* • « THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NY S3 A. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 14. 1953 PAGE FOUR Eulldcgs Split In Fradice Tilts Da rö i.* e-up games reparation lo r n t Pendlet >: 7-Al d^tr:- ». played la In the the Build 4 Thursday at K.ng-j 8-2 \ r mpi a o ver \ B *e Motid a y high *. ho which wa* acta d< s* 2-1 on an earr.t Savage ior the B strikeout*, gave up issued three ba*e* or. Levej y and V a-r leading Bulidjg hi", ter*, each g e - tin * two ior three Vaughan and for four at ba i iib each sc red : wo r .u. ■>. Tne other one Was made by Sr.odg ras*. Only extra-ba-e blows, double.-, •wire made by Lovejoy and Talbot for the Build g Allen made a three- ba*e hit for Bot-e. The Ny -a Fro-h-Soph team al*o lost to Bo..*e by one run, the score being 5-4 Nyx.*a battery was Thomp son and B Lovejoy. In the Vale encounter six of the Bulldog runs were made in the first inning by the first six men up. Vaughn. Talbot. Snider, Lovejoy Cox and Savage Talbot scored again in the second and Mace in the third V,,.. the fifth and were made by Swift and Jack-on. both on Bulldog errors Fallowing the Bo.-e game* the Nyssa team* were guest- of the management of the Boise Yankee for the game between the Yank* and Billings, which wa* v. r. by the Mon- ana team 6-4 "C- mpi nmd Ml mean* of sound 8 Keverenmen Qualify for State Meet Satinettes vs C. of C. Feature Findling to Head Softball lamboree at Rodeo Grounds Nyssa Ciub Cet Fu O . ar wa* e. ect- Pendleton Will Meet Bulldogs Here Saturday jalopy Event Draws Record Crowd, Entries earn mcmo-tr- beer, a ru: : a e . i : r the pe ail :ea- ture game : the S- ítbai: Jarr:t>rce P ir.dlet.un high s c h e i will be the If- >n : > c rv Gii- : -night Th urscUy * by the ma: tager» g: une* every Sunday Ny "a 3-.11 : g upp. n -:.t a pi i> - cf the Sa: . f K.nsey Ke Ny • a gair. - to decide ihe Eastern Che ....moer oí commerce. x: ..tree week-, according » plated m n: ruent oy Lynn Sr.tdgra- ba-.-ball champ.tr. h.p. it wa* l r to help t Satin satinettes tr.ar.- Wavr.ard Talb Í the spcr.scnng Owyhee Nv i tra i team *. n tht 34m a , . r named Betty H.ll ant Ezma a V Wil n. N .................................. . r .. Orej n T r a 2 k a Pea: n as his starting battery Oth- g June 10. the p .palar or: cipa!. F. .d ila** A meet a : LaGrar g ggle *p rt wall be heiu Winner cf the playoff ch--d'jlecl t . members c i the girls' team are The 15-man team fr:m N ¿ach We rr.e-dav r.igh: un.tl fall. f r 8 15 pm Saturday cr. : he Bull- Vela Dee P _tl-cn. Rea Pearson. rnu ->ed a total cf 60 1 4 po Va Kathryn C iie x a n . Sharon Glover. dog d.am r.d, will repre e:.- Uu * 5r. ugru ■ said more .han second place Or.ta; ': I iyn N ............... x jaiop.e- were enter d :n -net ;n the state h.g.i -ch* l dase- ^ Thirty- Grande high sch 1. la*: yea: races, nece--.rating lour ball tournament a: Alban;, May 21 Myrtle Barth l.m a. Pa: Barclay. tier, was third with 41 point - L . Bur.gum ? a t K.eseL. r*; ar.d * f -, every event, with n:r.e oa:* and 22 Other schccls were Herm;* >n 18 : .u y*. Pendleton wen the d :-:r ict 7-A1 Z. a .r.e Glover. .ne ‘ ne points; Pendlet.n, 15 point: E.ll 5:h:rem an. C cf C manager, The cr vd g :: Just w hat'll came bunting in the final game c:; a play- h.gh school. 13 points; V e, 12 w see _ a spectacular pile-up of Tue*day named Bert Lienkaemper and Dick :: points, and Baker, 7 : , points Yc *t a* his *tarting battery Firs f.ve tar- with several ether exciting n.gnt. Ny-.