THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y S 5A . OREGON THURSDAY. M A Y 21. 1953 ©ATE CITY JOURNAL ADS GET M S I LTS T » o cut of three children are born at home rather than in a hos pital. ® Un Mrs. Krnnrth Mi Donald DUI 3 >09 N O T IC E to the Patrons and Stockholders of Farmers Supply Cooperative Ontario and Nyssa At our last regular employes' meeting held Monday, May 4, 1953, we unani mously made this proclamation: "We, the employes, will give our whole-hearted cooperation and sup port to the Directors of the Farmers Supply Coop and to the new Nyssa Coop Supply Board in any way that the Boards agree to present, the sep aration of the present Cooperative to the stockholders. We believe that the Nyssa farmers are entitled to their own cooperative. Also, let it be known that we, as em ployes of the Farmers Supply Co operative, do not have a vote in the matter or any jurisdiction as to the separation." Edith Wilson Bonnie Ward Elizabeth Halcom Loye Frakes Edward Mason Melvin Cammack PAGE N IW * Cyril Warner Virgil Jones Waldo Forsman Keith Herring Alvin Moses C. E. Newcomer We Will Cooperale in the 1953 Jersey Cattle - Automobile and Farm Implement Show May 23 Mr and Mrs Grant Patterson had a phone call from their son. Verle, saying he had docked in Seattle Friday night from Korea and would be discharged from the army this *'eek Merle Kygar. Mr- F. Kygar and Mr- Lynn Kygar and M ixn.e h .t morning for Ogden where men. Newoill. m lk :.a.a ana m Brewer. Mrs. Oerald Slippy. Mr-. Byrd W alters, and Mrs Ellis Walter- at- tended a bridal shower in the Ten Davis club house Friday arternoon f r Trula Franklin of Parma who married Ted Crosby of Nyssa S a t- urday afternoon at 5 p m. in Cald- well at the Methodist church. Trula Franklin became the bride Ted Crosby. Rev. Jam es Miller preformed the ceremony which was ¿¡tended only by the family of the bride. Mr Crosby has no family here. After the ceremony the group t* :\.and bunday evening alter spending a few days there while Mr Share had a check up on his leg which was injured when he was in Korea in the army Mr. and Mr>. William Wegman were Sunday evening dinner guest.-, in the Kenneth McDonald home Lee Strickland is spending a few days in Huntington helping out at the Dick Pallissier home while Mr Pallissier is sick. Mr and Mrs LsVar Hayes and children returned home Wednesday from Rigby. Id a . where they had gone to attend the funeral of his k ill M . ire.i Rita dr “ ' ‘ ' • ■ ■' Mr- D nald H re and family M > t i )fi b t b y y \ ¿ w with Mr and Mrs. Lou DeGoede ana where they had supper. Guests were Mf Mr Elmer HubbeU of *“ £ * r _ k lwnf „ , Mr. and Mrs Ray PrankUn. Mr and 0 : ; . a n „ ^ , rtth M: and Mrv Virginia Cook -pent the week-end Mrs j P Franklin and family, and Inh„ Mlftlp, . pari aiin„ av . ft#rtinnn here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Dale Clarey and chil- Bill Cook Virginia is attending col- dreni Betty Boston of Apple Valley lege at E O.C.E. at LaGrande. I ancj guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mark Hartley took her chil- Crosby dren. Susan and Mark, to Nyssa Ml. ' and Mrs. O rnn Logan who Monday to the Dale Garrison home d {(J ^ve ¡n community and to attend a birthday party for Con- nQW make their home ln Prm evillc nie Jo Holcomb, who was two years cajjed on seVeral old friends here " ll) , ... ... .. . . Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee House- \lr and M r, Max Mitchell and hoWer Mr and Mr> Wm Peutz and daughters left Sunday for a trip to and M r< Lee S trickland. the coast for the next week or 10 * „ „ . day. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Koger had Thursday evening after the high dinner Sunday to Nyssa with Mi . . . school graduation exercises, all of an<i Mrs. Hudson R- 'b. en5 1 the Brewer family gathered a t th e , Mr and Mrs Byrd Walters enter- Advanced styling, r H Brewer home for cake and cof- ’»ained Friday night with dinner for Sealskin. Saddle fee in honor of Mary Ellen Williams 1___________________________________Calf, Pigskin, ^ who graduated that evening. ! Saddle Cowhide. York leather BILLFOLDS * rUU Y ADJUST A llí * ARTISTIC DCSIGM » IEAUTIFU1 SATIN FINISH * STURDILY I OUT REPAIR Radio and Refrigeration HERB'S RADIO SERVICE 501 Main St. STUNZ LUMBER Your Corner Rexall Drug Store Nyssa Pharmacy LOCAL NEWS with moro g rea t Mr. and Airs. Richard Wells of Sait Lake City and Mr. and Mr.‘ . Charles Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burningham had dinner in Boi-e Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. MaUy left Sat- day for Utah where they will spend this week visiting. When they return they will bring their daughter with them. Mr. and Mrs. William J . Beus a r rived heme Tuesday after spending the past week visiting in Utah. new fe a tu r e s than F irst 4-Wheel Hydraulic Brakes... revolutionized stopping safety, later adopted by all cars. POW ER B R A K E S -sin c e 1932, still not available on many makes. F irst H igh-Com pressio n E n g in e - pioneered far greater drive efficiency. First V-8 with Hemispherical Combustion Chainliers—stands alone today in drive power per horsepower. dot *lfAun S teep First Power Steering . . . introduced new, safer car control that removed the work and strain of driving, still unequaled by imitators. First Waterproof Ignition . . . gives owners of Chrysler- type ears a tremendous “wet weather” starting and anti-stalling advantage! First Safety-Rim Wheels . . . a new way to keep punctured tires from slipping off the riin: enjoyed only by owners of Chrysler-t.vpe cars! First Fluid Drive . . . changed America’s driving overnight with a revolutionary way to transmit power from engine to rear wheels more smoothly! acain t o d a y with the 4 m o s t remarkable modern time Firepower V-8 . . . revolution ary new-type engine, practical ’til now only in European sports cars and aircraft where cost is no factor. Delivers m o re “drive’’ to rear wheels from every drop of gasoline! WHEN YOU SLEEP ON A FAMOUS Safer, easier driving control . . . with the first Full-time Power Steering in any passen ger car that does all the hard turning and parking work for y o u —absorbing all “ wheel (ight”over the {pugh going, too! More power for safer, faster stops . . . big Chrysler Power Brakes (standard equipment) multiply your lightest toe pres sure into instantly effective stopping action. New Cycle- bond linings last far longer! America’s smoothest r id e ... w ith new d o u b le-stren g th shock absorbers. Set» your dealer for a thrilling Chrysler “ Power Ride” the car that gives you far more for your money today than any other! Chrysler New Yorker F ir e P o \ BEAUTYREST Priced at Choose either the Normal-Firm model or the new Extra-Firm model. Matching Box Spring $69.50 Nyssa Furniture Company Block Weal Depot » t*r M 100 k r 1 1 a i enter tainedi with dinner Saturday evening foe III a: i ||n V.r Mar-hall and M e t r Mrs Mary Mar-hall. BfiQTtCT VOM . $i l l they had -pent < days t U i t t a f h i Now Available— Th« New Chrysler Airtemp Air-Conditioning System WAGGONER MOTOR CO. - 118 Good Ave May ia Safety-Check Month at Your Chrysler-Plymouih Dealer's. . . Check Your Car — Check Accidents