THE N Y SSA S A T E CITY JO UR N A L. N Y SSA . OREGON. PA G E SIX b u r ia l ^ n tc s , the * »e r » r ate r.rer val bead the onsbds'uon s i« - Mr- M s*:s »r.d Mr- Jay Bur.r. 1 0 : Payette ccuntie- *r.d Weiser x-aosteua. >ervec refreshment» to ^2 presea: The a m x.eetx.g » ... be Ida held e.emng Ms;- : *: the Announcement o f the »in n er of a .ar-rup -pc use red oy the " » i F..; x î ».:.“. Mr- the : AAUW »... be Made M a rrx W d-.a »r.d Mr: Aug».-: Giraud ».- cc-hosteares -:f u: that :. x t «y- Euri Beep presi lar sh. p has been g:v- Jayree memaen »r.d honorary and dent Th.- sch-: . . :ne past - a years Aiaociau »re xr.ted x » . en inr.uau oy :he University Women x encour :end _ 4 . age some »orthy and outstanding g.rl :o oontxue her education a: an Mrs Rath and x.rr. of higher learning of her choice Last year's avard »en : x Mrs McPartland Entertain Terry Harada cf Prxtland Mr- W ait-: ?.. th and Mr M The x ■ ther-iaughter tea »L I be MoPar:tar.d entertaxed . » o.e- of the grade school faculty a: coffee af:er :.eld from 2 to 4 p m at the home of Act Lloyd 173 3W St. ichocl M r.d*;. *f:err.: .n The lad-es Mr »ere entertaxed x :he R th h:me Ontario + --•> •Î*-- Y TH URSDAY. A P R IL 30. 1953 McDermott Burial Set for Today Funeral s e m e « f r M - Roberta MrDerm :: H ».to died Monday a: the home f ter parent Mr and Mr- L C M l>rm f -* io».ng a long Line- »ere set for 2 p m tr_s Thursday W.ves of Junucr Chamber o! Cum- er chapel »ith the Rev H G Maw :r.*r:r member* rr.<; W rfr.fyJiy .‘ M r - . ' ' . Alius ter o ffx ia tx g 3 x _ ». w.U *- 0 »yhee cemetery M ».:n where plans were made to crg-ruae a J tjtie -e ttf chapter in MiDermi't: » . ■ i rr. July 7. Ny a A grcup of nine Jayc**-*Ue 21S x Kansas. nerr.oers from O tU a c » e r f prefer.: Bes.des the parent- -he leaves * explax club functucni. purpoaes. brothers. Char.r f Sal: Lake due- and b y -.i»s City. Jerry of Nampa A.vx .■ Wy - T :.t Nyssi gr-: up dec.bed to» m xg and Larry ar.d Bud of the sever», ’. . i t i i became sc* D S navy and six ter Mrs A Quax.ted before electing officers to Prortr.ce of Cald»r.. M: Beulah W.S.C S Member to Meet Young Adults Meet Members of the W S C S of the Vcss of Yakima Mr Nelly E.- r. and Your.g Adult: cf the Methodist church » ill held a general Mrs V Baxter of Parma Mr Ruby thurch x e : Sunday evening *: the meet.tig Thursday. Muy 7 at 2 pm 3aUey of Sunny-xe Wash. and B uU diB J B . « « H * r i ‘ home of Mr and Mr CL ft M ax at the h :x e of U H Neiger on Al Mrs Velma Derrick f Nyssa Mrs M a x had charge of :he ser with berta Are vice Eight m»moers »ere pre-er.t p.-:gram, scheduled f r Jx.e 17 »ill P R O V E D S IR E S N e » off.cers wtL be installed by be Gardens x O x T .•»:," ».th Mrs. Mrs H M Nelson of Boise »h o will Gerr.t Stam as chaxman A A U W To Honor be guest speaker for the afternoon Hoi. C «r m Jene» Be 8 w o Durxg the summer the pregram + —+ Senior Girls Milking Shorthorn schedule is broken R: and Rob- Visitors From Payette At Sunday Tea x partes, ».th VL-: Ber. L.enkaem- Mrs Cora Tomlinson and her per x charge Nyssa and Adrian high school Angui »ad Herford senior girls »ill be honored a: a tea mother. Mrs Matue J Moreland The rest of the pr gram -- as fol Sunday afternoon at Ontario by the »ere honored guests a: a fare »e ll ic » - September “ Fashion x Our R» » hownv T er h. Ontario orar.rh. Am encan Associa* covered dish dinner given Thursday T o »n .* Mr- Pre-c Bracken chair kkoho Proved Sire Servire :ior. of University Women Ir.v na ever.xg at thetr home by members man: October. “Gobolxs x Our Veo» Plymouth— Phoer AMI tions to senior girls and their moth of the Payette Church of Christ Sixteen friends helped the »omen T c »n ." Mrs Jonr. O. er. chairman ers hare beer, extended x ter. high celebrate Mr- Trmlx.scr. has beer, November “Books x O-x Town.” Mrs H R Sher»ooc chairman; De transferred and will leave Nyssa cember. "Santa Cia-- x Ox- T o »n .” 