THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N YSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE IS. 1353 PAGE S E V E » durili! Activities Prices Effective Thursday - Friday - Saturday Customers Want and Expect—Courteous Tieatmen', Quality Perishables, Clean Store, Fast Checkout Systems, and Good Pricing Methods — 33 years in t is food businss has taught us how to give all of these to you with Nyssa's finest food service. Giant SUCKERS 1 2 for . . . . $ 1 .0 0 Purity Cleo Flinders Becomes Bride of Lorin Saunders Miss Cleo Flinders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. El wood Flinders and Lorin C. Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Saunders of Vale were married June 5 in the Logan L.D.S. Temple, in a double ring ceremony. A reception, given by the bride’s parents Saturday evening in the Nyssa stake house honored the pair The bride greeted guests in an original model of embroidered nylon and nylonese over white satin. The tightly fitted bodice featured a scal­ loped yoke accented with tiny nylon daisies and seed pearls and had a Queen Anne collar and long pointed sleeves. The same daisy and seed pearl trimming was used on the scal­ loped front panel of the full, floor length skirt. The double illusion veil was held in place by an imported lace crown, finely pleated and bead­ ed in seed pearls. She earned a bou­ quet o f white moth wing, pale pink roses and cascading streamers of stephanotis, centered with a white orchid. Pastel ballerina length gowns of brocaded organdy, identically made were worn by Mrs. Marvin Wilson, sister of the bride as matron of hon­ or and Nani Child, Jo Rae Olsen and Joy Saunders as bridesmaids. They wore matching pearls, a gift of the bride and carried pastel nose­ gays. Derral Saunders performed duties of best man for his brother. Ushers were Gerald Flinders, Gordon Olsen and Don Fife. The brides mother wore a pink linen and lace dress with a gardenia | and rose corsage. Mrs. Saunders wore a light blue crept with gar- j denia and rose corsage. Mrs. Leo W. . Child and Mrs. Reuben Saunders, grandmothers of the bride and groom wore red rosebud corsages and they and their husbands were fea­ tured in the sweetheart waltz with the bride and groom. Colleen Bybee had charge of the guest book. Leon Child was master of cere­ monies for the program which fea­ tured Harold Saunders, Mrs. Mark Hartley, Nanette Bybee. Darlene An­ derson, Janice Williams, Elsa San­ ders, Gail Flinders and Mr. and Mrs. rtulon Huntington. The serving table was centered 11 with a five-tiered wedding cake in : | pastel colors and topped with a large ! wedding bell. Mrs. Leon Child and Mrs. Darwin Jensen cut the cake Mrs. John Savage, Mrs. Frank Skeen, Mrs. Lester Jameson and Mrs. O. P Williams poured the punch. Mrs. Lament Fife, Mrs. Hugo Ol- I sen. and Miss C ard Fife presided over the gift tables. The couple left for a trip to Yel- | lowstone Park and will make their home in Idaho Falls for the sum­ mer. This fall they will make their' home in Provo, where the groom will attend BYU. The bride's going away outfit was a two piece navy and white faille dress with red accesso­ ries. Dwight Wvckoff Honored Herrman had charge of the pro- | Dwight Wyckoff was honored at a ( gram. _ , surprise birthday party last Monday j '•*” !** night given by Mrs. Wyckoff at their Mr. and Mrs. Billings h me. Four tables of bridge were in Entertain At Bridge play during the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings enter- Mr. and Mr . R; bert Wil on won rained Thursday night with three high and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Atte- tables of bridge. Mr. and Mrs. John bery won low score. Kelly o f Ogden were out of state •1*—•> guests. Dr. John Olsen won high for Buffet Supper men and Mrs. Duane Alters won Given By Roths White Satin Young Adults _____ Meet M»mbe^'k orthe Young Adult group «f* the Mrthodnt church met last fl'm dav night a- the home o f Miss Oorothv Erwin in Apple Valley Miss E-win lead the devotams and K»Uh SARDINES 11 f o r ............ $ 1 .0 0 Campbell's SUGAR E ach .......... $ 1 .0 0 V EG ETA B LES TOILET TISSUE 1 6 r o lls .............. $ 1 .0 0 Quart STRAWBERRIES Italian Style LOCAL MARSHALLS For Canning — Freezing S erv e Hl-C GREEN OLIVES E ach .................... 