THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY M A Y 14. 1353 furiai Wittes Eagles Auxiliary Meets Member--' o ! the Eagles auxiliar-. mot May 5 with Madam prv-ider.: Lena Tyler presiding. Mr- Virginia Brandt was appointed conductor for the ensuing year by president-elect. Gladys Byers. Barbara Jaques wa appointed on the state resolution c -mmittee. Ruth Collins was ap­ pointed chairman of the State Ch.ld Welfare committee. Mrs. Alta Hipp won the raffle gift Elected as delegates to the state convention were Gladys Byers and ,*• . c cream ar. h •*♦-: ■ ■ ( i>t Ontani *9 w.ih a p- tluck -upper at 7 p m. .nan of .he pr 'jert in h r. r of the drill team. Enter­ tainment will be furnished by the Couples Attend Queens Mr and Mrs C " Meets officers Ball In Payette Saturday Mr and Mr- Ed* ird Boydell en­ • M ,. V. I . Aden Wilson and Mr- Angie Cook. tertained member- f their Mr and and Mrs B- o Wilson. Mr and M: Mr- bridge club at their :. >me Mr- Mi il .Stan Newman v u high and Oleu Hugh 1 St. Paul’s Guild r th and Sirs and Mi Jake F. won low her attended the Queens ball in -s ' I’ a .1 Episcopal guild met Mon- Payette Saturday nigh: Queens and • : Mr- Wes­ 1 princes.-e.' of the Apple Bli ■ m fe - ley Br vne with Mr- Ralph Lawr­ Deloras Coffman Honored Deloras Coffman was guest of tival were crowned Lorraine Fisch­ ence as co-hoste--. Mr- Hilda Ten- honor at a bridal shower g.ven at er is a princess representing \> - a sen had charge of devotions. Plans were made for a welcoming her home Friday evening Games high school. dinner May 20 for the new minister were played after which, she opened of the church. Compilation of a many lovely gifts. Refreshments of Miss Meili Honored M > . ¿t t ira i m ) .- Personnel of the Malheur Me­ morial hospital honored M - Flor­ ence Meili with a shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs U H Neiger. A gift o f silverware, m a chest was presented to Miss Meili Bunco was in play during the eve­ ning. with prizes going to Beth Woodard. Florence Meli and Esther McCormick. <•—•»* W E SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE AS ALWAYS Ours Is the Only Plant in Malheur County With State Inspected Meats Entertain On Mother's Day Mr and Mrs. Harold Brendle en­ tertained at a picnic dinner Moth­ er’s Day for Mr and Mrs. h L Peterson, Mr and Mrs W L. Peter­ son and family and Mr and Mrs Chellsey Bower of Ontario. Buy Now While Prices Are Low Civic Club The regular May meeting of the Nyssa Civic club is slated for 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. May- 20 at the Episcopal parish hall Guest day. a May Day program and the welcoming of new members will be featured Mrs. Clyde Snider, chairman of the program and tea committee, will i b y Mrs C A v i Mi W e Cut, Cure, W rap and Freeze HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT Dial 3330 Nyssa, Ore. 1 mile North, V a mile West on Columbia Ave. K 1 . - ,:h Ti’.e pr gram which will be presented by grade school chil­ dren. will include a colonial dance. ; ) and - : bat; i-.umbt: and lections by the junior high mixed page rive M C..H :d Me::- rd wa- honored her- by M: Deloru - Du us, accom- a- the y ingest m her panied by Mist Phylln Cheldelin. H i. mu ir.d Mr*. en small plan’ .- Council helped Mi Morfitt with her -ifi Mi- Emiline Attend Family Reunion Fmaling was given a cor age after Mr and Mr- Carlo Buchner and ‘ * mdm* oi th? l * ine and ribbon family and Mr- Ralph White of »hewed her a- winner. Membership duos oe aelcomeii and new programs tor the ensuing it the year vill be given out. Mr-. Lloyd and children of Payette attended a clo''e oi the evemn*- Wilson, president, announces. family reuninn Sundav at the home 0f Mr, g \ Dei.n at R o m . • A rabbit should not be lifted by ears. Women’s Society of Mr Buchner. Mrs White and M: Weidner are son and daughters of Christian Service Mrs. Devin. Holds General Meeting Mr H M Nelson of il e wa- guest speaker when members of the W S. C S of the Methodist church met Thursday afternoon at the home f Mrs Paul Penrod Mr Nel-i n told of the activities of the North­ west Jurisdiction meeting she at­ tended recently at Spokane. Installation of officers for the coming year was held with Mrs Nelson as officiation officer Those .nstalled were Mrs James Stephen, president. Mrs. Eugene Gra.sty. vice president; Mrs. Lloyd Tobler, re­ cording secretary and Mrs. Clifford Fox. treasurer. Secretaries in the other lines of work Included Mrs Carlo.s Buchner. Mrs. W W Foster. Mrs. R. M Cochrun. Mrs Kinsey Keveren, Mrs George Coleman Mr... Cliff Main, Mrs. Charles Steffens, Mrs. Leo Gonyer and Mrs. Anna Johnson Mrs. Paul Penrod was in­ stalled president of the Mary and Martha circle and Mrs John God­ dard. the Ruth and Naenu. Mrs. James Stephen, Mrs. Cole­ man, Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Kinsey Keveren, who recently returned from LaGrande where they attended the conference meeting of the W.S.C.S., reported on the meetings there. After the meeting, refreshments were served by the hoste.