. a , THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON. TH U RSD AY. JUNE II. ISS3 Fine and Judy remained here until 1’hurscay. Mrs. Roy and Mr- George H.ra; and Mrs. Stanley Hill attended a party a: the Reger Noland home M odern Pion eer Club Wednesday evening Mrs. Fern D ial !1 U Hatch of Adrian was hostess. Mrs Anna D S Pratt o f Lebanon, Oreg has been a guest at the Eugene Too late for U*t week tea at the high schoo Sunday after and Lou Prat homes the past week The Modern Pioneer Club met at noon The past president, Marcelyn She went to Utah Friday. May 22’ the home of Mrs Lydia Wooden Me Kinley, installed the ne« pres accompanied by Jeanie Pratt, to at with Mrs Elvin Wooden as hostess. ident, Jackie Smith Mrs R D Mc tend the graduation of a grand Due to Mary’s having the masles, Kinley and Mr- E B Smith poured daughter, Jenny Dunton. She re Mrs. Elvin Wooden was unable to at the tea. Punch, tea and cookies turned Wednesday and spent the have the meeting in her own home. were served A program was present remainder of the week in her son’s Mrs. Hutchison was a guest The next ed as follows: a piano solo by Lorr homes here, leaving for Lebanon meeting will be held at the home of aine Vane de Water, a vocal solo by Monday morning Mrs. Stanley Hill and will be a “ Melba Price, and a dance number by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Overstreet White Elephant" G ift exchange. Kaye Hammon The program was an of Boise were guests at the M L Mrs. Wayne Best, who has been nounced by Katherine Thiel. Judd home Memorial Day. Mrs W J Weese and Mrs J M. visiting at the home of her parents, Margaret Butler and her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Saxton left Tues Mrs. Vern Butler, attended a tea at Powell of Ontario were guests at the day for Canada, talcing her daught the Dyre Roberts home in Wade dis M O. Judd home Tuesday. Jeanie Pratt of Nyssa spent sev er, Lebearey Matthews with her. trict Friday afternoon. The tea was The regular meeting of the Newell prepared by members of the 4-H eral days last week at the Lou Pratt Heights pre-school study froup cooking club honoring their mothers. home due to the absence of her was canceled because of so many It was the last meeting of the season. mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pratt and chil cases of measles. Jack Barrett and Ann Davis of Mr and Mrs. Forest Hardman Shreman, Texas and Mr Barret’s dren, accompanied by Mrs Anna purchased a new Dodge this week. sister and husband. Mr and Mrs Ll Pratt and Young Michael Pratt Mr and Mrs. J-ake Borge and fam oyd Hoxie of Salem were guests at spent Memorial Day in Ontario at ily and Mr and Mrs. Henry Reuter the Vern Butler home Friday. Mr. the home of Mrs. Pratt's sister and attended a Farm Bureau leglisative Barrett is a boyhood friend of Mr husband, Mr and Mrs, El wood Carr Mr. and Mrs. Luther Correll and committee meeting Monday evening, Butler. at the Lou Pratt home. Mrs Dudley Kurtz and Mrs. Dick two young friends of Umitilla, Mr. and Mrs. El wood Carr of Ontario, Farmers in the community have ■ Kreigh helped instruct the children and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa were at the United Pres-byterian daily va their beet thinning pretty well finish callers at the Lou Pratt home Sun cation Bible school this past week ed up this week. day afternoon. Mrs Kreigh’s 4-H Sewing club met The Adrian high school Girl’s Cliff Wright of Salem, Farm Bur at the church basement in Adrian1 League held its annual mother's tea eau director, called at the Dick Thursday and practised modeling Kriegh and Kenneth Smith homes their skirts for the spring 4-H show. Monday on business. Mr and Mrs. Prank Mowreader' Due to the heavy rain and hail and family of Ontario and Mr. and storm Sunday evening, the irriga Mr- Dudley Kurtz went on a weiner tion ditches in Newell Heights, lO M ir io N roast and picnic Saturday evening which had been empty, were running 04L ! WAT ta at Owyhee dam. full to overflowing. The odor of - ige Mr. and Mr- Rube Graham went brush was in the water as it had to Buhl for Memorial Day and wa. hed down over the hills. brought Mr- Graham’s father, S.L. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kindling Thurman, back with them. Mr. and Mrs. M L Kurtz were at cf Midvale, Utah visited over the O A SA SI A IM the I C. Durnil home in Ten Davis week-end at the Max Jones h me. for a family dinner on Memorial They returned to their home Sunday Margaret Bates is spending this Day. Mr. and Mr-. M. L. Kurtz and Rev. month visiting in Coos Bay at the and Mrs. Henry Mo. re were guests hrme of her brother and sister-in- at the C. R. Mills h^me in Adrian la v. Mr. and Mrs Tommy Bates. Sunday at a 6 o’cli ck dinner. Ray Simpson has been ill with pneumonia the pa-t week. Mr. and Mrs. R j i Norland ar.d sons v re dinner gue.