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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1953)
— s r r\ G E EIGHT THE NYSSA G A T E C I T Y JCVPNAL. NYSSA. 01 BOOM. fH O K » >AY JO U E » " U n c i a l A c t t i n t i i 'S <3* "Thank You ” for their leadership this year. Mothers attending the tea were Mrs W illiam Van Zelf, Mr; Alfred Adams, Mr Pete Vander Oord Mr-. Wil- n Winter. Mr-. Harold Sisson and a visitor. Mrs. Edna Mae W im- Mtt, Refreshments were served. Newman hostess Mr and Mr-. S were guest player'. Dr. and Mrs. George C bern von high. Mrs. Baer Entertains itivi br.dge club st her h me with Mr« attended the full schedule of a their Campbell Baer and Mr-. J iin Kelly provided for them while attended meetings and cl O^den as guest player M:.- A. H 3 ydcll voa high and Mr- L e v Her- and conferences. Friday, they attended a beautifully man won second high. appointed luncheon and were pres ented with hand made eanngs for Nyssa Women favors. Place cirds featured clever Report On sayings of welcome written out as a Lion’s Convention personal message to each lady guest. Frtaay evening, wives and hus- Mrs. Ward Weincke, Mrs. Stanley Ne wman and Mr- D:ck Yost, accom ands attended a talent show in the panied their husbands to the Lion.s Opera house featuring outstanding convention in Sun Valiey last week numbers. uurday noon’s luncheon featuer- and reported a wonderful and out- -tanding time. About 400 women ed a Hawaiian theme and guests Mrs. Campbell Baer • : >r:a:ned members of her Tutsda a item ion ondge club at her horn with .x guests. Prizes were wen by Mr Henry Hartley, Mrs. T m EldriJce Election Held Mrs. H R Sherwood gave a tea Ruth Herrman was elected presi and Mr ; George Mitche. At her home hororing her guest, Mrs Laurence and Donna Butler, mess Annette Stradley, inner dent of the M Y E. of the Methodist liixiabe'h Morehead of Portland engers; guard; Delorus Duus, outer guard; church at a meeting held Sunday Tuesday Evening Bi ige Oidtrr guests were 10 grandmother- Mrs. Tom Eldridge »nt« stained wtw hace lived in Nyssa from 40 to Judy Savage, senior page; Janet A l evening at the church. Other o ffi fred, junior page; and Jane Mary cers are David Hartley, vice presi memoers of her Tu e'd.i’- evening 70 years Ann Alford, lady of the lights. dent; Catherine Coleman, secretary; Mr«. Sherwood came to Nyssa. June 13 was the date set for the Ned Snider, treasurer; Letha Sager a bride, in 1902 M r' Morehead came with her par- ■ next merchants luncheon to be given and Ronald Buchner, membership « it s . Mr and Mrs. Dan Ehrgood in at the Masonic hall Installation o f chairman; Stan Thompson, recrea MM Mr Ehrgood, for whom one of officers will be held Saturday. June tion chairman and Onna Pounds, worship chairman. ttoe Nyssa streets was named, home- 20 at 8 p m. The M ajority degree was conferr After the devotions at the church, sirmded the land east of the tracks. a social hour was held at the S tef- rt o f w-here the labor camp Is now ed on Roberta Mor.’.C' Holcomb. , fen* home. •ted. » ‘*t youth fellowship zone rally to - Mrs Nora Ray moved to Nyssa in Mrs. Thomas, Guest be h e ll ?n Nvssa from 2:30 until 9:30, 1M3, the daughter o f J J Brown, Mrs. Claude Thomas of North one of the builders of te Owyhee Loope, Neb , was guest of honor at Sunday, June l 4. + — -fr hitch Her daughter, Gertie Ray a social afternoon given Tuesday by Aatuli was born here. Mrs. Dale CMbom and Mrs O. O. Golden Wedding triT J - i P ; Mr:. Eda Ida Ward, with her hus- Anderson. The afternoon was spent Anniversary Observed b a n d . John was one of the first socially and games were played with Mr and Mrs. Jamec Stephen, Sr., ptoneer families who have lived here Mrs. Charles Garrison and Mrs. W. observed their golden wedding anni- aince 1885 John Ward also worked W. Foster as prize winners. | vesary last Wednesday afternoon •5*—+ on the Owyhei- and evening at the home o f Mr and M r« Lulie Hoxie went to school Legion Auxiliary Meets Mrs. James Stephen, Jr. The party •nth Mis. Morehead, having lived The American Legion auxiliary was given by their sons, James, Fred, here since 1896 met Thursday evening for their final Joe and Eugene Stephen. Mrs. Arlene Pound was the oldest meeting o f the year at the home of 160 guests—college friends, neigh «rumen present, 88 and ha the most Mrs. H. O Hopkins During the busi bors, and relatives— from 5 states deceml.ints: 10 children. 