Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON Grangers Discuss 18 County Men G o Farm Legislation To U.S. Army 9vieìti ^fSWertfì At the regular meeting of the Ore gon Trail Grange May 21. T m J e *as elected alternate to the state convention to be held at Medford in June. An article on the Ox B o * project and a speech by Wayne Morse on the same project were read by Tom Jones, legislative chairman. He aLo told o f house bill 440 and reported that a committee had been appointed to study natural resources for the state. Classified Advertising Rates Two cent:» pet word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into th e For Sale For Sale fO R SA~E—62 Ford Pickup. 4 speed f o p c r 5 000 m.leo actual mileage Ea-v h ! i K SAf E B«'x wood. $9 truck load m See M arvin Wilson 21--fe Ontario. ' • Vere£l n, 711 N. W. 3rd St.. 19-3tp Journal office n o t later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement w ill not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2233. BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mel Our New Business Building is Located 3 Blocks North of “ Y ” * on U S. 20. across from Berrett’s Service Station. A discussion was held on the tide lands bill Robert Holmes told o f the Idaho Power Co.'s application to build three dams on the Snake river. Frank Sherwood told id Pomona Grange agricultural committee meet ing to appropriate $2.500 for fight ing noxious weeds A discussion was held on pooling nnlk shipments to California George Cleaver urged all farmers to get their wheat acreage reports in for 1951, 52 and 53 and told of changes in the PM A setup for next year. The work sheets will have to be in by December, he 'aid The estimate of the wheat crop is down 30 percent and appropriation for agriculture is to be higher Mrs. Alva Goodell announced the home ec. meeting will be held at the George Cleaver home June 4 Mr and Mrs. Russell Gressley er- ved refreshments. E gmeca Malheur i unty et«e> •' were inducted into the V St Army .n B> . e May 21 and * * r t ent t«> the reception center at lew is, W ash . for proee -mg Mr« Ruth L Ingrbri' -en. clerk of tbs country board, announced Henry C Durfee. now of Caldwell and formerly of Ny >. a and Robert W Webb. Adrian, were among the 18 inducted From Vale the induc tee- are Oerald D Knudson. Richard H Bement. Oerret Schoorl and Roy L Lewis, now o f Seneca Ontario men are Wilbert L. Lambert. Robert N Ireland. Paul Lucero, Roland Oni>, Charles B Hatten. Bob B Wilson, Orant L. Weir, Lowell J. Schlesser, now of Portland, Mace Schram, L. Wcod and Jack T Frost. From Harper was Lawrence R Mendiola. Knudson, Wood and Frost volun teered for induction. The Induction call for June is for four men and the call for physical examination is for 29 men, Mr«. j Ingebritsen said. I ARMS will trade as part payment on a 1 uw 280 acres top row crop ranch of ranch in this area CATTLE RANCH v o T SALE— 14 thrifty meaner pigs. Mirror — Lamp — End Tables — 200 head permit. 3 sections leased the Lower Snake River Valley, 3 r v , ______ - v . - 1 - u. - BUSINESS O PPO R TI NTT IE S 11 t miles north of Overstreet b“ et Sewing Machines, etc. None over $10 land. 117 acres irrigated land. homes, good feeding sei up, potato cellar, 40rr down. General store in Idaho Falls area, 21-ltp. D. Moses. dump. A. Ez Carr Appliances. Just west o f Cheap water. Two sets o f improve 160 acres, row crop and stock set netting $12.000 per year 300 fe e t Railroad Station. ments. Immediate possession. 21-tfc. up. small home. $28.000 , low down by 120 feet building, -took and FOR S A L E —24-inch Columbia b;ae. $65 000, 2s . down payment, M iJ te r m equipment goes, 300 unit locker J im Siam, phone 2843. 21-3tp. FOR s a l e Rabbits. 3 angoras does SAFE W A Y TO FARM 150 acres, paid up water, 3 bed plant, price includes 7 re- m modern and one buck and 8 hutches. Dial 60-70 acre row crop land, plus 100 room modern home, will trade for 40 heme, exclusive area, $36.000, or will FOR SALE!