V .Ü T H E N Y S S A G A T E C I T Y JO U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . i£ N C O U N TY C O U R T PR O C E E D IN G S ; 44 Tei r . >1.72 Exp W. i «7 1 *} M Wo». G: Pri.n Jury Wi V r 4 npany. I.: r »100.00. C .. i f T H TT R 5 r A v . M » Y r tr"3 Bar. 5 50. M 1 T t H A Oil C $1.363 33. Ea tern Culvert, $* 13 S., E . \V Off V. irles W n is3. WrdnrvUy 1'ie i t > ' f \p- I. 1' > • $1.' Wi J R.av B D patty. Part C. E. rr • O :f 5 V S. Stan $4.16. Mall- ui i ■ $•>0.88. Lnlla E 30 f Xf f Vfj rector. O. II Va Order ..m tlng permU-i n 1 $17 5S. Ü rie- for G .. a-, C...I Mi y K 19, Act ing of drain pipe a: Balboa exj: John on $.: 73.60. $15 64. . 443. 30 across county r ad. I H.»r, Ci VALE-JCitDAN C - Order that Public Liabibt Tax C SÌ65.70. DISTRIC T $20 44. fto p ranee b exp $»0.71 : Offive exp. si .85, Av( : V F Merr T.ils ne R. Leggi Mabel: Turner, Ora ::f\ J XT' cha c i • all < • .9 .!). $ 62.75. off.ee. $ :¡6 : R : : \ c í tic irerr.^n; S . ' Jurer, B. Too mb, Granti Win. meat. A......... 0:1 C mpany. She.-: . 1 çorif* • $13« 85. a-.d L. Triple ri V, $215 70. $19 32. Order fer parch < > of Ohvet .IV1 t .pen e, $1.09. Oli trial Accident Cm L, E ta.n.t, GraneI Jur# culating ma . :»e 1_ r Shr r e by the principal D .vi G i - & Oil, Sheriff’s Tra vel B. d.- EVv A. Mauldin t . Healt: Off: W man's Ccrr.pen an $i7 72. at a price of $182 “r. •. Ata 01. per cnally at tne cr h»s We n Auto Sup; alterations ana GENERAL n o .' ) Order that cert F- ink Eiferir.g, Sheriff's travel , ex- 5Î0 U sale oí by m u na Farris, He, ,1th Nut- . $232 ' pipe. $.07.60 S. STANTON •he Old Men's A. P. Goodell, In .-pectin g roads. L ?n e. $ ’5 00. repair- be made B id sent by nail will be consider­ Idâ L ,. h Knott, Clerk, H- alth Of: Power Compa Light f r County Judge from the Dep- $62 42. Home < a in-tru ' n- f. O. K Rubber Welders, Sheriffs March, $2 00. ed on! ' if rece ed a, th.s office prur $135.27. A, P GOODELL uty State F.re Warden Ke»aler Chevrolet Company, 1352 travel expense, $22 05. to the hour fixed for the -ale. The e Wana II- din, Clerk, Health Off :e Lloyd B Bufi n. Lab ", SI 14.64. Countv Commi--ioner Order it r tax refund o Inez Ham- Chevrolet Pickup. $1000 00. Frank A. Scott, Sheriff’s travel b.ds must be accompanied by certi­ ! $72.05. City of Vale, Water, S2 50 L E HAMMACK Nelson Equipment Company. Third expen-e, $10.00. Bey on account < f taxc paid through fied check- or po :-office money or­ Alice Coleman, Clerk, Health Of­ C. L. Miller, Gr it* in ve In County Commissioner. payment on payloader, $2244.16 error. ders for the am junts of the bids and . r Drug, Sheriff. Office ex- trailer house, $3.75 fice, $905 Order for purchase of G M.C. pick­ Van Petten Lumber Co.. Dowflake pen-e 514.41 must be enclosed in sealed envelopes Raymond Ruff, Ccunty Sanitar- John Ruiz. Labor. S106 43 up for Road Department. and black wire, $16 00 I*i .veil’s Office Supply, Sheriff’s! Sam L Gill, Lab '.-.$59.72. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the envelopes must be marked in the ian, $263.17. Order that right of way for road George A. Hart, Painting pud O.ff e expense, $1.05. lower left hand corner substantially Delmer L. Edmond-, Janitor. Heal­ Louis M. Stebbin Lab' r. $159 91 ROUGH o k m o u n t a in o u s through Vill meyer place to Brogan signs, $30.00 We tern Union Telegraph Corn- as follows: th Office, $39.00. Ives George, Labor, $46 32. TRACT Cemetery be condemned, if neces- Albert Buckingham, Petty Cash, pany, Sheriffs Office expense, $1 87. "Public sale bid, Serial No Oregon Thcs. Jones, Ju-tice of the Peace, Collector of Internal Revenue, In- $32 54 PUBLIC LAND SALE sary. Jean I* Bond, Tax Collection ex- come Tax, $i50 02353, Sale, 10 00 A M„ July 17, 