26 grand children 37 great-grand-children ness meeting, the treasurer made her called at the home during the after and five great-great-grand children report on the poppy sale All busi noon and evening. ness was taken care o f until the A three-tiered, gold wedding cake Btie came to Nyssa in 1909. auxiliary meets next in September. topped with a gold wedding bell Others pre.-ent, who have raised Refreshments were served. graced the tea table. The lowe-t tier their familes in .Nyssa were Mrs •was surrounded by white rose buds Clara Beam, 1983, Mr Minnie Lc- and pansies. Mrs. Paul Baker and uch. 1911, and Mrs, Ruth Poster, Missionary Society Meets 14112 Member o f the Golden Hour \fi-- Mrs U. H. Neiger decorated the cake. The Stephen home was decorated T lie ten grandmothers, together have sionary society of the Nazarene 112 grand children and 82 great- church met last Tuesday evening at with spring flowers arranged by Mrs. grand children and 82 great-grand the home of Mrs. I>m Seward Mr-. Einar Jensen of Marquette, Ntb. children Don Wilson, president, conducted BU'kets of peonies and Iris were pre- Mrs. Morehead returned to Boise the business meeting. Refreshments sen'rd to llif OOUple by Mr and Mr* by bU' and flew to Portland Friday. were served at the close o f the meet- George Schweizer and a centerpiece of columbine and mock orange blos ing. soms were presented by Mrs. Gerrit O.T.H.E. Club Meets Stam. Th e home economics club of the Alta Taylor Honored Miss Jennie Joyce o f Pasadena, Oregon T rail Grange met Thursday Alta Taylor was honored guest at a C a lif, a sister of Mrs. Stephen cut at the home of Mrs. George Cleaver. bridal shower given for her Friday the cake. She was assisted by Mrs. Hull call was answered with "M y night by Mr-. John Schenk, Mr- Frank Faymonville of Shamakawa, Favorite Food dish" by eight mem Clyde Bowers and Mrs Francis Bates Wash. Pouring were Mrs. Vance Siler bers and four guests, Mr Mable at the Schenk heme. The evening of La Verne, Calif, and Mrs. Eatella Hicltni nd. and Mrs Laura Malsber- was -pent playing games with the Conner of Portland and Mrs. Stanley ger o f the Boulevard grange and bridal m otif and prizes were given Joyce of Canoga Park, Calif. Mrs. John Cleaver and Mi Gordon winners. Gladys and Pauline Stephen, M rs. Orma Goodell, had charge of The gift table was decorated with granddaughters, were in charge of the meeting Tentative plans were a white umbrella trimmed with bells the guest book and gifts. made for the annual picnic to be and rose . Luncheon was served by Out o f state guests included Miss held in July r Augu ; and comm the hostesses ta 25 guests. Jennie Joyce of Pasadena, Calif., ittee.' were named to take charge The bride-elect will marry Larry Mr and Mrs. Vance Siler of La- o f arrangements. Gregory o f LaGrande. Verne. Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fallowing the bu ine - meeting. Joyce and Canoga Park, Calif.; Mrs. Ml M Prank Faymonville and son. Robert, Home E >m mi club sp. ,<e about Mother and Daughter of Skamokana, Wash., Mrs Estella tlie tate Tea Held At Church Conner o f Portland, and Mr. and tea 1 A mother and daughter tea was Mrs. Sinar Jensen of Marquette, held June 9 thr ugh tic 18 .-he >1 given Thursday afternoon at the Neb. discussed the pnzi t bo a v irde.l Moth di-t church by members of the this year. w men’s society for members and Refreshments were 'trie d by the friends and their mothers and Mr. and Mrs. Bridge in ind Mi Club Meets Sunday daughters. M r La V ;:i Cl< vc: Club i ... Members o f the Mr. and Mrs. Privale The pr 'gram o f reading and mu- meet a„.4;n unt.l Oct. ber 1 at the ic wa- a tr.bute to mothers and B-idge club met Sunday evening at home o f Mr.' Inez S* burn daughters under the title. “ A Wide- the home o f Mr. and Mr Pete Fleis- r..:.c Fello wship ” Mr- K E Keveren sner with M o . George Cobern as co- directed with Mr H E Koker. Le- Mr. and Mrs. W ebster tha Sager. Mrs Harold Kurtz andin- C elebra te A nniversary fant ion. Mrs C liff Main and Karen. Mr and Mr» George Web-ter of Mrs Joe Cundall and Linda, Joy Parma former Nyssa resident cele Gay Roth. Carolyn Eichner, Ellen brated their 50th wedding annlver- Sager, Barbara McPartland and aary at an open house at their home Phillis Cheldelin, taking part. liO gu e-t-s attended A social hour followed with Mrs. Six of their seven children were LeRoy Herrman, Mrs. Paul Penrod present. They were Vance Webster and Mr- John Goddard presiding at of Dayton, Oh; >; Mr- Vyrrle Duval the beautifully appointed tea table of Cincinnati; Mrs Carl Dillon and The tea committee was Mrs W al daughters of