—Jchn Deere hydraulic 2648. 20-tf. acres good river bottom pasture. i (¡<t t e n ranch. trade for ranch in this urea. hay stacker, used very little, $600 $10,000, term» arranged to suit you. 100 acres, 75 acres irrigated, at Onion Storage, 14,000 square foot M A. Raiaezyk. Rt. 2 Nyssa 21-2tp. Used Westinghouse electric range COW COUNTRY like new $:*9 50 Ideal Gas & Appii- ; 96 acre cultivated with more land tractive 2 bedroom modern home, warehouse. out buildings, $26.500, terms. Ez -ez: You’ve reached middle age anees. 20 So. 1st. 21-tfc ! HOMES to be devti ped. Good range land 20 acres, on hi way North of Nyssa, when the little woman tells you to NYSSA G IR L NAMED nearby. Tractor, truck and all row crop, nudern home. 2 bedroom modern home, fireplace, pull in your stomach. . . and you 4 used 6 50x16 t.res. Ez Carr Appli- TO HONOR G R O U P equipment Included $?7.000, $15.- 80 acres. 60 acres irrigated, place w ill t \ it: carpeting, full basement, already have! 21-tfc. anees. 20 So. 1st. 20-ltc. 000 down. Yoka Okano, Ny->sa, is among 121 is in pasture, corn, alfalfa, and grain, oil furnace, attached garage. 100 ft. VIEW OF THE VALLEY Oregon State college students se TR A D E IN ry-jp _ . crops go. 3 bedroom modern home, frontage, corner location, spotlessly New brick home. 100 good acres, cattle feeding set up for 500 head, clean, all for $9.400, $2.500 down, lected to membership by Phi Kappa your old fashioned washer west Ny»sa 2 h e ! w m mi,‘e SOUth' $50.000. on terms Phi, national all-school scholastic $18.500, $10.000 down. Your W i r e .7 ; . bfdl'ooms, basement. loan can be obtained on the balance. honor society. Trade, business rental in Wendell. Your choice o f 3 acreages, one for i» now using, on a new modem auto- 1 ea Millc hou-'e* chicken PA ID UP WATER R IG H T 3-stanchion cowbarn. plenty 70 acres cultivated, mostly row Idaho, telephone company has 10 $6,80t). one for $12,700, and another Membership in Phi Kappa Phi is matic Hotpoint washer. L ib era l1 • f shade, ideal for children. Has limited to 10 percent o f the senior crop land. Balance fenced pasture year lease on part of the set up. for $12,500. trade. Easy terms. class and three percent o f the junior land, $30,000 State G. I. loan. Phone 060-J1 even- _____ part ... irrigated. . Ei Carr Appliances class, graduate students and faculty ings. Monty Fraser W hy pay $12.000 I j ° 9 A I ION 20 South 1st. members of all departments of uni 63 acres of good laying land with to $15,000 for just a house and lot 21-tfc. Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. versities and colleges. good 4 room home Ideal for dairy when you can own this five acres? A registered Jersey cow owned by LOANS INSURANCE Miss Okano, senior in science bac ing $20.000; 1 3 down. 13-tf. W H A T A BARG AIN FOR SALE— O il heater with duo- Kenneth and Norma Vanderpool, teriology, is the daughter of Mr. and NYSSA, OREGON — D IA L 2033 route 1. Nyssa. has been rated a Mrs. Charlie T Okano, route 2. Nys therm control, small size. All pipe 40 acres of fine row crop land, tested dam by the American Jersey | sa. included free. $25. Dial 7737. 19-tfc. modern 4 bedroom home. Will irri FREE Cattle club The distinction was a- gate in two fields with minor warded Come Royal Day Dream for FOR SALE— 1 O liver horse drawn leveling, very deep soil. Cheap wat- Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals having three offspring with official i row crop cultivator, nearly new Ter. $25,000, crop included. $10,000 P L Y M O U T H — 1949 A real knockout Gone are the days . . . when auto 'production records. Dial Nyssa 3017 George R. L. Smit, Echo Ave. Nu ' down. | in luscious green, with white side mobiles were horseless earrlages and The cow's progeny averaged 9.199 Acres Phone 5087. 20-2tc. LIV E CHEAPER tires. A cautious driver owned this Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. 