Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1953)
T H F H Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N V E S A . O R E G O N TH U RSDAY M \ Y 2? 1953 « . Y v . — « ,r -i ¿ « " ì g E CSE THE '- _ 3 i n 5 3 S E .* — — J ! r o R 0 ,'J t c k fj"* * ' ~ U se Gito Citv C le s — ¥ b If Ml NT ION THE nui J o ’- r n a l fied A ds. WHEN BUYING Classified Advertising Rates ilice ne il iter t! turned T i K ITAJS D For Sale j ■ -1 a . - like i Ez Cari Appli.: J t For Sali id FOR 20-1: SALE— S .iver electric cabin . i dm | li v. ;e machine part paym ent. 7- 19-2: . 3.d St.. Ontario. y.VLE—Fryer?, baby ch:icks an i chicks. Lemon’s H 20-1 3102. ;:ZS: Speak veil ’ i \ :ur en< ycu made ’tin. 20 Sou* 20-11 un::: FOR SALE—R. and one buck 2613. Oh! On! 0£ S i . $1 trui-it load N VV. 3rd St . 19-3tp. O l" N 1 .. v 3 an s does May 8 hut . Dial N 20-tf b.i < r ore has y 'ur Hot- throi 23 South l't. Ez CATTI 20-lie. 200 1 U ed We.stin ne a ^ • ance. e electric range .1 G.i.-, & Apph- 16-tfc 1 ’ • krW V f LÌ ■m 3 •* Far. ns : o u s e id Ktecc, 1-24- 2:00 ;nt. Fine : : RANCH a.l permit. To Buy Or Sell See Mel *7 0 f V eiv Business Bui. any is Loiu.ed 3 Blocks X on U.S. lit*, across :r m Boriott’s S- rvice Stai 3 J l A KI.UTCH o e s i t»ver of “ Y ” FAR MS )oth days, with full lo quality up. leased land. Ch:. i> v.i er. l’ \ - ti it improve* Laver Sz.ak s. »erd feed. • M c. ira acres, roar c mall home, t paia x m m 60 ar 109 acres, 75 acre- ir.'.r.t .1 OPPOKl I M T U S Cn et- Onion Sr<-rage. 14.0.ÌJ q: HOMES 20 aera», on hiway North : N r-.l 6:3 MJ t r<- . Ez Carr A p a ll-■ SAFE WAY TO FARM 69-70 acre row crop land, plus 100 r v cr i. tz. .terr. .. me. :ei- -*> S j - 1-st. 20-ltc. 80 acre,, 60 acre irrigated, pilare wall to wall arr.'- sj.od river bottom pasture. j $10.000, terms arranged to suit you. CHARCOAL crops go, 3 bedre m nr d im h COW COUNTRY rigeratrrs 190 day warranty) ] 69c Bag 96 acres cultivated with more land cattle feeding set up 1 r 500 h .ad, clean, all : r $9.409. $2.5i )0 do.\:i, I up. tie; ready i r the li : loa.i can be obtained cn the balance. to be develrped. G .od range land $:o.300, $i0.C00 d Ideal Gas & Appliance Ez Carr Appliances. 20 So. 1 Trade, in Wen dell. Your choi ice c f 3 acreage- , cne fer nearby. Tractor, truck and all 20-ltc. 1st. _______ 20-rfc { 10 $3,800. one f r $12.700, and another Idaho, teleph ne company ha- equipment included $27,000, $15,- year le a n on part of U m et up, for $12,500. Lapidary Equipment Kay and Harold wish to extend i n - ! 000 down. FOI SALE and Supphe-. H.ghland park saw vitation to you to attend their con- VIEW OF THE VALLEY uiii: . n hand. No waiting. Frantom tinucus TV Party July 12. 12-noon1 New brick heme. 190 good acres, $50.0 ik ). < n itrm - Cabachcn units and agate jewelry. lJ a P m Ycur TV dealer, Peterson Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. Agate 8hop, 296-N-w 2nd Furniture r 20-ltc. PAID UP WATER RIGHT LOANS INSURANCE 70 acres cultivated, mostly row Ontario, Oregon. 19-4t. * ACRES FOR SALE NYSSA. OREGON — DIAL 2033 cr.p land. Balance fenced pasture r , - ....... " bedroom modern home with f drawers special $12. Ez Carr basement. excellent'ïocltton , g " « i e n j o y T H I s f f i Ï T I O N 0” ' 20-ltc. soil, garden, fru.t trees, barn chicken Appliances. 20 So. 1st. 63 acres of good laying land with house, and other outbuildings. , good 4 room home. Ideal for dairy USED APPLIANCE $12,700. ing. $20,000; 1 3 down. i PLYMOUTH—1949 A real knockout WANTED H.ty bailing. Ne w Hol- BARGAINS NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY I in luscious green, with white side land wire tie. See Elmer Stradley. or WHAT A BARGAIN Deluxe Electric Range $69 Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent 40 acres of fine row crop land.1 tire, A cautious driver »wned his 2156. ____________ 20-itn 6 cu, ft. Refrigerator $55 Nyssa, Oregon modern 4 bedroom home. Will irri- 4 door. ,!