THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON ' ~ — —- - — — ^ — THURSDAY JUNE 18. 1953 - ~ 'i: PAGE ELEVI ■ l June 10 1920 41 S'a» i075> a* v».it for t v week-, at 'he t. me of A . ed uv be U ’ A tit M, her >i ter. Mi t ir e u r Ou.-t.r. -■ >n Mr and Mrs llerb lisher anil Mrs. lui.) 49 S a - 84»; 18 L’ SC . K . i Twin F*»1U 818 > a to that: ;s r J » ... N H - E.ii 1114 (j IIInby \ NW , SW t IV . NW 6 . • ■ and NW 6 . ove r Usi we k-•end wi: M - H B - itieLey. From Tain ■.ec. 23. T 19 S., R 43 E W \C ----- EL— - 1 ^ . J K FaiUs, they went to Rupe rt and vUit- Ore gon. lying within sion line right-of- A J ed Mr and Mr> Ira Ön Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Wilson and Classified Advertising Rates ibject 11 tiie right-of-way for • Carolyn left Friday for Corvallis where Mr Wilson will attend - im- Federal Aid H.ghway under ec. 17 Tw o cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any >f tl the Act of November 9 1921 (43 mer sch o 1 at Oregon St:ate college of first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified classified advertisement will not be guaiantevd when su muted day night for Fort Lewis, where they Stat ■ 216; 23 U S C . sec. 18•. Inas- day night for F’or Lewis, where they muc a- all sec 23 and the N - N W i page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2Jo3. will be in National Guard camp for NW NE1. .ec 26. T 19 S R 43 E.. ’ two week- Mrs. Reuben llaruldson spent a 02393, which was issued to Paulin« ! day in Baker last week To Buy Or Sell See Mel „ r, 7. ,. T . j ■) i n , v .u r ..V ” lu Vonna Mason has been ill at J. Ray mon on July 1, 1952 far a term of 5 years, these lands will be (old Our New Business Building is Located 3 B lo c k s N o rth of \ hfT home thls weelt For Sale For Sale Mr. and . . Mrs o n U .S . 20 , across from Berrett’s Service Station. — . . John (ioddard of subject to the provisions of the Act Notus and Mr and Mrs. Vane Ru.-co of March 4. 1933 (47 Stat. 1570; W sa, rvw crop land, modern home. FOR 5*.ALE—Good dairy cows. Have FOR SALE Fresh Marsha« straw- FARMS U.S C. sec. 1241 and to the provision*- spent Sunday in Boise. been cn Standard D H I A. testing, berries. Order., filled or you pick Farms and limitations of Section 29, Act of Just listed 80 acres top row crop BUSINESS OPPORTI SITIES Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sanders re- 23-tf. u mi. north Nyssa, Tyler Berry CATTLE RANCH February 25. 1920 ( 41 S u t 449. 30 Lloyd Lewis. land, east end o f Sunset Valley, 3 14.000 >quart foot turned Sunday after spending two Onion storage, 22-tf. Farm. Phone 3348 ---------------- 200 head permit. 3 sections leased i*1™1 'r“ ° l -- weeks in Neosho, Mo., visiting friend- u s e 186'. also. warehouse. f o r SALE—U.ed wa-hing machine, This tract is ordered into the mar- ,ll W Pearvin 2214. 2214 FOR S A L E -Welch baby buggy, like land. 117 acres irrigated land b^ 57 ^ r™ ° ^ id ^ water row crop good . condition. r Call W. Pearson location, 60 foot and relatives. Mr. Sander’s parents Corner busine i owing that the greater 23- UC ne* D;a> 3070 23-tfc. Cheap water. Two sets of improve- S ^ r ^ m modern frontage one one -treet and 120 foot Mr and Mrs Art Sander, portion thereof is mountainous or too ----------- 1 menu. Immediate possession. J^ S J^ erops and machinery goes. ment >ther, in heart of with them for a visit, frontage on the for cultivation. $65 000 . 29'”c down $46.000 Au- tnatic Washer reduced to $125 FOR SALE—New model Kirby var­ own. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Uox and rough 160 acres. 55 acres irrigated, small Nyssa, $.',300 Bids may be made by the principal ano Automatic Dryer reduced to uum just out. For free demonstra- SAFE WAY TO FARM daughters returned Friday night af­ or his agent, either personally at the HOMES $10.000., Veterans lean on 60-70 acre ro w crop land, plus 100 ^ $12o Wa hday gene foiever. Ez Carr tion or Kirbv service, rail Don Rich. ter spending two weeks visiting fri­ .