2 acres with three bedroom mod 4 door, and believe me he gave it white enamels turned Yellow ! T o pounds o f milk with 568 pounds o f day's automobile is a home on wheels butterfat on a twice-daily milking, \ W ill the person who got my goat ern home. $7.000 the best o f care. W ait'll you get be and today's W H ITE please return It and collect reward. r M P E R V O 305-day mature equivalent basis. , Homes hind the wheel. There's everything Ez Carr. 20 So. 1st. 21-tfc. Beautiful blond used bed room set PT^ rTn- _ O P T O t, Y F A p ENAM EL stays super-white as long The records were made under one you need for extra safe driving. I Mr. and Mrs. Chest. Bed complete , P R T T U K t o r i h e y e a k as the durable finish lasts . . . You of the program« of official tasting of ; Estimates Gladly Given Your wife and children in this big | Super-duper heater, a clear toned | and nite stand. Save over V g p rice! CHARCOAL the American Jersey Cattle club, j beautiful yard. 2 bedroom modern ® tu^>e radio Bring the family in to- can get IM PERVO from your Ben which has Its national headquarters ' Ez Carr Appliances. 20 So. 1st. 69c Bag day and look t io v e rY o u Usee why jamin Moore Paint Dealer, Nyssa i t Columbus, O. 21-tfc. I home. $6500 Terms arranged. Lumber Co. 13-tfc. Ideal Gaa & Appliance The tested dam rating aids Jer rDEAL LO CATIO N '¿ s . a bargaln . atW9?r gg Phone 134L2 sey owners in the selection of su- FOR S A L * Nearly new two bedroom h om e1 % ? ? ? TobIers' Dlal 20-rfc 21-ltc. with finished apartments in base- ” for appointment._____ perior breeding stock The three KEYS MADE 2 bedroom house, good location tested progeny required to qualify ment. $12.500. f . h . a . term s. , . . __ FOR SA LE — Lapidary Equipment F.H.A. terms, $3400. Parma, Idaho <^rrTTRr>v PRF w a r I Chrysler Windsor .■'Odan. a cow as a tested dam may be either While You Wait S TU R D Y PRE-W AR I Radl0i heater, fluid drive; and Supplies. Highland park saw 160 acres, fall delivery, $28,000. three tested daughters or three test i exceptionally clean. units on hand. No waiting. Frantom FIRESTONE STORE 1 bed room home on two lots, CO NSTRU CTIO N ed sons, or any combination thereof Convenient location. 4 finished 1iW<j Chrysler Windsor sedan, Cabachon units and agate jewelry. | $2,750, $500 down. totaling three. bedrooms, full basement. $12,500,, Radio heateri spot lights. M ISC FTiLAN ECUS — Electrolux Juanita's Agate Shop, 296-N-W 2nd 4 houses on two acres, hiway easy terms. cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. SERVICES W EDNESDAY fluid drive. Ave., Ontario. Oregon. 19-4t. i frontage, $17,000. terms. NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME Anderson, route 3. Weiser, Idaho, 1951 Chevrolet 5-passenger coupe 100 acres—good location, beautiful Large rooms with hard wood floors, phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. FOR VALE RESIDENT Radio, heater. Exceptionally USED APPLIANCE home, new machine shed, excellent utility room. Safe convenient, all Funeral services were held at the 1 clean, nearly-new tires, BARGAINS soil $50,000. Bob Thompson Agency. on one floor arrangement. $13,000, Septic tanks and cesspools cleaned. Nyssa F\ineral home May 20 af- | Low mileage. Deluxe Electric Range _________ $69 easy terms. Dial 4-3763, Parma or 4-2161 Parma ternoon for Ray Shrum, Vale, who Blacksmith shop with equipment 1948 Willys Jeep with cab. Used Washer _________ $28 and house on 1/4 acre fronting high BRAN D NEW Hardware. 13-tfc. died at Nyssa May 17. Elder Lee W ill be re-condltioned. Jolliff o f the Missionary Baptist Sew Gem Electric Cabinet 2 bedroom home with full base 1950 Pontiac 2-door sedan. way in good farming center. $2,900. Custom Laundering church had charge o f the services. \ sewing machine and ment. Detached double garage. Step having septic tank trouble by Radio, heater, hydromatic. $1.000 down. Interment was at Hillrrest ceme- j Large corner lot. Facing the park. attach m en ts__________________$119 putting in Field Dain. Dial 3993 Extra clean Self Service tery. Mr Shrum was born March 2. 