u p a c e THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 21. H5J e ig h t Midvale, Utah, were dinner gue-ts at the home of his parents. Mr ar.d Mr« O P Counsil ’niursday. Mrs H Okano called in the afternoon. Later L o ts C o u n c il the two Counsil families drove to Dial 2439 »he Mitchell Butte community to i visit John Knottingham for a ¿hort Mr and Mrs Lloyd Holst and while. Then Stop in at I eonard and Roberta from Caldwell Sunday evening Mr and Mrs were Sunday guests at the Wilbur Lloyd Tobler, M. and Mrs Hudd Chapin home Chapins took them on Robb and Mr. and Mrs Frank Perko the Owyhee lake in the boat. were guests of Mr and Mrs. Leonard 'ln e Worthwhile club will meet Newgen at an oyster stew with Mrs. Emma Wilson May 28 Mrs. Annie Oregg and Herschell And Take Advantage of Our Mr and Mrs. Pete Wilson and Mr. Gregg and children attended services and Mrs. James Langley went to see Sunday evening at the First Baptist the air show in Boise Saturday. church in Ontario. The .-peaker was Mr. and Mrs. Prank Perko went James Cuthbertson. to Ontario Friday to meet Frances Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Pete W il About 500 Started White Pock, White Leghorn Ellis A 2c, who came in from Sacra son and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin mento on the plane. They drove to went up the Owyhee lake in the and N ew Hampshire Chicks. her sisters, Mrs. Don Sayre’s home in boat above the mouth of Dry creek W H I L E T H E Y LA S T . 12c EACH . P L U S 7c Parma, where they had supper. Her They caught a nice string of fish. parents, the Lee Ellis of Homedale Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of PER W E E K FOR S T A R T I N G were also present. They attended the Roswell ate Sunday dinner at the air show in Boise Saturday. She home o f their son. Harley Wilson, Last Hatch W ill be Off May 29 went back to Sacramento on one oi and family. the airforce planes, when they left Friday evening Mrs. Dorothy Rice Dial 3102 1 mi No. on Hiway 20 about 5 o'clock. and Mrs. Helsey of Eagle drove to 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Counsil of the home of Mr and Mrs. Ora N ev- gen. They took Pattle Rice to Eagle for a week-end visit. Many families in the valley at tended the picnic dinner for the end of school Friday in the grade school house at Adrian. Miss Jean Douglas o f Parma and Miss Beth Murray of N;. a were overnight guests Saturday night at the home c l Mr. and Mr-. Ora New gen. Sunday dinner guests at the Ora Newgen heme were Robert Franklin of Parma; the Newgen's nephew, Duane Wilson of Parma and his brother-in-law, Dick Curtis of Cald well. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newgen were Mr. and Mr- Walter Parsons and their daughter, Karen, of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Hilh and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell were in Ontario on business Saturday and then drove to Payette and took in the Blossom Festival there. Sunday Mr. and Mr-. Carl Simp son, Mr. and Mrs. George Folkman and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmiek drove out to Leslie Gulch for a pic nic lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Handley of Raymondville, Texas arrived Sunday for a short visit at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmiek. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dim- mick helped celebrate Butchie Fyl- lingness’ fifth birthday at the home S Y B I L G A M B O G E P R E T T Y P O L L Y , Malheur County's first "Ton of Gold" of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold award '•ow >nd queen of the eighth annual Jersey Cattle Show, is shown i Fyllingness. above with her owners. Hope and Charley Grider, Nyssa. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fyl- | lingness o f this community and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shaw of Harper drove % | over to see the races at Sage Acres. