Kingman Kolony Mr». EU Baiseli Dial 2111 i rian .- .a x ! went to B< .-e W tdne - day where they enjoyed the day. Those from this com m unity weie Sharon Fox. Ronald Day and Rus sell Bassett. Mrs. Ed Bassett has been dressing chickens for Mrs Bill Tcomb this E ighth grade graduation wa- held week. Friday night at Adrian. Those iron Mr and Mrs. Bill Toomb returned K ingm an Kolony who graduatec Monday from their trip to Clarkston were Russell B assett, Ronald Day Wash., where they visited with her and Sharon Fox | m other. Mrs Conrad M artin They T he eighth grade pupils and their also visited with her daughter and teacher, Mr P atterso n , cf the Ad- | family. Mrs. V.ncent Scott, at R eu ben. Ore. Mr and Mrs. G lenn Brown and Mr and Mr- Willis C onant and family enjoyed a wiener roast at Willi- Ccnanta Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Jim Phifer took little K athy to the doctor in Nampa Thursday. Leon price from Ironside was a C ustom L au n d erin g Sunday vistor of his parents, Mr. and Mr- L. R Price. Self Service Mr. a:.U Mrs. Claude Day attended :he ball game between Nyssa and H ours, 8 a m. - 6 p.m. Pendleton Saturday. W alter Gray was a dinner guest 10 So. 1st St. Dial 3270 f David Hur.-t Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R Price, with -everal other people, helped Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilett celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday. Mr and Mrs. A1 Thom p-on and Mr. and Mrs. BUI Toomb were some from this com m unity who went on the dairy tour Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W alter G ray and son were week-end visitors with Mrs. G ray’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. French. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn H urst and David attended the wrestling m atch es in O ntario Saturday. Mrs. Ed Bassett suffered a severe cut on her hand Friday and Mrs. L. L. G reaker took her to town to have it sewed. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McConnell of Ny.-sa, Mrs. Curren and her sister. • Mrs. Nixon, from Wisconsin were C om pletely visitors a t the A1 and Hcrschel R em odeled for Y our Thompson homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. K reager de C onvenience livered a saddle horse to the John and Robertson ranch a t Beulah S a tu r day, returning home Sunday. C om fort .e i. Prices Effective Thursday - Friday - Saturday Help-Ur-Salf Laundry WE G IV E F O R BETTER N U T R I T I O N SK IN LESS Our Cool, Spacious Dining Room Icebox Jar Brownie's Cafe D ial 3085 LOCAL NEWS T ra c y M rs. H a rry C o u n c il of and fa m ily were in Hillsboro over the week end visiting a t the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barney. ? GR. ONIONS 3 for 100 GROUND B E E F CARROTS Bunch 70 S AU S A G E . . . 3 lbs. S I Sarouk, K irm an and K ashan are | the three most popular m odern Per-1 sian rugs. . Lb . 3 9 0 3 lbs. S I Loin, Rib. T-Bone ASPARAG U S 2 lbs. 29c STEAKS . . . . Lb. 55c AVAC QD AS Each 2 9 0 BEEF ROAST 20 ounce Swiftning 3 lb. can 24-ounce Sunny Jim V .'V 'N t Lb. 390 'ìbelicùyuó.Lf, îfau ïi! SYRUP of Salt Lake City are here visiting Mr and Mrs. O scar Erwin and other friends and relatives. M rs. G e o rg e C o b e rn FRANKS E a c h ..............................4 9 ç Threeforks, Mont., visited Tuesday! at the Victor H aburchak home. M r.: and Mrs. Tracy are enroute to their j home in San Francisco. M r. a n d 3 for 10c M H T B f l . ■,||i • M rs. E d w a rd R AD IS H ES LOCAL You Have A Treat in Store M r. a m i Quality M eats IS S S V EG ETA B LES 1 IF You Have Not Yet Visited —F am ily D inners —D inn er P arties —G roup L uncheons • ' E a c h ................................ S H O R TEN IN G E a c h ................................................. 8 3 c 46-ounce Del Monte bath size Cashmere Bouquet Bath Soap PICKS ÜP 40 ADS BALES Tomato 3 bars 4 for 7' REVOLUTIONARY, NEW No. 303 tin “A new salad taste treat" S A LA D ETTES 2 f o r .................................................4 5 0 TANG Elimínate the Touches! Job on le u r Farm! Now! You don’t lift a single bale by hand! Snowco Bale Loader picks up round or square bales — even those weighing over 100 pounds. Works on hilly as well as level ground.Truly a one- man operation! Completely self-pow ered. No extra engine—No P.T.O. need ed. Telescoping tow bar places bales anywhere in truck or wagon. Easily at tached in 10 seconds. Many now in use in all parts of the country. Backed by famous Snowco Guarantee. C rrth is revolutionary Snowco Bale Loader jC K on display. Watch it work! You'll be amazed at its surprisingly low cost. Come to tomorrow and ask for a demonstration. / W hile Attending the Jersey Show Be Sure to See Our Equipment Display In the Farm Implement Division Saturday, May 23 H O LLIN G SW O R TH S ', INC. “Y our Jo h n D eere D ealer” 605 M ain na 2 for Quart Salad Dressing Joan of Arc No. 303 390 3 for . . No. 303 | 4 for No. 303 Ida Dell Cream Style CORN Each Del Monte SAU ERKRAUT B U T T E R B EA N S 'Equivalent to two pounds of regular Coffee" chunk Hawaiian Maid f 'f O O M K j