THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOUHNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY A P R 'L 2 \ 1253 LOCAL NEWS I I o n a e g n c a ta »1 t h e hom e of I>r. at the h me of her parents. Mr and M -Kee Her husband md tain daughters, Marsha and a:.d Mr>. B E Ross and Gary are Mr- Ross's parents, Mr and Mrs. the week-end. They left for home H E Dunkel of Martinez. Calif. The Monday. Mr a n d M rs. G eo rg e N. B e a r a n d Dunkels arrived here Monday. S u n d a y v isito rs a n d d i n n e r ( u r s t s Mrs Pearlee K:nser spent Sunday ,--f Dr and Mrs. Dwight Mason and at the James Cannon hem* near b ys were Mr and Mrs Joseph La- , Emmett. Marche and children of Boi'e. M r. a n d Mrs. \ e rn l>uus p lay ed Mr. a n d Mr>. M a i S e h w e U e r of cards Saturday night at the William Kennewick. Wash., visited last week Schireman home MAKE GRASS SILAGE DIRECT FROM STANDING CROPS « oh .*. M ow er bar attachment a vo fla b J « with own motor o r p o w o r toko-off. FORAGE HARVESTER and New m M OW ER-BAR ATTACHMENT O T he Gehl w ith five-foot M ow er-B ar A tta c h ­ m ent h a i th e big cap acity to handle heavy yields easily, and produces th e fine, clean-cut necessary for q u ality silage. I t mows th e usual low-growing crops such as Alfalfs and Bronte, as well as th e new tall growing “ balanced silage" m ixtures such as M illet, S udan G rass, Soybeans, Sorghum an d C ane, sowed broad­ cast . . . chops and drops them in to wagon. T h e >ame B aiic H a rv e e tr r U n it, w ith ow n engine or p o w er tak e-o ff fro m tra c to r, ta k e s all th re e a tta c h ­ m e n ts . . . hsy p ick u p , m ow er b a r, a n d ro w -c ro p a t ­ ta c h m e n t fo r c o rn , c an e , etc . ANY OF THE I OEHL QUICK CHANGE OVEN UNIT! MAY IE ATTACHED IN A FEW MINUTES G e h l C ivet Y ou C o m p le te E q u i p m e n t fr o m F i e l d t o S t o r a g e . P o w erfu l G ehl b low er e lev ates to h ig h est silo o r m ow . G ehl Self U n loading F o rag a W agon Box o r F r e e P l a n e for b u ild in g y o u r ow n w ith G ehl P a rts K it. G sH J se lf-u n lo a d in g O t a n e r t o f G E H L F o r a g e H a r - w a g o n a n d blow er. vee te r e S a y t “ I t ’s th e o est ch o p , per o f th e m all” . . . a n d rem em ber, m ore farm ers ow n G e h ls th a n th e h a rv e ste rs o f a n y o th e r in d e p e n d ­ e n t m a n u fa c tu re r. C O M E IN ANO SEE THE GEHL W ith hay pick-up aitach m en ts and large Le Roi engine, now only $ 2385.64 Mower Attachment ♦ I c A m erican Legion -Vnti'A A uxiliary Nominates Officers At M eeting * Engagement Announced Ny resident - are being rem.nded this week that pr visions of an or­ dinance pre rib;: g . e of d* me «tic water for Irrigation purpose* will be come effective May 1. CM•• Mai. iger r X Bui . that water may be used far irriga­ tion only between the hours of 6 am and noon, and from 5 pm to 10 pm Water U'er' are to shut off all irrigation water in the event of a fire alarm Extensive use of water for irriga­ tion during the past few days has caU'ed lack of water pressure in some parts of the city, Burton said A regular meeting of the Ameri­ can Legion auxil.ary wa- held Thurs­ day evening at the h, me of Mrs. Kermit Lienkaemper Nomination of officer was held as follows: president. Mr.- Rolland Laurance; first vice presid nt. Mrs Don Lytle: second vice president. Mr.«. Clella Jamison; ->■ reiari. Mr- Mrs. U H Ntiger hostess a: a party in her home Monday evening. ;o announce the engagement of Miss Florence Meili, laboratory technician Members of the Eagles auxiliary Thomas Burns, of Temple. Tcxa-. The wedding will be an event of May 17 at the Lutheran church in If . O r a Ontario. Pinochle was irr play during the Hugh Tcbler; chaplain Mr- Kermit evening with prizes going to Miss Lienkaemper; sergeant - at - arms, yfetli. Mr Burns and Mr and Mrs Mr- E K Burton; historian, Mrs ■ M in k n Lynn Metis. tive board, Mrs. Felton Duncan, Mrs H O. Hopkins and Mrs Kermit Eagles Auxiliary Meets Lienkaemper. Members of the Eagles Auxiliary Yearly reports were c mpleted and met Tuesday evening for a regular at the close of the evening, refresh­ business meeting. Mrs Lucille Run- ments were served to the Legion and ; corn won the raffle gift and Mrs. auxiliary by Mrs. Clifford Mink and Ruth Collins won