% » V W V F -4 -•» f _I J • - • r % wf 1 f i I I t__ . J j ^ yi 1 * *i 1 ~ fc_____ * _« ^ r * . V • JOURNAL NYSSA VOLUME XXXXVIII NO. 23 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 18. 1953 Flanagan Returns to School Board; Herriman Renamed Chairman; Election Planned for New Building Registration Open For Recreation TWELVE PAGES James Hille First David Grav Ends Eastern Oregon Doctors to Gather In Nyssa Soldier io Police Service Nyssa Friday. Saturday for Annual Die In Korea War Meeting; Specialists On Program David Gray, member of the Nyssa Registration hours for the summer police force and actmg chief of po recreation program have been set lice from mid-March to the latter for 9 to 12 noon and 1 to 4 p. m. part of May. submitted h:- resigna Monday at the city park, it was an Nyssa’s first Korean battle cas tion to City Manager E K. Burtoi Nyssa will play host to the Ew-tera Patrons o f school district 26C voted ------------------------------------------------------ nounced this week by Jerry Bellon, and Chief of Police E L. Hansen director. Oregon district Medical society Fri ualty was announced Monday when I last Friday Gray left last week-end nearly 6 to 1 Tuesday in favor of . The eight-week program will get Mr and Mrs Peter Hille receivec day and Saturday when doctors from Sid Flanagan to succeed himself on f" U T I l l t U r © F ir m to visit hiis former home in West under way, Bellon said. Tuesday tight eastern Oregon counties gather the board of trustees for a five-year word from Hie war department ttu»; Virginia He stated that he will re- I _ , _ morning with the organization of a £ £ £ ™ p " Tam e- D Hille, 17 here for their 1953 convention. term The lx>ard reorganized under n i n P v n n n e ir m main in police work and will possibly B o V S lO W Il hov; rva«;phiil1 “ little ntri*» league" I paviip nnri ................... boys’ baseball and Oregon statute.- following the elec- T i U l l S L X p u ilS lO I l Dr K E Kerby, Nyssa, chairman I girls’ softball groups. In the after was killed in action in Korea The locate in Montana where he has been tion and reviewed a straw vote of _ __ _ .. .. ¡of the committee on arrangements, notice gave no particulars only that offered a position, noon there will be tennis, badminton said the program will feature 11 parents who indicated that a ana- f o r 1N © W D U lid lllG he was "killed on the ground against j Chief Hansen said the three-man j jority want a bond election to con- ** ! and volleyball for boys and checkers. the enemy.” He was serving with the police force composed of himself -pecial lectures covering a wide An appeal by the Nyssa Eagl.’ - Purchase of the Elizabeth Atkin- croquet and story telling for Eirls was cast. 79 of them for Flanagan 7th Infantry in Korea and had been Howard Crawford and Marvin Wil- lodge for any kind of sports equip range of the field of medicine and and smaller children. room shop and music room. son building at the corner of Main there only a few weeks, according son is now at "normal strength” in ment for the Eagle-supported Boys’ surgery and one on rehabilitation There will be swimming one day to the parents. A the election a total of 94 votes and Third streets by the Pet- accordance with the budget set by Town of the West received a gener services which is of increasing in terest to the medical profession. were cast. 79 of them for Flanagan " son Fu 1 f n«ure Co was announced a week, details of which will oe an Pvt. Hillie enlisted In the Army on the city for that purpose. ous response by individuals, mer nounced next week. and 15 for Jerrv LaCelle. former thls week a10» « with plans for ex- Arrangements for the scientific Sept. 18. 1952—on his 17th birthday— * , r a n c t v a r o m n /io lin c r /■» t h n it .lm i chants and organizations, according Later, tournaments for the various and received his basic training In principal of the Appie Vailey school. tensive remodeling of the building program were made with the as I to Johnnie Johnson, who has been and expansion of the Peterson Fur sports will be organized. Bellon -aid, tne United States. He spent a 10- Adrian Man Wins Approximately two-thirds of the sistance of ’ iie committee on post -pearheading the project. Bellon will be assisted ay his wife. day furlough at his heme in Feb- votes were cast after 6 p. m., election niture