-a was crowned d. trie. 7-A2 "i.r t string' lineup include*. Elmer This is the third time that Nyssa tv.;:, r h.<; penmgs including a blown champion by beating Vale and On Cruscn. 1st ba*e; L - r.ard Hewett has won the qualifying meet s.r.ce t.re - n i.e of the turns. 1310 The fir-t time wa ir. 1949. f- .- B^d H gel wen the A-mam event, tario in a playoff serie* a : Vale 2nd ba*e. Glenn Barton, shortstop H .. Her.ig-jr. 3rd ba*e, and C. Si : iwed by a repeat ir. 1950 Ontario ji :. -e . and third spot *'..11 un April 24 and 25 Tyler. Lew Herriman and Ralph was the winner in 1951. decided. Lawrence, outfielders. Coach Keveren will leave th_* Tlie B-m a:n event was won by Thursday with his squad for Cor- R nn.e Marshall, with "Pickles ' Almost certain to see action m the three-inning game ir e Jerry Flesey, vallis. where the state meet will be Rudy driving Charles Rittenbaugh's Paul Penrod. Ted Morgan, Wilton held Friday and Saturday Those No. 25 a first time e n try Jackson. Jake Ptsher. Fred Bracken. who qualified last Saturday were -ecor.d and Harold Vogt third Rob Hartley, 440-yard dash; Junius Elbert Hatch, in winning the Red Waggoner, Bob Thompson. Earl Tanner, low and high hurdles. Bob trophy da-n. showed the best time H uingsworth, Ous Liming. Bernard Amble, discus and javelin throw which was 20.11. The television “bug" ha* bit the Ea* : man. Emil Pa ulus. J Lewis. C ar Teddy Keck, pole vault; Lesi.e Hiatt, Shirley Thomas presented the los Buchner. Duane Alters and Scott javelin thrtiw; Harry Bumgarner. trophie* — ar.d received the tradi general public in Ny**a and sur Pearson. rounding communities, with local mile run. and Harold Bumgarner ar.d tional kisaes. Pre-game ceremonies include dealers making extensive plans to Kenneth Toomb, high Jump meet the needs of buyer* when the -short concert by the Nyssa Muni- Amble set a new record in the first telecasts, scheduled for July. csPa - band, directed by Leon Burt, discus throw at Saturday* meet. are made from Boise. and introduction of Nyssa Softball heaving the discus for a distance of 3even births, including a set of In addition to possible "far.-" and association commission members and 146-feet. 4 3 4-inche*. T h ;, better* twin*, were recorded during the past dealers, the Nyssa Busine- Men's officials of the Jamboree by Howard the mark of 142-feet. 10-3 8 inches ■week at Malheur Memorial hospital. association has become interested t o ------------------------------------------------------- et by a former Nyssan, Lew Long, « folio VI the extent of giving away a TV *e: The distaff side of a family is the in 1950 Ta:nner tied the ex:¿ting May 7—A daughter to Mr and on a plan in which a majority of female side record of 21 .7 for the low hu:rdles. Mr* Benigno Molina, Parm a, a son Nyssa business firms are participa -et by Hens!lee. Pendleiton. in 1952 to Mr and Mr Andra- Coronado, H a al- i wan the high hard les R. .. Parma, ar.d boy-girl twins to Mr ting The first set will be given May 23 and plans are being made for a time Of 17 1. ar.d Mrs Je*-e Huffman. Parma further TV prizes. Hart! ey wa * clocked a : 53 9 in •»•in- May 8—A daughter to Mr. and Wilson Bros. Department St re. Mr- The dr re Tt.-ke. Ny.-.*a, ar.d a Petersen Furniture C and the Fire .. • Mr and Mr* Horace Chaney, stone Store have the it . extern-tve Parma. lin es of te le v isio n se:> anc Mav 10—A .