T H E N Y SSA G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L. N Y S S A . O REG O N . PAGE EIGHT T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 14. 1953 M: and Mr George Schwe.zer tig of Grcenleaf, a., i — .re:, Mi Darrell Will.am and Mary grandparents, Mr M: 11 *ard Ellen and Mrs. Howard Evans and Hatch and Donnie «1 Anr.ai. M l l l l t Ol M N U \< < O l N T Mr and Mrs. Pet ’• • V J . Ann of Parma went to Payette Sun­ In the < ounly C o u rt of t h e S t a t e of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ca-teel and Faye day. Oregon fur t h e ( m i n t ' of M a lh e u r Mrs. Lee Householder accompanied Williams, all of Grand I land. Neb , Charley Schweizer to Boise iiltner, Neb. Mi In the Matter of the E-tate of and Elton Shaw a; Sund ay to visit Mr. Schweizer who were Sunday afternooi h culle M.iry Zilpha Bea unten?. Deceased. .- -till confined to the veterans ho-- the Ruvsell Ore--ley hoti p.tal with a blood clot In his leg. T mb, exe- w. Mi i) e Pu:: a ■ Kuna M Orv.lie McEven and children Mary Zilpha daughter, Mrs. Jim S a n visit d n. Nyssa at :he home of her ha- f led h:-> visited at the S i I j B. D>- :: Mr. and Mr -. C. V Tillman, Friday. Lx> •' r and called on Mr.-. Belle Rooney in Mr. and Mrs. Omar H ir Coun- M C Parma. curt ha.. dren had dinner in We Mr. and Mr Grant Patter.-on, . h DeHii ed June 1. 1953. it 11:00 Ai.li Mr. and Mr . D Mr h fund Maw and G. Iden Drap­ ic wet k -end Max.lie Kygar .«petit '.1 for the A. M. o: er attended a pageant Thursday eve­ id Firiul .n Bo.se with her brother -in-law and ning in Caldwell. of objec n Frankl.n, lemei thereof, sister, Mr. and Mi I> brought her Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters and : and the and ..oils. The Franklin m si ; Mrs Byrd W alten went NO\ THEREFORE til persons home Sunday afternoon. Vale Monday morning on bu.-iness. of Mary ltd in the E -fate t Kristie Rice celebrated her sixth A geneology meeting was held at Zilpha Beaumont, Deceased, are birthday Wednesday with a party at hereby notified and required to ap- her home given by her mother, Mrs. the Roland Maw home last Friday evening with 17 persons pre.-ent Mr. pear • at a the County Court Room in B b Rice. Refreshmen’ of cake and and Mr Loyn Blacker of Ontario thi Court House at Vale, Malheur ire cream were served to Eldon and were among those attending. C mii’.y, Oregon, at .«aid time, to then Vernon Slippy, Billy Martin, David Mr and Mrs. Oscar Houston visit­ and there show cause, if any theie Sumpter and Mary English. ed with her mother. Mrs Ro.-a Kirt- be, why aid Final Account should Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoke received ley, at the nursing home in Ontario not be ettled, allowed and approved word that their daughter and son- Saturday. Mrs. Kirtley is improved. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lovitt and chil­ and -aid E-tate be di.-tr.buted by the in-law, Mr. and Mr« Melvin Rook- stool, of Ordinance, Ore . have a dren spent Sunday with her parents, Decree of said Court. Dated and first published April new daughter, Debora Diane, born Mr. and Mrs. Carl Callahan near Roswell. April 28. 30, 1953 Mr and Mrs. Bill McEwen of On­ Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walter-, drove Date of la.->t publication May 28, to Boise Sunday to .spend the day tario, and Jim McEwen and son, 1953. with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Randy, of Boise called at the Orville William B. Toomb McEwen home Sunday afternoon. Ralph Jones. Executor of the Estate of Mary Sunday guests at the Gram Pat­ Mrs. Tomotsu Rujln and sons of terson home were Mr. and Mr.«. Paul Zilpha Beaumont, Deceased. Ogden are visiting here with her Blaylock of Nyssa and his parents, Clyde H. Snider parents, Mr. and Mrs S. Hori, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Blaylock of Og­ 18 North 3rd Sstreet, Nyssa, Ore­ her sister, Mrs. M Atagi. den, who are visiting here. Mrs. Pat­ gon, Attorney for Administration. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peutz went to terson is a niece of the J. Q. Blay­ McCall Saturday morning to spend locks. NOTICI a few days with Mr and Mrs. Bert O K K meeting will be held Wed­ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Brewster. nesday afternoon. May 20, in On- OF THE INTERIOR. Bureau of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatt went fish­ Land Management. Land Office, ing Sunday near Unity where they J Use Journal Classified Ads. Swan Island Station, Portland 18, caught their limit. Oregon April 2, 1953 Notice is here­ Mr and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and by given that on December 26. 1951, sons and Mrs. Bob Rice and daugh- i Iven H Findley, Ontario, Oregon, ters drove to the Steppich ranch a- filed application Oregon 02239 under pove Midvale Sunday to visit Mr.« Section 8 of the Taylor Grazing Act | Henry Slippy. of June 28, 1934 '48 Stat 1269», a . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner had Optometrist amended by Section 3 of the Act of 1 dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs June 26, 1936 »49 Stat 1976: 43 U S C Claude Skinner and children In the Eyes Examined ec 315g>, to select the S E '.N E 'i, | evening Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skin­ SE:i, E1îSW'r , S W ',S W , sec. 4, ner and children had supper with NW , . w 1 NE ’, . N W .S W , sec . 9, Mr and Mrs. Louis Skinner. Phone 9-2312 T. 19 S „ R 46 E . W. M , Oregon, i Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Ahrens and 713 Arthur St. acres, in exchange for the NW Î4- family of Nampa. Mr. and Mr- D. NE! i, SE ; .■ NE1,, SE1,, W« sec. 29, A. Vanscoy and family of Payette Caldwell, Idaho T 19 S . R. 46 E . W M . Oregon, 600 and Mr and Mr- Max Sch veizer f I Ice is fen K Wa of all wing all persons having bona guests at the home of their paren fide objections to the proposed ex­ change an opportunity to file their objections in this office within 30 days from the date of first publica­ tion, together with evidence that a copy of such objections has been ser­ ved on the applicant. Frances A. Patton. Manager. First publication April 23. 1953. Last publication May 14. 1953. i r<;%L %DVf r t is in g REPAIR . . . Washers — Çefrigeralors Ranges — Small Appliances Appliance Dial 3002 Main WE STAND BETWEEN YOU AND LOSS' Bob Thompson Agency Dial 3355 FURNITURE & Appliances From America s Leading Manufacturers LECTRO HOST: RANGES FREEZERS GIBSON: REFRIGERATORS EASY: WASHING MACHINES Conventional and Spinners TELEVISION: By WESTINGHOUSE BENDIX EMERSON UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE: By B. P. JOHN FURN. CORP. since 1891 SUPERBILT with the super-eze club chair KEN-MAR Contour club chairs CASE GOODS: By B.J. JOHN FURN. CORP. Since 1891 LOS ANGELES PERIOD LEXINGTON CHAIR LEE OF PERU, IND. CHROME DINETTES: By CHROMCRAFT CASTLETON DOUGLAS MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS: By ENGLANDER With Goodyear Airfoam WOOL RUGS: By ROXBURY Since 1859 LINOLEUM: By ARMSTRONG TERMS—Reasonable down payment, two years to pay. NO CARRYING CHARGE. SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. WE WILL NOT LET YOU PAY TOO MUCH. ED CASE FURNITURE CO. U S. 20 No oí Y "North Main St.* Nyssa, Ore. TYPEWRITERS Chine-e philosophers have regard­ ed women a- the principle of evil All Makes Bought—Sold—Rented—Repaired More me bitters Boise. than women are nail- Fletcher’* Typewriter Exchange P.O. Box 459- Ph. 26961- Idaho color advice without extra co room decoration can be! Patterns from famous m ills ... Florals, stripes, geomet­ ries and scenics in many color combinations for bedrooms, living rooms, halls, nurseries, kitchens and bathrooms. 12 FREE FOLDERS Each an authentic discus­ sion of ways to use wall coverings in some room in your home Get the fold­ ers of your choice —free! Don B. Moss Firestone Store Dial 2124 Official Opening Softball League May 19. Jamboree Tonight at Rodeo Grounds Owyhee Mr. and Mrs Byrd Walters enter­ tained with dinner Saturday night M Rex Waller.« ot B ;-e, who pent the night here with his parent.«. T h ose attending the Boy Scout circus in Caldwell Saturday evening from this community were Mr. and Mr« Gerald Slippy and sons and Dar roll Slippy. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Mill and sons, Mrs. M Atagi and son.