THE N YSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 11. 1353 bark injury Had he lived until in Wl.ile there she vi.-ited her mother. Jul> he »vuld have been 86 years Mr- N^oma Wright, who came h me old. with her Tuesday they went to On Mr and Mn. J, hn Thdtnpdon. tario and visited Mrs. Winifred Se Misa Helen Ilatrh Al.ce and J mmy enjoy*d a p eme ward of Vale, who was visiting her d.nner a: the Howard Ooendorff aunt. Mrs. Martha Amidcn Mrs. Phone Parma 1-FÏ1 home Sunday In the afternoon they Henry Dudirk and Mr- B.ll H.iiinl- all drove to Given's Hot Springs ton also came to the Amidon home Mr and Mrs Ray Cartwright, Mr for a get-together and visit Bennie and Johnny Witty have M. and Mrs. Louis Hoke and gone to Bear Cree* near John Day, and Mrs. George Cartwright and Ore., to work in the forest ranger Clyde of Adrian enjoyed a birthday baby were dinner guests of her station during the summer vacation, dinner at the h me of Mr and Mrs parents, Mr. and Mr* Jack Jones. The Big Bend extension unit held Raymond Cartwright for Ronnie, Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Dyre R jerts, Shar- their la - 1 meeting with Mrs Mary who was six year.' old Sunday Mr and Mrs. J re King visited at en. Karen and Wayne Spent Sunday Thompson. Eleven members were present. As planned it was to have Chas. Witty home Sunday after- with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mil been an out door meal, but due to r-ocn The Wittys are enjoying hav- ler Henderlider in Nampa. Lois Sewell is one cf the late. t the weather it was held inside. Mrs. m* whole family h me. Mr and Dorothy Keller and Mary Thompson Mri Herb Gillen and t vo children victims of the measles. Mrs. Dyre Roberts, lccal 4-H served lunch. of Kansas and Mr and Mrs. Bill Pug S wigert and Horca Chaney s Pear' cf Caldwell, al. o Joe and leader, spent Wedne.-day in Ontario went out to the cattle camp to set up Bennie were home for tiieir mother’s helping with the spring show Fri water tanks to water the cattle last *raJuation from the C 'liege of Ida- day Mrs. Roberts took the Adrian ho. Her many fnend> will oe pleased sewing girl- to Ontario, where they Monday. Miss Bernice Chaney is numbered to learn she finished with honors appeared in the style show Karen among the graduates from the col rating second highest in the class of and Sharen Robert.- and Norene 1953 Howes were those from Big Bend lege of Idaho class of 1953. Miss Alice Th rnp-on acci mpan- who attended. Mr. Dyer of Vale, deputy assessor Nancy Blade.- of Nampa l- visiting of Malheur county spent several :ec* delegates from Ro-well and day- last week in Big Bend asse-.sing Parma to the State Youth Synod her cousins, Karen and Sharen R >b- held at Jerome la-t Thursday and erts. personal property. La-t week the 4-H children of B:g Mrs. Pearl Abbott, Suzie and Ric Friday. They also vi-ited Mr. and Bend sent their exhibits to the kie accompanied the Abbott families Mrs. John Darnell and her daughter. -pring fair in Ontario. Ribbons won Patsy. Mrs. Darnell will be remem of Roswell to Boise last Sunday bered as Miss Ethel Hiciiox, formerly 1-t or blue. Sharen Robert- on baked where they had a birthday picnic of Big Bend. ' , bread; Peggy Chaney, on angel fi od dinner for their father, Gurnsey Ab Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins had cake; Unci i.i Karon R ber;-. bread, bott, at Julia Davis park. f'iiillip Hatch. cockle.-, NYrene Little Rickie Abbott celebrated his as their supper guests Saturday Howes 1 - C .-ea n g , and 3rd to Jim night Mr. and Mr- H G Church of first birthday party with several of Payette, Mr- Bertha Lock wood and I.i-iup ¡„11 cookies, Karen .end Shar his cousins attending. ed Roberts on 1-c sewing. Mr. and Mr- Janie- McGinnis and her >n, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Warburg, of Salt Lake City, Utah. Junior of Adrian spent Saturd ly Mr. and Mr Henry Edens. Jerry e vening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch, and and Imogene spent Sunday in Cam bridge visiting their daughter. Mrs. family Mr.’ and Mrs. James McGinnis Reger Vanlandingham and family, Mrs. P au lin e M c G i n n i s and Junior of Adrian spent Satur- Mr.-. Herb Th ma- attended a pi- day evening at the home of her par- nochle party at the heme of Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch, Nova Glenn, Friday afternoon in Mr. and Mr.-. Ora English cf Nam Sunset Valley. and family. Herb Thomas accompanied Ruben pa visited at the Gayle h-me. Joe King and Harvey Bennett, at- Dcnaia nau, rtuAard naicn, ju n tended a drainage board meeting Graham to the hill.