» •. • M t . % « .C V ä ^ ' ! ä . t f « «- ' r_ . f ^ » Ê f i ; JOURNAL NYSSA VO LU M E X X X X V I I I t u . 22 THE N Y S S A G ATE C ITY J O U R N A L. N Y SS A . OREGON William Toomb Is s Pud Growers Up ’ agles Nesd DHIA Head; Many f !a" ting l8°° In Equipment for «*■ i tt i mT , i Malheur County ^ r High Herds Noted Boys' Town i r t " r t S' » AY. Community joins In Observing i- N | , TW ELVE PAGES i-evt 5 Percent Voters Approve City Tax For Street Funds Adrian Girls Win 1953 Ssholarships For Nurse Course Sportsmen Seek Funds for Owyhee Reservoir Road Don Engstrowi. manager of Clo­ Patricia Smith and Agnes Hout- Potato growers in Malheur county ver Lawn dairy, has been appoint­ inan, both graduates of Adrian high have planted a crop 18 percent larg- Sportsmen of the Nyssa and Ad­ Ny-sa voters gave 7 to 1 approval school with the class of 1953. were Many Individuals and merchants ed by the state Dairy Month head­ William Toomb. route 1, Nyssa. er than last year's, according to Turn was elected president of the Malheur er Bond, county extension agent. A have responded to the pica of the quarters of the Oregon Dairy place a special five-mill street tax winners of Malheur Memorial hos­ rian communities expect to present county Dairy Herd Improvement as- mail survey of potato growers was Eagles lodge for new or cast off council to be local chairman of the Monday to the city's propo-al to pital nursing scholarships, it was an their plan for a new. all-weather sociation at a meeting last week, it recently completed and about one- baseball and fishing equipment to 17 annual obaervam-e of June on all real property in the city for nounced by Mrs. Harold BrendJe. road into Owyhee reservoir when the ensuing five years. Only 64 per­ The scholarships are presented an­ Delbert Gildersleeve, member of the was announced by Don Anderson, third of all growers in the county he given to the Boys' Town of the Dairy Month in Malheur county. June Dairy Month has been de­ sons appeared at the polls to cast nually by the Nyssa Chamber of Oregon Game commission, meets county extension agent. At the di- showed an increase If the increase West at White Salmon, Wash rectors meeting. Gilbert Sproul, On- were applied to the 8.000 acres grown Donated items were on display in signed, Engstrotn said to encour­ 56 votes in favor of the Issue and Commerce, Eagles lodge, Lions club with the Malheur county G.une tario, was named vice president and in 1952, there will be narly 9,500 acres the Gate City Journal office window age consumer* to use more milk, eight votes against the new tax. City- and Malheur Memorial hospital aux­ Ii ague in Ontario Thursday night. According to Bob Web-ter of Ad­ butter, cheear. Ice cream and dry- Manager E K Burton said. Nyssa iliary. Elver Neilsen, route 2, Nyssa, was this year, Bond said. That amount of this weekend, and included fishing elected secretary and treasurer, acreage compares with the total rods and reels, sports magaz.nes and milk during a period when there had a total of 1.128 registered voters Miss Smith, daughter of Mr a-d rian, efforts are being made to ob­ is an abundance of fresh, whole­ last November and 865 of them cast Mrs. Cecil Smith of Adrian. Irian.- : tain funds from the game commis­ Other directors elected at the annual grown in 1950. but is less than baseball equipment, ballots at the general election. meeting May 14 are Fred Patterson, the average production over the past Among persons giving their cast- some dairy foods. enter St. Luke's hospital in Boi-e. sion to complete and further im­ Many business 'irms of this area The special tax will raise approxi­ Miss Houtman. daughter of Mr and prove a road being built from the Vale, and Rosel Hunter, Nyssa, own- ten years. offs were Aden Wilson, Roy Barnes, are observing Dairy Month by call­ mately $3500 each year for general Mrs. Luther Houtman of the Adrian state highway north of Adrian to er-sampler representative. A large part of the increased acre- Ward Tyler, Dick Yost, Cal Wilson ing attention to the importance of street improvements and mainten­ community, has aim mu ni that -he the reservoir. Reports of testing for May show age is made up c f growers attracted and Johnnie Johnson, The new road, started last year that seven new herds were started to potatoes this season bv the favor- Owyhee Hard vare has donated $10 the dairy industry in this issue of ance. This amount has been budget­ will attend Franklin School cf Nur­ ed for the fiscal year 1953-54 which sing in San Francisco. by the Nyssa Boat club and num­ on owner-sampler testing during the able prices last year, Bond said The worth o f fishing tackle and Skinner’.