THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. TU' A. Ben ti. v son—pian t Party. Yci; IV u . rumi uro ' trig Lend Mi»» Il len Hat h Phone Parma 1-131 *h .- .11 :i. Dr. Geo. Cobern ¿wCITYotFARM... FAMILY,,BUSINESS* W /i/s Station Wagon R0BERTS-8YSSA, Inc. C WITH THE BIRTHDAY GIVEN A W A Y EVERY WEEK FOR THE LADIES FOR THE MEN Free Free NYLON HOSE CIGARETTES The Best One Carter* Your Choice of Size & Color Choice of Your Favorite Brand 24 HOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD FOOD-REFRESHMENTS ENJOY THE LATEST & THE BEST IN COIN OPERATED EQUIPMENT K-BAR SPORT SHOP New Plymouth SOUTKV/EST IDAHO'S ? AGE FIVE WT ? p- b i va.i.d m N y — Good vision is vital to safety $ 1 . 0 0 CASH * \Y 23. 1353 ar. i Mr-. LaRayne Siren,en cf 3 .-e Mr I..., 3u:ien ha a of the pi gram. Several member, brought -tits f.-r the Sunshine > x t ’ b g.\ : ; -,e l.t;le Mitchell g.rl -a. D Uct u- refreshment« were - l i ­ ved b; Mr V.r .1 P. Hard a: d Mr, Mr a..,. Mr> F . W yrtar. f Or - Fanr.y M It, a< a - -tant ha>:e- gon 31rp? and dsaghter. Mrs. F.u- me 3 M: 5 ?etie La Faye, and little son of Sis« Cleverly. Call m red the.r parent. Mr and M. Mr- Hero Thomas, la-: Thursday Mary Brumbach «.tended F al Mr-. Herb The mas attended the neighbor 1 dge at the h- me cf Mrs. Ladies Pinochle club Friday after- Jack Raney in Parma M nday evtn- n n a' :he L W Dierking home ! ing. I 8 Uu r.ver. Mr and Mrs Phil Cluras enter­ Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Graham of tained her aunt Mi,s Florence M.les S: V-:i: Heights -pen: Friday evening of Boise Saturday evening and Sun­ in the Herb Thomas home. day. Mrs Herb Thomas helped the Mr and Mrs Che: Smith, Mrs. V V lada ■ of Kingman Kokmy Grange ! Pearle Abbott, Suzie and Rickie, -erve lunch for the Haney farm sale spent Friday evening with Mr-. :r. Kingman Kolony last Wednesday Smith’s o: • ier and family, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs Herb Thomas, en' r- Mr, Frank Shelton in Nyssa tained as Sunday dinner guests. Mr Keith Smith and hi, sister, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Raney of Parma and Hazel Harvey, came for breakfast, her mother, Mrs. Effie Beal of Port­ Thursday morning at their brother's land. home. Chet Smith, on their way fo Mr. and Mrs Ray Cart »right visit­ Pendleton. Fanny Molt of Ontario visit­ You never get a “ second ed an old time friend and school I ed Mr- at the home of her son. Mr. and mate, Mrs Jack Pitser and family j guess” when you’re driv­ Sunday in Middleton. Mrs. Lester Molt, and attended Jolly- ing. You must SEE it right Mr. and Mrs Prank Dickerson cf Jane club with Mrs. Illene Molt in the first place. First rule Parma were Sunday dinner guests Wednesday afternoon. Visiting Sunday at the Virg.l Rol- their daughter. Mrs. Mary Thom ­ for SAFE driving is: have of pson and family In the afternoon land home were Mr and Mrs Jack your eyes examined. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Allison. Laura Whitney of Emmett and his parents, and Hester of Notus visited at the Mr. and Mrs. Vern Moore Miss Faye Marie Hopkins spent Thompson home The Big Bend community several days in the Caldwell Me­ sympathy. News has been received morial ho.-pital for medical atten­ that Leo Keller'.- father. Murl, tion. Kenny Hipkins was ill last week, cf Wilder, passed away Sunday OPTOMETRIST he was nursing a case of the mealies. morning. Saturday his grandmother, Mrs. Cre- EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Jolly Jane club met last Wednes­ ola 3etts, and aunt, Mrs. James At- 330 Main Dial 6619 day with Mrs Illene Molt. Thirteen teoury, cf Ontar.o, came over to members were present and three v „.t h.m. Nyssa visitors, Mrs. Alvin McGinnis of Ad- Mr. and Mrs H.mer Hatch and , rian, Mrs Fanny Molt c f Ontario Ralph of Mountain Home were Sun­ day dinner guest, of m- parent . Mr. and Mi Harvey HaUh Ralph re­ mained over lor a few day., visit with 1 his grandparents. Richard Hue.t of New Meadows ; spent Saturday evening and Sunday Ph.llip Hatch at the Harvey Hatch home. Mrs. Mary Thompson and Mrs. Goldie Roberts attended the P.T.A. county council meeting in Ontario last Saturday They attended a lun­ cheon at noon at the Moore hotel. ■ Installation c f the new PT.A. o ffi- | cers was held and a report of the | P.T A. convention in Medford was given. Big Bend school held their last day picnic dinner and Eig Bend circus program last Friday. Kay Cleverly was master of ceremonies; Mary Ann Jones, was crowned as queen and her attendant, Janice Wilson was her flower girl. Joan Stradley, the fattest woman; Lynn Chaney, 49-year-old midget; Peggy Chaney, the bearded lady; Mary