Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 1953 O N T A R I O HOST TO INVITATIONAL MEET A- the Journal »as going to press thi- Wednesday. Nyssa high school xus participating in an invitational track meet at Ontario high school. Other guests of the Ontario school xere to be Nampa. Boise and pos sibly John Day. Now a refrigerator to match your kitchen colors! Thinclads Go To Qualifying Meet May 15-16 Graveside Services Oraveside services for Ulyses Sid ney Yost. 80. father of Jim Yost. Nyssa. who died April 22 at Hills boro, were held here Monday under direction of Lienkaemper funeral home The Rev. H O MoCallister i officiated. Other survivors include a brother. James, of Weiser and three daugh ters. Mr- Gladys Rog. of Burley, Ida . but formery of Nyssa. and Mrs Kathleen Bone and Airs. Josephine Bryant, of Portland., Bulldogs Win District Baseball Crown In 4 School Playoff Series Adorning the trophy case 0f Ny, a high school will be a spanking new trophy that will mean a lot to those •ho brought it there, for ;t rep resents the 1853 Oregon District 7-A2 baseball champion>hip taken by" the Bulldogs in a tw. -day play off series last Priday and Saturday The games were played at Vale, the Bullodgs meeting and downing the Vale Vikings 7-4 behind the -ix- hit pitching of Olenn Marcum Fri day night, then going on to trounce Trackmen of Nyssa high school »ill carry their banner into the Eastern Oregon high school quali fying meet at LaGrande Saturday. May 9, determined to qualify as many as possible for the state meet at Corvallis May 15-16 Other schools competing will be LaGrande. Hermiston. Pendleton. Milton-Freewater. Baker. Vale and Ontario. Nyssa's track record is an im- 1 Macrario Sandoval Ayala. 50, was pressive one In the past five years j found dead in a car about 11 a m. it has won the Eastern Oregon meet Sunday in Nyssa. and was presumed ’ F r i d a * w ill w t* t h e en d ®f b a s e twice, in 1949 and 1950, and placed : to have died of a heart attack. b a ll p la y f o r N y aaa h ig h v -h o o l second in 1951 and 1952 In t h e 1953 S n a k r K iv r r V a lle y Born Feb 28. 1903. at Andacautin, Snake River Valley meets were Gto, Mexico, he arrived in Nyssa 10 R a s e b a ll o a n f e r e a i e . w h e n t h e B u lld o g * w ill m e e t M e r id ia n on won by the Bulldogs in 194«, 1949, days ago and was living at the labor 1950. 1962 and 1953. t h e lo c a l d ia m o n d a t 3 :3 9 p m camp. To qualify for the state meet, The body is at Lienkaemper fun trackmen must take first and sec eral home pending funeral arrange-' the Ontario Tigers 8-3 with Dave ond places. ments. Savage, who issued but three hits. Ion the mound Saturday night Snider started the scoring for the Bulldogs in the first inning of the Friday night game, gaining first base on a fielder’s choice and reach ing home through two Viking er rors. Marcum, in going the distance for and the Bulldogs, issued but two bases on balls, struck one batsman and struck out 10 The Bulldogs got no extra base hits, made four errors and had nine left on base Yabitsu walked three, struck out Found Dead in Car Meridian Friday SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED RotoRooter Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE Phone 196-J Nyssa HORSEMEN'S PLAY DAY Sunday, May 3 — 1 P. M. RODEO GROUNDS INTERNATIONAL^ HARVESTER Sponsored by NEW STYLE SENSATION Owyhee Riding Club Hgrg’t tomytfiing gnfitgly new . . , •n id«« that will give your kitchen new pertcnality and tporkle. FEATURE High in *fyle . . . lew in prig* Com* m today and kok then overt OWYHEE TRUCK Challenge Race Between Lynn Snodgrass Roy Holmes Riding Hi« Mar* Driving a Jalopy Pole bending Cow cutting Stake race AND EVENT IM PLEM ENT COMPANY Clover leaf Calf roping Trailer race Frosh Soph Track Team Wins Meet By taking nine firsts, the Nyssa Frosh-Soph track team won the Frosh-Soph four-school meet on the Nyssa field last Wednesday after noon. Six second place.