THE NYSSA G A T E C I T Y JOURNAL. NYSSA. O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . A P R I L 30. 1953 Adrian News Mr«. Pauline M iG inoia Mi'.- Phyllis Eastman, daughter of Mr and Mr-. E E Eastman of Ad­ rian »a s married last Sunday after­ noon to Clinton Courtney o f San Diego naval base, son of Mr. and Help Ur Self Laundry Is Now Under Management of ZELIA MORRIS N o C h a n g « in Policy Custom L au n d a rin g S «lf Servie« Hours, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 10 So. 1st St. Ph. 164-W M: C< irtney of Hollister. Ida. The Glen Brown- Ja: i i a - • nupt.als v - : e held m the ai;^h a: R » e ll with Rev the Ny- a h -p.'.al S in tu ­ Henry M r- . f Adrian officiating. it/ E ft. a M Only the immediate families at­ and family of Cheyene, W y pent tended a s er sis­ A reception followed at the brides’ ter. Mr- Clay n M.ti'.n and Cl -> e parent.-1 home near Adrian. The Flecker, and family f B :-e were newlyweds honeymooned at Salt guests. L a te City and Hollister They will Sunday evening guests of Mr. and m ate their home at San Diego until Mrs. Vernon Parker vere Mr and the bridegroom goes over seas. Mr. V Q of M C urtney a nephew cf Mr.-. John Butte and Mr. and Mrs Don H alt Cameron of Adrian. and family of Owyhee Mr and Mrs. Jess Dennis and Mr and Mr- Gayle Martin and Claudia of Kansas City. Kan . ar­ family and her parents, the O. J. rived Sunday to visit her grand­ Englishs of Nampa, spent Sunday at mother, Mrs. Laura Smith, and other Cambridge. Id a . with her brother, relatives. She is the former Maxine Marion, and wife Smith. Mr and Mrs. Ennl Beguhl and Mr and Mrs. Harold Newman and Lynn o f Caldwell spent the week- family were Sunday dinner guests of j end with her parents, the Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Dietienne. t Smiths. Charles Adams left Saturday mor­ Mrs Bill Ashcraft spent Satur­ ning for Port Knox, Ken., to attend day with her daughter, Mrs. Bob tant commander school. Hamilton, in Homedale. Mr. and Mrs Bobby Brown and Mrs. Lorraine Glennon. Mr and family of Boise spent Friday night Mrs. Elvin Bonde, Zola Marie, and and Saturday with his parents, the j Marilyn Goodman of Emmett. Mrs. Jim Coon and Betty of Notus, Mrs. J Anna Sparks and Wayne and Mrs. T Y P E W R I T E R S BiH Looney and sons were Sunday .All Makes dinner guests of their mother, Mrs. Bought—Sold—Rented—Repaired Mary Henderson. Fletcher’« Typewriter E ic h a a p Mr and Mrs Herb Thomas of Big Hiway 20 West P.O. Box 4M- Boise. Ph 26901- Idaho Bend spent Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs. Glen Brown. Saturday night and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright were Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Brown and family of Boise. Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams were Mr and Mrs. Laurance Miller and Mr and Mrs. Marvin Barstad. Dr. Edgel W. Wood CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN On or About April 27 At No. 2 Arcadia Blv'd (In the M & W M arket Building) KEEP YOUR GARDEN LOVELY THREK local news •* cf the R>.-,well Presbyterian ■ •: to Givens H t Spring - Fri­ day evening on a swimming party. Cliff Main were in B.iki T! Mr and Mis. Ja-k Jones enter- on business. M Mr and Mrs. Bill Pearson and Mr. 1 Hoke. K.iv and Wesley of V. W ash e rs — R efrigerators Sunday after spending veral days Newell Height.-. in Portland at the L 1* t Mrs Myrtle Hatch visited her b: ther. Ralph Stark. Sunday morn- tion. Ranges — Sm all Appliances Mr and Mrs. Marlin limit man of B;g Bend cooperative cooking St Francis Kan., vi at the Sam Park- h me Yi -.t. -v- club, whose leader was Mrs Joe over the week-end at the Park- King, received a letter of congratu­ lations from county agent E M home were Mrs. Fra Helmiek and Jndy of Merry-vill, W.i i Mr- Hauser stating they were the first Phone 310 Helnuck. Mrs. Houtn.i:. M. co king club to complete their » >rk for the year. Parks are brothers and -i er- >Ir. and Mrs. Phillip smith of Mrs. Ernest Sewell left for H ale.! Oakridge. 