THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1953 PAGE SIX pr.ze? were awarded to winners. 3 : e gardens with members of the .ng her daughter. Mr L. r.e t Steph- wiv v; lted Thur day and Friday v th Mr. and Mr? L:yd Adams and Members of the receiving committee ! Ontar j and Vale garden clubs ensen and Mr Stephen en Ml . I M’: I Mr Carolyn Gardner Mr Cherry t the hall were Mr and M: Ralpn Lunche n i? planned for the day at family visited Sunday evening at the is a brother, and Mrs. P.yall a nice., .avrence and Mr. and Mr Bernard Hotel Buis« me of Mr and Mr . Ci\d- 3o vtrs. of Mr-. Gardner. Eastman. B b Bower? was han red on h :; Mrs. E C Terhur.e has been il' Hostess for the evening were a- Change of Date Pinochle Club Jth birthday Saturday afternoon at the past week. f Hows: bridge, Mrs. Dick Ten?en. Anuty club meeting date ha? bten Mr?. Carl Sebum wa? ho?U-?? to Mr and Mrs. John Murphy wer in ■ ‘d fi m April 21 to May 1 A? » party given by his mother The«e her Wedne-day afternoon pinochle Mrs. Glea B.llmg?, Mrs Charle pre er.t be-ide Bob, were Kenneth Sunday dinner guests at the Le?li j Landreth and Mr- Ted Morgan; c.i- >revi< u-ly 'scheduled, the meeting club Iasi n e k Pi » »ere ■ n b ia?ta, Mrs Prank M rgan. Mr B v.ll b? itjf-t night and will be held *<■ b. David Markham. Dale Lank Topliff h me Mr'. John 0=trcm, high core; M: Butch Bingaman, Robert Mr and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr 3. L.enkaemper and Mr? Kenneth a the h rne of Mrs. Lloyd Lewi? ford. Em;l Stunz, low; Mr'. Walter Pox Xerby, and p.nochie. Mr Grar, Haney, Donny Dority. V yne M.t- ar.d family were Sunday din.nei j v. h M: Melvin Beck as c -hoste ?. and Mrs. Harry Kingrey, traveling tmehart, Mr? Schirem.m hell, Andrew Child-. Lloyd Cart gue-t.s at the Harold Sisson heme. wright. Skipper Naka-hima. and Mr and Mrs. Kent H.gley and Mr md Mr- John Stringer. Civic Club Has Mardi Marshall Hunter The af'.ern on w ■? and Mrs. Keith of Utal Bridal Shower Beautifully decorted cake- made pent in playing ball. Mr- Bowers vi?;ted from Wednesday until Fridaj Mrs. Carl Seburn wa hoste ■ Sat md donated by Mr.?. Goldie Cassell Iras; Officers Installed- at the Wayne Simp'son heme. Thi A installation ceremony erved refreshments to the group. urday afternoon at a brutal show . r given a? fir-t prize to Tom men are nephe ws of Mr Simpson n i ted by Mr H R Sherwood, a given in honor of Lois Ann Mt- Eldridge for bridge; Bill Wnhlert, Mr. and Mr? Ward Lundy. Jr., and Lauchlin Corn, a recent bride Thirty i uta and B B Lienkaemper, ; - •harter member of the Nyssa Civic boys played cards at the Robert three guests were pre-ent nochle Mr?. Ted Burton made '.lie c’. ib and an active participant in Runccrn home Saturday evening. The afternoon was enjoyed in pies which were given as second club activities during the 26 years Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Philips and playing games arranged by Mr ■ prize? to Ron Campbell for bridge: of its exi-tence, ushered in a new ch.ldren were Sunday dinner guests Ge< rge Coleman with prize award J L Church, canasta and Elmer ?late of officers for Civic club for Mrs. Alva Goodell at the Ward Lundy, Sr., home. the '53-'51 year, at the regular May ed to Mrs. J I. Brady. Bettv Ann Cru?on. pinochle. Phone 069-R1 Mr and Mrs. Eugene Stphen and meeting held last Wedne?day at the Boenig and Donna Heiter Ai’c Axel were Sunday dinner guest? at Epi c pal parish hall. Installed were f: i I Mr Lloyd Wilson, president; Mrs Mr and Mrs. Le-lie Ti pliff enter- the Art Norland home. Mr ar.d Mr? less, Mrs. Corn opened her many Jeffrey Wieneke Honored Jeffrey Wieneke was honored at D n Graham, vice president; Mrs. .ained at dinner