-, six third places and five fourth places helped to swell Nyssa’s total to 80 points. Other school competing, all class A. were Ontario, with 37 points; Vale, with 23. and Wei.-er, with 14. Taking firsts for Nyssa were Coop er. pole vault, 10 feet 4 1- inches; Forbess. 440-yard run, 57.9, and broad jump. 19 feet 6 inches; Amble, shot put, 40 feet 3 inches; discus throw, 135 feet, and javelin throw, 139 feet 5 inches; Toomb, high jump. 5 feet 4 3/4 inches; Pruyn, 880-yard run. 2:25, and Buchner. Amble, R Tanner and Forbess the 880-yard relay, 1:43. Pruyn, Forbess, Esplin. Jones and Buchner took second places; Gyllen- skog, Amble, Coates. Buchner and Jones third places, and Beus, R Tanner. Maxfield and Jones fourth places. OR. G.W. GRAVES Optometrist Eyes Examined Pony Express Race Phone 9-2312 718 Arthur St. C a ld w e ll, Idaho DICK YOST, announcer PUBLIC INVITED — NO ADMISSION NYSSA DONT Let Them Haul off That Family Car . . . Let Us Haul it Down to Nyssa Motors and Fix it Up on These Life restoring Specials . . . . Complete Chevrolet Motor Overhaul, Including '.i t • • • • Clean carburator Clean carbon Tune motor Valve grind New rings Wrist pins Adjust rods, mains $ 65.00 All for only Plus a Free Steam Clean Plus Free Steam Clean only $ 12.00 Semi-Annual COMING EVENTS Priday. May 1—Jaycee-ette meet ing at the Elwood Flinders home with Mrs Marvin Wilson and Mr.- August Giraud, co-hostesses 8 p.m Thursday. May 7—General meet ing of the W S C S at the home of Mrs. Paul Penrod. 429 N. 3rd, at GAS DAYS Wohlcke to Manage Baseball Team Emil Wohlcke has been named player manager of the Nyssa Base ball club, according to Don King, who said he and Don Herron had been chosen co-business managers Players signed to the club's roster since last week include Duane Hol comb. Lee White, Robert Bowen. Floyd Hale. Laveme Cleaver and Clarence McLemore. The Nyssa club is a member of the /U(-p*P°? Qattx Those fleet-footed thinclads of Nyssa high school did it again— walked off with the Snake River ' t o l l < Valley class A conference track meet, Roller held Saturday on the Bulldog track Moriofl Throughout! Nyssa took eight firsts over as many schools in the SRV class A 1 division in sweeping the 16-event annual meet with a total of 60'» NEW 10 H. points. Ontario was second with 51 *-» KI CKHACflt points, followed by Weiser with 21 points, Vale with 18. Emmett 12, Meridian 6 and Payette 3. Pruitland, by an identical 601-» points, swept the class B meet, events of which were held alternate ly with the class A events. w ith rev ert* g e a r a n d nautrall New Plymouth was second with S a o rt H < < » '• » A llr» * « 4 32 points. YMtoraMT U t lo m .lr f it t in g , wwrt b o t h , w otar «p ort,. S u p tn o f Idling »•* In to « It. Adrian, the 1952 class B champion, •low tro llin g . T w ltt-C rlg S g o i* ond TW ot- finished in third place with 28 Ito C ontrol, W o to rpro o f Mngnoto ond S p o rt M rg t. Uni C ot I C o « M ooting. Mor- points, followed by Parma with 23‘y cory fwM i t w t l t d r o w « * . and Marsing with 14, Middleton with 13. Homedale, Wilder and Notus did not place. Weiser won the 440-yard relay with a time of 48:0 to set a new meet mark for the event. Another possible record was set in the discus throw, with Potter, Ontario, making a heave of 142 feet two inches, "Fix-up, Clean-up. Paint-up" Nyssa firsts were Forbess, broad jump, 19 feet 8 L 4 inches; Harold Bumgarner, high Jump. 6 feet 11/4 inches (five-eights of an inch short of the meet record); J. Tanner, 120- yard high hurdles. 