£? be fet*be- WANTED—Trucking of any kind, i ' i cu. ft. Refrigerator ....... $39 gate in two fields with minor the best o f care. Wait 11 you get be livestock Dial -’ 190 TK VI)E IN leveling, very deep soil. Cheap vat- bind the wheel. There s every .hii. g - • . . . . . Ü ed Washer $20 Ter. $25,000. crop included. $10.000 >’°u need for extra cafe driving your old fashioned washer Sew Gem Electric Cabinet H. . , n Super-duper heater, a clear tonea — Your WIFE sewing machine and Hardware Merchants and Dealers Are Urged T IVF n HFAp r a 6 tube radio. Bring the family in to- WANTED—To trade 3 h. p. Century attach m en ts----------------------- $119 Is now using, on a new modern auto 2 acres with 'hree bedroom mod- day and look it lover. You’ll see why motor for 1 3 or b h. p. variable matic Hotpoint washer. Liberal to See Us for Prices! FIRESTONE STORE , trade. Easy terms. ern home. $7.000. ^ r-*j. i pi ed motor. Inquire Gate City Motors across from To biers. Dial 19-tfc. Homes Journal 12-tf. Ez Carr Appliances 2203 for appointment. 20-ltc. “ 20 South 1st. PICTURE OF THE YEAR FOR SALE—International side-de- 20-ltc. Your wife and children in this big 1948 Chrysler Windsor sedan. livery rake. A -l condition. Used only beautiful yard. 2 bedroom modern Radio, heater, fluid drive; one season. Call Parma 2-2762, or FOR SALE—5 acres. mile south- home. $6500. Terms arranged. exceptionally clean. see Jasper Faries at Nyssa Equip- west Nyssa, 2 bedrooms, basement, Distributor for Dealh-Klutch Gone are the days . . . when auto 1946 Chrysler Windsor sedan. : Co. 17-tf. furnace heat. Milk house, chicken IDEAL LOCATION mobiles were horseless carriages and Radio, heater, spot lights, ' ~ T ^ house, 3-stanchion cowbarn, plenty i Nearly new two bedroom home Nyssa Dial 2251 fluid drive. white enamels turned Yellow! T o We have several used electric and of shade ideal for children. Ha s 1 with finished apartments in base 1951 Chevrolet 5-passer.ger coupe day’s automobile Is a home on wheels ” a" refrigerators t.aded m on the state a r loan. Phone 060-J1 even- ment $12,500. F.H A terms. Radio, heater. Exceptionally ne.v Ser\el. Oomc in and cnoosc one. 1 cTTTRnv f > rtt w a p and today's WHITE IMPERVO ings. Monty Fraser. Why pay $12,000 j oTUHDY PRE-WAR clean, nearly-new tires, Ideal Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. ENAMEL stays super-white as long 17-tf. [ to $15,000 for Just a house and lot CONSTRUCTION Low mileage. as the durable finish lasts . . . You Convenient location. 4 finished when you can own this five acres? 1948 Willys Jeep with cab. j can get IMPERVO from your Ben- bedrooms, full basement. $12,500. Ap: range only $20. Ezz Carr Ap 13-tf. Will be re-conditioned \ jamin Moore Paint Dealer, Nyssa easy terms. pliance,. 20 So. 1st. 20-ltc. 1950 Pontiac 2-door sedan. Lumber Co. 13-tic. 2 garage doors in good condition NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME Radio, heater, hydromatic. FOR SALE—Accordions — Finest about 7x14 ft $37 50 Cash on the Large rooms with hard wood floors, Extra clean “ Because they received not the love Italian makes. New and used. barrel head. We furnish barrel. Ez utility room. Safe convenient, all 1950 studebaker Champion of the truth, that they might be Reasonable prices. Trades. Write) Carr Appliances. 20 South 1st Ny i,a. on one floor arrangement $13,000, starlight coupe. Heater, saved. And for this cause Ood shall j 20-ltc. Factory Agent Box 1041, Boise, Ida easy terms. , Overdrive. send them strong delusion, that they j ho. 16-5tp. BRAND NEW should believe a lie. That they may We're Ready to Deal! I 2 bedroom home with full base be damned who believe not the truth FREE Come In U,ed Servel gas refrigerator $89 50 ment. Detached double garage. but had pleasure in unrighteous And Talk It Over Ideal Gas & Appliance. 16-tfc. Large corner lot. Facing the park. Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals ness.” 2nd Thessallolonians 2:10-12 WESTERN CORRUGATOR, INC. Study your Bible. $13.500. easy terms. 20-ltc. NEWLY WED SPECIAL! Ask us Dial Nyssa 3017 LOTS OF ROOM USED CAR LOT about the new newlywed plan for | 4 room house, full basement, mod Nyssa Dial 2255 MISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux Hotpoint range. Ez Carr Appliances. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. ern tenant house, extra lot, all for cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R . ; 20 South 1st. 20-ltc. $7,250. FOR THE CONNOISSEUR o f cars, j Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, | this is for YOU! Big. black and | phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. HOMES FOR SALE Beautiful blond used bed room set. SPECIAL BARGAIN Excellent 2-bedroom home. Hard Mr and Mrs. Chest. Bed complete 3 bedroom brick home, not new, beautiful with gleaming white wall but still good. $3.500 tires. 1950 Chry.-ler New Yorker 4 - ¡Septic tanks and cesspools cleaned. wood floors, front room carpeted, and nite stand. Save over '■* price Sae Ua About Other Produca IDEAL FOR COUPLE door sedan. You won't miss your ) Dial 4-3763, Parma or 4-2161 Parma electric dish washer and disposal Ez Carr Appliances. 20 So. 1st. sink, basement, furnace heat. O n , Nearly new single bedroom mod- favorite radio program. A lot of i Hardware. 13-tfc. 20-ltc. ern home. $3,000, $1,500 down. carefree driving for only $1095. "On -----------------------■---------------------- paved street. Best location. 4-rooms, modern and basement, FOR SAL» WELL WORTH THE MONEY c M U "^S ee^n ^ w ^ - ^ — 1 St" P haVmg seDtic Unk tr0Uble by nice yard, shade, good location. $1000 2 bedroom house, good location Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor ■ T^acrc "iro m ^ o W e r^ D-ai ; putting in Field Dain. Dial 3993 down, balance like rent. I c u . _____ »o.,™ 9-tf. evenings. furnace, utility room. $7.950. 2203 . aDoointment 20-ite. 2- bedrooms, modern, attached g a - ] F H A' terms- WOO. ATTRACTIVE AND NEW IOr an aPPJ‘ tumem- 6th and Good $28,000. Dial 2815 rage, large utility room. Nearly new. 160 acres, fall delivery COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is readv 2 bedroom modern home on paved ' ___________ 1 bed room home on two lots, Only $7000. to build your driveway, parking area, street. Good homes all around. 3- room, and bath, 'a acre in lawn, $2,750, $500 down. school yard, feed lot, lounging ^r $8.000, terms to suit. 4 houses on two acres, hiway berries and fruit. Close to general ------------------------------------------------------ Implement shed. Only pugmill as- Business O pportu nities frontage, $17,000, terms. store. Very easy terms. HOME AND 100 MONTHLY LOST A cr- . me place near phallic concrete mix in this area. We Have Two Good Business 100 acres—good location, beautiful or near Orv He Low cost, guaranteed wonk, free esti- Lovely new home with 4 modern Buildings for Sale. Both Leased home, new machine shed, excellent rental cabins. Room to build sev- H.ckman c -rner Finder plea -e re- mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A and Paying Good Return. ake bel n irvg or phone 280, Ontario. 13-tf. eral more. 517.000. Terms arranged. soil $50,000. B b Th< mp on Agency. Also Apartments and Business to George Ccleman. Leave at Jour- j ___________________________________ 14 UNIT MOTEL Blacksmith shop with equipment y je\\ iocated and very attractive. nal office. Locations. 20-2tc. Remember old King Midas, whose and house on 1/4 acre fronting high- BERNARD EASTMAN $10,000. includes all furnishings. j touch turned everything to gold? Nyssa | way in good farming center. $2,900, Dial 2643 LOST—In C oj . Hoiljw, Guern-cy T ^e room y0U •■touch" this season $1.000 down. .. _ . , ,, Real Estate — Insurance heifer calf. ■ii rt yearling, branded ier Elza Niccum Wlth Benjamin Moore paint wont Farm Loans L. Z. on lei 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An *............ 