in Nyssa when it moves to its graduate education of the Oregon Johnson left late Saturday with Einer, who will have charge o! girls’ ruary and reported to a point of em Scholastic Honors Slate Medical society and the co judges reported. Last year only 21 new location. other Eagle members for White The budding is now occupied by activities. persons turned out to vote at the Fred Klingback of he Nyssa com i Salmon, W a sh . location of Boys’ operation of the committee on cien- barkation on Feb. 16 and was im Jackson Jewelry. Service Part- Co. election. mediately -hipped overseas to Japan. munity member of the senior grad I Town of the West, to make personal tific activities and professional edu and is the former location of Brac- In Japan he served about six weeks uating class a: Seattle Pacific col delivery of the contributed articles. cation of the Oregon Heart associa Following tne election, members of ken’s Department Store and Bill Committee Seeks . , a- a med.cal aidman at an Eta Jima lege wa - recently awarded a medal | Maying the trip with him were R the beard met at the chool to or- Lemons Western Store, —oy tion. Among the gue.-t lecturers ar> Dr. by the Wall Street Journal for hav -pecialist school and was sent to ganize under the Oregon statute Funds for Hi Y Barnes, Lamont Fife and Mack Me- Harold Brcndle, Nyssa manager F H Bentley, Portland, visiting lec K rea shortly after he completed ing the highest standing throughout Tavish. which require- that the member ser of Peterson's, sa'd that the pans I An appeal is being made for con- four years of college with a major in hi- spec.alist training. ving the longest period of time un firm will move into the corner loca In add’ tion to those mentioned in turer at St. Vincent’s hospital under economics and business administrat the Gate City Journal last week the the au.-pices of the Sommer Me der an election be named chairman. tion. occupied until last winter by tr butiens from the general public Mr. and Mrs. Hille received a let This position automatically fell to Bracken's, and the space now oc- | fer the Ny.-sa Hi Y club, a high ter Sunday of this week from their ion He was manager of the college folloding persons and firms have morial Fund and formerly professor of surgery at the University of Dur J L. Herriman. who has served in cupied by the parts store and that I school organization and unit of the •on who wrote the me-sage on Fri ba-ketball team during the past year. I contributed since then: Klingback is the son of Mrs. V. I B»n Franklin Store, throw rugs ham Medical school. Newcastle-up tha same capacity for the pa.-t year. from which the Western Stsre is Y-ung Men’s Christian a-sociatiuns day. June 5 It was the following day of Oregon. on-Tyne. England: Dr. Delbert A. Klingback and attended the Adrian ! Carlos Buchner was elected by the being closed out. will serve as part According to Harold Brendle, that he was killed on the battlefield. high school before going to Seattle 1 and mod'H airplanes; Don Mos- Fire- Ward, Boise, head of the orthopedic board to succeed himself as vice of the furniture store’s new location. Mrs H He said that arrangements -tone Store, fishing tackle; Eder chairman of the Ny.-.-a Y M C A. chairman. Under ordinary circum are being made to ship the remain- Pacific college. Hardware, fi.-hing tackle: Willis department at St. Luke's hospital, In acid tion to the double store and C. F. Fieke, Salem, director, Di stances, the current school board space, plans are being mad? to ex- committee in charge of the drive, back to Nys-a for interment, but REPORT FISIIINCl GOOD Bertram, mitt. the organization need- $300 of which vision of Vocational rehabilitation, chairman’s tenure expires the year the family has not been informed as The iquipnient will be u-ed by the . . . . , , , . . . tend the two units back to the alley, $103 is for local expen-e- and 3200 At least two Nyssa fishermen re Oregon State Department of Edu that he heads the board, but because excavate a full basement under the I as the club’s share of staff and to time. ported catching their limit of rain 32 boy- housed at the Boys’ Town cation. of resignation.-, appointments and double store ar*a and construct a headquarters services of the Pao:f:c Jaine- HHle was born Sept. 18. 