16.8, and 180- yard low hurdles, 21.5; R. Hartley, 440-yard run, 54 9, and 220-yard dash, 24.0, and Harry Bumgarner, 880-yard run. 2:08, Harold Bumgarner also tied An derson. Ontario, for first in the pole vault at 10 feet 6 inches. The Bull dogs won the 880-yard relay and finished a close second to Weiser in the 44-yard relay. £ P. DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE You'll Receive 1 gal. of Gas for Every $5 Purchase, or Multiple of $5. at G & B Furniture and Appliance Stores Ontario and Vale Limit of 500 gala, of gaa THIS O FFER GOOD AT ANY SERV IC E STATION IN THE U.S.A. Come in Today and Receive Your FREE GAS Offer closes at 6 p.m. fS I i Saturday. May 9 Furniture A a K "If It'« from Appliance G Sc B It's Guaranteed" "CLEAN-UP, FIX-UP. PAINT-UP" This Week With the Nyssa Jaycees You Can Win a Prize! • ♦. '.VÙ j Protects Y o u r K o o p t it .-.v ' - "■■'■’ill Dial 2295 (Phone 188) , N EW -LO O K IN G LONGER Help Wanted as Experienced Bookkeeper NYSSA MOTORS 420 Main G & B Mr. a n d Mm. S. P. Bybee end Gary . Complete Wash. Vacuum and Polish— FREE GAS and Clyde returned Thursday after ! spending several days In 8pokane visiting at the home of their son snd daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Ray Bybee While there they celebrated , the birthdays of their eon. Ray. and grandson, Kim. Other Makes Slightly higher According to Parts Cost y r newly-formed Border league, com prising Ontario. Boise, Mountain Home. Nampa. Weiser, Payette, As District 7-A2 ba-eball champ mett and Fnmland. ions. the Nyssa Bulldog- will meet the winner of the 7-Al district in a playoff series at some date prior to May 18. it was announced by Howard Lovejoy, coach The series, in all probability, will be played on the Bulldog diamond, and either The Dalles or Pendleton will likely be the Bulldogs’ oppon ents. Winner of this playoff will go :o the state tournament to be held it Albany, starting May 21 Payette high school clinched the Snake River Valley class A confer ence baseball championship Tuesday j by smothering the Nyssa Bulldogs ■ 9-2 in a night game at Payette. The Pirates had an unbroken string of 12 diamond victories, in- , eluding a record of five conference , wins. In winning, Ray Looney issued but two hits. Marcum and Lovejoy formed the Bulldogs battery Nyssa’s scores came j in the top half of the fourth Inning, ! Talbot and Lovejoy tallying the markers. Talbot was walked, then advanced to third on a double by Lovejoy and scored later on a Pirate error. Love- j Joy crossed the plate when a slow | dribble toy Cox got by Looney and was heaved over the first baseman's I head by the Pirate shortstop. Schmidt of Payette drove a homer j over the right field fence in the | sixth Inning. Umpires were Tobler and White. Nyssa ______ 000 200 0—2 2 5 Payette 031 302 x — 9 • 2 Let the Jaycees Haul Away Your Trash Sunday :.2V U ■ <: tis Nyssa Cops SRV Track Championship Baseball Team in District Play-off Pirates Cop SRV Bunting IT'S "FIX-UP, CLEAN-UP, PAINT-UP" WEEK! te •: two and made two wild pitches. Con way Issued three walks and struck out four The Vikings committed six errors and had five left on bases. The real thriller came Saturday- night. when the Bulldogs had the satisfaction of winning their second game of the season from the On tario Tigers, who won their prelim inary game the previous night from John Day Snider, who had two for three in the Friday game, and Lovejoy were the heavy stickmen, each getting two for four. Lovejoy scoring once and Snider twice. Holcomb had one for two and also crossed the plate twice. In going the distance on the mound. Savage proved as effective a-s Marcum the night before in strik ing out 10 while walking but four His apponent. Ackerman, had five Strikeouts and issued seven bases on balls. Lovejoy and Cox for the Bulldogs and Anderson for the Tigers hit two- baggers for the only extra base blows. First Game 100 223 0—7 5 4 ¡a Vale 000 031 0—4 6 9 Second Game i 003 410 — 8 7 5 Ontario Oil 001 0—3 3 2 PAGE SEVEN and Stenographer Apply In Person at Dollar for dollar, your bee» peint buy ie "Dutch Boy* — specially blended to look better, tender! Bright White renews itself . . . rein was he* it sparkling clean. Ready-mixed tint» remain color-true! Ask for “Dutch Boy" . . . proven weather-worthy through the years! Oregon Frozen Foods EDER HARDWARE CO. ONTARIO Nyssa Phone 46