- the Journal. begin- July 1 and exceeds the cur­ month. These include Dee J. Garner, survey showed only five percent in- grocery a new fco.ball. Last year a scholarship was re­ erous other interested individuals rent year’s budget cf $8000, Burton has been surveyed, graded and made Lawrence Brow*n and Dewey Stron of crease on the part of growers in the Jihn-an ha- been active in gath- said. Street funds in previous years ceived by Jane Hourucki, daughter of passable for motor vehicles to reach Nyssa, Frank Tschida and Lawrence business year after year, with the ing the equipment, including the Mr and Mrs. Roy Hourucki. Ontario, have been taken from the general Owyhee reservoir by the shortest and Fetter of Ontario and Russell Gir- balance of the increase on farms of purchase c f ne.v items with a $40 fund, but fer the coming year all the and she is n o r attending Good Sa­ most accessable route possible from vin and George W. Palmer of Vale, new ,r occasional growers. f ind a nated by members c f the maritan Nursing S.-h al in Portland general fund money was needed for any cne point in the valley. Ander-cn said there are now over Bliss Triumph, which normally í l > ¿ f .\ j ether additional expenses to keep In 1951 the scholarship went to B. y-’ Town c f the West is a home 2500 co vs on test in Malheur county makes up abuu. one-f.fth c f the V/eb-ter said that several thous­ Katherine Springer, daughter c f Mr. expenditures within the six percent melt - and wayward boys. I: under all testing programs, or nearly Leal crop, is exp cte-d to be about : r and Mrs. H L. Springer, Fruitland and dollars have been invested by limitation. 17 percent of all rr. Ik cows in the 28 percent as com piri i v th 31 per- i- maintained by the Eagles lodges cf organizations and individuals in ad- An extensive street and sidewalk Miss Springer is now nur-ing at St. dit . n to more thou-and.s of hour^ of Oregon and Wa hington. county. This compares with an aver­ cent la-t year. Netted Gem is Lukes hospital in Boise. impn vement program i- planned for With but limited funds to main­ age o f about five percent of all dairy- ported abou. the same, or sligntly actual work by men donating their L i v enforcement i.i any c mmun- tain the home and care for the 32 tv is In direct prep rt,on to public this summer, but all costs will be cows cn te^t in the United States. labor and machinery to construct less than half the t. :al crop. borne by property owners whose pro­ b.ys, between the age- of 8 and 16. Eleven of the county’s 2G top-rank­ the new road The present site was opinion, Attorney General Robert Y. perty abutts the streets. The project 1 . ng there at present there has deemed suitable by engineers and ing herds in bulterfat production Thornton told a group of more than is the result of formation of im­ b:en inadequate provision for rec­ during May are from the Nys.-a area. even game officials, who gave un- Nj a c mmunity residents Fri­ provement district No. 4 earlier this reation. < fficl*l opinons that the aoce.-.-abil- Standard herds averaging more day evening. Oregon's attorney geu- spring. However, the city will have Anyone wishing to add to the col- ity is superior to any other route. than 45 pounds c f butterfat are ■ral came here from Salem through to bear the expense c f improvements lecton of items may leave his c o n - ; Toomb & Phifer, Nys.-a, 24 Jerseys The read, which can now be trav­ the efforts c f representatives of nu­ at street intersections and the half t cuticn at the Journal office. eled in a car, is about ten miles from with 49.1 pounds; Lewis Johnson, merous organizations and Di trict of any street adjoining city-owned J.hnson expects to take the do­ the Adrian highway, north of Ad­ Vale, 21 Jerseys with 48.2 pounds, nated equipment to White Salmon Attorney Charles Swan to brief in­ property. and Loui- Wettstein, Ontario, 26 rian. It reaches the O.vyhee reser­ terested persons on alleged crime Burton said that most of the funds -n .ne near future. Renaming of one Nyssa street, voir at a site deemed Ideal for a fu­ Hclsteins with 46 7 pounds. and prostitution syndacate- existing budgeted for this year will be used efforts to coordinate city and county ture camp grounds that Is expected Herds averaging more than 40 in the west. Nyssa merchants will give away to repair paving that Is now dam­ pounds are Vern Garner f iD t o v d o 1 r f l v o n u n , ., of interna! revenue Plans were progressing this week ness In Nyssa is better than that of One queen and two princesses will 1 located outside the city limits. He told of information recently re­ be chosen. Holmes said. for the staging of a community-wide a year ago with more regular custo- An ordinance regulating installa- ceived to indicate that a prostitution Nyssa “TV-$ Day” weekend of values mers in almost