Vesper, Kansas; Bob ter Roth, chairman, Mrs. Norvelle Webster of Adrian; Wendell Webster Robbins, Mrs. Leo Oonyer, Mrs •*id fan f Vali I III Lace) Lvttif Attebery and Mrs. Gene Stan tt»vk aiiJ i«Uill!y of Nampa, One ley. %on, Harold of La Mar, Colo, was prevented from attending because Grandmothers Gather For Tea Honoring Former Resident Here From Portland IW eo'tumed for the meal The highlight of the contention, according to the ladies, was a smer- ga'board, served Saturday evening to Lkm i and their WiVM in the Con tinental room in the Challanger inn. Every kind of food-meats, salads, pastries and poultry- was served to the guests The delegates reported that not only was the food delicious but it was beautifully arranged. Th e governors ball, given Saturday evening was sem i-form al and the climax to the two day convention. Specially picked talent high lighted the ball. FROM GREIF'S MUSIC CENTER COM ES £ SUMMERTIME FUN For YOUR Child ACCORDION LESSONS Special Classes Start JUNE 17th in the Basement of Assembly of God Church Corner Reece and 2nd Our Aecorc^ion instructor, Delbert Detienne, is starting special ten-week courses in class lessons beginning June 10th. Enroll vour child now. We furnish the accordion FREE. Dial 2373 for further information. Full Hour Lessons Ten W eek Course $ Accordion Not More Than Six in a Class Standard Study Course Furnished FREE! Lessons Available Accordion, Brass and Reed Instruments w in • « X ' of illness. Mr. and Mr- Webster received many l vely gifts, including a tele vision set, a gift from their children Dr T 1, Philbrick i ! Lincoln. K an sas sent a bouquet o f ro o- Dr Phil- brick is a brother of Mrs Wtb-ter Wedding cake, ice cream and a beverage wa erved t.i the guests. Officers Appointde In Job’s Daughters < >t ; er« Appointed In Job’' Du li Job’s Hang liter - Bet bel No. 33 met June 4 in ro •uUr -e-rioil During the buslia s mectm g In«nored queen, K. S;r*v bn tigli ninnounced ap- patri!"! ers ; r the .'ix m entii' t v : Îd irga: e! Bate . musie- m Wa .kt r. 1 b: arian: Barbara ch«;>l . M u I; 11 rhomp-on. t»r; Cllela B« Hi ■ Wemlek. re- Jain ■e Adam «. Junior cust- iy n B:aii t. senior f u l M ari a ret But ler, Catherine n, N.incy Jo House, Sally Ccletnan • • 4-H Club Members Entertain Mothers ttow Kind #f p o w . f A mothers tea was held by the member.' of the Buzzing Needle.' 4-H club and the Oregon Trail cooking club at the home of Marlene and Carol Adams. Thy ” ’rls displayed and modeled their clothes made in the club this year Those with displays were, clothing I. Rena Dirk en and Betty Van /alt, clothing II. Hi len Winter and clothing lit and IV’ Barbara Hick! urn. Delores res Van Zelf, Zelf. Siterà 11 | : i. Nellie Vaiati r Oord Cath- i crino Coleman and L ynette Hick- 1 man. A drmor ition or i the proper ! met hi od of gathering a .«kirt was given b\ Lyne;:e Hickman andCath- erine Coleman and one on proper >oam for on; ton materials by De- Van Zelf and Sherral Sisson Th( e girl- from the t wo clubs pre- d thi'tr leaders. Mrs O. Htek- man i aini M; Lynette Hickman with .1 cco k.e pre ' and canister -et a« a W£ STANO 1 % 1 • drive p o w e r . control. . . s a f e t y . . .comfort! -V . *♦ - FirePower V-8 gets maximum drive from pas. Hemispherical combustion power . . . as in the costliest European sports cars! - Hew kind of c o n tro l! Full-time Power Steering does 85‘1 of the work . . . checks all wheel fight. Steady, predictable in action! •S; New kind of s a fe ty I Power Brakes stop you fastest, with but !s the ordinary effort. Safety-Rim wheels hold punctured tirca safely on! Y o u ’ll n ever kn o w B£TW ££N With double- strength shock absorbers, soft Chair-high seats plus the protection of tho Safety 1 Crash Pad dash panell the t r e m e n d o u s differe nce that does exist betw een c a rs to d a y YOU AND Nen kind of ride! LOSS! j Bob Thompson Agency until you d riv e this one. D ial y o u r d e a le r fo r a C h r y s l e r P o w e r Ride . . . in the c a r that b rin a s you the g r e a t f e a t u r e s first! Dial 3355 r ------ TRAUW AV 5 D E P A R T U R E S From Nyssa Effective May 27 E A ST BOU ND 8:15 A. M. », » 15 A. M. 1110 % M. 8:55 P M Chrysler New Yorker Now Available— The New Chrysler Airtemp Air-Conditioning System W ES T B O U N D 5 55 V M. I? :S5 I* M. 6:33 P M in p m *, Local to Bulle- P u t ì (Ic fp t Sam ian ami Vati,M»at lUlidav« »total lo Writer Dati» f t . «p i Snoda»» and National II lida't MS Main Ht. M rs. M srto Thom as, Agoni l»ial 6‘i86 WAGGONER MOTOR CO. -118 Good Ave. Dial 2203