1935 bow trout la-t week-end when a ma- | at White Salmon. The home is Other Portland physicians par short-term elections during recent jarge mezzanine balcony a: the rea- ‘ N rthwest area Y.M.C.A. council. at Mesa, Ariz. and came to Nys-a jority reported weather conditions j maintained by the Eagles lodges of ticipating in the program ere: Dr. terms, Herriman retained his long- of the , t:.re , ne v loCat:.-n There I The Nyssa Hi Y club is und- ;■ the about seven years ago with his fam Oregon and Washington for way were unfavorable to fishing Ed Case evity through two years, it was ex- wU1 be extensive remodehng of the I leader-hip of Charles Steffens, high ily. He attended elementary school and Ma- Ttagi caught their limit of ward and homeles.- boys of the two Martin S. Sichel, clnef, obstetrical and gynecological service. St. Vin plained. here and was a student at Nyssa rainbows ranging from 16 :o 18’ • tate Ages of the boys range from cent's hospital; Dr. H. Minor Nich en’ irp interior and store front, F>-en- I school science teacher Bond Election Next Fall eight to 16 years of age. die saia. Ivgh school until he enlisted last inches late Sunday afternoon at. Other members of the comnvt.ee ols. surgical staff, Good Samaritan Chairman Herriman stated that Negotiations are now being made are John Amble, J. L Herriman, E fall. Beulah reservoir. They left Nyssa hospital and the following members legal voters of the district probably f3r fbc remodeling and construction A. L*ming, H w ard Lovejoy and Br ide- his parents he i< survived Saturday evening and returned Sun of the faculty o f the University of will be asked to decide on a bond ^ork arl-j furniture store will be Steffens. by two sisters and three brothers. day evening. Oregon Medical School: Thomas B. issue after school starts next fall as its new location sometime this I Fitzpatrick, professor of dermatol the result of a straw vote taken a- summer, according to Brendle ogy; Franklin J. Underwood, assist mong all parents of the district’s H9rry L. Peterson of Ontario,! Adrian Man Goes Ny a Fire Chief Frank Morri and ant clinical professor of cardiology; students. founder of the Peterson Furnkure i Frank Parr, secretary of the Nyssa Dr. Gerhard B. Haugen, assistant From approximately 550 cards sent Co and general manager of the four 1 On Biology Tour Rural Fire Protection district, re clinical professor of psychiatry: Ed to the parents of 1,0.0 students ask- stores located in Ontario, Nyssa Ted Adrien, is i- one one f f ¡h Ted Holly Holly, Adrian, ported that meetings of their re gar M. Rector, clinical instructor in ing an opinion on the proposed con- vale and Payette, stated that the College of Idaho biology student-en spective associations in Corvallis la-t pediatrics; Dr. Frank Perlman, as- -truction program, 2.9 responded to i vast expansion program was decided 1 a seven-week summer biology field (Cantinued on page 12) week were highly informative from show that 132 .avored instigation of upon following a thorough investiga- trip covering various areas of the the standpoint of local fire protec nitinued on page 12 ) tion of the Nyssa area, which he de- | southwestern United State- and tion. scribed as the "most promising in Mexico. Announcement last week by Ed -1 which has announced broadcasting, Parr, representing Ny.ssa’s rural j the entire lower Snake river valley.” The grouip ended the first week announced that Jake Fisch- with two nights of camping at Mesa ward Hurt, owner and general man- of regular program- on July 12 and district the district, wai ager of radio station I ^ X D that hi- j test patterns beginning June 25. m er, n chairman a ' rr,Q" of * V ir;V I-’ -*; 'nal park in Colorado af- Tvacior Accident named a member o f the five-man company would start television test- The testing of KFXD this Thur-- j ter making camp in three Idaho, Oregon State Rural Fire Protection and Colorado. During the 8.000 ing this Thursday has created a stir day is a for.unate coincidence for Pins Man 3 Vi flours | Utah mile expendition the class, composed of anticipation in the Nyssa arce, Nyssa TV dealers, who are being association. I he group voted to ask featured this week in the Gate City the insurance rating bureau to give Jerry Hanev. 