-t rl tlie Mar tha Norland home in Apple Valley. The Dale Glenn- and the Dudley Kurtzs were in E i-e Friday after noon and evening. While there they vi.-ited Dudley Kurtz- aunt, Mrs. \i. does G E N E R A L W. Me Laughlin, and attended a 3D. show for the first time. A M E R I C A save 1 5 % on On Memorial Day, Mrs. Roger Nor lands brother and wife, Mr. and fire insurance costs for Mrs. Bruce Healy. and her uncle, th ou sand s of owners Frank Pack all c f Caldwell, were dinner guests at the Norland home. better properties? Mr>. C M Norri and of Nampa were gue.-ts at the C. B. Ask us. Hill home Wednesday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hammon left REN STRO M Friday morning for a visit with re Insurance latives in Ogden,. A g en cy Mrs. Durlin Hammon and Kaye accompanied Mrs. Sid Flannagan, Terry and Patty and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson to Boise Thursday evening where they attended the spring fol lies presented by the Travelstead trocp of dancers. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Fine and Judy Dial 2346 arrived Sunday evening from Glenns Ferry to be guests at the C. B. Hill home. Mr. Fine returned to Glenns’ Ferry Monday morning, but Mrs. Newell Heights News "On The Spot" with Smiiing Service W e're alw ays on the spot . . . to in sure that all-a round perfect ser vice a car deser ves. Gas up or free air —Service with a smile! f ISU FRY” FISH 1 egK . IV 1'« cups evaporated m:.k 1 cup sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder '« teaspoon salt >. cup corn meal 2 pounds cleaned and boned fL-h Cut fish in serving size pieces. Beat egg Add milk Sift flour with baking powder and salt Add corn meal Add egg-milk mixture and mix quickly Sprinkle fish with salt, then dip in batter. Fry in deep hot fat 375F.> until brown, about 3 min utes. Makes 6 to 8 servings. P A G E THREE t HIH OI ATI ( 111 V IISI Nl> u : 2'-j squares chocolate cup milk 3 4 cup light brown sugar S tea-poon vanilla cup crunchy peanut butter 1 quart vanilla ice cream Shave chocolate into small pieces and heat with milk, over very low heat, until chocolate is melted, stir ring constantly Beat with rotary beater until smooth. Add sugar and cook over low heat until mixture bubbles Add vanilla Stir in pen- nut butter. Serve over ice cream Serves 6 SEND YOUR CLEAN IN G REPAIR to Radio and Refrigeration PARMA DRY CLEANERS Pick Up and D elivery Monday — Thursday Phone Parm a 3-3131 C ollect HERB'S RADIO SERVICE 501 Main St. Nyssa Ore. Dial 2118 JUNE IS DAIRY MONTH W e Are Proud to be Related to the Dairy Industry, and W e Are Happy to be Able to Serve Dairymen with Pillsbury’s Best Dairy Feeds Rllsbury’s Best Announcing . . . . . . . . the Winners of CALF PELLETS SAVES WORK . T I M E . . . MILK PILLSBURY'S Cali Pellel Conlest .. Here’s a specialized feed for VV. J. DILLON—Adult Winner Route 2, Nyssa busy, short-handed farmers and d airym en . . . ideal for raising better ca lves and reducing the [BEST tim e and hard work usually re JERRY REED. Rte. 2, Nyssa GLORIA PLAZE. Rte. 1, Ontario quired in tending to them. Come in and let us explain the work saving, milk-saving advantages of this Pillsbury’s Best method of raising better calves. A co m p le te , ready to- use feed — require* only hay, salt, and w ater. F orm ulated with special attention to recent find- inn* on Vitam in A and D requirem ents o f calves. J Tied as Youth Winner Call for Prizes at NYSSA FEED MILL 318 South 1st St. W e Give TV Tickets Dial 3922 BERRETT'S V Service For . . . HAIL INSURANCE • • • See RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY Nyssa 77tU W EZEM m 'o & How to develop more power in your diesel engines III Once Again We Celebrate Malheur County's Leading Industry, and Pause to Pay Tribute lo Our Dairymen Who Have Had a Part in Enriching Oregon s Economy With a Cash In come of More Than $50,000,000 Annually. f! T o make sure of full power and top efficien c y from all o f y ou r d ie s e l en g in es, use Standard Diesel F up U. mm Made to exact specifi cations, they are a l ways uniform so you can depend on even performance at all times. Completely distilled, they bum cleanly without waste Standard Dieael Fuel is correct for most diesels. Where a higher cetane value is required, use Standard Automotive Diesel Fuel. Tell us the make of your engine and we 11 deliver the fuel you need. For moro information about Standard Oil Company of Californio products, call your local Standard man WILLIAM E. SCHIREMAN N y sa a "N ature’s Goodness A t Its Best Dial 3131 nrai] mm WE CAN ALL BOOST THE DAIRYING INDUSTRY BY: Drinking more milk this summer Saving with non-fat dry milk Finding new uses for cheese Stretching your budget with evaporated milk Enjoying the rich flavor of butter with all meals Serving Ice Cream. America's favorite dessert, more often Nyssa Chamber of Commerce