20- 2tc change to gold, but Its new-found 16 North 3rd Dial 6615 D;ai 2437. SARAZIN CLINIC abundance of free gravity water, __________________ beauty will amaze you. . . . Your SPECIAL DR. C. M . TYLER Dr. J. J. Sarazin $31,500, easy terms. Beautiful new 3 bedroom home. friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. WILSON BUILDING Dr. K. E. Kerby ) FOUND - 4 sheep have sfrayed to 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 Large kitchen. Full basement for 13-tfc.1 Dial 2771, Nyssa I our ranch Owner my have by iden- down, balance like rent. Dr. K. A. Danford plenty of storage space. Fireplace. Off*c* Hours From 9 to 5 i tlfying, and paying for this ad and Acreage- 2 bedroom house, barn Physician* and Surgeon» Attached double garage. F. H. A. ap MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Except Saturdays, 8 to 12 FOR RENT—3 rooms and bath, fur pasture. Nick Sm;:. Dial 2681. and chicken house $i,200. proved. F.H.A. terms. 20-ltc. money to remodel your home or to nished. ground floor. Newly deco See build outbuildings or garage? We J. R. CUNDALL rated. Hot water furnished. 15 Park L. A. MAULDING. M. D. BERNARD EASTMAN can arrange a loan for you and give Dentist Ave. Dial 6898. 17-tfc.; BOB THOMPSON AGENCY Physician and Surgeon Nyssa Phone 2643 you up to three years to pay It. Dial 2638 Dial 3355 Dial 2216 Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc RENT Are yt u interest« Sarazin Clinic r'OR SALE—4 room modern house, Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 an apartment and a home, too? NYSSA OREGON with nice lawn and shade trees, 2 matching floor lamps in bronze. MISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. Daily Except Saturday and Large well kept lawns? shade trees? SERVICE STATION Ez Carr Appliances. 20 So. 1st. equipped with gas. Dial 3914. Here comes color. A washable, rub Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Dozens of , shrubs? An outside DR. JOHN W. OLSEN 20-ltc. , . , fire- , MAN HUNT 10-tfc. place and large patio, lawn furni- with us before you rent or berized finish for Interior walls and Dental Clinic wood trim. jture? Roomy apartment Many n al inves:ment: EZ SEZ: Fading frequently Is cau 7th and Bower Doctor •covers most surfaces In one uni wardrobes, large windows, three out- , ‘ . ... , „„ sed by the sun's ultra-violet rays. I Dial 3311 form coat. | side entrances? See the Long Apart- Proflt r€ ‘ rl-' C. R. V A N PATTEN Fabrics fade more quickly when w et, •dries to a satin sheen In less than j ments, 7 or 11 Long Drive, or dial SIGNAL OIL CO. than dry These are two reasons why | Chiropractic Physician one hour. 6650 or 3083. Reasonable rent to re- colored fabrics never should be dried , 1^+4 M Farmall, painted Physiotherapist Phone Ontario 385 •twelve handsome colors all ready and overhauled $1500 , liable party. 18-tfc. I in the sun. Play safe: Use an auto 19-4tp. Office« at 265 North Oregon to use. 1943 H Farmall, painted matic Hotpoint drier. Several driers Ontario Phone 478 Nyssa Lumber Co. 14-tf. i and overhauled .... $975 f o r . RENT — 6 room house with H price. 20 So. 1st. 20-ltc. Doctor 1946 H Farmall. painted bath, two blocks from Nyssa Post WANTED—Job taking care of child j START YOUR BETTER $1075 office. See Hannah Knudson, 107 in my home day o might. Mrs. EDGEL W WOOD FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall and overhauled $950 Ennis Ave. 20-2tp. Charles Kaneaster. Dial 3074. HERD TODAY paper. Budget terms available. Fire- i 1948 Ferguson, see this one Chiropractic Physician 18-tfc. Offices at 2 Arcadia Blvd. stome Store 2-tf. | 1946 Ford Ferguson, with Artifical Insemination to Sires j $700 r o r RENT—3 room furnished Apt. overdrive Nyssa Dial 3939 proved in the top 2% o f each breed FOR SALK I 1943 Fiord Ferguson, with utilities furnished, dial 3049 RADIO and TELEVISION