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Didericksen went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Claire Snyder at Caldwell Friday. They re- 1 port that the little Snyder girl, who had been very ill, is almost com pletely recovered. The small daughter o f Mr. and Mrs* Lorin Stone had her head cut 1 in an accident at home so badly it was necessary to have four stitches taken in it Sunday. Sunset Valley S ee the Jersey C attle. W E SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE AS A L W A Y S Ours Is the Only Plant in Malheur County F a rm Im plem ent - Auto Show With State Inspected Moats L EMON S H A T C H E R Y Buy Now While Prices Are Low W EEKEND SPECIAL W e Cut, Cure, W ra p and Freeze HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT 1 mile North, Vi mile West on Columbia Ave. FEED DEPENDABLE > LAY MASH1* Recom m ended * A S p ecial Exhibit F e a tu rin g Ranchway Feeds W ill Be on Display at the JERSEY CATTLE SHOW Meet DON LEE, Salesman For the Ranch W a y Company W h o W ill be There to Demonatrate Sound Feeding Method» Would You . . . TRADE 5c FOR 15c? Dial 3330 Nyssa, Oro. Ny Elevator Nyssa, Oregon Dial 2253 Hope cc. Char’ : * Grider Are Doing That By Visit Our Feeding PURINA DAIRY RATIONS to Tlieir Jersey Cows. They Traded 1-lb. of Purina Dairy Ration (Cost. 5c) For 3-lbs. of Milk (V alu e. 15c) During lhe past 4 yenrs they have traded 13.397 lbs. of P U R I N A D A I R Y R A T IO N , at a cost of S6S9.85. for 40.190 lbs. of milk, for which they received $2.312.20. Farm Implement - Automobile Show Come In And Ask Us For More Complete Information and Let Us Show You How to Make More Profit Dairying Saturday, May 23 — Grade School Grounds For Calves Good Breeding Bill Toomb, owner of the Highest Test ing Jersey Herd in Malheur County on D.H.I.A. Testing, says of Pillsbury's: "I've Fed Pillsbury's Feeds for three For Dry Cows Sound M anage years, and I Highly Recommend This Good Quality Dairy Feed for Calves and cows. (Signed) Bill Toomb ment mm For Heifer Careful Good Sanitation Feeding For 1 Milking Cows . - i ( ' i < it * j v. k* J & iS :i 'ffö I su£ccssful- a complete dairy cycle program must be more than a Feeding I rogram Well bred animals are more efficient producers than scrubs: therefore, pood breeding pays. However, well-bred animals care- e.s.sK handled mean lowered production, so a sound management program is essential Healthy animals are always more profitable than diseased ones which proves the need tor a careful sanitation program to aid in keeping the dairy herd healthy. r h A N D A S K FOR P R O O F T H A T P U R I N A P A Y S . TOBLER’S FEED & FUEL, INC. HOME OF PURINA CHOWS AND PURINA F ARM lPiilsburq's * fe s t D A IR Y F E E D S tViigneil loe (he practical Jjirv (irmef. . . Qu-dit» (ccih carciulh made to "work well" with tour grain .ind roughage and with your own (ceiling method» Come in and lit us explain how Pilhbury’i Bot Feed» can help lout good cow* tias on lull (evil and on full production. SUPPLIES rfW W W W W W W W V W V CALF-RATION if là SAVES W O R K ... TIME . . . M I L K 1 In- successful dairyman, then, combines good Breeding, Sound Manage ment, t areful Sanitation, with Good Feeding to carry out a complete pro- giam thiough all parts of the dairy cycle; dry cows, calves, heifers and milking cows. C O M E IN TO THE STORE W I T H THE C H E C K E R B O A R D S IG N Flllsburys Best M it e mm l 318 South 1st St. Here’s a specialized feed for busy, short-handed farmers and dairymen . . . ideal for raising better calves and reducing the time and hard work usually re quired in tending to them. Come in and let us explain the work saving, milk-saving advantages Of this Pillsbury’s Best method Of raising better calves. A complete, readyto- uee feed — require! only hey, tail, and water. Formulated with «peciel attention to recent find ing! on Vitamin A and D requirements of calve!. NYSSA FEED MILL W e Give TV Tickets »i * ¡V <v * - ■ « ■» Dial 3922 ■