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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1953)
PAGE THE NYS3A GATE C ITY JO'TBNAL. N Y SSA . OREGON. s:x . THURSDAY. JUNE 4 1953 No of!:?r tru'.k Gate City : matches this voice! OURMAL Edited by DICK YOST N w Hardball Lovejoy Leads Team Trounces Bulldog Bailers Payelle Nine Graduation la-t wee* removea eight players from Coach Howard Lovejoy’s baseball squad, leaving him with taro juniors and two sop >- more-, with which to build a team next year. imp Th e receiving their diplomas am— last Thur day night »ere L r r y 4-1 in Vaughn, Steve Talbot, Dan Love) y. t ¿ame Dave Savage. Glenn Marcum, Del Mace, Ken Sncdgra - and Bill M r- Savage, rison. itching, Ned Snider and Gearald Cox are çs with the juniors Coa ch L ovejoy vili rely its lone on heavily nex i ye;ir and Rodney a shut- H :comb and Gen e Serv’oss the sc pihe me res. T hi* 12-man squad went to ba t 464 times in, all its g¡ame- to collect 104 hit : -i .lir7 team batting aver- Ny a age wh.le 94 run- ely of D vej y, with a lusty .409, and e s.-r- Snider, with an enviable .314, were m;l D n Kn lg as the only .300 hitters on the team. 1 11! DOGS IN THU above [>h >to-graph compels the main acts that v:i m ri;r e players made the .200 hiring bu ine - - V Halsey. n d c o do n, will bring t jN v » a for the two-da v \>ssa Nile V ice said the team will join ’ trcla, Talbot with .275, Cox with Rodeo on July 10-11. the B< rder league> and will free- .225 and Vaughn with .204. Paced by Lovejoy who batted out lan 'e m»n * of the fir t half games. Sevieral ga mes are expected to be ,ix doubles, one triple and two home ed i S uj riday af terncons on the uns, the team had 14 doubles, live N> sa diamtond, but night garnet> will riple-s and three home runs for a be played when the second half I total of 22 extra ba te blows. schedule complet ed. Snider connected for the only oth- Ralph Lawrence Tuesday -»as r.p- They re H Chadderdon, band A s pecîal game scheduled with1 pointed chairman of the Ny -a N.te sect. r.. Earl H 1 lings worth. farm Nampa Wed- the triples, with Talobt and Vaughn the Nampa Clipper parade ccmmitiee bv G - implement section: ChuckLandreth, nesday night. accounting for the remainder. - ---- Liming, who in turn was given the automobue section: - Bob Wilson, Talboh with ^l.^nwde the^jnoot ternpcrary chairmansh.p cf the -tores section, the Rev John Briehl, runs, followed by Lovejoy with 1 7 LOCAL BOVS ATTEND chamber ^ commerce public events organjaticns. and B-:b Thompson, Vaughn 14 and Snider 12. committee by President Jaxe Fisch industrial secticn TANK BASEBALL St IIOOL Vaughn drew the mo t walks with er on Monday. A meeting :f thi- committee has Coach Howard Lovejoy has been at- 10, followed closely by Savage wuu Lawrence named -even chamber cf be;n caLed f:r 4 ? m. Friday at lending the New York Yankee- nine. commtrce members to has commit Z-iirences office In the hitting department, Love tee at the Wedr.e.-da> neon meeting spon-ored baseball -chool at Boi-e Namttg cf La came as a re- in company with several ex-Ny--a joy as clean-up man collected 23 In of the chamber. f :~.i P.odec association beard high school players during the lore reverse order of the batting order, ; f c-Tfct:rs m se ;.:r. Monday night par: of the week Snider had 16 hits, Talbot 14 and ,r. preparat. r. f :r the annual parade With him and taking part in the Vaughan 10 as the leaders. Savage, : • >i neLd the afternoon of Friday, jch«iol were Dan Lovejoy, Lave Sav in sixth place in the batting order, : . I .• ng date o f the two- age and Floyd Hale. had nine hits. day rode: :c te -tagsd here. At tr.s M.t.c.i meeting Roy By action of the Owyhee R .i r.r H .me- err. appointed Bob club at its meeting last Friday nigh: Holmes to arrange for a suitable arrangements are to be mace to nine stand on to.; rodeo grounds for paint the new fence recently con the rodeo structed around the race track cf I: was a.