- Sunday up a- Tuesday evening at the Harvey bove the dam, where several men ior McGinnis, Vernon, Bobby and Hatch home. were rounding up wild horses. He Paul Parker went lulling at Lie Mrs, Harvey Hatch and her house- j reports they had better than a hun- Owyhee dam Sunaay. Airs, tern Hatea went on a busi guest, Mrs. Clara Cassell, spent last dred corraled Thursday visiting her aunt. Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Herb Thomas enter- ness trip to LaGrande Thursaay. Mr. ana Mrs. ivussel Wymer and tained Friday evening for supper Jessie Paine, in Caldwell. daughters ot Ukiah, Calif., vistea at Harvey Hatch attended a board Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raney and their of control meeting in Boise last daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wain, the Howard Hatch home. Mr. wymer Wednesday. and two little sons from Bremerton, is Mrs. Fern Hatch's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz, Mr. ,, , ,- _ Wash., and her mother. Mrs. Effie Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pettis of Roswell Beal q { Portland and Mrs. Kenneth McDonalu, Mr. visited Saturday evening at the home Mrs. Tom Jones and Mary Ellen and Mrs. Bob Morfitt and daughter of his niece, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey went to Boise Friday and brought visited at the Bilj Willis home Sat Hatch and family. Janice Jones and Imogene Eden urday evening. Mrs. Clara Cassell returned to her home over the week-end. The girls Mr. and Mrs. Alvan McGinnis, home in Payette after a few days’ < are both in nurses training in Boise. Mrs. Lovro Snath auenaed the Owy visit at the Harvey Hatch home. j Miss Lorretta Vande Water re hee old timers picnic in Nyssa Sun Jolly Jane club met last Wednes turned to her home Tuesday from day. day with Mrs Sybil Cleverly. A pro- oV^nviUe, “s ! c T w h e r T s h e is a n.ev. and Mrs. Tony Cassurilla and family returned briaay evening a l I student at Bob Jones University. ved by the hostesses, Mrs. Leo Kel- Mr. and Mrs. George Elfers, Mr. ter a three weens' visit in emcago. lar and Mrs. Smith. , Lennie . ... Next ,, | and Mrs. Boyce Vande Water, Lor- Mr. Cassurilla's mother has teen meeting U> be June 17 with Mrs. | retta and were Sunday din_ quite ill. Pauline McGinnis in Adrian. ner guests at the Carl pogie-man Mr. and Mrs. Bob Websters and Mrs. Ralph Stark s father. Frank home m Nampa aUo visited family and Mr. and Mrs. Oravilie Dines, of Ho me dale died Saturday tfteir nephew, Eldon Fogleman, who Gilbert and tamily spent Memorial morning after being bedfast for sev- u home on furlough. Day holiday at Sun Ya.ley. eral weeks due to broken hip and and ^rs. Varner Hopkins, Miss Patricia Smith is working at ¡ Faye Marie and Kenny attended the the Cougar Mountain lodge at Cas Turbyfill and Gilbertson wedding cade, Ida. Sunday afternoon also the Huffer Sunday callers at the Jim McGin and Bittick wedding Sunday even nis home were Mr. and Mrs. Emil ing at the Community church in Beguhland and Lynn, Caldwell. Mrs. Parma. Clara Cassell of Payette, Miss Helen Little Diana Strong, daughter of Hatch and Phillip Hatch of Big Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Strong, is spen Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis ding a few days with her aunt and and Stevie of Ridgeview. uncle in New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller of Yuba Bonnie, Mary and Dick Smith of Caldwell are spending a few days visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Chet Smith. Mrs. Ellen Case of Boise was visit ing at the Frank Miller and Mary Brumbach home last Monday. Sunday visitors at the Chet Smith home were Mrs. Jackie Am brose, Betty Meeks and Betty Tim mons of Jerome, Keith Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hinze, and Bob Hinze by painting and putting of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sla- them up yourself. baugh and Debbie and Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMarks of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sorensen of Boise spent Saturday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chet it’s time for screen Smith. Mr. Sorenson is leaving Mon day for the air service. windows and doors. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edens and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murray and fam ily took Imogene Edens back to Boise Sunday evening. Mrs. Herb Thomas spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Virgil Raney and family in Parma. Mrs. Sarah Cartwright accompan 601 Good Ave. Dial 6621 ied Mrs. Vernon Parker and chil dren of Adrian to Nampa Monday. Big Bend Adrian News WINDOW AWNINGS C.ty, Calif., -pent the Memorial Day holiday visiting it Mr and Mr- J.m McGinnis and family Thi- wa- Mr ana Mrs. M-ller’s first trip to Ore gon. Mr and Mr- Henry M Grt uger f Santa Cruz. C a k f. arrived here Mr- McOreuger l- here to take care of her father. Mr. Otis. Fatty Norn- had the measles and. they turned into pneumonia Karvey Otis ha- been in the Me morial hr-pital at Ny-sa suffering frem head Fern Hitch. Irma Spark.