday, though, he said he didn't know what the weather was going to tv like next day. That surprised us and when we asked w hat happened, S qu in t said, “ Slipped up on my eleetric bill and was turned off. I ’ll get to my ra d io again tom orrow though." Squint had been getting the weather over the radio -just like anyone else! From »here I sit, that's the way it g o e s with some “experts." They often don't have any more inside information than you ran get for yourself. Like those who "know” cider is the only thirst-quencher after a day’s work. Far as I’m concerned. I'll take a temperate glass of beer. Itut— I won’t try to “predict" your choice for you. Good vision is vital to safety You never get a ‘‘second guess” when you’re driv ing. You must SEE it right in the first place. First rule for SAFE driving is: have your eyes examined. Dr. Geo. Cobern O P T O M E T R IS T EVENINGS B Y A PPO IN TM E N T 230 Main Dial 6440 Nyssa NOTICE OF MEETING STOCK HOLDERS OF Farmers Supply Cooperative ONTARIO and NYSSA. OREGON M eeting C alled For The Purpose: To Vote on W hether or Not This FARMERS SUPPLY COOPERATIVE Should Sell a Portion of its Assets to The NYSSA CO-OP SUPPLY. Nyssa, O regon. M eeting to be Held at Boulevard G range Hall, C airo Junction, 8:30 P.M. MONDAY NIGHT, JUNE 22 L. B. Hyatt, Sec. OW you can have a car that’s as com fortable on hot days as your air-con ditioned home, office or favorite theater. N Roof it NO W - with Boise Payette Q U A L I T Y Roofing M a te ri al s ! asphalt shi ngles Low er fire insurance rates w ith heavy Asphalt shingles. Economical — double coverage that withstands wind and severe weather. 210 Thick butt in a choice of colors. N o w you can ride in draft-free coolness at the temperature level you choose—even when the outside reading is 110 and more. N o w you can take a full complement of passengers through the thick of traffic on a sweltering day—and each one of you^will keep looking and feeling fresh as a daisy at dewtime. Air intakes on each r o l l r o o f in g Good protection at lower cost. Plain and slate coat asphalt w ith heavy felt side of car introduce outside air into system. r < Ûà b a se S everal w e ig h ts to fit your need RED CEDAR SHINGLES Most versatile of all roofing mater ials. All heavy butt with no o ff stand ards. No. 1 — No. 2 and No. 3 grades. Provide long wear and have any color roof you want w ith quality Red Cedar Shingles. a v a i l a b l e on metal siding and roofing from time to time. Ask us to let y o u k n o w when the next carload shipment G rilles in Buick s exclusive dual roof ducts insure draft free distribution of conditioned air — and also provide individual control of air direction as desired What’s more, these exclusive roof ducts have individually controlled air directors above the side windows. So each window- seat passenger can guide a gentle breeze of conditioned air exactly where he wants it. Y o u do this with the compact Buick A lR C O N D rriO N E R — the completely prac tical unit available at extra cost in 1953 S u p e r and R o A D M A S TE R Sedan and Riviera models. But note this: what Buick put into its AlRCOlSDITIONER goes beyond the usual. F or the advance J design of this II nick unit provides dual roof ducts that distribute up to 300 cubic feet of cooled, freshened, filtered, air per m inute to all parts of the car interior evenly and constantly—without icy blasts and drafts on your neck, shoulders, legs. Special Prices are Dial 2830. Nvssa Second St. and Good Ave. Return air grilles on package shelf help main tain continuous circulation ot conditioned, pollen tree air. »un, the car interior can be brought to a delightfully cool comfort in a matter of minutes. And it’s really compact. The cooling unit itself fits neatly on a narrow shelf in the big trunk compartment—leaves plenty of room for luggage and the like. O f course, the Buick AlRCONLMTIONISR is automatic. W h y not drop in on us and try a demon stration? Y ou switch it on, choose the temperature setting you want—and that level of cool ness is maintained constantly. It thor oughly conditions the air around you — automatically. It carries off heat, stale air, tobacco smoke —automatically. It continu ously introduces outside air into the sys tem—automatically. Y o u ’ll find that the Buick AtRCONDITIONER with its exclusive dual roof ducts is the ultimate oomfort in hot-climate driving. It’s fast-acting, too. Even after an hour or more locked up under summer’s hottest WHEN »ITTE R AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM arrives. * *Ruick Atfconditioner available in 19)5 Roadmatler and Super Riviera and Sedan models at extra coil. TH E GREATEST BUICK _____ m !& m il s x _ RobeitS' NySSa, Inc. NYSSA. OREGON