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An $13,500. easy terms. evenings. 9-tf. 1906 at Green Forest, Ark. He is j 1950 Studebaker Champion FIRESTONE STORE abundance of free gravity water, LOTS O F ROOM Hours, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Starlight coupe. Heater, 19-tfc. $31,500, easy terms. survived by his wife. Pearl, two sons, 4 room house, full basement, mod Overdrive. CO AST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready B illy Roy and Jimmy, and a (laugh- 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 ern tenant house, extra lot, all for 10 So. 1st St. Dial 3270 to build your driveway, parking area, ter, Eleanor, all o f Vale, four step We re Ready to Deal! We have several used electric and down, balance like rent. $7,250. school yard, feed lot. lounging or children, four sisters and a brother. I gas refrigerators traded in on the Come In Acreage—2 bedroom house, bam SPECIAL B A R G A IN J implement shed. Only pugmlll as- new Servel. Come in and choose one. and chicken house $4.200. And Talk It Over 3 bedroom brick home, not new, < phallic concrete mix in this area. Ideal Gas St Appliance, Nyssa. W ESTERN CORRU GATOR, INC. Lew cost, guaranteed wort. free esU- but still good. $3.500. 17-tf. IDEAL FO R COUPLE [ mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A USED CAR LO T BOB THOMPSON AGENCY Nearly new single bedroom mod N y « a 13-tf. Dial 2255 or phone 280, Ontario. Used Servel gas refrigerator $88 50 Dial 3355 ern home. $3,000, $1,500 down. Ideal Gas <5z Appliance. 16-tfc. Here you C A N afford a quality car— Remember old K in g Midas, whose W ELL W O RTH TH E M ONEY Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor 1949 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door. De touch turned everything to gold? HOMES FO R SALE and pendable 8 tube Philco Radio brings The room you “ touch" this season furnace, utility room. $7,950. Excellent 2-bedroom home. Hard you all your favorite radio programs. with Benjamin Moore paint won’t A TTR A C TIV E AND NEW wood floors, fron t room carpeted, 2 bedroom modern home on paved Fresh air heater keeps you warm in change to gold, but Its new-found electric dish washer and disposal l o s t — a crowbar, some place near street. Good homes all around, »'inter, cool in ummer. Directional beauty will amaze you. . . . Your sink, basement, furnace heat. On Des,sert Seed Co. or near Orville signals for added safety. Plan your $8,000, terms to suit. paved street. Best location. ! Hickman corner. Finder please re- vacation in this one. New paint Job friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. Business Opportunities 4-rooms, modern and basement, turn as tFiis a keep sake belonging 13-tfc. in ever popular 2-tone green. It has HOME AND 100 M O N TH LY nice yard, shade, good location. $1000 t0 George Coleman. Leave at Jour- a nice set o f seat covers and the door Lovely new home with 4 modern down, balance like rent. I nal office. 20-2tc. Dial 2322 panels have been recovered in M ISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Nyssa rental cabins. Room to build sev 2- bedrooms, modern, attached g a - -------------------------------------- matching 2-tone plastic. And thf money to remodel your home or to eral more. $17,000. Terms arranged. motor h.K ju t been completely re- build outbuildings or garage? We rage, large utility room. Nearly n ew .1 LO ST—In Cow H llow, Guernsey ! heifer calf, short yearling, branded! 14 U N IT M OTEL Only $7000. conditioned. Today's bargain at only can arrange a Well located and very attractive. $1295. Waggoner Motors across from you up to three years to pay t. a * raimMl^ » M « T r -iii«l wiiaiiiiiii m ail nana nmiiwia in il I L. Z. on left shoulder. Elza Niccunv 3- rooms and bath. Vi acre in lawn, $10,090. includes all furnishings. 