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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. TH JR SO AY. JUNE 18. 1953 PAGE SIX Berrett's and Softboü Games Tobler's Win Friday. Oerry Barker pitched Tobler' i r LUS 1 1 Pi M l : 4- Ward in the first ! a N> i Boftt 11 league double-header Tue-.- day i ght at Rodeo pirk. He his 9-0 win over Roger p .stil Skce! wch Issued but three hits to T bl > Errors and walks contribu- NIGHT JALOPY RACES June 24 RODEO PARK NYSSA. OREGON (•ames in S o c ia l ^Vntcs Local Dairyman Calls Attention To Tuesday Low P ¿rentage Support Funds Paid scfthaii Marilyn Lytle Honored At Briday Shower For National Dairy Industry the N. a lea^ar- fur the «■«►min g week indude dllu|||..|)r ^(|rr^ fi»r this Friday and next Tuesday, all to be playrd und«-r the lights .it it ideo park lati at 7:30 p.m. Friday night May Tru'ti'nt meets llollingsuorUis' iu the opener and Berrett's Servici piay . L'iS 2nJ Ward in the nighteap. Tuesday night Waggoner Motors lakes on Tobler's Feed In the early game, with Hollingsworths’ ¡»laying Berrett's Servi'«- in the second. Over 50 gue-ts attended a bridal DOU&i VALÜÉ luring Mil Ifariljm L j tie an ideal ... 1953, owned S-Oj.000.000 worth of Dairy me i . c : II Main h me li -. Tue dav to the a.tenticn cf t : cotton, c«.ttcnseed and cottonseed oil Cc. era! public that "dairymen ha - .'; o l%u OcJ. ) i . .. i l.rh. c f the evening was a taking a shellack • r a: the ni )d wedding in which many gue.-t public.ty sin cf dairy products. seeker-, n-.ercha parli ciliated. To the strains of "Tur- groups who wan: to u-e milk a. a Quoting mure f.gures ba ed on key n the Stray" played by Mr- price leader and certain politic at.- support program expenditures dur cliff Main on her accord an. the who believe the milk wag.n is the ing the pa-t five years, Herrman re bridal party entered best vehicle to carry them into pub minded the public that dairy pro Mr- James Stephen. Jr., was :h? lic office,'' according to the Da ry ducts stand at the bottom of the mini-ter Mrs. Norvelle R bbins play- cooperative a-sec.a: n. list in the money spent for dairy pro- in proportion to the cash t 1 me groom who claimed for hi. Lercy Herrman. Ny --a H lstein ducts ed ta SkeenN downfall, although he lively bride. Mrs. George C leman breeder, last week rep-r ted me no- market. Total market value of lad mx strikeouts. Mr- Goldie R .per wept convencingly tional « statistics he stated <lis- wheat was more than $10.4 billion In the ,-ec and game Berrett’s Ser- as the bride's mother and Mrs. Ray- putes the accu-ation that dairy fir - and government purchases amounted v.c? gave May Trucking a 22-9 shel- mond -Sager, a. the bride's father, mers "are raiding the publ treat- to 45.34 percent; cotton was 12 53 ¡aegink in a game that w called wielded the shotgun like an old ury" and lmplicai. ins that "they are percent: tobacco. 9 32 nercent and U l . o f honor v m Mrs B-.:: a ba km u dairy products only 167. The dairy Dale M i,« ; r Berrett's had six Smiley and Mrs. Ray G riffins, be-t The government ha- -pent more industry cash market value *a strikeouts again-: two for May man. Others in the line were Mr;, money in buying up surplus cotton $20.660.000.000 with total government Carlos Buchner, train bearer: Mrs. and cotton products than it has to expenditures of only $345.900,000- Trucking’s M May. Murl Lancaster, ring bearer; and buy dairy products, Herrman coin- the largest cash value products and Mrs. Leo Gonyer, flower girl. Ail ment-ed. As an example, the Com- the one having the smallest amount .• r I were dressed appropriately for the modity Credit corporation, as of May of government expenditures, NEW FILL- PROVEN * 1 1 occasion. The event was complete AND-RiNSE $5C0, 6x22. frame, Owen Gann. PERFORM Al with wedding cake which was car LOCAL NEWS p May 6. Build garage, 413 North 8th AGITATOR FAUCET ved with a cleaver by the newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Ileus and I.eo street, $300. 