attendence prize. Mrs. D M. Graham, hostesses. Mrs. R A Butcher and Mrs. Ward Lundy were hostesses for the social Order of Eastern : evening. Chatter Box Club Meets June Peterson at S tate Speech Meet CLEAN UP FIX UP PAINT UP June Peterson, who placed third Mr. an il M is. L eo l i l r a n n o u n c e th e in the panel discussion section of the e n g a g e m e n t of th e ir d a u g h te r , C a ro l, district speech contest at LaOrande to Cilen K G re e n of O n ta rio , so n of March 27 and 28, represented the Mr a n d Mrs. B oss G re e n of K a y s- district in the state contest April 10 Star Members Meet ville, I Lilt T h e w edding d a te w ill be and 11 at Corvallis. A regular meeting of the Order of in n o u n c e tl la te r. Although she failed to reach the Eastern Stars was held Monday eve­ finals, Miss Peterson gained much ning. Plans were made for a picnic in experience from participating in party to be held at the city park. Schoen Honored at a state meet. Sunday. May 17, 1 p. m Invita­ Soren Cox, speech instructor at Im plem ent School tions will be sent to all Eastern Nyssa high high school, accompanied Stars, DeMolays and Job's Daugh­ Bill Schoen. shop foreman for Miss Peterson. ters and members of their families. i Owyhee Truck and Implement Co., The tournament was sponsored by Following the regular meeting an was honored by being elected class the Oregon High School Speech election was held for officers of the president for the two week’s school "Social Club”. Those elected were for service managers recently held league. Mrs. Olen Brown, president; Mr.- in Chicago by the International Har- M r. a n d M rs. .lint O lsen a n d Mrs. Marjorie Shuster, vice president; I vester Co., it was announced this Bonnie Ward, secretary and Mrs. week by Dillon Erickson, local man- Alyce Nelsen were dinner guest' Sunday at the Joseph Maughan B B. Lienkaemper. treasurer. | ager. home. Refreshments were served by host In the capacity of cla.-s president. and hostesses, Mr. and Mrs. Ken -Schoen presided at all meetings and The game of Lacross was origin­ Renstrom. Mrs. Herb Fischer, Mrs. iunctions of the group of service | Progressive Card Harry Miner and Mrs. Lilly Crocker. | managers from all parts of the na­ ated by the American Indians. tion. Party Given Passengers are not permitted on Dillon was also informed that his the navigator's bridge when a vessel i Mrs. Tom Eldridge. Mrs. Harry P. M. Warren Honored P. M. Warren was honored at a firm was rated near the top for shop is under way. Miner and Mrs. Carlos Buchner were co-hostesses at their respective birthday party Sunday at his home. i efficiency and management. | homes at a progressive bridge party Mr. Warren is celebrating hi- 90tn Connie Mack's real name is Cor- Use Journal Classified Ads. 1 Friday afternoon. Spring flowers | birthday. Twenty-fit < guests at­ i nelius McGillicuddy. tended the party including out-of- 1 were used as decorations. Mrs. Glea Billing.', Mrs. Joe Mau- town gue-ts, Mr. and Mr Ray War­ ghan and Mrs. Henry Hartley won ren of Nampa. prizes for high score and Mrs. Ken­ neth Cottle, Mrs. Frank Morgan and St. Ann’s Alter Socity Meets Mrs. Harold Brendle won prizes for Members of the St Ann's Alter society met Thursday at the church second high. Tentative plans were made for a rummage sale to be held some time Mrs. Mally Entertains Mrs. C. A. Mally entertained mem­ in May. Mrs. C. A. Mally and Mrs. Frank bers and guests of her Tuesday even­ ing bridge club at her home. Mrs. Jayo will be hostesses next month. Houston Wilson won high score and Mrs. Tom Eldridge won second high. Give Farewell Dinner Will O pen Offices Mr. and Mrs Oene Honey of Ap- ❖ —* pie Valley gave a farewell dinner Cradle Shower Given Mrs. Duane Alters was honored Sunday at their home in honor of On or About April 27 guest at a coffee hour and cradle Rev. and Mrs. Frank Coley, who will shower given Thursday afternoon by be leaving Nyssa soon Other guests Mrs. Rolland Laurance. The after­ were Mr. and Mrs. Don Honey and girls of Boise. At No. 2 A rcad ia Blv'd noon was spent informally. + -+ Mrs. Wayne Simpson entertained members of the Chatter Box club it her home Wednesday afternoon with 17 members present. Mrs. Floyd Ivey and Mrs. Frank Parr were guests. 