every line. The in- ; tion o f radio and television aerials r.et vork, or organization, Is routing for shoppers in Nyssa Thursday, Fri- j creased volume has made it possible and providing a license system, had prostitutes to different communities day and Saturday of next week. ; i ° r local stores to carry a wider | its first reading. A second ordinance Adrian R Oliva was arraigned from California, through Oregon and “TV-$ Days” are being sponsored range and selection of merchandise creating street improvement district by the Nyssa Business Men’s asso- than ever before and in many in- Monday in Justice Don Graham’s as far away as A laka. In an address No. 4 also was read for the first time. ’ ciation. The Dollar Day phase will stances the larger volume of sales court on charges of hit and run book recently taken from a procurer Registered voters o f school district Other action of the council in­ follow the same pattern o f the last and larger quantities of wholesale driving and was released on S50 bail » after his arrest, names and addres- , , 26-C will have an opportunity to se- cluded approval o f the erection of a February promotion, when merch- purchases have made price reduc- and ordered to appear Friday at the T n f° Und’ leet a director for a five-year term stop sign at East Second and Ehr- ________ 7 p. m. for a hearing. Oliva was ap- - the tne attorney atternev general irenernl revealed. re vealed , , , , , , , , Appointment of Jerry Beilon, for­ ants offered their customers money- tions possible, at an annual election scheduled for Buchner said that response of prehended by city police following a Accompanying circumstances are Monday between 2 p.m. and 8 pin, good, and the voluntary aippropria- mer teacher at Hansen, Ida., who saving bargains on first-line mer- ~ other merchants to various sales reP°rt that he had damaged a car sometimes worse than the crime that The election will be at the Nyssa ! tion of $75 to help pay expenses of will coach at Fruitland high school chandise. Fire Chief Frank M< rrls to a fire next fail, as director of Nyssa's sum­ Especially featured will be Nyssa’s events has been excellent, resulting being driven by Emil Paulus, who 1 - in the sp ’.light. Thornton assert- elementary school. chiefs’ convention in Corvallis. Mor­ television dealers, who will make in highly successful promotions that noted Oliva’s license number. He was ed Prostitution, for instance, brings The name of S. E. Flanagan has ris, who is now attending the meet- mer recreation program wa- an­ known to readers of the Gate City have benefitted the buying public l^rned over to state police who filed safe-crackers, narcotics and other been filed by petition to succeed nounced this week by Henry Hart­ Journal the merits of the TV sets and Nyssa. Several more trade events the charges. 1 criminals who use houses of prosti- himself and Jerry LaCelle became j ing, did not ask for funds, but the ley, superintendent of schools. they handle for the first time. a”e °n the agenda for later this Erne-to C Apodaca *as ordered tution as hangouts. A majority of a candidate last week. Flanagan has board agreed that the fire chief’s His wife, Elner, will a-sist Beilon There are at present seven tele- summer and will be announced with- to aPPear _jn^,Justice jiourt June 23 prostitutes are narcotics addicts served two years of an elected term activities in the interes-ts of the city in the handling of the girls' recrea­ were beyond the line of duty and Ion an assault and battery charge Thornton said, vision dealers in Nyssa, with th e , in a short time, he said and was appointed to the board 10 valuable information has been ob- tion division. following his arrest Sunday by city Crime Commission possibility of an eighth entering the fill six months of an unexpired term | tained in the past when he attended Monday. June 22. has been set as police. A complaint charging assault j The speaker explained different before his election in 1951. LaCelle field soon. registration day for the summer pro­ such conventions. with a dangerous weapon has been types of crime ct mmissions and gave Dealer- are Don B Moss Firestone Eight claim- totaling $480 05 for gram of varied recreation, which filed against his father, Roberta a detailed account of citizens’ crime 1 * 7 ^ 1 in S o durfn» the n ' t Store, Wilson Bros. Department Apodaca who is still at large, ac- commissions being patterned after ^ yeaT and re- gned l .-t pn r» damage to basements In Nyssa when will be carried on at municipal park. Store. Eder Hardware, Nyssa Furni­ The program will include such ac- There will be a meeting o f stock- cording to Judge Graham, who sta- an organization in Chicago. Such a t , areV.