1953,” $320.31. The following claim again t Mal- Standard Oil Company of Cali- pen-e. $1500 United States The person making the highest Donald M Graham, Justice of the State Tax Commi-ion, State heur County were ordered paid a" forma, Gasoline and diesel fu 1, J. .eph D. Barnes, Tax Collection Withholding Tax, 75 Department of the Interior Peace. $177.11. bid will be required to pay immedi­ $99 57 follow expen-e. $15.00 Land Offk e ately the amount thereof. Mary F. Craham, Justice of the SPECIAL RELIEF GENERAL COUNTY Intermountain Equipment Com- Elaine Me Kown, Tax Collection Any persons claiming adversely Bureau of Land Management Land Chevron Gas Station, Gasoline, Peace, $120.90. A P Goodell, Commi toner’, fees, pany, Parts, $13.74 expense, $12.00. $6.59. E E. Jones, Justice of the Peace, Office, Portland 13, Oregon, May 22, the above-described land are ad­ Payne Auto Company. Part , 89 15. $30 88 Malheur Enterprise, Tax Collection vised to file their claims or objec- 1953 $30 71. LAW LIBRARY L. E Himmack, Commissioner’s Phillip- Petroleum Company, Die­ expen -e. $6.20. NOTICE i- hereby given that un- tion-u on or before the time de Elmer Liffany, Janitor, Court- West Publishing Company, B ks sel fuel. $719 21. fees, $38 64. S kman’- Cafe, Prisoner and Jail 30.00 heu-e. $224.47. der tiie second proviso of section nated for sale. Mary Acevez, Interpreter for ¡ Idaho Power Company, Powc expen e, $110 03. William E. Ross, Watermasrer, 2455, R S., as amended by section Frances A. Patton County Court Journal V! journed $36 10. t ; Fit • hers Typewriter Exchange, $254.70. 14 of the act cf June 28, 1934 (4S Term, Wednesday the 22nd Day Manager A ’ Binding We : C Pi We-tern Bearing. Inc., Bearin C ar;house Furniture, $i33 50. Edward H ve, Bailiff $73.12. State., 1274i, and pursuant to the Fir - Pub! -aticn May 28. 1953 of April, 1953. . e, $121 45. $12.94. Co., Clerk Oil; 8 xp< V ¡r Home Telephone Company, U. S. National Eank of Portland. application cf Arthur W. Palm er.1 La publication June 25, 1953. Order that the fir t meeting of the raph Corp., tire: Salar r Addre .•raph Mi G. H. Van Horn, Tr ■ u-e expense. $143.50, R . 1, B x 135. Vale, Ores? n. Serial Malheur Countv Budget 3< ard be Federal Tax, $710.05. Assessor’s Exp. $ C ,k Office for Harold Shepherd, $20 57. Or Bros. A: Butler, In urar.ee, set for May 14, "1953. >r Intel- S'ate Tax C mmi.--ion, State Tax, No. Oregon 02253. there will be of- j I. Q. is the abbreviati;: Exp,, $32 52. $75.8 SPECIAL RELIEF ferod, to the highest bidder, but at gence Quotient. Order for County Clerk to draw Fisher s, Rt p.u: , Office, Gem State Optical C mpat.v Lc: "i 1 Inda, Grand Jury Witne-s, warrants fur County payrolls on li-t i' Employes Retirement Sv - n h If*- than $2.75 per acre, at a $35 07. for Russell Hulse, $2 25. publ.c sale to be held a: 10:00 o’cl' k ra l Security, $231.76, working day of each month. U-e Journal Classified Ads. ’ar Ex- Herriman M Dr. Je e R. Baker, Len . • 11’ Office Supply, Duplicate I du-trial Accident C m- a. m., cn the 17th day of July next, Order for i uarice i gut Chon pense, As-c sor, 1 .18. Pracilla Bradley, $20 00. Warrant, $22.30. ’. ' . » y e : - ■. V , 72 Deed to James S. Trumm" !1 t r I, .