-: announced by Holmes the redeo grounds. It was also voted by the club to that a Hake; had been booked for erect several more light poles and the clown acts for this year’s rodeo. in :all more lighting for the track Halsey - act consists of three dogs and the arena. that have appeared in rodeos thr- A club ride scheduled for Sunday ought the west, was cancelled, but the weather did They do a variety of tricks, in- not deter a dozen of the members eluding special Jumping and hoop FRIDAY, JUNE 5 who gathered for an impromptu ride tricks, rope jumping, scooter riding, 7:30 P. M. in the vicinity of the Willis Bertram walking on hind and front feet, bar- ranch. rel rolling, balancing and tricycle RODEO PARK The ride was without incident ex- riding, cept for Lloyd Adams becoming separated briefly, but abruptly, from his mount. Adams was riding a young colt which, without provoca Ut GAM E 2nd GAM E tion, decided to show its mettle and shook itself loose from its heavy Jalopy racing, under sponsorship burden. of the Owyhee Riding club, will be VS Adams, who was unhurt, told his resumed next Wednesday. June 10. VS fellow riders he thought the crows when [he populax gpon wm ^ held would make a nest in his britcnes under the lights, weather r v*or nprmittina permitting, pockets before he could claw his way for the balance of the summer, it back from the clouds. was announced by Lynn Snodgrass, The Friday night meeting was held club president. at the C. M. (Skinny) Tensen home Time trials will be heid at • p.m. on Columbia avenue. The current season of racing start ed Sunday, April 12, with races held 1st G A M E COURT CASES 2nd GAM E every other Sunday until May 24, Police Court when they were suspended because May 20, Henry Van Twisk, public of weather conditions. intoxication, forfeited $25 bail. Walt VS VS er Bennett, reckles- driving, forfeited $50 bail May 21. Salomon Negrete, violation immigration laws, released to im migration auth rities Steven Lozano no operat >r'- licen.-e. posted $5 bail, file showed irre-t here 1952 for dis orderly conduct, F B I record, want ed by Los Angeles police for a-sault di adly weapon, deported three times. Released to immigration auth orities. May 22, Ignacio T Gallegos. Har Southeast 2nd St. Circus Lot old Gene Cravford, John E Holt, ONE D A Y O N L Y no operator-' licenses, all forfeited $5 bail each. Matinee 2 P. M. Eve. 5:15 P.M. May 24. IX-nald W. Haynes, driv Don't Miss The Thrill of a ing with four in front seat, forfeited Lifetime When $5 bail. Donald G. Skubal. violation basic rule, fined $5. May 26. Ernesto Apadoca. no op erator’s license. $5 fine suspended Alfonso C. Salazor, no i aerator's lic ense, $5 fine Alex Lopez, public in toxication. released on $25 bail, for feited. George H Kochakes, furnish ing wine to minor. $100 fine, 60 days in jail. May 28. J, hnny Blackston. public intoxication, fined $25, suspended on 30 days' probation. Waggoners Shut Out Berrett's In League Opener Yv’.th :t- opener and ,-ix -ub-equer.: g unes wa=hed cut by rains, the Nv - Va S.ftball league ha., played but or.e official game. B b Wilson hurled a t wo-hit. >ut for Waggoner’s against H ti lings worths’ May 27 in a make-up game that was origntally b.lled as the opener on May 1J. H - :> am mates collected 11 runs on 9 hits. Wilson set opp-.