111. visited M nua> la- at Mo . Saturday night to visit her par­ the home of Mr and Mr Vern L ents and a brother who is home from basic training. Moncur. to order some of those big, Delinks Mason is recovering at his The old Holly Store building on home following a toncilei • >my the bank of old Snake river near the strong chicks from . . . . Mrs. Jack Medlock and *irl- spent Dewey Miller home and of late years Friday night in Boise at the home of the home o f Mr. and Mr- B ilfG ib ­ Mrs. Medlock’s sister, Mr Ray Katz son and family, before they moved to Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Olson of Port­ New Plymouth, has been bought and N E W H A M PSH IR E S . W H IT E ROCKS. W H IT E land visited at the home of their moved to the old Lora Pillsbury daughter and son -in -law , Mr and ranch, now owned by Ted Morin- LEG H O R NS, A U S T R A W H IT E S Mrs. Murl Marcum Mr and Mrs. aka to be used as a tenant home. The Adrian seniors left Sunday Olson are en route to Minneapolis Ask about our special prices on morning for the Bar M ranch near Pendleton for their sneak day, re­ chicks ordered 3 weeks in advance and turning home Monday. Those going from the Bend were Johnny Witty. on orders of 500 or more. Wayne Roberts, Dwain Baxter. L o r­ P h o n «3 3 1 -W 1-mi. No. on H i w a y 29 raine Vande Water. Helen Metcalf. Mise Helen Hatch Hut Smith. Faye Marie Hopkins, Agnas Hautman and Shirley Chaney. Phone Parma 1-F2I Several ladies from the Parma ¡Seventh Day Adventist Dorcas W el­ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jone- and Mr- fare society attended an all day Mary Thompson attended home meeting last Thursday with Mrs Joe builders meeting Tuesday evening in King. A covered dish luncheon was Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones j enjoyed at noon. The day was spent helped serve the lunch Dr Dwight making quilt tops for the welfare Rugh. dean of the College of Idaho, work. was the main speaker He was intern in China for 21 months. Mr and Mrs. Dyre R her: Sharan and Karan visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. Miller Henderlider, of Nampa Sunday afteri n Keep your car en­ The Big Bend P.T.A meeting will gine and other gas­ be held Thursday evening at the Big oline engines tilled Bend school house. They will show with H e a v y D u tv Drop in any time of the a film on cancer. Mrs. Dyre Roberts It I’ M M o t o r O il will give a report from the State day or evening—for a a n d d r a in c r a n k ­ P.T.A. convention in Medford last cases regularly .This snack or a complete week. special oil, develop­ meal. We’re always Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clary of ed through atomic ready to serve you . . . Homedale visited his -ister, Mrs. research, contains Darril English and family Sunday. com pounds which RIGHT! Mrs. Edna Farris, Malheur county resist the causes of nurse from Ontario vi ited the Ad­ excessive wear. rian grade school W- dn< day and A detergent loos­ selected two boys and two girl- to ens a n d rem oves represent their 4-H Ht alth club carbo n , gum an d Jimmy Thompson and Phillip Hatch lacquer from cvlin- Cake a la mode , , , of Big Bend were cho-en from the dors, rings and oilier parts h.'tlds all contaminants Adrian Health club. Tht > will com­ lavishly topped with ice in suspension so they flow >ut with drainings. Other pete with other Health clubs in the cream . . . covered with compounds in the oil resist oxidation and sludging, county at a later date in Ontario to prevent corrosion and stop foaming. They also keep chocolate sauce. sited two boys to go t Corvallis to a constant film of oil on all parts, whether hot or enter the State Health club. The win­ cold, providing lubrication and protection uguinst ners there go on to Chicago for the rusting in both running and idle engines. National Health club meeting. The Big Bend extension unit held an all-day meeting la-t Tuesday, April 21. at the home of Mrs. Noel Tuppeny. The business meeting was conducted in the foren . n, followed for more information about Standard Oil Company of California products, by a luncheon furnished by Mrs. Betty Sumer, Mrs. Lesti r Campbell call your local Standard man | and Mrs. Meryle Tuppeny. Mrs. | Edna Winsatt, extension leader of Ontario demonstrated repairing old Nyssa Phone 61-W furniture. Mrs. George Cartwright of Adrian accompanied Mrs. Ray Cartwright to j Nampa Saturday. She visited her mother. Mrs. Naoma Wright, who i- ; leaving soon for Springfield, Ore. I to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright, Le- rej Bennett, Harvey Bennett and boys were fishing at the Owyhee j dam Sunday. Three educational film= were en­ joyed by the patrons and school children o f Big Bend at the school house last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Norris en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lucas of Ogden last Sunday. ' Guy Ocamica, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Barstad and fam­ ily to John Day Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Thompson and son Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Mills of Kingm.m Kolony and Mr. and Mr-. L. E. Miller visited Mr. and Mr. . Marvin Bar-tad Saturday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones and fam ­ ily and her si.ter, Mrs. Leona Hawes j of Marsing and family, went into | Parma last Sunday for a birthday ! tier with th< it mother, Mr.