THE N YSSA GATE CITY JO URN A L. N YSSA. CREGCN. Wahlert to Head TM Program Friday A.M. THURSDAY-KRIDAY M AY 21-22 "W AY OF A GAUCHO" Bill Wuhlert will serve as toast­ master over the Friday morning ses­ sion of Nys a Toastmasters club, which meets at Brownie's cafe at 7 a in Other officiating members include Ur Oeorge Cobern, who will intro­ duce the round table discussion topic; Tom Jones, general critic, and Murk Purcell, grammarian Mr and Mrs. No Host Club Mr and Mr Harold Brendle en­ tertained numbers o f their Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Supper club with a n.imburger fry Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner were guests. Bridge was in play during the evening with Mr and Mrs. C liff Mink and Ur and Mrs. George Co- bern winning prizes. Butch Bingman Honored Butch Bingman was honored guest A ttigfM d tO make five-mmute at a theatre party on his 9th birth­ talks are Earl Alexander. Henry day Saturday given by his mother, Mrs Uale Bingman. After the show Hartley and Ted Morgan the guests enjoyed refreshments nt his home. TH URSDAY. M A Y 2!. 1S53 Nyssans Honored at Blossom Festival Five Ny-.sans wrre pecial gue-t-> at the Payette B: om Fe-uval Sat­ urday at Payette. M;-s Larraine Fischer, Nyssa high school senior was an attendant to the queen o f the festival, and Mayor and Mrs Thomas Jones and Pre-idem of the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Jake Fischer were welcomed into guest roles. Miss Fischer participated in the queen's ball May 9 at Payette and was presented a gift by Idaho's gov­ ernor, Len Jordan during pageant ceremonies Saturday. The queen and her court later rode in a parade. In Technicolor with I t o l i Y t'A I.H O l N GENE TIERNEY RICHARD BOONE 111 G il M A R L O W E Th e story of the hard riding ro manne lives of the Argentine Gauchos. SATURDAY, M AY 23 "BLUE CANADIAN ROCKIES" ton Wilson and Mr-. Stan Newman Mrs. Boydell Entertains Mrs. A H Boydell entertained member.' of her Thursday afternoon bridge club at her home, with Mrs Campbell Baer as guest player M r' i Ray Larson won high and Mrs. Lew 1 Herriman won the traveling prize. Hostess to Club Mrs. Homer Jack-on entertained her bridge club Mondaj evening. Mrs. Eddie Powell was high score prize winner. Harold Brendles Entertain Rebekah Lodge Meets The Yellow Ro.-e Rebekah lodge met in regular se-.-uon last Thursday evening with 24 members and one guest present Hostesses were Alene Morrison, Ethel Thompson and Lou­ ise Wernick. Iniation ceremonies are planned for the first meeting in June Mr- Bellon and Mrs. Nettie Bennett are to represent the Yellow Rose lodge at Grand lodge in Portland May 19, 20 and 21. The members aho voted to hold their sunshine meetings the first Friday night of each month in­ stead of in the afternoons. the slim, trim waist overalls for work and play Tuesday Bridge Meets "INVASION U.S.A. I \> I M IIA N O T IE R L IK Y ROBERT lilt I I f it happened today, thi- is how cities will vanish before your eyes. Also 2 reel subject THE VATICAN. Matinee Sun. 1:30 TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY M A Y 26-27 In Technicolor with ROBERT NEWTON LIN D A DARNELL W IL L IA M BENDIX K E ITH ANDES Lusty adventure, glorious ro­ mance a magnificient spectacle Not recommended for children TH U RSD AY-FRID AY M AY 28-29 "THE MAN BEHIND THE GUN" There will be a special gathering of all members o f the Church of Je us Christ of Latter-day Saints at the Nyssa stake house this Satur­ day and Sunday. Elder Lorenzo Hatch, Salt Lake City, a member of the church gen­ eral welfare committee, will be the principal speaker at all meetings, the first of which is a welfare meet­ ing at 6:30 pm Saturday, followed by a priesthood leadership session at 8 ju n. v The public is invited to attend the Sunday meetings, commencing at 10 a m. and 1 30 p.m. GRANDSON BORN A son, Robert Edward, was born May 13 to M Sgt. and Mrs. Elroy B Brady at Great Falls, Mont, it was announced last week. G rand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rust of this city and Mr. and Mr. J. I. Brady of route 2, Nyssa. The boy weighed seven pounds, six ounces. Use Journal Classified Ads. Reports Given at Grange Meeting At a regular meeting of the Or- n Trail Orange May 7, Tom Jones told of an article about farm to market roads and how out-dated they are There was a discussion on the Ox Bow project and a report was given on a recent cattle association meet­ ing, followed by a discussion on the possibility o f school lunches. A report was given on importation of powdered milk without proper specifications on the amount o f bu:- terfat content and a discussion was held on the prices o f foreign good-. Eisner Bush reported on the need of obtaining a lightning eliminator when installing a television set. The Grange voted to give a 4-H scholarship in the amount of $36 Mrs. Alva Goodell, home econom­ ics chairman, reported on a meeting held that day at the Frank Parr home and announced the June meeting would be at the George Cleaver home June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Fern Runcorn ser­ ved refreshments. Wedding Anniversary with GERALD MOHR "BLACKBEARD THE PIRATE" Olsen’s sister. Mrs. Alyce Nelson left Wednesday of last week for a visit with relatives and friends at Buhl. They planned