Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 1953 r.esday afternoon v.sitors at the David Ray home. Mr and Mr- R A Arnold and son, Mr. and Mr- Frank Plagman and Mr- Ura R bin son were p.cnicker- on Mann's Creek Sunday Mr and Mr Le-ter Norland of W.lder weie dinner g u e s ts Thursday t veiling a; the h me i Mi - Martha 3. Norland. Mr. and Mr-. David Bay brought William Bay H me from S: Luke's hospital Sunday. Mr ....I M: \:<-\ w . grandparents of a -on b rn 1 1 S 3gt and Mr- Dick H.xenbough of Great Falls, Mont. The baby, born la-t Wednesday, is named Rickey Dane'.’ W.S C.S. w.ll meet at Lucille Reeds Wedne-day, May 6 Mr-. Helen Wilson’.- Cub Scout den along with four dens from Par ma. enjoyed a weiner roast at Big Bend park Thursday evening after school. Bruce and Marcia Jackson of Nys sa stayed at the Earl Boston home from Wednesday until Sunday of last week. Dale Morgan and Mrs Sterling Johnson and children of Parma went to Boise Saturday to view the new three dimensional film Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston and Bruce and Marcia Jackson of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests at the Roy Rucker home. Mr and Mrs. Severt Fox and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests at the Chas. McPartland home near No- tus. The dinner was in honor of Mr. Schimmels’ birthday. Mr. and Mrs. R A. Scott of Wash ington were Sunday visitors at the Raymond Hild home. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin and family were Sunday callers at the Alvin Shaul home at Ten Mile near Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey were Saturday evening dinner guests at the Cecil Evans home in the Nu Acres community. The dinner wa.s Apple Valley Wan! To Grow Flower Seed? Phone ¿-Î7SH. Parmi Mr- W ü o lro « W ilson La >t Friday field day was held at Ten Dav. Van u- races and game- vere held Apple Valley girl- came ut first, Ho.-veil second and Ten Davis third. Roswell boys first, Ap ple Valley second and Ten Davis third. A ba-ket dinner was served and everyone seemed to have a good time. Mr and Mrs. B b Edi.-on and fam ily of Dayton. Ore., w.-ited at the Hoy Wilicerson and the Cloyd Sam ple- homes Saturday and Sunday of last week. Mr- Martha 3. Norland and Ray mond were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mr.-. Roger Norland near Adrian Mrs Bill Mitchell and children and Mrs. Ross Hum of Parma were Wed- CALL or WRITE the DESSERT SEED CO. Nyssa, Oregon Vole For A U G IE GIRAUD People's Choice For P R E S ID E N T Nyssa Junior Chamber of Commerce (Paid political adv.) WE SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE AS ALWAYS Ours Is the Only Plant in Malheur County With State Inspected Meats Buy Now While Prices Are Low We Cut. Cure. Wrap and Freeze HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT NysM. Or*. 1 mile North, V a mile West on Columbia 395-W Ave. in honor of Mr Eva: b Elsie McOragor .- visiting at Gforge Bailey heme for a few d. before returning to her home California. She re ently returr from Mcrrisville. Pe:an., where . visited her son and . Mr. and Mrs. A B Reed a daughter. Julia, wci -. Sunday dim guests at the Jack Rt*ed home. Mrs. Jack Heed and Mrs. L Stephens were bu-.i; If ,-e Thursday and Jack Reed urned M mday r.. t from a tv day business trip t.> Bar..- A group of relative- .-urpri J M Mark Ncfl Sunda> birthday cake and gif:- Mr and tlri FI Food Handlers School Slated Next Wednesday » for re-taurant locators and employee - will be■ held Ny-.-a Wedne-day d next week, was announced by R;kymond Ruff. sa nitarian of the Maiheur Cnun: y piablic Health dep.udînent. The meeting will be at the high school Li ttle Theatre in the Ny.--a high hocl. beginning at 8 p m. and la-t- g for about one and one•-half he ur> The public is invited to at- tend Similar meeting- .ire seheduled for Ontario Monday and Vale ’Tues- day. Ruff .-aid that anyone buying, sell ing. preparing, ¡serving or («ting food is especially invited, a s are itinerant operators who set up booths for fairs, rodeos and circuses. A repre sentative of the state will be on hand to give a speech and answer questions. In addition to a short talk on bacteria, a resume’ of future pol icy will be given. The school will end with a general discussion and questions and answers period in which those attending will be asked to participate. family made a busun -» :: :p B Saturday. Mr and Mr- M Dee Anne visited a: the h m of her parents, Mr. and Mr A L Hill. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Vertrees and family of Caldwell attended the farm bureau meeting held at the Apple Valley school Tuesday night Mr Vertrees showed a fum on the Geil hay chopper from the B and M Equipment Co. Mrs, Jack Moran ha- been in the Nyssa hospital the pa.-t few days. She expects to return to her home this week. Mrs Mabel Rockwood and Mr and Mrs. Young of Caldwell were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Orley Smith home. Johnny Moran suffered a broken leg Monday of last week while he was participating in the high jump. Chester Parrel and family of Boise Lois Counsil and Ben Mulraney of Nebraska were Saturday evening visitors at the Phone 044-J1 home of Mr. Farrel's brother, Vin cent Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman W. Pomeroy Among those attending the old car -how in Nampa Bund Ml drove to Boise Saturday to meet the and Mrs. Alex Wagner and Mr and ■ plane from Portland. There they had Mrs. Jack Wilson and daughter. The a five-hour visit with his mother, Wilsons visited at the Dick Curtiss Mrs. Alice Pomeroy, who is 90 years home in Caldwell Sunday evening. I old and has been staying with her Several old model cars were shown, I daughter on the coast during the among them a 1905 Reo Right-hand i winter. She boarded the plane again drive was one of the odd features. in the evening and went on to her home in Kimberly. Milk contains more calcium than Mrs. Neil Dimmick entertained the any other food. : Owyhee Saddle club Saturday even ing with Mrs. Lillian Dunn, co-hos- Incandescent light is that which ! tess, assisting. results from high temperature. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and [ family ate Sunday dinner with his Gotham is another name for New parents, the Ed Nielsens, near Fruit- I land. York City, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Didericksen visited Sunday with her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kel- lar of Big Bend. Little Billy Brewer, who was in jured about two weeks ago, when a car backed over him. is improving. Radio and Refrigeration , His arm is knitting and he is able j to move around, but cannot walk | yet. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price and Joel went to Boise Thursday to see Mrs. . Marion Carey, their daughter and 501 Main St. Nyssa Ore. j her new son, Craig LaVerne. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price ate Sunday dinner at the Beryl Phifer home in Dial 2118 i Kingman Kolony. Two brothers and their wives, named McCullough, and from Cali fornia have moved Into the house on the old Foster place. They will help Ira Price with his beets this year. Bernadine Price went to Kamiah, Wash., with the Leo Campbells who live near Homedale. Mrs. Dick Wyatt and Clarence Hallgarth from Elgin, helped move her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schweizer, to Burns Sunday from Vale. Mrs. H. Okano and children visited at the O. P. Counsil home Saturday afternoon. The Worthwhile club met at the home of Mrs. Maude Cooper. Sixteen members were present. Mrs. Lois Counsil was co-hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Em ma Wilson, Opal Reed co-hostess. A Mrs. S E. Flanagan left Tuesday PAGE FIVE to bring back her parent--. Mr. and Mr- S Percy Sheppard that they can attend Betty Wilson'- dance re vue next Saturday evening. Their granddaughter. Patty Flanagan, i- nne cf the dancers Mr- Wil-on give- this revue f r the benefit of the Mal heur Memorial hc.-pital each year. The auxiliary meeting will be held at the heme , f Mr- Verdi Simp-on the afternoon of May 7. Mr and Mr Wilbur Chapin and H irold Newman and children of Adrian went on a boat trip several mile- above the dam Sunday. They caught a nice string of fish. Mr and Mr O H Schweuer drove to Burns Sunday. Mr Jim Armstrong returned h me from San Francisco Saturday morning. She was helping care for their son. Jimmy, and hi- wife. Alice. Mr and Mr- Walt Hillis and Mr. and Mrs. Lewi- Mitchell went fish ing at the dam Sunday. NEW DEATH-KLUTCH The Best Ever Sunset Valley The New DEATH KLUTCH Trap Catches Moles and Gophers Made oi Strong Wire, Flat Metal Made to Set in Three Sizes For Larger or Smaller Gophers Fool-proof if Instructions Followed REPAIR Hardware Merchants and Dealers Are Urged HERBS RADIO SERVICE HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc. to See Us for Prices! Distributor for Death-Klutch Nyssa Phone 142 CUT Y O U R FOOD BUDGET Angel Skin — 402 sheets Facial Tissue Reg. 35c Special 2 3 £ ea. 18 X 30-in. — Rubber back Shag Rugs Reg. 1.69 1 1 * Hit and Miss Pattern — Reg. 39c BEN F R A N K L IN S T O R E CAN OPENER Reg. 25c Reg. 59c Thursday, Friday. Saturday at 1 9 ^ ea. Nyui, Ore. Ladies' Paint & Varnish Stains Briefs Cans Start at Sizes M - L Help the laycees! "Fix-up, Clean-up. Paint-up" Q 7 - U I v Piatile MIXING BOWL Mirada Reg. 59c Special 3 3 ^ r 3 7 ^ ea. Rickup TRAINING PANTS Reg. 19c Spec. 3 for Have your trash ready Sunday Ladies' Blouses Sizes 32 - 42 98C-1.98 Morgan Iones Dish Rags Spec. 12 for Iced t voctt^S . . . BIG Food Savings, Greater Year Assorted Cherry Snaps Fruit Slices Lb. 2 9 £ Lb. 19< : 'Round Menu The “Bad Lands” are waste lands in the Dakotas and Wyoming. Variety and How you Know ^ 33c or 3 for F o r. , $ Ea. Cotton Rugs loo® The answer to everyday insurance problema* New Shopping Convenience, RENT A FOOD LOCKER NOW! \ Call Us For Complete Details By RALPH LAWRENCE For Greater Convenience of Our Patrons. We Will Remain Open 'Til 7 P.M.. Monday Through Saturday QUESTION: I read not long ago about an Insurance Company aui- ing an apartment house tenant for recovery of money the Com pany had paid the apartment owner for a fire loss. The Com pany held that the tenant was re sponsible for the fire. Is It pos sible for the Company to collect in such a rase? Also is there any form of insuranre which would protect the tenant? ANSW ER: Yes, the Company could collect if they could prove the tenant legally liable. Regard ing insuranre for the tenant's legal liability, it is a compara tively new coverage but It ran be purchased. It is added to a Com prehensive Personal Liability pol icy and is quite inexpensive. •If you'll address your own in surance questions te this office, we ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. Nyssa Insurance Aaency lO.I Main St. Phone 5S Let Our Experts Cure and Process Your Pork We Use Only the Best Obtainable Materials in Our Processing Plant. Our Smokehouse is Automatically Fired with Butane Heat, and We Use only Hardwood Sawdust for Smoke. Custom Butchering and Curing We Butcher Beef for the Hide FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE Vi mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room