18, son of Mr. and of 21 student- and three leaders, will according to local TV dealers. more liberal redemptions on fire in Mr-. Oscar Haney who live near be studying various fields of biology According to Hurt’s statement the Journal. surance rates and agreed to assist I Two Malheur county firms have Adrian escaped possible serious in- but will be concentrating on ecology. TV test pattern- will be broadca-t Latest to enter the television dea.- with legislation to make it possible | pledged awards of substantial value The Nyssa Merchants baseball jury Tuesday after he was pinned on channel 6 . wih actual broadcast- ership fraternity here are Jay Bum team has two wins tucked under its beneath a tractor that had turned ing dates to be announced later. The ° f Jay’s Associated Service, who for such districts as that here to In- to be presented to the county's belt as result of consecutive victories ( over in a drain ditch. The accident Pounds Promoted j test patterns will be broadcast daily completed arrangements last week elude rural areas in adjoining states, i "Grassman’’ at the county fair in Morris -aid that his meetings in- Ontario this fall, Ted Morgan .in over the Mexican Ramblers of On- was reported to have occured at between 1 and 5 p. m. and 6 and to handle the Hallicrafter, nnd Ez cluded talks by Jay Stevens, seers- nounced Carr, who announced his acceptance tario. 11:30 a. m. and it was not until 3 While on Sub Duty 8 p. m. for an indefinite period. tary of the International F,re Chiefs' One hundred dollars in cash, pro- First of the two games was played, p.m. that Haney was able to free Richard L. Pounds, son of Mr. and Nyssans had been expecting their of the Hoffman dealership. Others, making nine in all, are a--sociation, a U of O professor and vided by the Ontario branch of the in Nyssa Thursday, being a slow himself. Mrs. Roy C. Pounds of Nyssa, has first reception from KIDO, Boise, Don B. Moss Firestone Store, dealer the Bakersfield. Calif fire chief who United States National Bank awaits affair taken by the Merchants 6-3. The drain ditch contained water. been advanced to engineman third for Firestone, Emerson and Motor reported on ills city’s recent earth - 1 the winner of the Farm Bureau's Sunday’s return game at Ontario but a small foot bridge was credited class, USN, according ___ „ „ to „ the bureau ola: Peterson Furniture, with a stock quake that required the services of Grassman of the Year contest and developed into a three-hour hitting with preventing Haney from being of personnel, Great Lakes, 111. news ! i of no less value is the seed a ward of 53 models in Stromberg-Carlson, the fire department. and scoring spree with a final score completely submerged. He was able center. The promotion came while Next year’ conventions for fire provided by the Dessert Seed Co. o f Bendix and Admiral; Eder Hard of 33-2. The Merchants scored in six to free himself and walk to the Pounds was serving aboard the ex- ! ware, dealer for RCA and GE; Nyssa chiefs and rural fire districts will be Nyssa. It will consist of 200 pounds of the nine in n in g m a k in g nine house where his younger brother perimental submarine USS Baya, of pasture seed, mixed from the Furniture, which will handle Emer-1 held in Baker. in the feurth, 10 in the sixth and called neighbors for assistance. A operating out of San Diego, Calif. I formula recommended by the county son and Philco; Intermountain seven in the ninth. severely bruised leg was the extent The advancement was a result of a agent's office o f varieties o f grass Furniture, dealer for Motorola and Baptist Group Has The Ramblers scored in the fourth of his injuries. world-wide competitive written test and clover seed especially adapted to and ninth. Waggoner’s wrecker service was of questions testing military and Herriman Motors Is this week join- Oapehart: Wilson Bros., dealers for conditions existing on Malheur coun Dave Savage had six strikeouts called to pull the tractor from the professional skills, ; ing in a nation-wide observance of Philco and Zenith, and Ed Case Meeting In Nyssa ty farms. through the seventh inning but left ditch Tuesday evening, Furniture, dealer for Westinghouse I the 50th anniversary of the inven Approximately 150 persons attend The announcement of these a- --------------------------- the game when struck in the right MISS GLADYS LEWIS IS Complete television service has tion of the Ford automobile. wards is expected to add consider ed the Middle