to be gone one week Mrs. Joe Cundall and Mrs. Homer Jackson spent Sunday in Boise and were evening guests at the Fred Jackson home there. Mrs, Don Graham has returned from Los Angeles, where she was called by the death of her brother- in-law, Mark Arley Cameron who for many years worked in motion pictures in Hollywood. Mrs. Cameron will shortly arrive in Nyssa for an indifinite stay with the Grahams Mrs. Ed Spenkie returned Satur­ day after spending the week in On­ tario caring for children. .Mrs. Emily Myers of Ontario spent Sunday at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spenkie. Elder Hatch Here For LDS Sessions Mrs. Jesse Morgan entertained members of her Tuesday evening Saturday Dinner Guests Guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sal­ bridge club at her home. Mrs, Tom Eldridge and Mrs. Ray Larson won lee for dinner Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sheldon of Salt the prizes. Lake City, Mrs. William Smith of Caldwell and Mrs. Lewis Brandt of Iletts Celebrate 50th Boise. SUNDAY-MONDAY M AY 24-25 1*1 « . ( . I ! LOCAL NEWS Sur« o* »hootin’, these famous Levi’» — the original blu« ¡«on» — will outwoar any other overall» you've ever ownedl Copper riveted, extra-heavy blue denim. There are lot» of blue jeant, but there'» only on e Levi's. Look for the Red Tab on the back pocket. In Technicolor with RANDOLPH SCOTT PATR ICE W YM O RK DICK WESSON P H IL IP C ARE Y Mr. and Mrs. James Ilett observed their golden wedding anniversary with open house at their home near Nys.-a Sunday afternoon. Approxi­ mately 100 guests called during the afternoon. Among those present for the oc­ casion were their three sons, Charles Ilett of Nyssa, route 1; Frank Ilett and family o f Boise and Herbert and his family o f New Plymouth. All 14 of their grandchildren were present with the exception o f Pfc. Eugene Ilett o f the air corps, son of Charles Ilett. Mrs. Frank Ilett o f Boise nd Mrs. Herbert Ilett of New Plymouth, daughters-in-law o f the honored couple at the refreshment table. Mr and Mrs. Ilett were married May 16. 1903 at Redwood Falls. Minn They moved to New Plymouth in 1909 and took up a homestead near there. They have made their home near Nyssa during the past year. Wednesday Pinochle Club Mrs. Bill Schoen was hostess to her Wednesday afternoon pinochle club last week. Mrs. Floyd Brown was a guest player. High score prize was won by Mrs. H H Kingrey; Mrs. John Ostrom, low, and Mrs. Nettie Bennett and Mrs. Helmer Ostrom, traveling. Monday Bridge Club. Los Angelt*' a century ago, n nest of intrigue, romance and sin. Mrs. Ted M rgan was hostess to her Monday afternoon bridge club this week. Guest players were Mrs. John Stringer. Mrs. Harold Brendle. Mrs. E i Mr A. C. Sallee. Prize- were a warded to Mrs. Hous- O.E.S. Has Picnic Sunday Members o f the Order of the East­ ern Star entertained the OeMolays, Job's Uaughters and Masons and their families with a picnic lunch Sunday in the Nyssa City park. Ap­ proximately 75 people were in at­ tendance. Games, including croquet, were played following dinner. Dinner A t Nampa Mr and Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kenaston and Su­ san, Mrs. Ethel Mary Beckham, Johnnie and Linda and Harold Rhodes o f Ontario enjoyed dinner Sunday week at the Uewey Palace hotel in Nampa. Eastern Star Meets Golden Rule Chapter No. 131 of the O.ES. held its regular meeting Monday evening at the Masonic hall. Memorial services were held in honor o f departed members. Mrs. Jake Simmons, worthy matron was presented a gift book, “Th e Silver Chalice’’ on the occasion o f he birthday. She was also honored with a birthday cake in the form o f a large open book decorated with flowers. An introductory story was read previously by Mrs. Bernard Frost. Patricia Laxton o f Southgate chapter No. 149, Portland, was a visitor. Following the meeting members assisted in making momentoes for Memorial Day. Refreshments were served by the host and hostesses, Mrs Grant Rinehart, Mrs. Finley Shuster and Mr. and Mrs. Glent Rinehart, Mrs. Finley Shuster and Mr. and Mrs Glen Brown. These Prices Effective Fri., Sat. & Sun. ORANGE COFFEE 89< it BE SURE TO TA K E SEGO M ILK SHORTENING ID A H O Lb. can 7 9 * ROLY POLY OLIVES BE SURE TO ATTEND The Jersey Cattle, Farm Implement DENNISON'S or PIERCE'S Auto Show Saturday CATSUP H O M E -M A DE L IN K SAUSAGE VEGETABLES with Tei» Year Guarantee W arm Next Winter with "W ESCO" Your physician end your pharmacist or« a professional "team ” with just one oim: the protection of your health. Your physician skillfully diagnoses and prescribes. Your pharmaciit fills your prescription with the utmost precision. N E W C A L IF O R N IA SHAFTER SPUDS FIRM — RIPE your veterinary and your pharmacist are at your ser­ TOMATOES vice to protect the health of valuable livestock like WEINERS FRYERS 99* ea( the oustanding, prize dairy stock that w ill be shown This Summer with a Utility at the annual Jersey Show here Saturday. Air Cooler. veterinary supplies and we are at your service See Us for All Cooling and Heating Needs, at all times. Free Estimates Gladly Given Your Corner Rexall Store EDER HARDWARE Don't Forget TV Give-Away Saturday, M ay 23 The Nyssa Pharmacy carries a complete line of TAYLOR’S NYSSA PHARMACY 129 Main 425 A rcadia Blvd. FOOD MARKET