-•ale or by mail. acres good river bottom pasture. ¡ace’ bedroi m modern listed 2 Just Appliances. West of R.R. StatUn. 610-R Payette before 9 mornings. ends and relatives in Provo. Ogden. Bids sent by mail will be consider­ corner location, $ M),000, terms arranged to suit you. ¿80 acres top row crop ranch of in. home. 23-l t c .. 23-tfc. Salt Lake and Huntington. Utah Mr ed only If received at this office prior COW COUNTRY ioarer Snake River Valley, 3 .$6.400 and Mrs. Franklin Cox. Mr Cox’s to the hour fixed for the sale. T h e « 96 acres cultivated with more land homes, good feeding set up, potato 2 bedroom modern heme, parents, returned with them to visit. Sez: Oddly enough, gold diggers 5 ac: bids must be accompanied by certi­ to be developed. Good range land ceuer 40r; down. and New Hampshire pullets, six to hardly ever celebrate-- Golden shady yard, good set of out buildings, Mr. and Mrs. Art Servoss were fied checks or post-office money or­ - s' l l c j nearby. Tractor, truck and all go acres, 60 acres in:gated, place is close t. Ny-..», $12,000. ten weeks old. Fryers and started Weddings visitors Friday night at the D. A ders for the amounts of the bids and 1 equipment included. $27,000, $15,- ¡n pasture, corn, alfalfa, and grain. chicks Lemon's Hatchery. 23-2:p. I _____ 8 '_____ 2 bedroom modern home, fireplace, Vanscoy home in Ontario. mu-t be enclosed in sealed envelopes 000 down. crops go, 3 bedroom modern heme. wall to wall carpeting, full basement, Mrs. Fd Benedict iif Portland re- the envelopes must be marked in the H>R S A I X - O n , J, hn Deere model J fw iU « " p£J f a M ■ VIEW OF THE V’ ALLEY cattle feeding set up for 500 head, oil furnace, attached garage, 100- turned to lu r home luesday alter ] vver ¡eft hand corner substantially 22-tf. 12 A combine pickup and dual Fu-m-h u k ' “6 New brick home. 100 good acres $18.500, $10.000 down. fix't frontage, corner location, spot­ spending four days in Nyssa at the as follows; 1 160 acres, row crop and stock set wheels. Phene 2343 . 22-3tp FOR SALE — Champion fruit trees $50.000. cn terms. r $ ' >09. $2.500 Lome of Mr and Mrs. Dwight Smith Public sale bid. Serial No. Oregon up, small home, $28,000, low down lessly clean, all 1 PAID UP WATER RIGHT down, loan can be btauud on the Mr. -lnd Mrv c;,M»rse Keed and 02353. Sale. 10 00 A M.. July 17. 1953.’ FOR SALE—1952 Westinghouse au- Draft fruit trees Luther Burbank Stark | 70 acres cultivated, mostly row payment. Kenneth of Chiloquin, Ore are visit The person making the highest 20 acres on highway north of Ny-- balance. tomatic washer. You tahe over the varietie.-. Flowing and ect. J C. j crop land. Balance fenced pasture - ----„ at 1^ the rpnrpspntative. Write ing at the Damon Savage home Mr.- bid will be required to pay immedi­ •ract "see Carole Wilson - ales representative. Write con iraci. pec V/ _ ____^ Krul, 9'5 T H a h n strei treet or dial 3044. land, part irrigated. $30.000. Savage and Mrs. Reed are sisters ately the amount thereof. MEL BECK—REALTOR Journal office or Ez Carr, 20 So. 1st. 22-4tp., ENJOY THIS LOCATION Any persons claiming adversely 22-tic. Nyssa. Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. —-------——-----—----- - ! _ _ — :----- r--------- 7— :— , ■ 63 acres of good laying land with the above-described land are ad- INSURANCE Mrs. Peterson Honored Strawberries. Frank Ez Sez: People who aren t afraid to ; good 4 room home. IdeaI for dairy. LOANS FOR SALE Mrs Robert Peterson of Woodland ^ t0 fUe 'I t* "1!, ° r ^bjec- 22-3tp. roll up their shirt sleeves------Seldom ? . $ 2 0 000 1 3 down. NYSSA, OREGON — DIAL 2033 Graham, dial 2319. Hills. Calif., was honored guest at a ° nr ° rn}^ iote the Ume dW1* - - lose their shirts. 