-s and Mrs. Leslie Topliff, Mr-. Evan Tobler. Mrs Leroy Herrman and Mi Clil- :ord Fi x. Mrs. Büchner and Mrs. Hartlev Entertain Mi v. rl - B ; hner and Mr . Henry Ilunley were hestes.-es at a luncheou given Thur.-day honoring ;he new and retiring officers of the V. v s . 'h \1- .. : i huren V( Mi :1 1 . McCalli • r, 5 M Henry Nelson ol' B uim : Mi . Walter McPartland Mi Kin Keveren. Mrs. James Siephen, and Mrs. Gene Gr.istv. Roberta Morfitt Honored At Pre-Nuptial Shower Safe motoring Mi - Roberta \li rf 11 • * n honored Friday night it a bridal hower given for her at the Masonic hall bv Mr- Phyllis Council and Mr- Du-k Stock- ham, co-hostesses. Number- on the program, given during the evening were a solo by Miss Patsy Yoneyama accompanied by Miss Glenda Moss and tap num- begins with servicing by experts O ur men are tops in the trad e . . . th a t’s why th ey're h ere! Y ou ’ll like their better w ay o f doin g th in gs! PLAY IT SAFE! DRIVE IN TODAY! Don’t risk driving with cracked windshields or windows. REPLACE TODAY! BERRETT'S Service SUPERIOR Paini & Glass 110 Main Dial 234S Dial 3002 T. E. (Tom) Sparks, Mgr. : ........... • > . _ Mothers Honored At Services Sunday Phileo ( Console Everyone Is Eligible Mr Joseph Bair, 79 was honored | Sunday morning as the oldest moth- ! er present at the I.DS 2nd ward Mother s Day services at the church Mr.s Herbert Sanders and Mrs. Jos­ eph Flake with 8 children attending were presented with ferns for having the largest families in attendence. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER W C R IC 'S I f ACINO ’f P i w r e B A B Y BOOK S P E C I A L A complete record for baby from birth to school days. With baby’s own picture on front cover. TOTAL PRICE FOR B A B Y BOOK AND C O V E R PORTRAIT O N L Y $4.98. A coupon for cover portrait is included with each album making this an Ideal gift. Offer good only until present stock of books is gone. Set Your Tickets From Your Nyssa SCH0EN PORTRAITS 114 South 3rd St. To be Given Away Saturday, May 23 Nyssa. Oregon Dial 6648 for Appointments At 5:30 P, M., Following the JERSEY C A TTLE -A U rO -IM PLE M E N T SHOW Holder of Winning Ticket Need Not Be Present. Winner Must Claim TV Set Within 48 Hours. Name of Winner Will Be Ported in Idaho Power Co. Window. ELIGIBILITY RULES 1 TV Tickets Will be Given on All Cash and Credit Sales. * (Credit Sales Tickets at Discretion of Merchant) l . 1. ¡M lO lt. VHd FAVORITE WITH UTAH AND IDAHO HOUSEWIVES • Fast freezing on cill 5 inside surfaces • Outside walls that won't sweat • Quiet fan-less operation • Smart new table-top design • Spring-freth green interior* 4 Model* — 4 Size* — 4 Price* 2. One Ticket lor Every Even Dollar Value of Purchase. 3. Families of Owners and Managers of Business Firms Participating Not from e A * /» 0pp o W " * 2 8 9 95 tow Down Payment—Easy Termt | Eligible to Receive Tickets. This Promotion Sponsored by NYSSA BUSINESS MEN S ASSOCIATION “ Shop Nyssa And Nothing Can Stop Nyssa" OWYHEE TRUCK AND IM P LE M E N T . CO M PA N Y N Y S S A d°or | 1 I | I I _ .--* ~ Jeep WHERE THERE’S A It’ s where they keep the ’Jeep’ . . . when the Jeep is not busy . . . hut on most farms the door s wide open. Year around, the ’Jeep’ is kept on the go, for it tills the need o f so very many tasks on a farm . . . for farm crans- portation, for hauling, for pushing, and, with power take-off, it supplies numerous shaft and belt driven operations . . . there is little wonder the door o f the ’ Jeep’s’ garage stands open— the ’Jeep’s off working. New 195 3 4-Wheel-Drive Universal ’Jeep’ powered by the famous Hurricane F-Head Engine . . . 20% more horsepower, increased performance with greater operating economy. ROBERTS-NYSSA, Inc. 2nd and Good Nvssa