-ing batter- ci vn in order in the first four inn:a: -, J A-sumendi, pitcher, getting ;)ie first hit off him in the fifth. M T liman got the remaining hit in the sixth, when the game was called on a league ruling of a 10-point lead. Catchers were Blenn for Wilson and Dillon and Bumgarner for a - sumendi. Tobler’s Feed secred freely . an: t Berrett’s Service in a practice ga.n. the same evening. Batteries were Jerry Barker and Hugh Tobler for Tobler’s and Huter. Moss, Turner and Lowe for Berrech Lawrence Nam ed Chairman of Rodeo Try-Outs Sunday Parade Committee; Parade July 10 Set Rodeo Queen Riding Club to Paint Fence Softball Double-header Hollingsworths' W aggoner Motors LDS 2nd W ard Tobler's Feed Jalopy Races Resume June 10 Tuesday. June 9 W aggoner Motors May Trucking LDS 2nd W ard Tobler's Feed JALOPY RACES ONTARIO June 10 BEGIN SUN- ! h JUNE I a * RODEO PARK NYSSA. OREGON JuNtior Court May 27. Jesse A Normah. permit ting unlicensed person to drive, fined $3. $4 50 costs. May 28. Eugenio M Oonzales. no operator's licen.-e, $3 fine. $4 50 costs. William Hardy Myers, passing on crest of hill. $3 fine. $»50 costs. fine suspended. Joe Madrid, violation of basic rule, fined $25, *15 suspended, $4 50 costs. June 2. Francis Hayes, no operat or's license. $3 fine, *4 50 costs. Heat stroke Is a disorder of tem perature regulation in the body 8 P.M . (Weather Permitting) Pulmonary phthisis is a technical name for tuberculosis. G ate City Journal Classified Ads. 11)5 J11* Valve-in-head Itngine • 8.0 to 1 Com pression Ratio • “6*Footer” Cab • 45-Ampere Generator • Double-Acting Shock Absorbers • Recirculating Ball* Rearing Steering • Self- Energizing Brakes • Synchro-Mesh Trans mission • 6-Ply Heavy-Duty Tires. •Model 101-22. DUAL-RANGE TRUC K HYDRA-MATlC and other optional equipment, accessories, state and local taxes, if any, additional. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities doe to shipping charges. A ll prices subject to change without notice. ROBERTS-NYSSA, Inc. 2ND AND GOOD AVENUE NYSSA, OREGON has G EN ER A L A M ERIC A saved I 3 y 0 on flra insurance costs for owners of preferred properties? Can YOU make this saving? Ask us. RENSTROM Insurance Agency Nyssa Dial 6697 News of the Nyssa Community -------- • --------- / Eagles Auxiliary , — Joint Intallation Adults $1.30------ Children 60c Include all taxes of Officers TICKETS ON SA LE SHOW D A Y O N L Y AT Friday. June 5 Open Meeting Dancing Follows M essages of Better Values and Services Representing All Types of Business— # A Complete Classified Ad Section • Legal Notices of the County, City, School District and Other Units Every W e e k In The Gate City Journal Daredevil Drivers EAGLES LODGE 2000 CHOICE G E N ER AL ADMISSION SEATS 210 S. Oregon Trial Runs Begin / WILD RECKLESS Use Journal Classified Ads. O N T A R IO P U R FINED FOR THEFT OF BELONGINGS FROM CAR Pleading guilty to pettit larceny charges before Justice Don Graham last Thursday were Thomas Caserez- Melendez and Macario Navarro, vho were arrested Sunday of last week by city police. The men were charged with stealing a suitcase from a car parked near the Nyssa post office. Melendez was fined $25 and costs and sentenced to 30 days in Jail and Navarro was fined $25 and costs and sentenced to 40 days in jail. buys a 1953 GHIC Pickup with: NIGHT Sponsored by Softball Association PAYLESS DRUG STORE Although originally announced for last Sunday, the try-outs for queen and princesses of the Nyssa Nite Kcdeo will be held at 2 p. m. Sunday at the rodeo grounds. Hor.-es are re quired. Only single girls, 15 years of age or older, are eligible to compete. The queen and her two princesses will be chosen on the basis of horsemanship, personally and appearance, it was announced by Roy Holmes, president of the Rodeo association. i 703.36 delivered locally Only $ 3 .0 0 A Year In Malheur, Payette and Canyon Counties $3.50 A Y ear Elsewhere e— Thrills Galore Subscribe Now Admission $1.00 Sponsored by Owyhee Riding Club Dial 2234, Nyssa