- i i i » a sever caused water to enter the ture Co., Intermountain Furniture homes, were held for action at a tivities a- baseball, softball, tennis, J Co., Peierson Furniture Co. and Ed holders o f the Farmers Supply Co- ted that the father and son were in j commission has no official capacity i-ent badminton, volleyball, croquet and later date. operative of Nyssa and Ontario June a “ Brawl" at the time of the arrest, and is cn a volunteer basis, he said. " ’ __________________ Case Furniture Co. other individual and group sports. 22, it was announced this week by L It must be divorced from any polit­ Swimming classes will be conduct­ B. Hyatt, secretary. ical group, no public officials should ed one day a week, but only those Purpose of the meeting, which will • Continued on Page 12) who register for and attend regularly be held at 8:30 p. m. at Boulevard all other recreation activities will Be grange hall, is to allow stockholders Chamber of Commerce President Cub Scout pack No. 419 held its j i 0 votf on the Proposal to sell a por- County Clerk Harry S. Sackett en­ Ny.--a\s Municipal band will make eligible for swimming. Jake Fischer headed a delegation of tion of Its assets to the Nyssa Co-op The local recreation program is tered a plea of not guilty Monday regular meeting Wednesday even­ Nyssans to LaGrande last Friday to its second public appearance of the ing at the old gymnasium with Stan Supply, Hyatt said. before Circuit Judge M. A. Biggs to hear an address by Walter Garver, season in a concert Monday night annually sponsored by the Nyssa a grand jury indictment charging Newman. Committeeman, presiding. U. S. chamber of commerce repre­ at the city park, beginning at 8:30 chapter Parent-Teachers associa­ him with allegedy larceny of public p. m. The band is directed by Leon tion, assisted by School District 26-C, Highlights of the evening were the sentative from Chicago. the City cf Ny sU, Nyssa chamber of money. The indictment involved the viewing and judging of exhibits on In the Ny-sa group were Torn Burt. sale of a county-owned bulldozer the theme. ‘Nature’s Backyard". A- First appearance o f the popular c< mmtrce and Nys.-a Lions club. Jones, chamber secretary, Henry William K Wahlert, manager of blade to Shirley D Tucker for $100 bout 40 cub scouts had birdhouses 30-piece band was May 14, when it Date of the trial was set for Aug. 3. the Nyssa branch "of” Dessert*"seed ” Morgan. Fralllt Sherwood and Ted played before a sizeable crowd at­ to exhibit which they had built alone wa- elected secretary-treasurer After being rained out for the past A date for a plea on two other in­ C or with their father's help. Roger Fischer brought back the reported tending the Softball Jamboree spon­ Barnes won a prize for having the t vo Sundays, the Nyssa Rifle and dictments involving $305.20 and of the Idaho-Eastern Oregon Seed- premise of Garver that there would sored by the Nyssa Softball associa­ men’ a-sociation at the group's an­ best Birdhouse in a contest sponsored club will held its third sched- $139 50, respectively, will be set at a be a survey made cf fluid grade milk tion. by Wayne Chesnut who was Ideas uled rHle shoot at 1:30 p. m. Sunday later date, it was reported by Mal­ nual convention June 3 at Sun Val­ market conditions in this area in the Leaving here by train Sunday eve­ ley chairman for the month. at the club's range—weather per- heur county officials Monday. ning. Carlos Buchner will spend the Horace Beal, Ontario, was elected near future. The best nature exhibit by a den mitting. day in Ogden, Utah, Monday doing president to succeed Pat Kelley of was made by Den 3 and a prize was The shoot will be a preliminary business for his firm. RODEO ASSOCIATION Boi-e. awarded the boys and their den qualifying match. Ralph Lawrence BOARD MEETS MONDAY He will return here Tuesday to Carlos Buchner, president of the Wahlert also attended the three- mother, ’Mrs. W. L. Me Partland. said, who urged as many members as Orville Keifer, who has been em­ pre-ide over the meeting of the Nys­ A meeting of the board of the Nys­ Cub Walter Cannon received honor- possible to be present. The shoot will Nyssa Business Men’s association, day annual convention of the Pa­ ployed as a teller at the Nyssa able mention for an outstanding in- Be under supervision of John Strick- has announced a meeting of the cific Seedmen’s a -oclatlon. also held sa Nite Rodeo a-sociation ha- oeen branch. First National Bank for the sa Business Men's association and attend to other matters before leav­ called by Roy Holme-, presideir sect collection. Cubmaster, Harry land, chief range officer, who took association for Tuesday noon at a: Sun Valley June 4 to 6 . the Doll House cafe. Archie Des.