20x30 frame. Art Baker Al-o on the program were a vocal and Mr-. E/ Carr and daughter re May 14. Move building on Arcadia >1 by Miss Letha Sager and read- turned Monday from a trip to Salt 1 f boulevard from let 3 to lot 2. Gla-- .n. b\ Mrs. James Stephen. Jr. and u Lake City where they attended an I W tracts, 30x50, frame, B & M j Mrs. Merildean Robbins. The pro- N L M I.A. convention Equipment. ------------ •ram was arranged by Mrs. L. E. ------- k E ÿ POWER Mr. and Mrs. \ : tor Main are visit- May 22, Build garage on Emi-on 1 Robbins. Ul* . tlx O i. Ma i ham Vi r FLUSH-RINSE GLEAMING 1 street, rear end of tract on Park. Games, under the direction of Mr- Main is h me cn leave from the -1000, 30 x 40, frame, Herbert C. ■ U P Henry Hartley were enjoyed by the ÍASY-NA.VEL ’ SPEEDY Na y. Turner. group and prizes were awarded to "Miss ( lirice X . ’ pis left Thursday FINISH SPIN-DRYING May 28, Alter building on North winning teams. for Colorado sia.e college at Grcely. 1st street, lot 6. block 78, Green ad Refreshments were served by the She w 11 return in e g!.: weeks. dition, $15000. 12x25 frame, M. F h -t<‘ --es. Mrs. Leroy Herrman. Mr- Guyene Glenn of Owyhee has b«‘ «-n Find'.ing. W W Foster. Mr-. Henry Hartley a visitor this week at the h -me of June 5, Enlarge building on 5th m d Mrs. David Beers. her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. The bride-elect received many c ^arf c ^ eizer j eanin~e Crocker street, lot 5 and 6, block 26. Teutsch 1 vely gifts. She will be married was a week-end guest of Guyene at addition, $10,000, 24x70, frame K E. Kerby. June 28 to Walter Brooks of Ny.--a the Schwetzer home. and they will leave soon to make Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ward of Se faucet. A u t o m a t ic o v e r l o a d Easy's two big tubs work at once, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY their home in Chula Vista, Calif. attle. Wash., spent Saturday and switch. Don't let this chance g o do your whole week’s wash in Sunday with Mr- Ava Broughton f o r SALE—G.M.C. 303 truck. 270 by C ome in, see this great new, less than 1 hour! Proven per Zone Rally Held * and Miss Myrtle Lett ar.d Mr. and engine, top condition. Good tires, AUTOMATIC formance Agitator washes clothes improved t iv n O t Mr- Jame- Ilett. Mr V \ lrd is Grand good beet bed. Dial 3189 23-tic. By M.Y.F. Groups King of the Royal Arch Masons o f --------------------------------------------------- Easy today! N o w * | / y cle a n e r, b righ te r. T h o r o u g h An MYF Zone rally » a - held Sun Washington. He was returning from FOR SALE—6 room modern heme Power Flush-rinse. S pee dy S p in day in the high school little theatre. a convocation in B zeman and on plus 3 rental homes. Will take trailor drying! H andy new fill-and-rinse L O W E A S Y TER M S D on t a sk us to s h o w y o u a n ww- 1 *le began at 2 30 with reg.'tra- to all.>;her m Canada. house or small acreage as part pay- thini* that compares W ith th e :i'in v^llc^ was followed by .'peake:- Mr. antj Mrs. p ;iu| Russell, Pauline ment. $7.000, $1,500 down. Mel Beck Ome«a Automatic, because m - ? and G era,Id returned hcme Saturday Real Estate. 23-tfc. i , ■ commission, m e j mciua« ci .vtrs. evening from a two weeks vacation ------------------ because there just isn t an- Osborne, Ontario; Rev. Don Ma- spent visiting relatives and friends 1:1011 RENT 3 room modern house Phone 3316 other such watch. Ome^a thews. Kuna. Janet Van Meter. On- Julesburg, Colo and Big Spiings Partly furnished if desired. Call 3175 118 North Main, Nyssa Evenings. 