20-2tc berries and fruit. Close to general Dial 2437. T- bier'-. F» r intment Dial 2308. Nyssa Lumber Co. 21-ltc. store. Very easy terms. M ISCELLEANOUS — We Have Tw o Good Business f Here comes color. A was Buildings for Sale. Both Leased ' 16 North 3rd Dial 6615 berizod finish for interio; and Paying Good Return. wood trim. W ANTED —Two women ; reprt ALo Apartments and Business ♦covers most surfaces I Avon Products. Good earning op Locations. W ANTED TO IHJY— 100 bu. of oats. | form coat. portunity. 4 hours daily. Write Avon B E R N A R D EASTM AN M. A. Raezyk. Route 2, Nyssa. •dries to a satin sheen i n <| y Dial 2613 Nyssa Products, 1005 West Lewis, Pa co, 21-2tp. FOR REN T—3 room modern house. one hour. Wash. 21- Real Estate — Insurance Partly furnished if desired. Call J175. •twelve handsome coloi y I Farm Loans 21 - 2 r c. Wanted to give away—Cow puppies 1 to use. W OMEN W A N TE D — Addre - ?.nd Evening«. SARAZIN CLINIC DR. C. M. TYLER j Mother and father, good cow dogs. Ez sez: An expert is an ordinary mail po.-t cards. Make over $50 week. ; O R R E N T 3 ro o m s and b a th , fur Dial 2392 f- 1 Dr. J. J. Sarazin 21-ltp Nyssa Lumber Co. W ILSO N B I'IL D IN G - ly — Who is a long way from Send $1 for instructions. Lendo,, nished, ground floor. Newly deco Dial 2771, Nyssa Dr. K. E. Kerby START YOUR BETTER 21-3tp. W AN TED —Trucking of any kind, { 21-tfc. Watertown. Mass. home. O ff'ce Hours From 9 to 5 rated Hot water furnished. 15 Park 1 )r. K. A. Danford except livestock Dial 2190. HERD TODAY Except Saturdays. 9 to 12 Ave Dial 6698. 17-tfc. Physicians and Surgeons S PE C IA L 13-tfc *s i fl Artificai Insemination to Sii Beautiful new 3 bedroom home. FOR RENT— Are you interested i n ---------------- J. R. CUNDALL j Large kitchen. Full basement for an apartment and a home, to o ? 'W A N T E D -To trade 3 h. p. Century proved in the top 2',7> o f each bre d 1 Dentist plenty o f storage space. Fireplace. FOR S\LE O R TR A D E — 1952Chev.I Large well kept la wns? shade trees? motor for 1 3 or k h. p. variable Guernsey, Jersey, Hoi. Brown Swi Dial 2638 Attached double garage. F. H. A. ap truck, heavy duty, long wheel base, | i T * ' f hrubs? An outside fire- speed motor. Inquire Gate City Milking short horn. Also 2 b< >f; Sarazin Clinic breeds. $7.50 per cow. No charge 1 >r 825 tires, 2 speed axel, used very lit- | , zens proved. F.H.A. terms. large patio, lawn furni- | journa’ 12-tf. OREGON tie, Just like new! Zack Walker. Dial “ u1 < « ku uum - return service. Ray Bowns. Ni w L. A. MAULDING. M. D. NYSSA 366 2671, Nys-a. 21-4tp. ] turc? Roomy apartment, Many Physician and Surgeon B E R N A R D E ASTM AN W ANTED— Boy age 13 wants lawns Plymouth, 4041. ------------- i wardrobes, large „ windows, three out- DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dial 2216 Nyssa Phone 2643 -ide entrances. See the Long Apart- to mow or other udd jobs. Bob Storm IDAHO PROVED SIRE Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Dental Clinic ments, 7 or 11 Long Drive, or dial 'iku*' '¿JUi 21-ltu. FOR SALE— 4 room modern house, Dally Except Saturday and 7th and Bower SERVICE 6650 or 3083. Reasonable rent $e ; » f —r — ------------ ---- , . with nice lawn and shade trees.; c ; Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Dial 3311 liable party. S E R V IC E S T A .^ f K equipped with gas. Dial 3914. 1944 M Farmal!, pointed ------------» MAN HUNT 10-tfc. and overhauled ........... $1500 POR RE N T — 6 room house with j Talk with us before you rent or CARD OF THANKS 1- 1943 H Farmall, painted bath, two blocks from Nyssa Post lease Small capital investment; 5 ACRES FOR SALE i- and overhauled $975 Office. See Hannah Knudson, 107 high profit returns. 