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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 11. 1913 PAGE TWELVE NYSSA THEATRE D IA L 3932 TH U RSD AY-FRID AY JUNE 11-12 "THE HAPPY TIME" with CHARLES BOYER L O I IS J O U R D A N MARSHA H I N T B OBBY D R IS C O L L A wonderful family who's philos ophy is that everybody ought to love somebody. SATU RAD Y. JUNE 13 "THE SILVER W HIP" with DALE ROBERTSON RO RY CALHOUN C A TH E R IN C R A W L E I A raw rampa:¿;ns • >ry o f the road to Silver City. SUN DAY-M O ND AY JUNE 14-15 "APRIL IN PARIS" In Technicolor with 'D O R IS D A Y K A Y BOLGER EVE M ILLER PA U L H ARV EY It'.' .i the spring with songs and romance galore. Ylatinee Sun. 1:30 TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY JUNE 16-17 "EIGHT IRON MEN" with BO N AR COLLLANO A K T III It I RAN/. LEE MARVIN' M ( K HI NNIS I t ’* packed with tirring em the story of the .-.oldiera un written law. TH U R S D A Y-FR ID A Y JUNE 18-19 "THE GREEN GLOVES" with GLENS 1 OKI) GERALD INE BROOKS SIK C l DKII II MCI>\\ l( KI GEORGE MAC READ Y adventure and flaming Intrigue A masterpiece of sus pense f.lmed m southern France. SATU RD AY, JUNE 20 4-H N o te s. . . Clubs Complete Years 4-H Work The B Needle 4-H -ewir.g club and the Oregon Tra.l cocking club have completed their years pro ject work with exhibits at the Spring Style reveiw and fair in Ontario. Helen Winter was grand champion winner in class 1 of the Style revue and received first on her sewing ex hibit. Lynette Hickman was . Judged „ grand champion winner in ’.he sen- ior bread baking contest. Miss Hickman was awarded the achievement trophy presented by the Payless Drug store o f Ontario for her outstanding achievements in Home economics She received first award on her sewing exhib.its, style revue, cooking exhibit and cake bak ing contest. First awards were received by Bar bara Hickman, cooking exhibit and Sherral Sisson, style revue. Others receiving awards were: De- lores Van Zelf, Betty Van Zelf, Rena Dirk-son. Carol Adam.', Nellie Vander Ord, Marlene Adams and Catherine Coleman E. H. Haney Buried At Nyssa Cemetery E bert H Haney, route 1, Ny--a. who died June 3 » » < buried Satur day at Ny a cemetery Funeral ser vices were conducted at the Ny- a LDS stake house by Bishop James A. Peterson of the Owyhee ward Born in Jackson county, T e n n . Fob. 10. 1910, Mr. Haney came to Adrian July 24. 1944 to farm. Surviving are his wife, Mariam, of the home; three daughters, Joan, Eialne and LaDawn, all o f the home: seven sons, Robert, Alan. Gene. Rrent. Roger, Marvin and Norman, all o f the Nyssa area, and two grand children. NO R M AN B LE A K M A N | To G R A D L A T E Norman K Bleakman will receive a degree of bachelor o f business arts from the University o f Oregon at Eugene Sunday. June 14. at gradua tion exercises. Mr and Mrs. Bleakman will arrive in Nyssa next Monday to visit for a week at the home o f Mrs. Bleak- man’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz. Achievement Program Planned For Sunday LAW ENFO RCEM ENT PU BLIC O P IN IO N BALANCE The daily vacation Bible school of (Continued from Page 1) the Christian church will hold their „ „ t , , be members and a cross-section of T community leaders such as business evening a: the church for all parents men. farmers, attorneys, clergymen and friends of the children. The pro and others should take the leader gram Is a climax to two weeks o f the ship without an over-balance o: ar y school and will consist of songs, me one group. mory work and a rythum band. Thornton warned that a citizens’ There will aL-o be a display o f hand crime commission cannot be an in work the pupiL' have made. strument o f persecution and should be well enough organized to prevent M cCALLISTERS EN TERTAINED spasmodic efforts on one issue and ON EVE OF LEAVIN G NYSS\ it’s ultimate disappearance from the Dr and Mr-. H G. McCallister community. Such an organization were dinner cur : - M nrfay evening should be incorporated with a beard of Mr and Mrs. Dick Yost at their o f directors named and a source of home a: 613 No. 2nd .-ireet. fund' for such expenses as special The McCallisters left Nyssa W ed investigators, secretaries and num nesday mcrnir.g for Santa Ana, erous other activities. Calif., where they will make their Such a group may gather evidence permanent heme. and .serve as a fact-finding body and Dr McCallister wa retired form not vigilantes, it must keep accurate the ministry by the 70th annual Ida- records and prevent the intrusion of ho Meth< cli-t conference to bring to criminal groups that frequently gain a clo e a 44-year mini.