- r. to Mr ar.d Mr* Wil on Br. *A'a¿ the N rbtrt Saraz::.. Nv- a struct a special TV : 12 A da iter to Mr. and an aerial on u p o f th: M. Oiiver Free!. Adrian. lei Brencile, n.n: .id r TV "Bug" Bites aki.g Public; Dealers Plan For Sales Births Double-Header Softball League Play In Nyssa j ed pre-.dent f the Ny a Riiie and Pi*tol cluo at an election meet.ng la : fr.d a j li t -ucceed Ralph L a w rence. Other elected include Cliff Main, vice pre ident; Percy Capper, execu tive officer. Neal Nicholson, chief instructor; John Strickland, chief range officer. Vernon R .bert*on, *ec- retary - tr, i-urer. and Harold Kurtz, publicity chairman. The new officer- will take office at the fir*t meeting in June The club * -ecor.d -cheduled shoo* is *et for this Sunday a: the range way. Waggoner Motor* will meet Holl- mgsw rths'. Inc in the first game f a d;ubie-header Tuesday night to mark the official opening of the Ny -a Softball league at the rodeo ground* In h e second game Berrett's Serv- lce *•'* ^ 4 ' Trucking Co. of Fayette, only team in the league 0Ut~'He of Nyssa. Scheduled tune .or the firs: game :s T 3 ? „ „ A: 1 30 P m FYtday. May 22, Nys- sa LDS 2nd ward will play Tobler's Feed For the second game Hollings worths’ will schedule a game with an outside team for a double-header feature. Tuesday. May 26. May Trucking will play Hollingsworths' in the 7:30 p m. game and Berrett's will meet LDS 2nd ward in the second. All games will be played at the rodeo grounds under supervision of the Nyssa Softball association. The first half will end June 19. HOT W A T E R It week and claims the t to erect a "bin cage” Mr ( N. Neely ami ie A K k n<l soi Ki, Mi ... M .. V ; Wedi a; the Cliff Mum h me. of ning the 440-yard da.-h, but came in : uitii t Lucher if Mte high a. the 220 Forbe - wa* fifth in the 440 Ha.-rv Bumgarner in winning the mile rur wa* 4 :55 2. Han Id Bumgarner crosse d the bar a: 5-fe et, 8-inche* to take the high jump. Pcomb t.ed with Jack on. On- tarlo. and Adam , LaOr inde, for *ec nd place Ny- t gained a f r it si d -econd i:i the javelin throiv. Hist t besting :iie fieId with a th •OAT of 155-feet, 6-inche*. Amble placed second. Tin* Build a pia >d f. urth In the 830-vard relay, which was won by Bcem. r iyiar and Ja. k >n of On- BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME . . Choose Your DRAPES I rom Our V/ido Soloclicn N'.'s-a ■Ü-- " of D esicn3 and Colors a • • y n m n o im r a iM / t i ñ u u ifc c e n in o m i ■ • j nun Ÿ more „ -O - . . ( V /e a ih e r P e r m i t t i n g ) ¡>¿ v .•> . . , T Ì •* ~ *&£**!• 1763.86 locally buys a 1953 GMC Pickup w ith: 105 111’ Yiilve-in-he«d Hntfine • H.O to 1 (Com pression Ratio • “ 6- Footer” Cub • 45-Ampere Generator • Double-Acting Shock Absorbers • Recirculating Hall - Hearing Steering • Self- Energizing Brakes • Syn ch ro -M esh T ra n s mission • 6-l’ ly Heavy-Duty l ire*. SfcteMI 111-23. DUA14MN<X TSUCK mtXA-MATIC md IM» . ’ -'•’a* cm I la il t ■ tr>af v a r f slightly I n adjom .ng cornai-» ■ > . « I d .a U i U I i . . ' > * ' < ®* J * o are helped by If the oik - .tp;tealed the Community Che: to us directilv wed help like the good Americans we are We wouldn't investigate the merits of each ea*e because we wouldn't have the time We'd Just reach for our w allet - Now the Com munity Chest, acting as our agent, and knowing the kind of people we are. ha- p: mised our help to some of our neighbors who both need and deserve It Let's back ’em up. •If you'll address your own in- -urauoe que-t thi- fftce. well try to g te you the correct answers a A i pnces subject to chongo ^ thowt not e«. i o* charge or obligation <ti any kind ROBERTS-NYSSA, Inc. \ y ss% Nyssa Inaurarne Agency o lii ( .o