23-tfe. holds the highest awards for t«rio. Fern Osborne. Ontario, and Neb " , . , , Joe Schmidt, advisor of Fruitland --------------------------- accuracy ever achieved at the MY f at New Plymouth. b i il d in g p e r m it s foremost international obser- Camp slides were shown by Rev Feb. 28. Enlarge building at 209 vatories. It has timed four con- Andrews of Payette and the follow- Reece. $1200, 18x10. Frame, Ray Lin- tie w 195$ EASY Spindrier with P ow er Flush-rinse IN A CLASS jn BY ITSELF — Æ Wi r t Trial Runs Bogin 8 P.M. (Weather Permilling) Daredevil Drivers WILD RECKLESS Thrills Galore OMEGA ED CASE FURNITURE CO. secutive Olympic Games. And, l,nK °mi,ers w" e, elect^ f ?,resldent' Vl11« in th o A n tn m a tio it in the A u to m a t ic , it o t t t r s Admission $1.00 Sponsored by Owyhee Riding Club ‘VVV L . th o Janet Van Meter' ° ntano: vlce president, Rodric Hyde, Vale: sec- greatest watch value on the retary-treasurer. Phyllis Cheldelin. Nyssa: worship chairman, Onna market . bar none! Pounds, Nyssa: citizenship. Polly See our com plete selection o f Osborne, Fruitland; fellowship. Bill O m ega A utom atics, prient from 6 Hutchison. Fruitland, and Ruth Her- $71.50, including Federal Tax. rman. Nyssa. and publicity. Marilyn Brook, Ontario Advisors are Joe and Rosey Schmid. New Plymouth and Rev Heidel. Emmett , 127 Main Dial 6616 Lunch and recreation followed on Paulus Jewelry N ew s o f the March 13. Construct building, Ar- cadia Boulevard, lot 9 and 10. block 87 Westfield addition. $3000. 20x22 masonry, J Melvin Beck March 24. Construct building. north 10th, Tract 51 and 52, Glas- gow addition, $7000. 28x32, cinder block H G. Johnson. March 26. Alter building. North rd. block “7. Park addition. $1500, 15x13. frame. Robert F Thompson. April 5, Construct building on Ida ho street, lot 5, block dU Green ad dition, $6000. 35x32. cinder block, John C. Kreel. May 4. Alter fjuHding. Park avenue, $4000. 12x26, frame. C K OLson. May 4. Alter building. 511 Walnut, the high school lawn. Installation of officers completed the rally at 10 pun. * —<■ Dinner Guests Nyssa C om m unity Dinner guests Sunday a: the Rich ard Mason home were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Barton and Brent of Vale; Mr and Mrs D-n Fhirdueand Cathy; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chandler. D;anne and David, and Mr.-. Dorothy Bib- bey. Show Today 6 P.M. THURSDAY June 18 You May Gel A $25 Certificate Book Club Meets Messages of Better Values and Services Representing All Types of Business— • A Complete Classified Ad Section • Legal Notices of the County, City, School District and Other Units E v e r y We e k In The Gate City Journal Only S 3 .0 0 A Y e a r Member- of the Kingmar. Kolony book club met Saturday evening a: the h~me of Mr- Charles Schweizer. Mr- Mildred H.te reviewed the book The N:<ei Daughters." by Monica Sene Three guests. Mi-- Margery Nihart of H rnedale, Mr- Murl Lanra-ter. N\--i. ar.d Mr- Albert Nctheis at tended the meeting FREE Ice Cream— Pop Rebekahs Meet Yellow Rose Rebekah lodge No. 202 me: in regular .-e'.-ion June 11. Ruth Stra baugh was initiated into the lodge A potiuck lunch was serv ed to 34 member- present, six visitors fr m Beatrice No 69. Ontario. Mrs. Richard Yo.-t. a Washington lodge member, and Ann Graham, a mem ber living in Washington. Mrs. Jackson Entertains Mr- Homer Jackson entertained member- of her club Thursday ev ening with two tables in play. Guest players were Mr Fred Bracken. Mrs Murl Lancaster and Mrs. J R Cur.- dall Mr- Bracken won high. Mrs. Nick Rudelick. second, and Mrs Ed die Powell, traveling Easy Vision Hoffman Ez Carr Appliance 20 So. 1st St. Nyssa T. V. Sets $100 Down In Malheur. Payette and Canyon Counties W E DARE YOU TO BEAT THIS $3.50 A Year Elsewhere That's right — only $1.00 Down puts any of our 53Models in your home Subscribe Now KFXD TV Will be on the Air Thursday, June 18 Be the First to See it with Admiral, Bendix, Stromberg-Carlson Your TV Dealer PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Dial 2234, Nyssa ‘ Approval o! Cr#di! WE GIVE S fc H GREEN STAMPS W# Carry Our Own Contract$