20 So 1st. 23-ltc j i r r i g a t e d PASTURE bridge luncheon Thursday evening. ni ed for sale’ A Patton I 44 acres of good tame pasture. — , Ez sez; You’ve reached middle age vf)r^ r _ l arrin _ week given by Mrs. Grant Rinehart r ranees a . uatton Good home and other buildings. For Sale or Trade when the litUe woman tell^n>d° uy^ Sewing Machines, etc. None o ve^$10f $10 500 Miscellaneous home^rS DlClt Fensen at the Tensen First Publication May 28^ 1953. *' pull in your stomach, Ez Carr Appliances. Just west of ¡ land, part irrigated. $27,500. | _________ _ _ Last publication June 25, 1953. 21-tfc. 1 WHAT A BARGAIN already have! j Gone are the days . . . when auto- FOR SALE OR TRADE- 1952 Chev. ' Railroad Station. Three tables of bridge were in play 40 acres of fine row crop land, ... horseless carriages and truck, heavy duty, long wheel base, with Mrs. John Olsen, high score NOTIC E TO CREDITORS TRADE IN modern 4 bedroom home. Will irn- mobiles were horseless carnages ana ^ u' 2 ' Deed" ’ , 8 d verv POR SALE—Rabbits. 3 angoras does winner, Mrs. Edward Boydell, second In the County Court of the State «f gate in two fields with minor enamels turned Yellow^ T o- tle jUit ’uke Zae’k Walker uial high and Mrs. Glea Billings, travel­ Oregon for the County of Malheur your old fashioned washer and one buck and 8 hutches. Dial fields • with minor day s automobile is a home on wheels. — ---------- Nyssa 21-4tp 264« 20-tf. Your WIFE In the Matter of the Estate o f ing. leveling, very deep soil. Cheap w a t-, WHITE IMPERVO is now using, on a new modern auto- ---------------------------------------- Frank J Cahill, deceased. ter. $25,000, crop included, $10,000 and today's matic Hotpoint washer. Liberal Used Westinghouse electric range down. i ENAMEL stays super-white as long NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION LOCAL NEWS like new $99.50. Ideal Gas & Appli­ LIVE CHEAPER trade. Easy terms. i That the undersigned, The First Na- as the durable finish lasts . . . You ROUGH OR MOUNTAINOUS ances. 20 So. 1st. 21-tfc, TRACT ; t/ional Bank of Portland, has been Ez Carr Appliance« 2 acres with three bedroom mod- can get IMPERVO from your Ben- ern home^OOO. Jamin Moore p aint r * aler, Nyssa Mrs. Alva Bauer and Mrs I.lydla appointed administrator with the PUBLIC LAND SALE 20 South 1st. CHOICE ACREAGE r „ „ k . . 11 ir^ Kerby of Kan?as City, Mo., visited 21-tfc. Will annexed of the estate of Frank United State« * - ’ Lumber Co. 13-tfc. Thursday and Friday with Dr. and J. Cahill, deceased, by the County Department of the Interior FREE 5 good acres, modern 2 bedroom | Mrs. K E. Kerby. They also visited FOR SALE— 1 Oliver horse drawn Court o f Malheur County, Oregon, I .and Offiee home, good outbuildings, close in. i ------ some time in Boise with relatives KEYS MADE row crop cultivator, nearly new. Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals Bureau o f Land Management Land and has qualified as such. Specially priced at $12,000. Terms and friends. Nu George R. L. Smit, Echo Ave. Office, Portland 18, Oregon, May 22, | NOW, THEREFORE, all persons arranged to suit. Dial Nyaaa 3017 Evelyn Duddridge is in Nyssa to 1953. While You Wail 20- 2tc. Acres. Phone 5087. having claims against the estate o f Homes spend her summer vacation from NOTICE is hereby given that un- Frank J. Cahill, deceased, are here- Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. FIRESTONE STORE Eastern Oregon College o f Education der the second proviso of section by notified and required to present FHA TERMS HERE Will the person who got my goat Nearly new, 2 bedroom home, good _ Electrolux at La Grande She will resume .stud­ 2455, R S.. as amended by section the same, with proper vouchers, duly please return it and collect reward. homes all around. $8500, full price 1 MISCELLANEOUS 21-tfc. ies this fall. Ez Carr. 20 So. 1st. 