« and Kiyharru Hori and Geraldine and Margaret Morinaka Mr and Mr- George Johnstone and children of Haines visited here Sunday. Tuesday Mrs. M. Atagi and Mr- Kenneth McDonald accompanied the children of the fourth grade and « »me other mothers to Givens Hot Springs near Marsmg where the group swam and had lutu-h Mr- Geo. Riddle is the teacher of the fourth grade. Sunday evening supper guests at the Rus-eli Oressley home were Mr- Leah Curran and her sister. Mrs Nixion, of Elmw.od, 111. Mr. and Mr F rre«t Moore and daughters of Nampa, and Mr.« Sam McConnell Mr and Mrs. C L Vandewall of Ny a called at the Werner Peutz home Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Donald Hatt were Saturday evening visitors in Parma in the Earl Hmman home. Mr and Mr.« Keith Kygar and children of Parma, Mr and Mr.«. Earl Kygar and children, Mr and Mr- Lynn Kygar and Maxine and Mr and M: Don Franklin and sons of Boise, called in the Florence Ky­ gar home Sunday. Max Linville arrived Sunday at the home of h;.« parents fr, m Kansu« City, Mi1 . where he has been for the past few weeks. Mr« Donald Hatt entertained last Sunday with a birthday party for both her son and daughter whose birthdays are just a few day« apart. Guests were Mr and Mrs Richard While and Blair. Mr and Mr- Earl Hmman and Linda, and Ed Wyman, all or Parma Mr and M Dv.un Hatch and children of St ir. Mr« Du k Davis and Stevie of Homedale, Mr- Henry Reuter and H :m e and* N a Mr« Vernon Parker and Mari­ lyn. ail of Ad:.an. Mr« Shirley a ;- Bad Stcndard epproved wiring; full brick chimney in good condition; continuous fire-resistant foundation under all walls; approved rooting Li good condition. You can easily tell at a glance which house is the better fire insurance risk. It’s also easy to understand that a fire insurance company insuring "p re ­ ferred” properties only will have fewer losses than a company insuring all types. General Insurance Company insures good risks only; rejects the bad. Sav ings are passed on to the owners of good properties. ♦ N O W —solve your who/e room color scheme prob* lem when you select your w allpa per pattern. Yes, with every one of our 400 exclusive, high-sryle pat. terns you get Decorator- selected color schemes for painting ceiling, walls and woodwork. See how easy — how sure —how delightful NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate <:f Wilbur A. McNall, also known c W A McNall, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned has been duly and regularly appointed the Executrix of the above entitled estate. All person.« having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre.-ent the same, verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 18 North Third Street, Nys.-a, Oregon, at the Office of Clyde H. Snider, her attorney, within «ix months of the date of the fir.«t publication hereof. Thelma Elizabeth Parr Executrix of the Estate of Wilbur A. McNall, also known as W. A. McNall, deceased. Date cl fir-,t publication April 30th, 1953 Date of last publication May 28th, 1953. ■Mrs . Kenneth Mi Donald Itiiil 3209 v Of o o to WESTINGHOUSE: LAUNDRO MAT TWINS WASHER & DRIER RANGES REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS HOT WATER HEATERS OR. G.W. GRAVES tario at the home of Lulu 0¡nv«u?ad Mr- Lura Mittlestead and Mrs. Dorothy Wtlson will assi.-t. Substandard makeshift wiring; chimney in de­ fective condition; semi-open foundation; poor roofing in highly combustible condition. Poorly maintained property. That’s how the General’s preferred risk fire insurance policyholders have saved 15% on their fire insurance year after year. It’s that easy. Your home or business property may qualify for this common-sense, money­ saving fire insurance. If so, you get strong capital stock protection and speedy claims service that assures you better fire insurance . . . at a saving. Call us t o d a y .. . no cost or obligation. Seo if y our property qualifies as a Preferred Fire Insurance RisL TH Ï CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY of P r » f » r r » d R i t k i RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 6697 G E N E R A ]- Nyssa, Oregon YOUR PROTECTION IS OUR PROFESSION i FIRE AUTO CASUALTY MARINE v y