55c Orangeade The Wholesome Family DrinkI Vitamin C Enriched — i Ready to Serve I .LARGE 46 OZ (AN 46 ounce Del Monte HANOT 12 Of (AN 3 for WJ No. 5 0 0 Is Lucky!! Mrs B B. Lienkaemper entertain­ ed 11 members o f the Nyssa Civic club executive committee and library board at a coffee hour last Thursday morning at her home to launch the club's annual project to raise Its pledge for the local library, Each guest who was present is re- Quested to entertain a group with a coffee hour in return, thus oonttnu- ing the round robin socials with pro- **roed OVW I M Laen- k e e p e r . chairman o f the project THE 500th CUSTOMER on Saturday, June 20 Recorded on our cash register will recive a Nature's Goodness ...ititebwt! BUT O I I S 9 Ì ’ I AIRY PRODUCTS FREE $10.00 GROCERY ORDER!! CHEESE, Kraft Longhorn Lb. 47c COTTAGE CHEESE Clover Lawn Pt. 29c ICE CREAM all flavors Vi Gallon 85c POWDERED MILK Starlac r : DERBY GOLDEN ROASTED PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER ‘ Marvelou* new proceee make* Afhertç* fa v o rite peanut butter «van batter 3 to>|— Mvae naturai nutrient« far y*U' 49* Wilson’s Super Market Employees and their families are not eligible. Lb. 1 5c STEAK S............. Lb. 5 5 * Sirloin, T-bone, Rib. L À R D .............. 4 lbs. 6 9 £ Morrell FRANKS.............2 lbs. 7 9 $ Skinless BEEF ROAST . . . . Lb. 3 5 * LUNCH MEATS . . Lb. 4 9 * Assorted 1 lb. 39c IT’S NEW! 20 Ox. 2 bunches 17 * CARROTS CANTALOUPES DAIRY PRODUCTS A Crate of 12 cups . . . . $2.79 No t Carbonated PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 f o r .................. $ 1 .0 0 n No. 1 TOMATO SOUP 9 f o r ................ $ 1 .0 0 Royal Arms For Library Benefit Beach Cliff 10 lbs. Announce Engagement Mrs. Hugo Olsen and family or Peterson. Utah were honored guests at a dinner given Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Leo W Child Places were laid for 13. Flats Oil Pack hlgh for women;.._... Mr. and Mrs. Arnold M. Sansre- M Men and Gleaner Notes Howard chairman of o-D nf RdUnaham Wash., announce nowara Flanary rianary is cnairman or engagement of their daughter, the newly organized L.D.S. 2nd ward W. . 1 I ,,r to A lc Robert D M Men and Oleaner council Elec- F ^ r ce s o h 'o f Mr. and Mrs. E a r l , ¡.ions were held during ‘Get Ac- HoHi mis worth June 30 is the date quainted Night' last Wednesday eve- set^for the wedding in Bellingham ning Other members of the council Miss Sunsregret Ls a graduate of are Jack Duncan and Mrs. Melvin the S ’ ” Joseph School of Nursing Cottrell, councilors and Nannette and Mr Pearce graduated from On- Bybee. secretary. ta rio h igh sch ool and is serving w ith, "The Articles of Faith” by Tal- mage will be the course of study and the United States Air Force. other activities, such as correspond­ ing with servicemen and mission- Canasta Club Meets aires have been planned. Mrs Gordon Oxnam entertained Plans are underway for a Progres­ members of her Friday afternoon sive Supper party, scheduled for July Canasta club at her home with Mx?. 1. Fred Guthrie as a guest player. Prize Howard Flanary, student of Brig­ winners were Mrs. Outhrie, hign ham Young University was the and Mrs Tom Eldridge. second high. speaker at Fireside Sunday evening at the home o f Nannette Bybee This Engagement Announced was the first In a series o f "Chats” Mr and Mrs Otto Farman of Nys- to be held after meeting Sunday eve­ sa announce the engagement of their nings. daughter. Karen to Ralph Chase, son Mr and Mrs Frank Pike are lead­ of Mr and Mrs Feron C h a * of ers of the class. Marsing. Ida. A late June wedding ❖ — ❖ in the Idaho Falls Temple has been Civic Club Coffee Hours planned. ^ Indian Gem APPLE SAUCE 6 f o r ................. $ 1 .0 0 2 lbs. CRACKERS E a ch ........... 4 7 * \Ii' and Mrs. Walter Roth were , , ... host and hostess to a buffett supper Mr. and Mrs Club Meets a id bridge Friday night at their Members of the Thursday Mr. and home Mr and Mrs Cliff Mink von Mrs. Club met at the home of Mr. high and Mr and Mrs. Dwight W yc- and Mrs Grant Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. k )ff won second high Mrs. Hugh Gus Liming were guest players. i .. _ _PriTPs T P fP Ofnn hu were Mrc won T irrt' by Mrs. Liming, Prizes Tobler won the traveling prize. high and Mrs. Olea Billings, second. — * Dinner Guests No. 303 Wilson's Super Market Dial 2231 204 Good Ave. "Modern Methods Make Shopping Easier Here"