Guernsey, Jersey, Hoi. Brown Swiss, $575 112 Park Ave. 16-tfc. 2-bedroom home, new construe- j overdrive SERVICE EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. Milking short hom . Also 2 b?ef j $450 tion; completely modern, dining 1943 Oliver "60" 101 East 1st St. Dial 3230 Complete Radio Repair Service breeds. $7.50 per cow. No charge for i $200 FOR RENT—Rooms for sleeping or DR. J. A. M cFALL room, attached garage; very good 1944 VAO Case Tractor Physiotherapy Klectro-Therapj Tubes and Parts in Stack return service. Ray Bowns. New DR. JOHN EA SLY location on King ave. $12.000. terms. WESTERN CORRUGATOR, INC. light housekeeping. Working girls, Nyssa, Oregon Plymouth, 4041. Quirk Service women or man and wife preferred. S 2-bedroom modem home. F.H.A. Equipment Lot P h o n e 21, Ontario, Oregon Work Guaranteed Dial 2888 313 Oood Ave 12-tfc. approved, good location, corner lot. Ny IDAHO PROVED SIRE 1 7 - t f c . ----------------------------------------------------1 JAKES RADIO and T.V. paved street, very nice yard $9500 SERVICE DR. GEO. E. COBERN FOR RENT—4 room modern house, SHOP Rural grocery store with cold stor- ' 17-tfc. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT furnished $35 a month. Lorated in Wilson Bros. Dept. Store NYSSA VETERINARY age lockers, excellent location on Pnr Nyssa Dial 6649 BERNARD EASTMAN busy highway. Reasonable terms. * O* a lO I ll CARD OF THANKS Dial 2643 Nyssa CLINIC We wish to express our deep grati WANTED 2 bedroom modern home tall .rXJR RENT 5 room hoase 2 bed- ARTIFICIAL Dr. B. E. Koss Dr. J). R. Mason FOR RENT -2-room furnished cab tude to our many friends and rela basement, eftra large lot well lm- roorns phone 3248 20-2tc. Dead Animate INSEMINATION Large and Small Animals tives for kindness shown to us dur 4-tf. | proved. $5,000, easy terms. East |__________________ 1 _______________ in, Chadwick camp Removed Era*. ing the illness and death of Melvin 407 Main St. Dial 2010 FOR RENT -Sleeping room, man Fourth street. Dial Nysaa 3M7 Stanley Hill BLUFF V IEW NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY preferred Phone 6617, Dwight Smith FOR RENT Furnished and u n fjr- Mrs Emma Hall Foret la $7R Jersey. Guernsey, Holstein Ralph G . Lawrence. Agent 19-tf ni.shed apartmepts. Dial 6669 Dr. Marrin M. Prantic* Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Connelly , Milking Shorthorn 105 Main SL Dial 2544 P rad Or la Ca. U -tf Veterinary Surgeon and family Lennle f . Ahnatedt FOR l»Cii RENT Three-room furnished ------------------ * . 1 r,\_ rveiv ! A*« large and Small Animate — ------ Mr and Mrs Vernal Patterson Technician In. H H Kingrey FOR RANT — New Clarke 8 - i n c h ----- ------------------------------------------------ 316 W. Park Ph. 2341 Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Pounds. Carr Appliances S-tf floor eanden end 8 -tich edger WANTED- Highest prices paid for Phone 2188 or 4073 Dial 0664 New Plymouth. Idaho Stuna Lumber Co. 18-tf | »laughter hones Clyde Smith, New Plymouth. Ida. Red Is the favorite color of two — —— ----------------i phone 108. Ontario. Across from M w S a W m c S t W g W M L rxm RKN r rami »pray «a" _____I ~~Z-------- m -------- - V»e Journal CT an iflod Ada. j Ontario Satee yard. 23mtfc out o f three people 20-ltc. »lone »tore. 20 So. 1st. SALE—Oil heater wi :h du<. i c iitr 1, small size, j Ml p :T : d free. $-3. 7737. 19-tf MEL BECK—REALTOR The New DEATH-KLUTCH Trap Catches Moles and Gophers Used Car Bargains Wanted Miscellaneous Made of Strong Wire, Flat Metal Made to Set in Three Sizes For Larger or Smaller Gophers Fool-proof if Instructions Followed HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc. LET US DRESS and CUT UP YOUR POULTRY GEM PRODUCE CO. Lost and Found PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians KEN POND Dentists For Rent FARM LOANS Wanted Farm Equipment Chiropractor Jewelry Stores Optometrists Veterinarians I."“ '' eta.