m ■ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 4 1253 PAGE &SV6N r CARLOAD SOAP SALE ! ! We Say II With Savings! SUNNY JIM SUNNY JIM Strawberry Jam 3 fn r 12-os. Strawberry Jam 7Q r 2 for 20-os. 79c ^a^teut yevdtfuttyj vatfatM t/a & tevty>e^ ttotp lZ a t \ an(amp$ Vienna Sausage 5 for 99"; I \/an (amp's Tamales 4 fcr 9Cc Van(amp^ Spanish Rice l V anGmPs V an Gmp’S Beanee W eene Quart Summer Isle Salad Dressing 3€|c T om ato S au ce 6 f o r .................................. Ranchers Pride N o o d le s and C h ic k e n E a c h .................................. 43e 49e Peter Pan Regular size TASTy PRODUCE BOTH FOR ONLY LETTUCE Local, crisp 49c j Ecr. 10c CHOICE MEATS CORNED BEEF Lb. 58c Boneless A DAZZLING CLEAN WASH WITH or WITHOUT RIMS! HO! Popular 5c Varieties No. V /2 6 bars for . . FOI L D I S P E N S E R P L US O N E B O X OF Candy Sliced Hand Soap BIG VALUE! KAISER FOIL 4 for 99c PINEAPPLE E a c h .................................. Hunt's Pork & Beans No. 2 6 for 99c I V an G mP> Pork & Eeans. 300 8 for 99c 7 for 99c Nalley's "Keen" eat | \/an (Smp’S Pork & Beans, 2 Vi. 4 for 99c 5 for 99c j V an (amp's Hominy, No. 2 “f c ' ' « m i ORANGES Lb. 9c RADISHES 3 bu. lCc Sunkist naval -V 3 lbs. Local STEAKS Lb. 55c BEEF ROAST Lb. 35c Sirloin, Rib or T-Bone Young Beef GROUND BEEF 3 lbs SI GREEN ONIONS Local 6 bars for . for cakes Pastry, frying Buy one package at Regular Price ^ * £ * * 5 5 ^ w ilr it $*&&*'*%#* ■fr r PR; t f w S î ù i l W ^ Gcftnofhethf 5 only * " * V - " Fresh Ground 3 bu. 10c VEAL STEAK Shoulder Lb. 55c W ilson' Super Market Dial 2231 Free Parking and Delivery “Modern Mt-hods Make Shopping Fasi« r Here'’ 231 Good Ate.