Sunday evening for Roger Norland and Mr and Mr? El useful gifts. a birthday party Saturday afternoon Campbell Baer, treasurer and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Ronald McKinstry of mer Ausman and family called ir. Out-of-state gue-t? were Mr- R) "*ayette, who are leaving this week the afternoon. Corn and daughter and Mr? Mar at the home of hi.? parents, Mr and Li nard Hewitt, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and Mrs. George Schweizer was chair r Chicago to make fh?ir home. cella Welding and daughter. »11 of Mrs. Ward Wieneke Eight little boy? Mur ing, Mr Jack Corn and Mr.?. and girls helped him celebrate his man of the pregram and tea hour Guests were Mr. and Mrs McKin- Stephen and Mr and Mrs. LaVern Lena Dcman of Nampa an i Mr. 3rd birthday at a lawn party Each and wa? assisted by committee mem try. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T phff Cleaver and Alan were Sunday even- ; bers. Mesdames George Mitchell. and family and Mr. and Mr Irvin ing dinner guests at the Lester Clea- ' Merle Fire.?tone of Vancouver, Wa -h guest was given a favor. ver heme. Murl Lancaster, Tom N.shitani, B uq ToplifI and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hyde and Wil n, Lloyd Tcbler, Dick S'ock- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and N. K. Garden Men Take Honors ham and Mark Hartley. The Mardi 4andra. Mr and Mr Delbert Clea family of Kenewick. Wash., visited Club Meets In Progressive Play and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Ray from Fhiday until Sunday at the Members of the A N K Garden Gra , centering around the theme, ver The St. Paul's Episcopal Guild 3riffitts helped Mr.?. Claude Day of Guy Tanner home. Mr. Hyde is a “Little Red Days” was j club met last Tuesday at the home emphasized by colorful costumes de \drian celebrate ,*ave its progressive card party of her birthday Fri nephew of Mrs. Tanner. Mrs. Houston Wilson with Mrs teachers, schoolboard mem Mr and Mrs. Forest Wray of Em Thursday night at home? in Ny i Edward day evening. Boydell as co-hostess. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and mett were Sunday dinner guests at Polio wing the play, the group a - Glea Billings, a guest of the club ber? and boys and girls. Prizes were aembled i t the Pari h hall »here gave an interesting program on a warded for the best dressed indi- Uva Goodell, Jr., were Sunday din- the Guy Tanner home. Mrs. Alta v dual in each group with Mrs. ier guests at the Ed Nielson home Pekkala and Mrs. Ann Pratt of On birds. Did you know that ■■ i tario called in the afternoon. Nu Acres. Other guest? were Mrs. Fred Sav Graham winning as teacher, Mrs. n Mr. S tons and walk 5 mile ea h Lay i The 4-H Cup and Saucer met at and Mrs. Willis Bertram and H°wett, board member; Mrs. Rich age and Mr? Barney Wilson. In n? Mo a - nder you are tired i , ard Forbess, boy and Mrs. Tcm Sally and Mr and Mrs Alva Good- the home of Betty Morton FYiday The next meeting to be held some a Frigid. hit Ironer Pree foi 2 weeks.I ill were in Ontario Friday evening evening. N.-hitani, girl. Phone 94-W 15-lto I time in May and will be a tour of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill were Included in the program were two vhere the men attended a co-op dance numbers, “The Chicken Song” meeting and the women went to a hosts at dinner Thursday for Mrs Carolyn Gardner and John Cherry j and "The Baker Song'' presented in •ho w. Mrs. John McCallister, Katherine i Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and co turne by members of Mrs. Betty and Betty, and Mrs. Mancil Bishop’.s dancing class, Paul and boys fished at the dam Sunday. Mr. and Mr?. R >nald McKinstry cf attended