s 1*5 M ain SU. P ia i ?34t D aredevil Drivers jp ecial r urcha^e Fassed Sjpl v r • r 4 "j-w k ~ n i L J i u WHILE TrlEY LAST RECKLESS Thrills G alore u U 2 ' E A n x ! / "Z» ' ~ 1 s - ’ t r j WJi. < liii/ a - i ‘ , \ r " f t I * T , : o i l : . i nk of c . rs will ti l you * that the G .1 Fora. Harvester lca.i-. jn l-]cani fa?t, uniform chopping, givts \ . . . saves time and man,* *cr. Tlie Hay Pickup At- tachment sweeps up dry hay, com bined straw or grass from wind row, chop-, and drops it into r wagon at 1 'j to 3 acres y-* . ^ per hour. Powered \ with own en- ^ r-w s Kine or power - aJT JiU i --u. lake .IT. Admission $1.00 Cm FURNITURE CO. Sponsored by (: . w 'J S o f t b Tuesday, Ma ■ «Sii j IS -Rodeo Grounds FA ST-M O VIN G DOUBLEHEADER . 1st G am e 2nd G am e W aggoner Motors M ay Trucking vs vs Hollingsworths' Berreti's Service LEAGUE GAMES EVERY TUESDAY - FRIDAY B <& M FARM SOFTBALL JAMBOREE EQUIPMENT CO. Thursday, M ay 14—7:30 P.M.—Rodeo Grounds Dial 2207 X 4 delivered ---------- & ----------- s V . « C12 Arcadia •- R aces Start 2 P.M. 1 V ^ va», L<rt j in Wh n Y tu 'rc In Town and See It and Ask for a Dcmonstralion . , TER "-^rcr 4 for 3 - way h n r - t vesting . . . five f t Mower Bar handles low growing or heavy tall growing I crops; Row Cr. ;> Attachment cuts and chops c rn. cam, etc. Any of the three , units at la* lied in a few minutes. The answer to everyday Insurance problems WJ A4E.NI E Í ü QUICK CHANGE OVIR LAWRENCE noon **•» C J T '. j W -.f Cot RALPH •qcrtpfltent, occ#i*ori®». K ’7 Owyhee Riding Club r !»;>:•. V * - ............. BY I ' In Bcisi and other he * ¿quarter*. Local dealers are reporting numer- u* inquirit ab ut TV set* and all of them report that several pi- .pie already have made their purchases for delivery when tdeea.-ting start* One appliance deal r. .vho d e.-n't have any -ets in stock . reported that a sale was made “sight unseen" by ieleph vne la*t week ai .d a check was submit :ed as a down pajment. ( * nizati n head* are reported to :) ■ •rying about “1to v to get al- ready reluctant mem ar.d corn- mlttee men to attend tight meeting* after 1 V c me to th: area." •> \f , Card of Thanks ur * We wish t - ex >ri lend* appreciate n to nu; neighbor* for ail the the beautiful fl wer* me -ympaihy at the pas son and brother. Mr and Mr* Pete Shaw Mr and Mrs Lynn Muir Mr and Mr* Dale Baum an RODEO PARK On To You with Dial 77S2 fOR HOMI A w be rpor -erv i ' N*\ May 17 Time Trials 1:30 lass Insulated Wii- Mr. .lid Sunday 10 GuUcn — 10 Y ear W arranty M. § JALOPY RACES NYSSA. OREGON ELECTRIC 1 k \ 'V ! ■ ' i\i , ■I M • SN1> and commissioner. There will be no aam;*sion to the Jambe ree I l? Liens club will epe- ■at? a conce ar.d cold dr; Team* to *ee action tonight are N' * LDS 2nd Ward. Tobler's Feed. H-.'lIing.-w. rth ‘ Inc . Berrett's Service, Wagg r.er Motor* and May Truck ing. Position Open Wanted. Mar or Lady age 50-65 to Manage Local Store Should have $4000 to $5000 Best Collateral, Double Se curity Furnished 8'. paid quarterly. Also Salary. Commission on Sales Opportunity become Eligible Old Ayje Pension ind Social Security Bene fits This is Work You Can Do. Write t r Information Box N> ss.t. Ore Team s Playing Featured G am e LDS 2nd W ard—Tobler's Feed Satinettes W aggoner Motors—Berrett's vs H ollingsw orths'-M ay Trucking Cham ber of Com m erce 12 INNING OF SOFTBALL MUSIC BY CITY BAND 1ST PITCH BY MAYOR JONES Announcing by Grant Rinehart Sponsored by NYSSA SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION No Admission