1 Roll call was answered with a news 1 item. Mrs. Elver Cloninger showed life saving and artificial respiration. Re­ freshments were served by the ho«- tess and co-hostess, Mrs. Willis Bert- ! ram. The next meeting will be held May 20 with Mrs. Jack Dunn and Mrs. Ellis Dunlap as hostesses. * -* 359.41 493.96 Dr. Edgel W. Wood Sunday Dinner Guest James Martin of the College of Idaho and guest speaker at the Methodist church Sunday was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Attebery. B & M Farm Equipment Co. Did you know that you lift over 2 tons and walk 5 miles each day you Iron? No wonder you are tired. Try Phone 444 I a Frigidaire Ironer Free for 2 weeks 1 Phone 94-W. 15-ltc. 512 Arcadia Irrigation Hours Set By City i — • — Help the J.C.'s With Their Clean-up Drive Then Let Us Fix Up Your Car HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Y our Ford Dealer CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN NEW LOW PRICES Corn H e a d e r ___________ 1 ^* PAGE s E v n t FARMERS - LOSE AN EARLY PLANTING? It's Not Too Late To R eplant That Field For A LETTUCE SEED CROP BIENNIAL ONION SEED CROP Call The D E S S E R T SEED CO. Premiere Valley Showing 3 rd DIMENSION The Screen's New Sensation Episcopal Guild Meets Homemaker'sFete Scheduled May 8 Malheur county’s annual Home- maker’s Festival will be held Friday. May 8, at the Ontario LDS recreation hall and will be under the direction | of various extension units, according to Mrs Edna Mae Wimsatt, county extension agent. The program is .scheduled as part I of National Home Demonstration week. May 3-9 Guest speaker will be Miss Viola Hansen, state home demonstration sgent from Oregon State college She will discuss recent experiences with | displaced persons in Europe in keep- ng with the Malheur program theme "Good Neighbor Day." A highlight of the program will be | a tailoring fashion show featuring dresses made by unit members in workshops held throughout the year. Miss Murle Scales, extension clotti­ ng specialist, will be OSC represen­ tative. Exhibts which will be displayed by extension units include gift wrap­ ping, by the Janneson-Brogan unit; homemade toys, Ontario Heights; out-door meals. West Bench; easier .roning, Vale and Ontario; new ma­ terials for home furnishing, Ridge- vlev; furniture repair. Big Bend; button holes. Hyline; table decora­ tions. H O. A ; nut cups, A K H ; place cards, Harper unit, and kitchen tools, by White Settlement. Also scheduled Is a 4-H display under the direction of Mrs. Frances Taylor. Ontario Mrs Philip Congrove, Vale, will be in charge of registration, to be*$in at 10 a m. A noon luncheon will be served by women of the DS relief society. Position Open Friday and Saturday — May 1-2 Write for Information Box Q. Nvssa. Ore. Com ing to FREE BRACKEN'S Chrome Ironer Chair With E very One WEEK END SPECIALS Beach Towels Striped 79c Extra Large 28x56 ONE LO T —Ladies' - Children's Skirts 69c Values to $1.98 Children's Tennis Oxfords Washable Arch Support Cushion Heel—Red and Blue Sizes 5 to 8 and 8 to 8 2.69 Electric Ironer O tot'i right I You can find out right in your own home — FREE — how e a sy ¡1 1« lo e (¡minor# •*'ote long hours o f m onoto­ nous d ru d g e ry standing over a hot iron­ ing b oard . Just call us, a n d w e 'll h a v e a F rigid a ire Ironer out lo your hom e Men's Field Hals Large Shape Straw b efore next "Iro n in g D a y . " 69c A I pc shore is a shore upon which the wind Is blowing. NYSSA THEATRE Lippert Pictures F eaturette FOR TWO W EEKS . . . — •> Wanted, Man or Lady age 50-65 lo M anage Local Store Should have $4000 to $5000 Best Collateral, Double Se­ curity Furnished 8 % paid quarterly. Also Salary, Commission on Sales. Opportunity become Eligible Old Age Pension and Social Security Bene­ fits. This is Work You Can Do. "A DAY IN THE COUNTRY (In the M & W M arket Building) St. Paul's Episcopal Guild mem­ bers met at the Parish hall for their regular business meeting. Mrs. Hilda Tensen was hostess and Mrs. Dick Tensen, co-hostess. A regular busi­ ness meeting was held. Ladies' Garden Gloves Men's Chambray Shirts Extra Heavy—2 Full Pockets Sanforized 29c 1.29 We Give S & H G reen Stam ps Dry Good* Shoes Clothing BRACKEN’S YOUR QUALITY STORE Nyssa. Oregon X Ray Shoe Fitting PETERSON FURNITURE CO. “The Dependable Furniture Store” Nyaaa O ntario-V ale-P ayette