1 Mu . A Mrs Bud WLscn. haxxar. Janu + —»(■ ary, ISS a “Treasure: x O^r Town. Entertains Club Mr- Prank Morgan - r e s t . Feb Mr: Wilber Hcleomo er.tertaxed ruary. Hobbys x O r T ».".." Mrs members of her Friday afternoon Charles Grider. March Brownies Canasta club a: her heme Pn diy and G x l Scouts ir. O x T- »n. Mr- afternoon Mrs Joe Cundall »as a CLff M xk . April Mard. Gras in guest player Mr- V L Kesler and O x Town." Mr- T m Ni-hitani: Mr- S P Bybee » : r . prizes Eugene Grasty; June June in Our Tcwr. Mrs Geer; ~ cer and George Lewis Celebrates Fourth Birthday Anniversary September, “ ita r.j- Ds ■ ar.d My f a M J bn Ge:rze Hayne- Le»_- >;r. of Mr Dx. Bread ar.d Mr- Grant L e ».- celedrated Refreshment* »sre served by the h.s fourth birthday Wednesday af- d pre- temocr. a: a party given by his hostess Mr: H R S . : - » » mother H_- 10 small guests spent s.ded at :he tea taule w ith the aftemocn playing games Refreshments were served Pavers cf a_* and candy men were l e f i ro w B a k e a C o k e — g.ven x each guest Jaycee Wives Meet To Form Jaycee-ettes Chapter In Nyssa ,‘\ v à 'p ~u J \ 4 - 4 ; -Pu Electric Range ' ú c 'fe á tj/ the"Wo nder O v e n Broil a S tea k — S a m o T i m o — S a m o O v e n .’ Mrs. Ed Bassett :~prov». Mr ar.d Mr- Free Brarke-r. enter tained the members of the Sunday » n rare e 5 r ye3's! Oritr C . « " ».♦-a-'3'3* C * e— of avens n ore. • 3C~ a i Own CCXf'C'l or 3 seco- V»ih U : ar.d Mr G e ::w Salle« is gutsis. Mr and Mrs CLff M.r.k won high Mr ar.d Mr- Harold Brer.dle won second high. w*._.*« Hank Moore as-, tar.t scout lead er of the Adrian So. u: troop, took the Bey Scouts x the Smvely pool to s »xr. Saturday morning The ones from this neighborhood to go »ere R-isell Bas-ett. Ronald and Billy Day The P E. teacher of the Adrian schc:l, Mrs Verr. Butler, took the g.rl- x the Gtrer. Hot Spr.r.g- po-ii to teach them x :»im Saturday af ternoon The one: to go from this district were Catherxe Thiel Wanda Bassett and Mrs Ed Bassett. Mr Basuet: lock one car lead cf gxLs. Mr- George and son. R and Mrs Lesley Smith and baby. Jar.*:, »ere callers a: the Ed Bassett h me Thursday afternoon where M- Bu-set: did some sewing for the little Mxs Smith. Caller- at the Ed Bassett heme ra'9 te-nparahj-ej 1 t_c —» i-' Seet-e-- j.d- a - • A ; a 3 • * Overt“ E ecfrlc P 3 - ; » 'Pdo-yi Now h'» 2 Oven» N o w h v lO ve*»! Jw«t Leek A t T h e te Oftior • Ail-Forcelain Araiii imld* end out e Cook-M atter Oven Clock Control » full Widrti Pluor#K*rU Lama Dick Yost Honored Dick Yost was honored guest at a birthday dinner giver, for him by Mrs Yost Saturday evenxg a; his home Other guests »ere Mr and Mr- William Wahlert and + --Y Birthday Dinner Honors Two Mr- Dorothy B.boey and Mr- L<- R- :■ Bar »ere booored at a birthday d xxer party S' at the heme cf Mrs. Dtck Mason. Other guests at the turkey dinner »ere LeRcy Burxr. and Brent. Mr ar.d Mrs T m Chandler, and Dtar.a and David. j._ W o nderful f r ig .d a ire feature« • Radiantube 5-Speed Surface Unit» Brackens Entertain See a comple’ e democitration of Hie lento* pr-ol ' Wprvde' Ove* ia rg e 3 “ d oil (r 9 otker pew fr.^ E e c "d ianget priced frpm 184.95 e T h e rarier Deep-W *R Cooker • la-ge W a n e Drawer Win a Prise 1 W E GIVE S Sr H GREEN STAM PS PETERSON FURNITURE CO. The Dependable Furniture Store N Y SSA — V A LE — O N TAR IO — PA Y E T T E FISHING SEASON Phone W9J11 the 1 *. from th..