Oregon Baptist asso- h o o n a ectircH h ir t Vin lo o n 1 H an lo v eye by a foul tip from his own bat GRADUATE OF NURSE SCHOOL ably to the effectiveness of the pro while batting in the top of the Scholarship Goes Miss Gladys gram. Morgan said. Mr. and Mrs. eighth. The contest in it elf Is a part of In their Thursday night game, To Former Nyssan Nyssa, was graduated the program sponsored by the played on the Nys-a high school Word was received last week that St. Luke's School o f Nursing in Boise Nyssa eight year ago from Cald antennas and will make their own nam®d moderator; Lee Dail was re County Farm Bureau to publicize diamond, the Merchants won out in Miss Jo Anna Moore of Lebanon, Miss Lewis is a graduate of the Nys- well. In all, he has been identified installations, while others will rely elected vice moderator, and Elder E. and demonstrate the production pos the eighth inning by pushing across former Nyssa high school student, a high school. on local radio and television repair with Ford agency work for the past T. Lar>on of John Day was re-elect sibilities of the county’s thou-ands four runs after knotting it up 2 and has received a scholarship to the and service men. 25 years. ed clerk. of acre- of pasture and range land 2 in the seventh. Patricia Lee modeling school in Port Harold Brendle of Peterson Fur The Herriman agency is holding m r t ie r a n r u n - Elder Haskell Dane of Prlneville, through proper seeding and manage The visiting Mexican Ramblers land, starting June 9. According to >en house Saturday, between the >ture has announced equipping of former pastor of the Nvssa Mission ment. According to authorities, open . . . _ J __ .. hit; n i p k n n t r u r l r w i t h a t p p.pr.np made two runs during an erratic the Lebanon Express she will attend hours of 1 and 6 p. m. There will be his pickup truck with a telescope ary Baptist church, was a house- doubling of pasture production per second inning for the only scoring classes at the Portland Civic theartre antenna for the purpose o f making free souveniers for all who visit dur until Laverne Cleaver, second base- and evening classes at the modeling home TV demonstrations. Gene Se- guest of I^ee Dali for the duration acre is not an impossib'lity. ing those hours. if the sc-sion Elder Frank Crandall The committee is a king all civic, man, scampered home with the first school. Miss Moore is a senior at Le- In addition to 1953 model cars be bold will do all of Peterson Furn and son of Redmond were dinner business and farm organizations to Merchant run in the bottom of the banon union high schocl. iture's servicing. ing on display, there will be a 1908 fifth. He scored again in the seventh She is a daughter of Mr. nd Mrs Mike Jakes will do all the install guests at the Dail home Sunday eve aid the program by sponsoring a model F ird for visitors to view. contestant. This will involve submit Up to this time R Sanches, Ram- Harley iRubyi Moore, former Nyssa ation work and service for Wilson ning. ting a report of the contestant’s bier hurler, set down seven Mar- residents. Bros, in addition to lending his serv Five hits produced three runs to si 11 1 ! : I M \NS TAKE grass management activities to the chantmen via the strikeout route. --------------------------- ices to other dealers. Three Nyssa Men give the Nyssa Junior Legion base ccunty agent not later than Aug. I. He -a dpd or)P mere in the -ixth be- OLD-TIME RESIDENT ILL Herb Cox, radio repairman in his | EXTENDED TRIP ball team a 3-2 win over the Legion- A technical committee, consisting fore tiring and giving way to a relief Word was received last week that aires of John Day in a tight pitcher’s Receive Degrees own location for a number of years, i Mr. and Mrs. William Schireman pitcher in the eighth. Mrs. Margaret Davis of Palo Alto. | duel here last Saturday night. has entered the television field and and son, Dick, left Saturday for of a member of the staff of the Three Nyssa men were among the Eugene to attend the graduation ex county agent’s office and one from Orville Kiefer, going the distance Calif., has been confined to a lies- 1 Four men faced Gearald Cox in 1.324 students receiving degrees at will offer independent TV service. orrises at the University of Oregon, the experiment farm and others will on the mound for the Merchants, pital in that city for