-try and a a foot-held by contribution o f money one-year pa t-rate o f the local D. A. Speaks Methodist church. District Attorney Swan supple mented the attorney general’s talk with a few highlights on crime ac- | tivities in Malheur .■ mnty. In 1952 a hotel in Ontario, raided several times as a house o f prostitution, reported- POLICE ( O CH T Four public intoxication cases were ly had an income of $30,000, the handled in the court and each county attorney '■aid. Gambling is a was fined $25 and costs. They were, mere serious problem in Malheur June 5. Edward O. Aekerland and county, than the public realizes, he Manuel Castillo. June 6. Felix Rod asserted. ’’W e’re not pulling the riguez. June 7. Rumond Apodaca. wool over the eyes o f our kids— they know what’s going on in their towns JUSTICE CO URT June 3, Joseph Ray Russell, no in regard to gambling and here in Nyssa they know all about the Rain tail light, fined $3 and costs. June 4. John Oanzales Torres, no bow,” Swan stated. "Crime is worse in a lot c f ether operator’s license, fine $3 and costs. June 6, James Edward Nlccum, no areas, but it’s serious here. I t ’s time operators license, fined $3 and costs. we woke up. Every la w enforcement officer in Malheur county is sub ject to severe criticism, inyself in RECEIVE W ORD OF cluded.” the district attorney said. NEW G RAND D AU G H TER He cited numerous instances of Mr and Mrs. Clayton Jensen re gambling activities that he asserted ceived word o f the birth o f a new brought family difficulties, stating i granddaughter, Ronda Lynn at that gambling thrives throughout ! Falls, Montana. Parents of the 7 pound 11 ounce baby are Mr. the county. "W here there’s money, md Mrs Bill Lynch. Mr- Lynch is there’s a natural source of corrup tion,” Swan stated. :he former Treaoa Jensen. Quesions, Answers In answers to questions from the M L L T IN G PLANNED audience, the attorney general ex This week the Middle Oregon Bap pressed the opinion that a commun tist association is holding its an- ity has an obligation to provide en- uual meeting with the local mission- tertainment to reploce prostitution ary Baptist church of N > "a . Guests where there are industries, transient ire expected from cities all over Ore- workers or armed forces personnel ton and parts o f Calif. Pari-mutual betting poses a problem The public is invited to attend the for law enforcement officers and the . i:ly meeting' Meals will be 'erved attorney general’s office "because a each day in the Veteran’s hall ad- man can lose $500 on a pari-mutual laeent to the church. bet. but it’s a crime to play a puch The meetings will end Sunday. board," he said Court Cases . . . "CAPTIVE CITY" with JOHN F O M 1 I III JOAN CAMDEN The fact- behind the crime in ALSO 3 CARTOONS. SU ND AY-M O ND AY JUNE 21-22 "OUTPOST IN M ALA YA" If y o u ’re out to SAVE come in to M&W the Every Time You Step Into M & W MARKET to Buy Foods, You're Sure to Step Out With Savings Jingling in Your Pockets Because W e Make Every Price a Low Price Every Day. It Stands to reason—More Low Prices—More Savings for You. Prices Effective Friday-Saiurday-Sunday, June 12-13-14 We Pay ihe Top Market Price for Ranch Eggs at A ll Times! Ice Cream Dairy Month 4 W A Y S B E T TE R ! Frosted Cakes Jumbo Qis. hand dipped 2-layer 5C? Double-dip Cones Picnics CHEESE S p e c ia ls Sunfreze Special Each . . . 3 9 c Lb. ¿ 0 *1 < Smoked, small, lean Beef Liiver During June B a k e ry — Mild Western, Dairy Month Spec. TU N A 39< u Lb. 49c 4 cans 7 S C Clearwater with CT.AI'DETTE COI.BI l!T .1 \( K H A W K IN S A N TH O N Y S T IL L FE IT K A S IIl It And All Through Malaya cen t«: of the rubber in dustry . . . a night of terror end- in a new life. the Rest Matinee Sun. 1:30 of the Year! TU ESD A Y- W E D N ESD A Y Orange Ade « ¡0 Catsup 4 cans 7 9 ^ Dennison's 14-oz. 2 for 29C 20 -oz. jar 4Ç( JUNE 23-24 "IVORY HUNTER" In Technicolor with A N T IIO N T S T I L L DIN \ 11 M O R I D W Il \ K O I II \\ I K R I M i l R M L K IIH T II I I)W A R D S Th e story of ruthless war against tribal savage.' and white outcasts filmed in Africa. 1 Increase the milk production! 2 Keepbutterfat content high! 3 Lengthen the productive life-line! 4 Prevent breeding difficulties due to nutritional deficiencies! Peanut 1Sutter TOMATOES »«H m Garden Brand, size 300 7 for $ 1 . 0 0 W e Give TV Tickets' Another Ranch-Way "feeding-firs!”— Proof again of the importance of Ranch-W ay’s exclusive V-22 fortlfkatmn’ TH U R SD A Y-FR ID A Y "THE SAVAGE In Technicolor with C H A R L T O N III S T ()\ SI SAN M O R R O W F l T l K II IN S U N JOAN T A Y L O R Btirrlng outdoor drama, the sav age, white by birth, Indian by adoption. So* Your Friendly RANCH WAY Dealer Nyssa Elevator Dial 2253 Nature's Goodness its best I Gth & Main at tho "Y" Nyssa