> m:-<: -n, V/ rkmen's C-ir.pen-ati' a, a: this office, the following tract of f t Deputy Mel Ingttbnt < , Mile Norman G. Hedemark, M. D pii Bigelo.v, Mil land: e, Deputy 2 and 3, S W '.N W 1, and N W '.SW ', $-0.45. Assessor, $H8 56 Vices for Glenn Ray Braith Vài jr, $35 63. GENERAL ROAD T. 19 S , R. 43 E.. W, M. Oregon— f Section 18, Township 20 S , R u ge Standard 0:1 Company ol f Calif.,1 $5 00. G. H. Van H rn, Salary for Barnes, 46 for the reason that aid land va- Albert Buckingham, Labor, $701.19, sec. 23, all; sec, 26 NMiNW1», NW ,- Car exp i, * A • -or, $14.09. Dr. Neal E. McCarthy, Exam $243.45. FU R N A C E S— foreclosed on througn error. O. Y. Chester, Road Superinten- NE’i (containing 760 acres). Kessler Chevrolet Company, Car Alice Neese, $7.50. GENERAL ROAD The following claim i : . in - 1 M 1- dent, $274.01. The land will be sold subject t o ! repair-, A < , r, $2.00, M .ore's Bu- Depot, Trail porM- LINK BELT ° Hr Va.n H rn- Tna-urer. Sal- heur County ordered p a id V f A. H. Engelhardt, Labor, $219.80. section 24 of the Federal Power B E R( County Veterinarian! tion for Jose and Charlotte Villareal an. for Aten and Nichols, $33.50. GENERAL COUNTY A. L. Hess, Labor. $222 52. Act, June 10, 1920 (41 Stat. 1075) as Expen-e, $99 75. to Portland, $19.00. ST O K E R S Bi he-Sage Hardware Company, Frank Elfering, Deputy Sheriff. Clifford P. Hyke, Labor, $259.25. amended by the Act of August 26 Charles W. Svan, District Attorney VALE-JORDAN GRAZING Supplies, $251.02. $223.72. Estim ates Gladly Given Bill Jantz n, Labor, $215 81 1935 149 Stat. 846; 16 U.S.C. -ec expense, $148 42. DISTRICT O.vyhee Truck it Implement C o,! Jean P. Bond, Deputy Tax Clerk, Richard K Kendall, Labor, $207 SC. 818). as to that portion of the NE i- Oregon State Agricultural College, Mary H. Gardner, Labor, $15 75. Parts. $12.75. $154.30. Charles Jr. Lakey, Labor, $135.55. N W 'i, W ', N W ',, NW', SW , 4tli O , Powell’s Office Supply, Mimeo K. 1er Chevrolet Company, Parts sec. 23, T. 19 S„ R. 43 E , W.M Orville Lakey, Labor, $231.47 Elaine Me Kown, Deputy Tax Malheur Enterpri e, Supplies, Hea­ Stencils, $15.75. and repair-, $11 16. Phone 134L2 Clerk, $38.92. Eugene R. Parmer, Labor, 209.14 Oregon, lying within the transmis­ lth Department, $1260 MALHEUR COUNTY LIBRARY Idaho Tire Exchange. Tire, $18.48. Gordon Pemberton. Labor. $258 60. sion line right-of-way Oregon 0874 Genevieve L. Kennedy. Deputy Tax Raymond Ruff, Travel Exp , Heal­ Malheur County Library, Salaries 1) N. Nordling Parts Co., Supplies, clerk. $96 13. Carson Pierce, Labor, $345.33. of the Idaho Power Company; and th Department. $133 36 and expenses, $1703.80. $108.26 P. Watkins, Deputy County Clerk, Joe Reed, Labor, 219 59 subject to the right-of-way for a Parm a, Idaho Edna Farri Health Department, County Court Journal Adjourned Kowallis and Richards, Inc., Sup- $226 65 Glen Shelton, Labor, $216.59. Federal Aid Highway under sec. 17 $239 31 Term, Wednesday the 8th day of . plies, $22.13. j —i__ William E Leggitt, School Sup’tj Aprii. 1953 We-tern Auto Supply, Keys, $1 50. Office exp . $7 34, Travel exp $30.96, Order granting permission to I The Lumber Mart, Lock Set. $6 20. $38 30 M Kelly to lay 6-inch drain pipe Inland Machinery Company, Bush- erncc a o P m i n t i f road o The Gate City Journal, Official u across County ing, i* $5 e c 53 Advertising, $54 18 Order that the Smith-C oleman Inland Machinery Company, Bush­ Oregon Voter, Subscription, $4 00 lane at Brogan be graded and grav- ing, $3 95. Dr. Neal E McCarthy, Insane Ex- elled. Armco Drainage Ac Metal Pro­ imination, $5 00 Order that money in the hands of ducts. Inc., Culvert, $324 49. Kessler Chevrolet Company, Court- the County Clerk for Waterma-ter Bullock Auto Parts, Supplies, house expense, $15 70 expense be transferred to the Gen $38.80. Ontario Laundry & Cleaners, eral Fund of Malheur County Ontario Auto Parts, Supplies, Courthouse expense, $7 26 The following claims gainst M.,1- $152.75. R V Pierce, Courthouse expen-e, heur County were ordered paid a- City of Vale, Water, $2.50 $6 75 ' " | follows Western Equipment Company, Boise Payette Lumber Company, GENERAL COUNTY Parts, $2 81. Courthou-e expen-e, $31985 H. 3 Sackett, Clerk's Office Ex­ Bm e Payette Lumber Co., Lath City of Vale Courthou e expen-e pen-e, $33 67, and cement, $181 50. 