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 ( 48 verified, within six (6) months from ! Beautiful blond used bed room set. iC T im F n r m v w a r cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. Jan Marie Mare of Eagle has been State., 1274), and pursuant to the the date of thus Notice, to the under- Mr and Mrs. Chest. Bed complete P PICTURE OF THE YEAR Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, a house guest this past week at the application o f Arthur W. Palmer, I signed. The First National Bank o f CHARCOAL I and nite stand. Save over % price Your wife and children In this big ph0ne 0287-J4. 44-tf. home of Mr and Mrs. Cliff Main. Rt. I, Box 135, Vale. Oregon. Serial FVirtland, at the law office of Harold. Ez Carr Appliances. 20 So. 1st. 69c Bag beautiful yard. 2 bedroom m o d e r n 1 Septic ------------------------------------------------------ 21-tfc. tanks and cesspools cleaned. Miss Mace is the 6 months old daugh No. Oregon 02353, there will be of- Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, which * n nw n fered, to the highest bidder, but a t 1 place the undersigned selects as it* home. $6500. ___ Terms arranged. Ideal Gas & Appliance Dial 4-3763, Parma or 4-2161 Parma ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Mace. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Williams of not less than $2.75 pier acre, at n place of business In all matters con- IDEAL LOCATION 20-tfc. FOR SALS Nearly new two bedroom home Hardware. 13-tfc. Liverpool, Calif, visited Wednesday public sale to be held at 10:00 o’clock ¡nected with said estate. 2 bedroom house, good location with finished apartments in base- ------------------------ — -------- --------- r. by and THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Thursday at the Jack Medlock a. m., on the 17th day of July next, 1 Step having septic tank trouble ___ _____ FOR SALE — Lapidary Equipment F.H.A. terms, $8400. OF PORTLAND ment $12,500, F.H.A. terms. putting in Field Daln. Dial 3993 Lome. The Williams are moving to at this office, the following tract of and Supplies. Highland park saw land: By Geo. W. Stewart. Trust Officer 160 acres, fall delivery, $28,000. STURDY PRE-WAR evenings. 9-tf. Boise. units on hand. No waiting. Frantom T. 19 S., R 43 E . W M. O r e g o n - Administrator of the Estate of Frank Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis and 1 bed room home on two lots, CONSTRUCTION Cabachon units and agate jewelry. 23. all; sec. 26 N'nNW ti, N W '4- J. Cahill, decased. $2,750, $500 down. Convenient location, 4 finished COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is readv and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lewis of Qres- sec. NE'4 (containing 760 acres). Juanita’s Agate Shop, 296-N-W 2nd Dated and first publLs-hed June II, bedrooms, full basement. $12,500, to build your driveway, parking area, ham returned to their home last 4 houses on two acres, hiway The land will be sold subject to 1953. Ave , Ontario, Oregon. 22-3tc. frontage, $17,000, terms. week after spending 10 days at the school yard, feed lot, lounging or easy terms. section 24 of the Federal Power Last publication July 9, 1953. implement shed. Only pugmlll as­ home of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Mauld- 100 a cres-good location, beautiful1 NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME ing. Dianne Maulding returned with USED APPLIANCE phaltic concrete mix In this area. 1 home, new machine shed, excellent j Large rooms with hard wood floors, them for a vacation. BARGAINS $69 soil $50,000. Boh Thompson Agency., utility room. Safe convenient, all Low cost, guaranteed w o * , free esti­ Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly and Bob­ mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A Deluxe Electric R a n g e ----------- $28 Blacksmith shop with equipment! on one floor arrangement. $13,000, by and Cathy left F’riday morning or phone 280, Ontario. 