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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1953)
T H E Î7 Y S S A C ÏA K .1 A rr:s Lew s I ,r- i re tvs ( T — - ^ W-.ÁÍ .1 - L -Z C T T Y J O U R N A L . N Y f - .Y O r C C O N . l i “ î . *- ! t ;* -*ç ! »7 « V» W j sa *«>’ » I 3 1 t v ( ’ turi : j i up c u ll M,».l r lab • • \Y. MAY 23, 19S3 PAG F THREE • Mr and Mr .\. if. He. .. C, i f a N> i at i t: Oils B. a q . r. Je Butcher M .s Wiltn oc Ja c !yr Orcutt. Alca C ., family M a*h- of B.u>e >pen t the week-end here ni Piai.'v M. ine. Th? par; L. F. Lanfear . : B'.i ilei veil là-' i>un- and attended the h.ah -ehcal *tr.i i- iven by the se:;: r?’ n:**lur ai: anS mai h 'r. at;on oxerci-e- in Nv -a f va h the Flmer Stradi, y h me two day Donald Bulla: d was cue of Lie i • t v t . k and t. .. d > M. C. Si: veil .vent to Bei e W»d- A!' e day on ( Ly. Montague. »ith graduates. !ay> n j.iil „ , M Mr. and Mr • W H Krieman rf Mr. and Mr Oeor re Barres :i ar.d fami!y -i Mr. and M •• *>na x. tel Ramos. J E M :.. igue Parma were T Mili y .-per.: Sunday v l; Mr .: r* Suudav at Ar- Lt.:c. ,n visited Mr an,.1 Mr-. Ge . ; t. x:.'.i*: n. S' > :.. cad:a Sunday -,h : Mr M J i.r Sunday atteri-.oon. rhursday. Mr- Arvin Ker.-ey a: Vale M IV 17 J hnnti M r i ma>. th The Araad.a Sun hme club * club conccrt at 'gave a .-ermat te after classes. Frank T. John-on entered the vet an offi-vr nr*-er May 22 with Mi - Les Jame- Mr. Mr. and Mr* »filing were Ge« rae M, eher and eran- hospital in Boi-e la.-t Satur S75 fin* $25 suspendt,:l. float'd. Keek Mr and g i ls were visit ors in Caldwell Sat- ; cn Alberta avenue, it i.-ead of Mr day. Roy E. 1 urday. T, d Bv 'vers as stated in last week $5 bond E--ex. no opera*. r’s hceii'e. n, Mrs. O-oar O it urday. Leona of Portland *Ir< Roben Martin. forfeited. J, - e G nzales, items. c tame down Saturday to visit Mr. ^aw U*k and Mrs. Paul Thomson Mr- Winnie IXr aner of Caldwell public iiatoxication, $25 fine paid Mr and Mrs. Oti- Bullard, v Dial 3355 usd Mrs B j o b ju in hi s o n . 8h< rill take Merle Thom . sad Gary return t hei home .. ■ Sunday after a*iu .viii. d &:ie will tal^e Luts V* ¡encía, public intoxication. Mra M. . C S well attended Mrs , pending here wuh with »n her spent last week at McCall remndt.- 12' -.. da Ys in jail in lieu of pay ment. Sha*ley Ann Lot home with *.........o three weeks unc Shirley has been staying with her dance recital at tne high daughter, Mr- Fav Corn and fanrlv ing their summer h me, .-pent Satur Mar ,■ M Nunez, publ intoxic- school in Nyssa Friday evening. Mr and Mr- Cecil Houston and day night here and returned to Mc zranaparent Mr. and Mr Nu * ---- ------ ----- ------------ - Call the first of the week Johnson. u Acres Grange members were family visited Mr. Houston'-brother Mr and Mr-. Joe Hendricks . : : N'* ' Plymouth Orange last Herman H us ton and family n On- Ru.n Tuesday evening almost £lle Burns visited at the home of Mr. spoiled the Fruitland high school lue -day night. The Nu Acres off:- tario Heights Sunday afternoon and Mrs. John Znter- b last wri k Mrs J E Warner glee club hayrack ride and wiener u-r- occupied the station and con- Mr. and Mr- Harry Burkhart of rca-t. The glee member- and friends ducted the meeting. The overseer. Tucker returned home last week who did venture out, met at the Davici Spilde. t k the masters part from Spokane where thev vi-r-ai Vale visited Sunday evening a- th home cf Mr. and Mr- Fred Schiil:: home of B b Thomson, and from and pa-: m i ter. Frank Nedbalek. Mrs. Warner .