-ert, of the Dessert Seed Monday night in Bob Thompson's pa-t several months, has received ing later in the day with his family Naka-hima made the awards which office June 1. an appointment to the Oregon state for Portland. On the agenda will be discussion Co. of El Centro, Calif., accompanied office. had been earned during the month. Other new officers include Cecil police force, effective July 1. After attending to business mat­ C -mmittee chairmen are reque.-ted by his wife al-o attended the con- of the TV-S Day promotion, set for Refre-hments were served by dens Findling. president: Cliff Main, vice Keifer will report to the Ontario ters there, the Buchners will spend ference and returned to Nyssa with to come prepared to give detailed ;e - 5 and 6 under the direction of den president: Percy Capper, executive next weekend, and future promo­ mother, Mrs. Kenneth Danford and officer; Neal Nicholson, chief in- tions. There will also be a report Wahlert Saturday. He spent three ports of their work In connection office and then will go to Corvallis the balance o f the month vacation­ Mrs. Bud Wilson. structor; Vernon Robertson, secre- on progress of the rodeo parade day looking over garden seed crops with the two-day rodeo on July 10 for two weeks of special school, after ing in Western Oregon, and possibly which he will be assigned to district California. They plan to return to being grown in this area for his firm, and 11 . Pack 419 will continue its regular tary-treasurer, and Harold Kurtz, committee. Nyssa about July 4. headquarters in Baker. program during the summer months . 1 publicity chairman, ghterssocial NYSSA CIVIC C U R PLANS GARDEN MEET, JUNE 17 POSTMASTER ATTENDS The Nyssa Civic club will hold Its STATE CONVENTION Postmaster and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis June meeting next Wednesday after- and family returned Sunday from a noon at 2 p.m. in the garden of Mr trip to the west coast which included Oerrit Stam in keeping with Its There will be eight sections to the been made for ready-made floats for a postmaster’s convention at Salem, garderi theme for the month All in- annual rodeo parade to be held on business firms that may not wish to The postmaster said the convention terested women are invited to at- Nyssa’s Main street Friday, July 10, construct their own at reasonable dealt with means of greater service tend. An appropriae program has in addition to the Kids’ parade, ac­ rates. Lawrence also urged all busi­ at less cost in the postal department, gee« planned by Mrs Stam. assisted cording to Ralph Lawrence, general ness firms and individuals who may Prior to going to Salem, they visit- by Mr-. Maurice Judd, Mr-. A C. wi-h to have an entry in the parade chairman and parade marshal. ed a former Nyssa resident. Thomas Sallee, Mrs. Ted Morgan. Mrs. H O. Main parade sections, eacn to be to see either him or the proper sec­ Holman, high school basketball Hopkins and Mrs. A. Heldt. handled by a sub-chairman, include tion .-ub-chairman. coach at Corvallis, and brother of Individuals wishing to enter the band, Ham Chadderdon; rodeo and GEORGE CHAVEZ VISITS Mrs. Lewi- Enroute home they vlsit- m unted, Lynn Snodgrass; Imple­ parade may do so, Lawrence said, on e i w::h relative- at O -vcgo and HERE WITH PARENTS ment, Earl Hollingsworth; automo­ the basis o f small groups or in the Cpl. Olporge Ctlavez arriv ed in bile, Chuck Landreth; stores, Eddie comic section. Portland._________________ the h<■me of If) a Jurle 1 to vb Cru «on, who will be in charge of Taylor and Bob Wilson; religious or­ Mrs. Mr. and Bert Cha- his parenlis, Mr anil Mrs. Civile Wakefield and j ( biliiren. fur Iheir part In Mrs. William Schireman is the Girl ganizations and comic, the Rev. John the Kids’ parade, said the Eagles’ NYSSA’S S I OI T troop his wife. Lydia, him is vez. Withi sons of Saliaa. Kan., returned Wed- shown r-reiving trophy from Mrs. f.isti-r lily sali this spring. The Nys- Si for < rip- Increases over the prre.oaa >M*. is a daughter c l the Farrs. Law Enforcement Balance, Says AG Arcadia Renamed Law and Healfh Discussed by City New Sales Event Permits Details On Free TV S?t Rural Fire Dept. Gets N ew Truck Rodeo Queen Try Cuts Set T V -S Days" Sei For June 18-20; TV Given Away r - HiJ-Run Driver, Assault In Court Beilon Heads Rec. Program; Starts June 22 Two Men Seek Job On School Board Co-op Stockholders Called for Meeting H. S. Sackett Trial Is Set for Aug. 3 Scout Pack 419 Holds Award Night Rifle Club Sets Shoot lor Sunday Fischer Leads C of C Group to LaGrande Wahlert Elected To Seedmen's Asscc. Office City Band Appearing In Concert Monday Buchners Leaving on Vacationing launt Business Men Meet Bank Teller loins Oregon Police Rodeo, Kids# Parade Scheduled for July 10; Section Chairmen are Named