13-tf. --1 — * » sril_it_ easy terms. Used W a s h e r_____ ----------------------- — for their home in Ogden after vlsit- j and house on 1/4 acre fronting high­ Sew Gem Electric Cabinet BRAND NEW Remember old King Midas, whose jng at ^ l c G. A Mallv home way in good farming center. $2,900, --- 2 bedroom home with full base­ IVCUtVtttwv. • Mrs. ----- Howard ■■-------■* Boor of sewing machine and . --------- touch turned everything to gold? |' ; M r alld ment. Detached double garage. attach m en ts------------- ------ $119 $1,000 down. and Large corner lot. Facing the park. The room you ’’touch” this season Boise and Mr. and Mrs. James Boor ^22-50i 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An 4 -ft. Refrigerator with Benjamin Moore paint won’t arrived home FYiday after spending ¡abundance of free gravity water, , | _________ $13500, easy terms. -found a week visiting in Calif. FIRESTONE STORE --------- ----- ------------ 19-tfc. $31,500, easy terms. LOTS OF ! chanKe to gold but Its new Y o u r1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mefford, Roto-Rooter Sewer Service • ------- ROOM ----- ---------- --- ---- ----- 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 4 room house, full basement, mod- ! beauty will am aa you ern tenant hou,e, extra lot, all for frie“ dly deaier, Nyssa Lumber Co. Betty Jean Strickland and Jerry 13-tfc 'rucker were visitors Sunday at the We have several used electric and 1 downi ba}an,ce like rent, $6,750. ' j home o f Mr. and Mrs. Valdo Talbot, BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE gas refrigerators traded iei on the Acreage—2 bedr\>c:n house, barn SPECIAL BARGAIN new Serve! Come in and choose one. and chicken house $4.200. MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need in Nu Acres. 3 bedroom brick home, not new, money to remodel your home or to Gals Outnuber Guys at 4-H Summer Dial 2322 Nyssa Ideal Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. I ------- _ ___ _ FARM LOANS but still good. $3,500. 17-tf. | build outbuildings or garage? We School----- 14pt. IDEAL FOR COUPLE can arrange a loan for you and give The traditional 2-to-l boy-girl ra- BOB THOMPSON AGENCY Nearly new single bedroom mod­ you up to three years to pay It. tlo at Oregon State college has un- Dial 3355 Used Servel gas refrigerator W0 5°, ern home. $3.000, $1,500 down. Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc dergone a complete turnabout at 4-H Ideal Gas & Appliance. 16-tic. ------ ----------------- I summer school. WELL WORTH THE MONEY .vu3 or.i«ui«ii..------ - The registration for the 38th ann- Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor m ISCELLEANOUS Wall-Satin, W anted HOMES FOR SALE furnace, utility room. $7.950. Here . comes color. A . washable, - v . u . ,,, rub- k . ual 10—day session—June M to 26 Excellent 2-bedroom home. Hard- ! _____ w w ah finish finish for for interior interior walls and -hov . 1251 girl. and 591 boy During wood floors, front room carpeted, , , , . ... , , . , ATTRACTIVE AND NEW [ [¿Viied -------- -- the - the past college w year, 3690 OSC 2320tp ---------- - 2 bedroom modern home on paved trim electric < 1 * » « .h e r and D most surfaces in one uni- men moved in a narrowed field of street. Good homes all around. basement, furnace heat. On __ ___ •covers sink. child’s bicycle ! 1300 coed'. $8,000, terms to suit. paved street. Best location. WANTED — Used form coat. Clackamas and Washington coun- 1 4-rooms, modern and basement, (girl) tandem wheels. Call 2214 •dries to a satin sheen In less than Business Opportunities ties and the city o f Portland here — ___ Physicians Dentists nice yard, shade, good location. $1000 w . Pearson, one hour 23-ltc. j HOME AND 100 MONTHLY •twelve handsome colors all ready the largest 4-H representation with Lovely new home with 4 modern down, balance like rent. 100 or more delegates each. Some to use. 2-bedrooms, modern, attached g a - ' rental cabins. Room to build sev­ SARAZIN CLINIC 16-tf. 150 local leaders and county 4-H ag­ DR. C. M. TYLER rage, large utility room. Nearly new. WANTED—Hay baling, new baler. eral more, $17.000. Terms arranged.! Nyssa Lumber Co ents have boosted total attendance to Only $7000. Scott Hiatt, dial 2647. 