17 35 Powell’s Office Supply, Assessor’s C liff Glass A: Body Shop, Sheet Fred Weldin, Courthouse expen e, Expen-e, $1198; County Court exp. Glass. $7 02. $175. $>.15: Clerk's Office, $7 81; School Schaffer Motor Company, Parts, Wendell V Richmond, Bant: In­ Sup’t., $15 00, $39.94. $30.39. demnity Claim, $12 (M) Wesco Service, Car expense, As­ Ol on Manufacturing Company, Irvin A. Kemble, Bangs Indemn­ sessor, $1 50. Cable clamp and steel, $79 97. ity Claim, $16 00. The Ontario Argus-Ob erver, Of­ Phillips Petroleum Company, Gas­ Erne.-t B. Smith, Bangs Indemnity ficial Advertising, $92.47. oline, $1,462 87. Claim, $8 00. The Malheur Enterprise, Treas­ Intermountain Equipment Com­ H. H. Bret < w urer's Office Exp., $31.98, pany, Yoke Bu.-hing, $2.33. ness, $9 90. Richard Hiimphrev, Rent, Health, Vale Supply Company, Nails, S3 60. Charlotte Villarreal, Grand Jurj Office, $100.00 Jordan Valley Garage, Gas and Witni -s, $5 20 M A Biggs, Office Expense, $60.00. Oil. $6.25. Ed Hart, Grand Jury Witne Arthur C. Croft Publications, Shuler Machine C mpany, Crow f ount . t -t I. rn t !'• ''a r I MEULLER HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER IS THIS E Ll i DIVIDEND CHECK YOURS? its excitin o h o u s a n d s o f G eneral Insurance Company’s "Preferred R isk" policy­ holders have saved 15% on their fire insurance. How about you? General Insurance—a strong capital stock company-has saved important money for its "Preferred R isk” fire insurance policyholders by insuring good risks only and rejecting the bad. Losses are fewer and savings are passed on to General's policyholders. General’s record of prompt, fair pay­ ment o f claims is second to none. T S tt ¡I . . . I alu t Check it Test Drive it! Wilh ail ¡is costlv-car ^< hh 1 K k A h . . . all its fine-car power ^ I . and all (lie 4\ "YV orth More” featmes that make it worth more when yon buy it and when you *11 it, Ford is still one oj America's lowest-priced cars. /'N niy its "way down” price lag ilii- ^ * tinguislies a ’53 Ford from the res! of America's hues» cars! When you trv it, you'll lint! it has everything you neeii and want in a car . . . and all at a price that you needn't sit down to hear Now more than ever, you can pay more hut you cau't buy better than a Ford. i P R E F E R R E D RI S K P R I N C I P L E Th» ah a va M lu «trata« baiti wait matiffa lttad mmé I m |M proportion. C ra n to n n o w tnlti Contact us today . .. $ ••■ M m | T H t M t • • — O n ly Ford in rtw low- price 8 »id g iv e t you o V - S engin« . , . <*«e »am« ty p e e t "e ig M " A m e rica ’» coetlied c a r t a r e iw in g in g to. O n ly fo rd offer» you »0 m odern a S is . And only Ford In It» fie ld let» you te am your eng ine ch o k e with an y o f three g r e a t drive»! P o rd o m a fk , O v e r- d rive or C o nventio nal D riva. which harn« I* Hi# hollar Nra h u vran c« Mah. Wo ii»twro only tho hallar ritk»; rotad th« bad. Our See If your property qualifies as a pof«rr«d riti» Bra in turane« polkyhotdow on|oy Preferred Risk. No cost or obligation. »aving» that ra«ult from f«wor la tta « . TNI CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY a f M u i W Utah» T e e ’va g e t ta fe e l It f t baWava K — ford'» new W on der R ide a c tu a lly reduce» frent end ro ad •hock up to $ 0 % . . t " p a v o t e v e r ” the rougheet road». It'» a whole new conaept of d riving com fort. A: -M RENSTROM ' .C j C — INSURANCE AGENSY f ift y i t e r i f r r m ' i l • a Ihr AmtréiéH K m J Nyssa, Oregon HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Dial 2288 "Good Drivers Drive Safe Cars $1 Dial 6697 314 Main, Nyssa YOUR PROTECTION IS OUR PROFESSION