El­ len Jones, the clown. The fattest man was Jerry Keinetz; strongest man, Jerry Cleverly; Jimmy Dill, the monkey; Pete Brice, the musician With Ri bt Calahan his helper; Wrongest baby, Tre-a Kellar; Shar- en Boeh, the pony rider; tumblers This car serves two purposes: (1) use it for were Dorothy and Illene Stradley and Helen Fitzsimons, Judy Wilson, business, (2) use it for family and pleasure. the tight wire walker. In either case this sturdy, all steel 2-purpose Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edens enter­ tained as Sunday dinner guests, Mr. vehicle gets full drive on each o f the 4 wheels and Mrs. Thelmer Callison their . . . travels over rough trails, across country daughters and her sister, Olga Gro­ gan, a student nurse, Miss Imogene . . . through mud, muck, sand or snow. Place Edens and Janice Jones. In the eve­ your order now for this "go-anyplace” ning they all called at the Tom Jones STATION WAGON. home before returning to Boi-e. Mr and Mr.,. Floyd Piersal of Mel­ ba, Mr, and Mrs Harvey Knapp and her parents, Mr. and Mr, Guy Strong of Parma, visited at the Tom Jones home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vande Water and Kent, Mrs, Letha Weir and NYSSA. OREGON INI) A M ) GOOD a v e n u : Mary and Mrs. Mary Brumbach wore among the old time friends and neighbors that attended the get t - | gether at the Ralph Haworth home ! near Meridian Sunday. A pot luck dinner and visiting with old friends was enjoyed. Other cld Big B id friend there were Mrs. Jes-e Johti- • n. ni ,v of JJoi Mrs. Maggie R >. ertson cf Parma. Mr-. Flora S r: | of Wilder, Mr. nr.d Mrs. Crease: of ' near Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Will 1 Rcbinson of Roswell. Mrs. Johnny Samer spent four i days In the Ontario hospital last week suffering with a kidney infec- | tion. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Smith and Mrs. Pearl Abbott and children visited their new granddaughter, born to THE WEEK IN WHICH YOUR BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMarks of Caldwell in the Caldwell Memorial FALLS. STOP IN. WE W ILL BUY. hospital Thursday evening. OR EVEN BETTER. W HY NOT DROP IN EACH SATURDAY NITE AND . HELP US CELEBRATE EVERYBODY'S -D A . We Wish to Thank Our Many Hundred? of New Friends and Customers Who Accep'.ed Our Invitation to Attend Our GdAND OPEN1N0 Last Weekend. M . & W .’ s Holiday Specials Friday & Saturday, Nay 29-30 We Will Be Closed Sunday, May 31 Beef Tender chuck cuts Beef Liver *— Lu n d T -» « Peanutt Butter Biuh Tomato Juice Pineappi 0 ) i & £ £ AS DOG rO FLO U R 49c 20o z 49c 3 for 63c 3 lb. CB11 4 for Evaporated, all brands H ois. 4 f 0T 7 9 C Shortening M ILK G 39c Lb. No. 2 cans— y2 sliced B LEA i ^ Largeass°r|ment Lb. Miracle W hip CRISCC Lb. J "J ^ Purex. Clorox C J D piease brcmd 3 for 25-lb. bag ¡ C .'V 3 Picket band LOCAL NEWS Airs. C. Strom left for her home in Berkley, Calif., after spending the past three weeks visiting her daugh­ ter. Mrs. Carl Barclay. Sunday callers at the John Harnett home were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Larson and children of Parma. Houseguests at the Douglas Hate- man home are Mrs. Bateman's sister, Mrs. Rex Evans and daughter, Sher- ida, of Portland, and Mr Bateman’s brother, Dave, of Spokane and a former resident of Nyssa. Mr*. Henry Hartley visited last week-end in Dallas, Ore., at the home of her mother, Mrs. D. J. Grant. Week-end guests at the home of Delbert Hooper were his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooper of Hooper, Utah. Mrs. G. F. Kellerman of Portland is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. A. Maulding, and family this week. Carolyn Oden returned to arhool Friday following an appendectomy at the Malheur Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mn. Mark Monrur and family vacationed In Burley, Ida. the past two weeks visiting friends and relatives. They visited Mr and Mrs Charle- Moncur, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Moncur. and Mr and Mrs. Sheldon Sorenson. A birthday din­ ner was given Sunday to honor M.i. Mark Moncur and her sister-in-law, Mr- Marion Moncur. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fisher and -on visited in McCall last week-end at the home of Mr.-. Fisher's parent*. Mr. and Mrs. C H Aver Or. Sunday they were ci.nner gue-r, of M: and \ R a l p h Ayers of New Me ado v. i « POTAI C A N TA LO U P E O R A N G ES IQ lbs. New crop—white 3E2I cai¡íom¡a. hp » Sunkist. size 220 Lb. T 3 5 ^ 17^ Lb. 9 ^ R A K E R Y SPECIAL COOKIES Large Assortment Doz: I 21 < Watch Our Counter for D aily Bargains RECREATION CENTER Party. Your Furniture Co. 20-1tc. k W H o