- brother W H Kricman of Farms will t Mollie Yomig.uui there went cn their hayrack ride, occupied the overseer’s station. Cecil the speaker at Arcadia next Su:: lay returning to Bib'.- heme’ where the Evans, lecturer, prepared the pro- overnight guest of alter clas.-es. barbecue was u-ed for roasting w-'ti gram for the evening. Phyllis and last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oeci Hu Parley Foik, Cecil ers. Th;-e pre-en; were Janeal F. z- f. titily attended a birthday din Geo: : M eller put u C cne C levrly, Jerilvn recently in Weiser f r Mr-. Hu Clev names on Alberta av. Chri-tine Carnfix. J anne grandmother. Mrs. M:r.:. W . Ma: that the club ladies n itlere T\ree. Sheryl Shin 73:h birthday. nc.n. Mr. and Mr- W I ty Gross, Clar Mr.-. Fred Schiiiim Si. M °r Parma and Mr. and n, Dan Ma: attend 1 th* Burns . Mieli wed Sager, D n Kinney and Brenda ding at the Luthern church in O .- Keck. dinner guest- Sunday Moeller home. Mrs. Alic anno There was a meeting at \r. , i unday afterneon Mr. and Mr. engage men if her daughter. M;..„ The Arcadia Sun-1 - choc 1 h. use May 14 at 8 p m. un i r Jc Jenkins, t 3 George Gro- man of On ley C krun of Cald v *11 visited May 22 at the h me the direction cf Martin M L , . . ,. Spokane. A fall wedding is being with the Fry family. The Fry ind Fe.k with 12 mem be C ckmn familie- were neighbor.- in L. E. R.,bb;ns drew the d -or p -*- Nampa cn conducting daily v.i. i- planned t n Bible school. Mi-s Ida Nel m .The next nu, v.ii'be June 5 Mr and Mrs. Gr, rge Hagler and Twin Palls ten years ago. Mr-. A. P. Chesney returned home the home of Mrs. Fav Corn Tin cf Payette displayed her mate i il children a tended a farewell party f r Bible schools. Arcadia Bible for J:m Christensen of Apple Valley last M. nday from having spent a will be the la.-t bu.-ine.-s meet in, I school is scheduled f.'r fourth week Sunday night. He left for the army few day.- oaring tor her daugh' t the club until September. in June with Miss Anna Bauman « f Mrs (>< rge Ha ler, who has had Monday morning. iCrowded cut last week» Mr and Mr-. Bert Montague and . Mr. and Mrs Jake Groot l 'ft last N, -a as principal. Linda from Washington were gu-sts The Cartwright family visited in week for Minnesota where they will Kay and Harold wish to extend In of Mr. and Mr-. LI .yd Sewell last Redrnond Ia~t week-end. visit relatives and other points in ti week. Mr. and Mr.s. Paul Thomson had the east. tinuous TV Party July 12. 12-noon Mrs. A P Chesney Francis ind as their dlnner Sue-ts Friday even- Mr and Mrs. Cecil Houston and to 8 p in Your TV dealer, Peter-on Mr.s. Charles Daudt' and children mg Mr alld Mrs Alvie Lanfear Jr., family visited relatives Sunday in Furniture Co. 20-ltc. visited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Larson in and Sand>' of Caldwell. Horseshoe Bend. New Plymouth Sunday evening Mr- and Mrs- Ernest Sewell and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Olson returned Dinner guests of Mr and ’ Mrs of Adrian Mr and Mrs. Lloyd home Monday from a week's visit I f f H f S fîiO E S T SEND YOUR CLEANING George Smit Sunday were Mr and Se* ell> Mr and Mrs- Ro>’ Hoff and in Buhl. Ida. Mrs George Stam