-. Guy j Strong, who was celebrating her 72nd birthday. Truck H ydra-M afic and record high compression Mr. and Mr- Lawrence Miller, Mr. | and Mrs. Marvin Barstad and fam- | insure top performance in the lightw eight field ily and Sharon Collins enjoyed a 1 picnic Sunday along the Owyhee j A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE river. Mrs. Mary Brurr.bach left W ed­ nesday for Walla Walla, Wash., to 228 cubic inch engine with 105 horsepower— visit her son, Rex and family, for HAUL HEAVIER LOADS MORE EASILY highest in its class. a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Barstad and Dual-Range Truck Hydra-Matic* unerringly family and Mr and Mrs. Lawrence SHIFT fO R THEMSELVES - WITHOUT selects the right gear ratio for all needs— Miller and Caroletta visited in MISTAKES automatically. Burns last week Mrs. Myrtle Hatch was in Cald­ 8.0 to 1 compression— highest of any gaso- well last Tuesday, while there visited SET MODE POWER FROM REGULAR GAS line iiiiik engine— extracts more punch, Mrs. Jessie Paine, who formerly faster response, from non-premium fuel. lived in Roswell Alice and Jimmy Thompson ac- Mrs. (,n ir | f llenneman and Mr- W E REPAIR . . . Gene's Appliance ITS NOT TOO LATE . . . . LEMON'S HATCHERY Big Bend m ¡f i d i m i How to moke gasoline Give Yourself a Break! Will Open Offices PAGE engines last longer 0 Brownie's 1 * Cafe WILLIAM E. SCHIREMAN nr.Mmi'a DO T H IS fo r y o u r r o s e s — protect them from aphis, from m ildew and rust — the easy ORTHO w a y ! G et out you r ISOTOX G a rd e n S p ra y and you r O RTH O RIX S p ra y . M ix them , follo w in g l a i d directions. W it h this com bin ation in y o u r SPRAY-E TTE hose attachm ent, y ou can protect y o u r plants again st both bu gs and disease— as fast as you can w a lk aro u n d the garden! OlfflN» TRUCKS W * 1 ta so » Pellets D O T H IS fo r y o u r n e w ly se t out p la n t * — lure their D O T H IS fo r y o u r la w n —(1) feed it, (21 kill weeds, (3) control sub-soil insects — all at once, with ORTHO Lawn Groom! Nothing else is like it — and what a beautiful lawn with so little effort! enemies, snnils and slugs, to swift death with B U G -G E T A Pellets. Simply scatter these long-lasting pellets around the new plants. Ilydra-Matic’8 3-speed SAVE FUEL »O T H IS fo r y o u r v e g e t a b l e « — dust the seed trenches with B O T A N O deluxe. It prevents damage from maggot«, wireworms and other insects. Use B O T A N O throughout growing season. It protect« plants from disease. Sold in its own handy re-fillable "pump-action” duster. Ask your ORTHO dealer! TcbJer's Feed & Fuel, Inc. 17 Good Ave. Position Open traffic, CUT MAIRTERARCE COSTS Hydra-Viatic’s fluid coupling prevents en­ gine strains, shock loading of drive line and rear axle, reducing servicing and repair needs. SAVE TIME Better acceleration without shifting lag, cuts ‘‘ traffic light time” at every stop. SPARE THE DRIVERS keeps drivers fresher, more alert to accident Local Store Should have $4000 to $5000 Best Collateral, Double Se­ curity Furnished 8G paid quarterly. Also Salarv, Commission on Sales. Opportunity become Eligible Old Age Pension and Social Security Bene- fits. T h i . is Work You for rpm to the minimum needed for the job. Wanted, Man or L a d y age 50-65 to M an a ge range 4- speed range for open going, cuts engine Elimination of clutch-and-gearshift effort hazards. Standard equipment on fé c h a te Delivery mede/; optional at moderate extra cost on the others. Itrtick! Set * £2- Come in and try out the new H ydro-M alic G M C s Your hoy to greatar houling profits R O B E R T S - N Y S S A , In c . Phone 25 NTS SA, OREGON 2ND and GOOD A V E M E y You'll do bêttêr o/i a v s t r u c k with your CMC dealer m