23-2tp. Dr. J. J. Sarazin WILSON BUILDING 14 UNIT MOTEL -------- nearly 2000 Dial 2771, Nyssa START YOUR BETTER Dr. K. E. K erby WANTED—Custom baling. Can ac- We Have Two Good Business 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ventrees and Well located and very attractive. O ff'ce Hours From 9 to 5 HERD TODAY .........—-- --------- comadate my old customers and Dr. K. A. Danford Buildings for Sale. Both Leased $10,000. includes all furnishings. . . , , - „ ,________ > family were supper guests at the Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 some new ones. Have a new Oliver Physicians and Surgeons and Paying Good Return. I Art ‘ ficai In. emina tion to Sues Oordon Montgomery home in New- wire tie. Weight and length to suit. Also Apartments and Business KEN POND « ur SÏΙ P,roved m \he top l \ each i>rf 1d ell Heights Wednesday evening J. R. CUNDALL Priced right. L. E. Robbins, Gem Ave Locations. Dial 6615 Guem-ey, Jersey, Ho1 Hoi. Brown Drown Swlss- owim , yj rs Robert Peterson left Friday r5" " rn,PV Jersey' Mrs. Dentist Dial 2513 23-2tc. 16 North 3rd BERNARD EASTMAN ; Milking short horn. Also 2 beef jor her jjome ¡n Woodland Hills. Night and Sunday Phone« Nyssa Dial 2638 , breeds. $7 50 per oow. No charge for cfalif.. after visiting here with her Dial 2643 WANTED—Hay baling, New Hol­ Ken Pond 3168 Sarazin Clinic Keal Estate — Insurance j return service. Ray Bowns. New mother, Mrs. Hilda Tensen and with Hank Storm 3392 land wire tie. See Elmer Stradley or ORBOON Farm Loans L. A. MAULDING. M. D. NYSSA Plymouth, 4041. other relatives. Jan Rinehart went 22-3tp. ! dial 2156. Physician and Surgeon IDAHO PROVED SIRE to California with her aunt, Mrs. Help W anted DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Ez sez: An expert is an ordinary WANT jjd —Hay baling, wire tied. Dial 2216 c f r v TCF Peterson, for an extended visit. _* - is 21 long way from »-»r Dronce p&v— i o c .x \ v i i ^ £ . Mr. and Mrs. G lea Billings visited Dental Clinic Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 21-tfc Phone 092-R5. Henry Preuss Pay- guy — Who 1 1 ’ with Mrs. Joe Ewer in Boise Satur- I Daily Except Saturday and 7th and Bower home. I ette, Idaho. 22-4tp WANTED—Two women to represent Avon Products. Good earning op- day evening. Mrs. Ewer is a former Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 G tal 3311 FOR SALE—4 room modern house,' ------ B portunity. 4 hours daily. Write Avon W r r n t f » f i Nyssa resident with nice lawn and shade trees, j F or R en t Products, 1005 West Lewis, Pasco, • • u l * l c u | Eugene Gustavson returned this equipped with gas. Dial 3914. j-u c . ------ ----------------------------------------------- w « week from Grants Pass where he 21-3’ p. j Chiropractor 10-tfc. 1 = 11--------------------------------------------------, --------------- anmtmt ____ FOR RENT —Two room apartment - WOMEN WANTED — Address and WANTED—To trade 3 h. p. Century had been transacting business. | behind Beauty Nook. See M Peter- ICO/ -- nuui\ ,«..»> . ---- Doctor ^home w ith : son Dial 3907 Z3-zic 3 or V >4 h. p variable Mr and Mrs. Reuben llarnldson 23-2tc. 1 | mail post cards cards. Make over $50 week week, motor for 1 1/3 5 a c r e s modern for s ale —- - I speed ■ —-z-« Tn/mire fi Doctor ----------------------------------- 1—----■------- : I Send $1 for instructions. * Lendo,, motor. Inquire Gate City and Mrs. Arlle Sipps and family of ' ■ “ * - T T— »ahimoH C. R. VAN PATTEN 12-tf. Homedale returned lo«t last WpHnesdav Wednesday 2 bedroom ---------- EDGEL W WOOD 21-3tp. ( journal basement, excellent location, good --------------------------- ------- Chiropractic Physician ! after spending the week-end In Ida- soil, garden, fruit trees, barn chicken PGR RENT — Furnished basement watertnwn vr, C hiropractic Physician Physiotherapist and ouici other outbuildings. outbuildings. [ ! " Apt Lights I WANTED—Trucking o f any kind, ho FalLs. Office« at 2 Arcadia Blvd. house, and i " , 3130 “ *5*— and ----- water furnished. Mr. an d Mm. R ich a rd Forbes« and Dial 23-tfc. Office« at 265 North Oregon $12 700 ' I Dial 3130. 