2 bedroom modern home with 1946 H Farmall, painted Doctor Ennis Ave. 20-2tp. basement, excellent location, good and overhauled $1075 Doctor SIGNAL OIL CO. C. R. VAN PATTEN Stanley Hill soil, garden, fruit trees, barn chicken 1948 Ferguson, see this one - $950 FOR R E N T —3 room furnished Apt. Phonr Ontario 385 EDGEL W WOOD Chiropractic Physician Mrs. Emma Hall house, and other outbuildings. 1946 Ford Ferguson, with utilities furnished, dial 3049 19-4tp. Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapist Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Oonnel y 1 $12,700 o v e r d r iv e _____________________$700 112 Park Ave. 16-tfc Offices at 2 Arcadia Blvd. and family Office* at 265 North Oregon NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 1943 Ford Ferguson, with Nyssa Dial 3939 Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Patters n Ontario Phone 478 Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent overdrive $575 FOR R E N T —4 room modern house, j RADIO and TELEVISION Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Pounds. Nyssa, Oregon 1943 Oliver "60" $450 furnished. $35 a month. SERVICE EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. 1944 V AO Case Tractor $200 Red Is the favorite color of BERNARD EASTMAN 101 East 1st St. Dial 3230 0 Complete Radio Repair Service FO R SA LE — Fuller paints and wall W ESTERN CO RRU G ATO R, INC. out o f three people. Dial 2643 Nyssa Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy Tubes and Parts in Stork paper. Budget terms available. Fire- Used Equipment Lot Nyssa, Oregon Quirk Service GATE CITY JOCRNAL ADS «tone Store, 2 -tf.1 Nyssa Dial 2888 FOR R E N T —2-room furnished cab Work Guaranteed GET RESULTS 4-tf. i 17-tfc. in, Chadwick camp. FOR SALS JAKES RADIO and T.V. 2-bedroom home, new construc FOR R E N T —Furnished and unlur-1 SHOP tion; completely modern, dining 1 nished apartments. Dial 6G63. Located in Wilson Bros. Drpt. Store room, attached garage; very good l NYSSA VETERINARY 11-tf. location on K in g ave. $12,000, terms CLINIC FOR R E N T —5 room hou^e, 2 bed WANTED 2-bedroom modem home FH .A. rooms. Phone 3248 . FOR R E N T — New Clarke 8-lnch Dr. B . E. Ross Dr. D R. Mason DR. J. A. McFALL 20-2tc. Dead Animals floor sanders and 6-ftich edger. “ K p i u r t u , s o w . --------- Optometrist Large and Small Animals DR. JOHN EASLY 16-tf. paved street, very nice yard. $9500 FOR R E N T —Sleeping room, man Stunz Lumber Co. Removed Free. 407 Main St. Dial 2010 Rural grocery store with cold stor Eyes Examined Dial Nysaa 3947 Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon preferred. Phone 6617, Dwight Smith age lockers, excellent location on 10-tf. Payette 670. Dr. Marvin M. Prentice busy highway. Reasonable terms. | Use Phon* 9-2312 Idaho Animai Producta Co. Veterinary Surgeon 2 bedroom modern home, full FO R R E N T — T h r e e -r o o m furnished Large and 8mall Anlmala 718 Arthur St. DR. GEO. E. COBERN basement, extra U rge kn well Im a p a rt m e n t , close In. H. H King re y. j Ph. 2341 Gate City Journal W ANTED— Highest pncea paid for proved, $5.000, easy terms. East KVENINOS BY APPOEN’rMENT 216 W. Fart Dial 6684. 5‘ tf | Caldwell, Idaho New Plymouth. Idahe slaughter horsaa. Clyde 8mlth. Fourth street. Nyssa Dial 6449 phone 300. Ontario. Across from PTYSSA IN SU RAN CE A G E N C Y Classified Ada. FOR R E N T —Paint spray gun Fire Ontario Skies yard. 2>mtfa Ralph G - Lawrence. Agent 21Ftfc. St. Dial 2544 , stone stere. MEL BECK—REALTOR Used Car Bargains Vanderpool Cow Rated Tested Dam Miscellaneous MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS HEATING GEORGE I. KINZER H elp-U r-Self Laundry FARM LOANS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Lost and Found Roto-Rooter Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE Help Wanted P R O F E S S IO N A L and B U S IN E S S 1 ; 1 D IR E C T O R Y KEN POND Wanted For Rent 1 Physicians Dentists For Sale or Trade Farm Equipment Chiropractor Jewelry Stores Veterinarians For Rent Optometrists OR. G.W. GRAVES w ’ £■ r