of Nyssa ' ‘ Mrs- H off- Mr and Mr» Kenneth Clyde Bowers, Fred Schilling and Mrs. Harry Wood and son Horace Balcer and famil>' of Weiser were Conrad Reib fished at the Dam to drove Merlen Henkel's car to Camp Mother’s Da-V dinner guests at ihe Sunday and reported a big catch of Roberts, Calif , where he is stationed M C Sewel1 home Sunday. Wood croppies. IN TN S H Q M « After visiting awhile with Merlen row Seve11 and Frank Whipple call- Mr. and Mrs. Kido, who have been and Barbara Henkel, Mrs. Wood and cd afternoon. visiting in Japan the past three Horace went on to Long Bea^h Monday evening Geraldine Fry months, returned to their home here where Robert Blakesley is in the was honored guest of Gay Graham last week. veterans hospital. Robert returned at a dumber party .... David Murakami spent Saturday Pick Up and Delivery with them for a 30-day leave Thev ^ Barney ° f Moses Lake. Wash., night on the Owyhee with his Boy Monday — Thursday returned heme via Twin Falls and was 111 this community cn business Scout group. Jercme where they visited relatives. 1 Saturday. y C c c tt ic i t y . . . Does So M UCH-Costs So LITTLE ? Phone Parm a 3-3131 Mrs. Minnie Hershey returned last Mr and Mr.s. Edward Neil-en and Wednesday Mr-. Alice Fry and G Mr. .a,,d and iTemploy^i“ ? / ^ ' « 1? ^ week' va! Collect Mrs. Paul Thomson drove to Cald- E. £ Pulsipher Fldsl£herri visited V‘ ' ded with Mlp w-ell Monday afternoon and visited Mr?- Rlchald Jenkins of N e* Pl>m- j cation here with her daughter. Mrs. Mrs. Glen Suiter’s iris gardens. outn. , ----------- Joseph Conner, son of Mr and Mrs- A P ' Chesney called on her Mrs. Jay Conner, left for Fort Lew- daughter. Mrs Charles Daudt, who is, Wash. Tue-day. lives in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Whenes,1 Joseph Junior Montague, his wife uncle of Mrs. D. H. Spilde, and sister-in-law of Wa-hingion and Mrs. C. W. Stowell. Mrs. Sp:l- | vislti“d at the J. J. Montague home j ...than y o u c a n b u y a t de’s grandmother, were visiting from over ibe week-end. Tulsa, Okla. Saturday Ccrynr.e Fry saw th Echo Hann, daughter of Mr. and a*r M K *n Bo* 'f '*’Rb Claude a n y p r i c e in a n y o t h e r Mrs. Art Hann. had her tonsils re- R jtntl °i,d. moved last Fridav morning. Mrs. Paul Th ’m-on a tended tne The Farmerettes club met at the Payette county 4-H club leader- Nu A ;vs Community hall Wednes- nieeung Thu.' t:a> a the Bret.aein MEEr^a— gaKT— bu ■ mu fi ai iu-' was the fir-t church in Fruitland. Mr.-. I.ucia Wil- day afternoon l. heme den. n tration ager meeting of the new club year and following committees were an- lar&e, was present and gave help to i : un i: M; Martin and Mi . Neil- the heme economics leader.- ter their sen to serve on the Sunshine com work this season. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Richard mittee and Mi . Orcutt, Mrs. Betts and Mrs. Sewell on the work com Jenkins and sen.-, We-ley and Denny mittee. At tiie do, e of the business of New Plymouth, R ger Jenkin-:, whn is at the pre-ent time employed meeting, Mr r C nner and Mr Spilde were honored at a pink and b-v the railr ad at Sunset Valley, blue shower. Delicious refre-hments Mrs. Alice Fry, Franky. Jesse, Lela were served to 15 members and and^FiT enjoyed chicken guests and the six children present, by the hostesses. Mr.s. Bob Johnson, \irs. Paul Thomson and Mr.s. Ed TY P E WR I T E R S ward Neil-en. All Makes Mr and Mrs. Philip Haragan from Bought—Sold—Rented—Repaired Texas visited at the J. J. Montague Fletcher’s Typewriter Exchange home Saturday. Hiway 20 West P.O. Box 459- (Crowded out last week» •djt- Sunday. May 17, saw many of the Bolse. Ph. 26961- Idaho Do-More 4-H'er.