23-tfc. , except livestock. Dial 2190 Nyssa DUI 3939 For Rent Ontario Phone 476 13-tfc. . sons. Dennis and Ronald spent the NY’ SS.A INSURANCE AGENCY FOR RENT—Three room furnished i week-end In Corvallis visiting their Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent | apartment. F*ull sized range, refrig- FOR RENT—Are you Interested in I --------------------- son, Richard, prior to his starting EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C Nysaa, Oregon I erator, home freezer, utilities furn- an apartment and a home, too? j RADIO and TELEVISION «ummer school at Oregon State col­ 101 East 1st St. Dial 3230 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 Lsbed. 112 Park Ave. 23-tfc. Large well kept lawns? shade trees? ! SERVICE lege Richard Is a Sophomore at the Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy school. Nyssa. Oregon FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall | — -----------------------------------— ----- — Dozens of shrubs? An outside fire­ C omplete Radio Repair Service Jewelry Stores -------- t»rms available Fire- RENT Two 250-ton capacity place and large patio, lawn fu r a i-; Mm. Buelah Smith of Colorado Tube« and Part« in Stock paper Budget terms available I trench silos. Lloyd Lewis. 23-tf. Springs, Colo., arrived Friday to 2-tf. | ture? Roomy apartment, Many Quick Service stone Store. Veterinarians FOR RENT—Two and three room I wardrobes, large windows, three out Work Guaranteed — e , furnished apartments 15 Park ave. 7- “ - f o r sal Optometrists 2-bedroom home, new oonstruc- D , ^ Ev^ythjng furnished If side entrances? See the Long A part- JAKES RADIO and T.V. ~ ---- AA t 1 1 e. ^ I»lC HW->, 7 »v or s »» ---- - ■ © - t Uuvi ---- *’ ’ - L/UG — ■ -- --«• 00 ments, 11 Ding Drive, NYSSA VETERINARY dining necessary $35 and $40 zz -tic ^ Q T 3083 R *asonable rant «C f SHOP tion: completely modern CLINIC Located in Wilson Bros. Dept. Store room, attached garage; very good I ____________________________ location an King ave. $12,000, terms. FOR RENT — Newly decorated liable party. Dr. B. E. Rosa Dr. D. R. Mason DR. J. A. McFALL 2-bedroom modern home. FJi.A. apartment, 2 large rooms, s h o FOR w e r RENT—2-room ------------------ WANTED ---------furnished, reasonable Stunz duplex furnished cab- Optometrist Large and Small Animals ¿*UCUtt/viu — ---- DR. JOHN EASLY 22-tfc. in, Chadwick camp 4-tf Dead Animals approved, good location, corner lot. 1 i y 407 Main St. Dial 2010 Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon Removed Free. Eyes Examined paved street, very nice yard. $9500 7786 FOR RENT—Furnished and unfur- room, man itn cold corn rtor-1 SWI-1POR . inir1_ . nts Dial gflgg Rural grocery store with TOR RENT—Bleeping RENT_ g lw>pln8 Dial Nynaa 3947 ~* " " n ^Ano fi/; ] 7 r” lockers excellent location on i preferred Phone 6617, Dwight Smito. j ' ’ n -t f. Phone 9-2312 Payette 676. _____ . age • ______ , tm K I 19-ti busy highway Reasonable terms. Idaho Animal Products Co. 718 Arthur St. furnished FOR RENT — New Clarke 8-inch 2 bedroom modern nwuc.u home, -------- full | basement, extra large lot well tm- FOR RENT—Three-room lurmsnea floor sanders and 6-ftich edger. WANTED—Highest prices paid for Caldwell, Idaho ■ ...............- terms. East I apartment, close In. H. H Kingrey, 8 turn Lumber Co. 16-tf. Onllk proved, $5 000 J ? y Q w cic1 BEST BUYS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY I 11 OR. C.W. CRAVES! Fourth street N YS6A l«, T ) » 4 AGSN CT ■•left O urn — ft 4««^ | -------