observation, By coincidence, also, this weekend j the top of the seventh, with the had six strikeouts for the first five Mrs. Davis, in her 93 year, was the score tied two apiece, three of them the 1953 commencement services at marks another In a series of tele where Glenn Schireman was g'lven a provide technical advice and infor the University of Oregon Sunday. degree From Eugene, they went to mation to interested grassmen and innings, but picked up seven more wife of the late Prof. R. J. Davis, going down via the strikeout route. Norman K Bleakman, 201 South vision give-aways, scheduled for 5:30 | Gardenia. Calif, to visit their son-in- will judge the contest at the county in the remaining innings to run his formerly of Nyssa. They both taught j | Ned Snider, 1st baseman, led off 7th street, received his Bachelor of p. m Saturday on Main street for i law and daughter. Mr. and Mr^ Fred level. The winner of the county string to 13. In the sixth frame he school here several years agD. A son, in the bottom of the seventh and Business administration degree; an Emerson model TV -et, procurred I Ginder and granddaughter, Carol content becomes eligible to compete set the first three men down in a Don D. Davis, lives in San Fran- drew a walk Cox was out pitcher to Glenn E Schireman, son of Mr. and from Ny*sa Furniture Co. for the state and regional awards. (Continued on page 12 ) cisco. As this story was being written, 1 Ann. first and John Lienkaemper was. Mrs. W. E. Schireman, received his Peterson Furniture Co. was receiving given an intentional walk. Snider Bachelor of science degree, and then scored from third on an out- Walter L. MePartland, Nyssa ele- a TV program over station WCCO, field fly by Savage, pinch hitter for memary school principal, was a- Minneapolis, Minn., on channel 4 warded his Master of Education de- Although the signal was weak, re Dan Giron, 3rd baseman. ception was clear enough to make Nyssa’s first score was made by j gree out President Eisenhower “ on loca ■Gene Servoss, center fielder, in the tion” in his fishing headquarters in Virginia Corn, daughter o f Mr. and man and marshal o f the parade. The Rev Vernon L. Taylor, in his thodist annual conference the week fifth inning, followed by Snider who North Dakota, and shots from a Mrs. Fay Corn, Nyssa route 2, was with Elmer Cruson assisting as introductory sermon Sunday told before to the Nyssa Methodist got to first on a fielder's choice then Boydell Attends chosen Sunday to be the queen of chairman of the Kids’ section of newscaster. his Methodist congregation that church The Rev. Taylor succeeds scored on Cox’ double. M o r c o n i o f o n r 'l r r v i » the seventh annual Nyssa Nite rodeo, the parade. there were six reasons reason- why people Dr. H G. G McCallister, McCalli.ster, who was re- re - ■ ! John Day scored In in the second 1 A'a B U I l l u v U U U U V C to be held Friday and Saturday Main parade sections, each to be attend church—the las, of v.hich tired by the conference after 44 inning and again in the sixth. Ed Boydell, master of the Nyssa H i c i h W i n d C a u s e s nights, July 10-11. ¡handled by a sub-chairman, include was to "se the new preacher. year» in the ministry and one year In going the distance for Nyssa, Masonic lodge, was back in Nyssa ~ Acting as princess to Queen Vir- band. Ham Chadderdon: rodeo and This last reason was countered by at N.vssa. Cox struck out 19 batsmen In the Monday following a week in Port- P o w e r S t o p p a g e a 1 • “ » ginia I will be Sally Lawrence, mounted, Lynn Snodgrass: im/ple- the personable minister, who has the In offering a thumbnail sketch of first, third and fifth innings only land, where he attended the annual High winds last Friday afternoon daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ment, Earl Hollingsworth; automo- gift of repartee and barbed humor, himself and family, the Rev Taylor three men faced him, while but four Oregon communication o f Grand caused a power outage in the King- Lawrence, Nyssa, and Betty Morton, j b“lp. Chuck Landreth: stores, Eddie with the statment that “ tile new said he first became conscious of came to bat in the fourth, sixth and Lodge masters. While in Portland Boydell had the man Kolony area when tree limb daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred S Taylor and Bob Wilson: religious or- minister is Just as curious about wanting to be a minister at the age seventh and five in the second He ganizatlons and comic, the Rev. John you- of 14. and when he wa- 17 (In 1939' allowed but two hits and issued but opportunity to attend many of the and two power poles were blown MortOO. Those other reasons why people go he was licensed as a local preacher three bases on balls, one to Farley functions incidental to the Rose Fes- over, it was reported by Paul Penrcd, Try-outs for the honors were held ®riehl: « « c and fraternal organi- to church, if anyone is interested, in the Methodist church of Illinois, in the sixth resulting in a score on tival He said the parade on Friday Idaho Power Co. manager. The wind, last Sunday afternoon at the rodeo Eat*ona' Cruson, and Industry Bob which uprooted trees In the Boise grounds. are, according to the Rev. Taylor At 19 he was serving three small an error by Simianer, shortstop. Thompson. was held In a drizzle of rain. valley, was reported to have reached who wishes to be known as "Vern” “ broken down, beaten down” chur- Sanders for John Day struck out Announcement o f the winners was nearly a 60 mile an hour gale here ^ r __ j -.. 4 piaoe an entry in trie parade Is re- by his friends but prefers to be "mis- ches 70 miles from the college town 13 Nyssa batters, but gave up five N v c c r T M r t n n y b b u P iu ii w e ts and Dale Bingman, Idaho Pow'T r fhP h, tered ' by the youngsters, to relieve where he was attending school. After th ro® duested to see the proper of tne lyisrd of directors o f ttie i . « section .«, employee, reported that large cables ........r. _ i _________________ chairman. Lawrence said, adding one’s conscience, from habit, to be two years, he said he secured a There were al.-o five John Dav er- M D D o o r c * * » r t f IT deo association It was also announ- Z n ir h o v « s m.u, uegree ai u. were being whipped in a circular seen, to worship and to learn. ringle church closer to school—with ed at the directors meeting that the h f arran*ements have been made f< r the rental >f ready-made floats A introduced by the Rev Taylor, but 40 mile- to travel Merle M Kurtz of Nyssa received motion, score. I Canyon county (Idaho) Sheriff's from Emmett for reconditioning bv other member- of h. family include It wa during this time that he Revenge was sweet for Stan the degree of Doctor of Medicine last* P a « of the Kingman area was i- without power for lor more than tnan an j ------ -- ^ " , _ march in the local merchants. hi- wife Jiuniiy Jane, a former married, • king h; young bride to Thompson, who pitched the Nysea Friday evening at ceremonic, of Ore- A ,i f^iturd iy aftenv on tn'erlude, school teacher, and three daughters, Boston, Mass., where for the next Junior Legion baseball team to a gon Medical school. . . | work a, soon — a, .— the ------- lines ------- were ------- brok- . ^ « and « ‘ try **» opening night of the a baseball game has been teniativelv Kimberly Ka HR. « f e* e was 12-4 win over the Vale Legionnaires The new doctor will serve his one- arranged by the ’*#>•- » Marchar^,-, and 14 - months Id l v Let B* . . ’ [ ,r in a night game here Tuesday after year intern-hlp, starting July 1. at en. There was momentary stoppage The rodeo parade was set by the although the oppo-ing team has not T.ie Ta m T art r N «•» .-* - T e Rev Ta” . r wa. per- a e 1 by ■> them 6 -a in a g ime a- Vale •he University of Oregon medical in Nyssa caused by a high-line di - -chv'*1 h pitals and clinics in Port- turbance that tripped An Mtomatlc directors for 2 p. m Friday. July 10 yet been pl<*e<l g*a»e will be ui a> f: m Kv-mbe ’ y I a fo»V w- a minister 'nend of hi« seek mem - June 5 , Ralpi) La wrence Is general chair- played on the hi^h school «iam ond , awitcb. jr.g appointment by the Iaaho M e-' (Continued on Page 12» (CcaLnucd cn page 12) .and. Response to Appeal Generous TV Merchanis Ready for KFXD Test Patterns Thursday; KIDO Begins Testing June 23; 9 Dealers Hero Merchante Take 2 From Ramblers; Schedule 2 More Firemen Report On Conventions Prizes Announced For Grassman ci Year Compeiilion Herriman Motors Observing 50th Anniv. of Ford Jr. Legion In Wins Over John Day and Vale New Methodist Minister, Family, Arrives Saturday; Preaches Sunday Virginia Corn Crowned Rodeo Queen; Canyon Co. Sheriff's Posse in Parade