- gathered at the !T; I &> jimuei«, Car» 1 M::ntague. Mr El: Ra* L toliff of In< y. m • t WE STAND BETWEEN ft cr u YOU A N D LOSS! Bob Thompson Agency 7 \c d d u fó 'fm m vì sì \c\'0\’£ Wiöi’fh o\ ofsrsie ham \Vz days. w í!l A BARGAIN PARMA DRY CLEANERS I D A H O Y PO W ER aunt and U n lees . . . and until . . . you actually get in a n d d riv e to d a y 's C h rysler N e w Y o rk e r y o u c a n ’t possibly realize the trem endous differenced that do exist in m odern autom obiles! EXCLUSIVE CHRYSLER FEATURES not available in other cars K eep your car en gine and other gas oline engine« filled w ith H e a v y D u ty R P M M o t o r O il a n d d r a in c ra n k - caaes regularly.This special oil. develop ed through atomic research, c o n ta in « co m p o u n d « w hich resist the causes of • Hemispherical Combustion Power • Full-time Power Steering • Onflow Shock Absorber» • • • • • • • • • • • • A detergent looe a n « a n d re m o v e « ^ c a rb o n , gu m a n d lacquer from cylin ders, rings and other parta. holds all contaminants in suspension so they flow out with drainings. Other compounds in the oil resist oxidation and sludging, prevent corrosion and «top foaming They also keep a constant film of oil on all parta. whether hot or cold, providing lubrication and protection a g a in * rusting in both running and idle engines. J ys You get all the great features first in a for more information about Standard Oil Company of Californio products, tall your local Standard man WILLIAM E. SCHIREMAN N yssa ! h í V , '■ Dial 3131 'iiv , Cyclebond Brake Dnings Original "Safety-K ira” Wheels Safe-Guard Hydraulic Hrakea Swfety-Crash Pad Daah Panel Chair-high Seat» Superfiniahed Parta Cow l Ventilator Oilite Self-Lubricating Bearinga Floating Power (engine mountings) Exhaunt valve aeat inserts Non-prem ium fual performanew Floating Oil Intaka »5 STANDARD CHRYSLER EQUIPMENT— that costs you extra on competitive cars • Power Brakes • Electric "Conatant-speed” Windshield W ipers • No-Shift Transmission • Back-up Isghta • Directional Turn Signals • Foam Kuhbar Seat Cushions « Factory Protective Undercoeting e Stainless Steel W heel Covers • Steering W heel with Horn King • Oil Beth A ir Cleaner Chrysler — car F / reP d w a r A fe w o f t h e e * b asic difference« nr* show n here. In m an y caeea, no m oney can b u y in oth er cam w h a t you get . . . hh stan d ard e q u ip m en t . . . in C h ry sler. T h i* one car, alone, h a* pioneered m ore o f the great au tom o tive ad v a n c e * than all other m ake* o f cars com bin ed! Y e a r C h ry e le r-P ly m o u tb d ealer invitee you to stop in for a dem onstration that w ill really “ open y o u r eyes” . . . to w h a t extra m oney s-w orth in a car can m ean in greater perform ance, safety, an d control! Now Available — The New Chrysler Airtemp Air-Conditioning System New Yorker M a y is S a fo ty -C h o c k M o n th a t Y o u r C h r y tfo r -M y m o u th Oeo/er's . . . C h o c k Y o u r C a r — C h o c k Accidents WAGGONER MOTOR CO. -118 Good Ave. Dial 2203