- anc. Pauline McGinn.- attended Jolly Jane- club Wednesday afternoon at PAGE N O T Mr i yb.1 Cleverley’s h< me in B and m x E a: e*g m another bowl. Bend Vdi water, melted butter and va- Gar' ha; been in the hos- :i 1!» Gradually add to mix beating pttal f r mec cal Tfatments well after each addition Turn into a wtll grea-ed 9 x 9-inch pan and BHOH \ IK SQl' VKI S bake in moderate oven TT5Fi, to to 1 3 4 cu p- Br vni* mix 35 minute- When cool cut in -quares 1 3 c u p cl p p e d m i ; m o : - Make 16 1 e:.’ . V. :! beaten 1 3 cup v.ater Young children and older pe; pie Place mix in bo*: Add nu seldom become -ea-ick BROWNIE MIX 4 cups sifted flour i ‘ i cups nonfat dry milk solid* 1 quart sugar 1 cup cccca 1Y >le-p ns baking powder 1 table, peon salt. Mix by .-iftir.g. or place in Lirgw bowl f electric mixer and run at Wrsr -peed for 15 minutes. Store in tight!? covered canister or large glass Jar. NIGHT JALOPY RACES BEGIN June 17 RODEO PARK NYSSA. OREGON Trial Runs Begin Wurii)£ft-1-C0AT W h iit HOUSE PAINT 8 P.M. The “ first'' one coat outside white. Proven protection — beauty and economy. Paint your house and save enough to paint the interior, too! The secret is in WONDER-1* COAT'S tremendous hiding power that does the ¡ob of two coots of ordinary paint. (Wealher Permitting) Daredevil Drivers W0NDER-1-C0AT "RANCH O RED" WILD RECKLESS Give your home a “ ranch-type" look! Paint JUST ONE COAT with Rancho Red and do the trim in white! Versatile Rancho Red is designed to go on unheoted buildings without an undercoat. NOW, also, paint farm buildings in half the time — at half the cost. Thrills Galore Admission $1.00 NOW 'S THE TIME to Repaint Shutters. Porch and House Trim. DEVOE A LL-P u rpose HEAVY DUTY ENAMEL . . is especially prepared to use on trim, shutters, deck — all exterior sur- faces. Flows on evenly, smoothly — provides a glossy hard surface that withstands weather and h a rd w e a r . A w id « choice of colorsl Finance Painting 1 with Boise Payette’« » Sponsored by TIME-SAVER Owyhee Riding Club BUDGET PA Y M E N T PEAK Dial 2830. Nyssa and DOOR HOODS You con drive this bargai Save Don't Forget for only * 249688 -th e new 1953 Buiclc SPECIAL 2-Door, 6-Passenger Sedan OSTROM Model 48D, illustrated, DELIVERED LOCALLY O p tio n a l . q ^ p m . n l, a c rtM o ft.l, H o f and h e a l *o»M . ,1 a - , add Han of. rnces may vary | lig h t ly in ad/ com m unities due to ship p in g charges. A ll p ric e s subject to change w ithout notic e. CABINET SHOP Wilson's W e e k-En d Specials Thursday—F riday—Saturday Sv. CANNON TOWELS W Heavy Weight — Regular 79c Yellow — Blue — Green — Red A lot of people have no idea that this big, room y, sweet-riding 1953 Ruick 49<: Cannon Guest Towel to Match E present this eye-opening news for good reason. S p e c i a l costs just a little m ore than the so-called “ low -priced” three. Cannon Wash CLoth to Match M a y b e you’re one of them—and w e ’d like to clear the picture for you. He'd lik e you to kn ow that you can buy th e m ost beautiful, the m ost c o m fo r t a b le ,th e hig h est-p ow ered S p e c ia l in R u ick history fo r the p rice prou dly h ea d lin ed h ere. * 1 5 * 3 5 * WE GIVE TV TICKETS t h e r e ’s m o r e to th is g r e a t June la Dairy Month — Buy Oregon Dairy Products - Dial 2721 TsUvUon Doalors Second St. and Good Ave. Nyaaa THE GREATEST p o w e r and thrill per dollar — m ore BUICK than just the solidness of Buick struc ture, the pride of Buick styling, the steadiness of Buick riding. IN »0 GREAT YEARS T h e r e ’s w a llo p in g big v a lu e a b o v e all this. F o r h e r e you get as standard equ ip m ent a host o f o th er things that m ost o th e r cars o f sim ilar p rice ch arg e as ex tra s — things lik e twin sunshades, lig h te r , a u to m a tic g lo v e -b o x lig h t, d ir e c t io n sig n a ls, d u a l m ap lig h ts, trip -m ileag e indicator, oil-buth a ir WHEN BITTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUIU BUICK W ILL BUILD THEM Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Shoos. Dry Goods and Clothing Philco — Zsnilh autom obile than just m ore room and clea n er, fu ll flo w oil filter, bum per, guards fron t an d re a r . T h e key—and the thrills—arc w aiting for you. W h y not drop in on us this very w eek a n d t r y the m o st e x c i t i n g R u i c k S p e c i a l ever built? W e kn ow you’ll find it a buy too good to pass up. ----- Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. NYSSA. OREGON f