> neighborhood »h o enj .yed the senior vn*ak a: the dude r anch near Pendleton, return- X g M evening A W. an .day caller at the I. K * . .1, a v. it from them nephe»-> Sa- r . cay night They were W E ar.d V AH U - * W E H remained ».th them overn igh: BUI He if Adrian Leon Price of Brogan, v.n of Mr. and Mr L it Price, visited his par- enu Saturday night Lucille White of, grand daughter of Mr and Mrs L R Price, returned to her home Thur->- day She had'been visiting them for three »eeks »rule her parents »ere 1 on a trip Company at the Walter Pinkston h- me Sunday »ere their son, Mr and Mr Bruce Pinkston of Parma, md Mr and Mr Andrew McGuinn ; it Nyssa. Mr and Mrs. N P Prench enjoyed * PKOPLI ON THK GO STOP CLEAN UP HERE WITH THE JAYCEES AND THESE PRICES . . . FOR OUR "Spring B rake MILK, all brands . . 1 1 for 5 9 £ 69c GIANT TIDE . . . . e e and 1 Hunt's or Del Monte—46-oz. cans TOMATO JUICE . . 2 for 4 9 0 Lube ORANGE ADE . . . :Ì for 8 5 e Special Van Camps No 2^2 PORK and BEANS . 2 for 4 5 * > $ 1 4 9 «o. Ken-1 Ration. Friskies ■ DOG FOOD . . . 7 for $ 1 .0 0 GOLDEN SYRUP 5-lb. pail 4 9 e VALUE GERBER'S TEETHING BISQUIT pkg. 2 5 * BEEF ROASTS lb. 39 Also, specials on fruits and vegetables— Prices effective Friday - Saturday - Sunday NYSSA FOOD CENTER A »3 *0 ★ Lubricate chassis. ★ Inspect brake linings, condition of drums and wheel cylinders. ★ Adjust foot brake. ★ Check broke master cylinder. ★ Inspect tires for cuts, bruises and premature wear. HERRIMAN MOTORS 601 Main Ny*»a Birthday Celebrated Mr and Mr William Wahler. and family »ere guests of Mr and Mrs. Dick Yost at a dinner party Satur day evening in celebratxn of M: Y osf* birthday The balance of the evenxg »as Cooperate with the Jayceee ! spent in a trip along "Cleen-up, Fix-up, Paint-up" the High-line canal. + —■{• • full-W idrt* Uteruil Drower Kingman Kolony „ afternoon »ere her coutnv. - and Mr Cliff-rd Seiler D D Chuck.* and Kreig Nicholuin. all of Cald»ell. Ed Ba ett did chores for Hersch*! Th mpuin Saturday n.ght »hile Herxhe! and Ronnie »er.t X the dam fishxg. Rev ana Mrs Henry M u-re called the Ed Basset: home Saturday evening g.ving them some of their n.ce catch, of fish. Sunday visitor^ at the A! and H-r chel Thompson hemes »ere Mr and Mr Bill Pobin of Nampa. Mr ar.d Mr- Grant Rhxehar. Mr and Mr- Dave Mitchell. Mr and Mrs Cliff Beckitead of Nyssa. Mr- Dick Ter.-en :f Nyssa. Mr and Mr. Herb Kr.drtv-. of Boue, Mr- Verna Beut- ler and Roy Beers of T » in Palls. Robert Bott and Melba Price are W ilson’s Dollar Day Bargains THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—APRIL 30, M AY 1 AND 2 ‘Our Town" Chosen Civic Club Program Theme for ’53-’54 "Our Town" »as the theme chosen for the 1953-W Civic club programs. , at a meeting held Wednesday at the home of Mrs Don Graham, vice president and general program chairman Officers and program I chairman »ere also present The program for May 20 will be May time in Our Town" »tih Mr- ! Clyde Snider, chairman. The June SUPPORT THE J C i Go Fishing With a Clean Coñac and a Clean Yard! LADIES' RAYON SLIPS MEN'S CANVAS GLOVES Fancy Lace Embroidery Sizes 32 to 40 Blue Wrist 8-oz. Gloves $ 1 .9 8 Men's Bib Overalls Kleenex 8-oz Sanforized—Big and Tuf 200-Tissue Boxes $ 2 .7 9 Opens May 2 COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF TACKLE! Everything For The Fisherman! 5 , 8 boxes Premium 81 x 108 Sheet Purchase of Fishing Tackle. (Reg. $1.98 Value) ^ S $1 *00 Rayon Panel Curtains Specially Priced $1*00 a panel 80-Sq. Fancy Prints First Quality — 123 Type Regular Value $2 49 FREE — Metal Tackle Box Free With Every $5.00 pair Good Assortment and Quality $ 2 .1 9 8 yards .rSF $ 1*0 0 (Offer Good At Long At Supply Lasts) Let's Get Behind the Jaycees Clean up. Qualify for a Prize! See The New Mercury Mark 15 On Our Display It a Completely New! At The DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE 417 Main . Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Shoes. Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear Phone 2721 Nyssa