a pink and blue ?hower for Stephanie Wilson, Linda Cundall, VI- nique, Katherine Farmer, ?ayette called at the Le?He Topliff Mrs. Bill Laurence at the Allen Jones heme Friday evening. Trudy Olsen, Jcane Hewitt, and acme Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ivie played Mrs. Loyd Adams accompan.ed Mary Danford. A vicl.n trio com- p ed f the Misses Amy Lewis, Doris Mrs. Florence Ryall ar.d daughter, card? at the Mancil Bishop home i. ::i y and Lois Wilson accompanied ’at sy, to B n-e Thur day where Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Sr., it he p.ano by Miss Vela Dee Poul- ’at?y had an audition t ?ing ov. r a and Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen. .n presented one selection; two Joi.-e radio station. Leland Jones and Van Tres cf Jr , attended the 74th wedding an- cal solos were rendered by Mrs. Mark Hartley, accompanied by Mrs. Utah spent several days the pa t niver.-ary cf Mr and Mrs. C. J of Greenleaf, instead of the Carlos Buchner and Mrs. Nishitani week at the Clint S ir-p-cn h me John Cherry and Mr-. Florence 7th anniversary as stated in last .mg a solo with Mrs. Buchner, ac companist. Mrs. Clyde Snider con iyall and daughter. Pat?y of H »1- week’s paper. ducted an old-fashioned spelling bee and Mr- LI yd Tobler directed com munity singing of “School Days”. During the business meeting Mr? 3rd Annual May Day Breakfast Glen Kenaston gave the annual sec retary's report and Mrs. Forbess, the Friday, May 1 1 treasurer’s report. It was also voted to make contributions to the spon- j soring of a Oirl’s State repre?enta- Sponsored by ! tive, the local Girl Scouts and the I Easter seal campaign. The Dorcas Circle *>— !• M o rta l N o te s Buena Yisia ARE YOU MARRIED? WERE YOU EVER MARRIED? ARE YOU GOING TO GET MARRIED? If So. Then See II THE FOUR PO STER" Playing at NYSSA THEATRE APRIL 26-27 A rmstrong PRIN rßk - S i s * Cleanup Time Is MW'W ; tmie. I Mrs. Jones Hostess of The Methodist Mrs. Thomas Jones was hostess to ter bridge club last Monday evening. ! lrs. Wilton Jackson was high score prize winner. Seam less Enameled Floor Covering That Looks Like lla n d -L a id Tile Newest stale creation in Arm strong’s Quaker M oor Covering. Eight handsome marbleized colors—with famous, long-wearing K-99 finish. L se it wall to wall or have it cut in rug sizes. Terms 6, 9, 12 Foot Width»-and low priced! jj Women's Society Desired for j Mrs. Grant Rinehart ' Entertains Club ^ Mrs. Grant Rinehart entertained members of her Tuesday evening bridge club at her home. Mrs. Dwight j Mason. Mrs. B. E. Ross, Mrs. Clar ence Davis, Mrs. Maylen Maxfield, j Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mrs. E. D. Michaelson were guest players. Prize? were won by Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Michaelson. Mr? L A Muulding and Mrs. Walter MoPartland. la s t in g colors for furniture, toys, tools, 1000 t h i n g s j l S ? ? G ay \ A • » There's no other finish like Flex. Goes on so » m o n t h l y - c o v e r s so m uch-stays brillinnt so long! I’uint up and so le with beautiful, tough, washable Flex! \J a QUTS. $2.33 1 GENERAL PAINTS rT rtrtr ‘ ¡n r ~ ic RDR P A IN T IN G - _ i n j ',! / m u s f N-r ¿ 0 V NYSSA FURNITURE CO. Christian Service 9 Gaod Ave. Serving begins Phone 149-W 1 Block West of Depot at 6 a. m. in the Methodist social room. Ruth and Naomi Circle of W.S.C.S. Elects Member? of the Ruth and Naomi circle of the W S C. S. of the Meth- | odist church met Thursday evening »t the home of Mrs. Hamilton Chad- derdon. Mr? Robert Wilson was elected to the office of president for t the coming year. Other officers are j Mrs. M L Ingebra.-en. vice president and Mrs. I. uie Attebery, secretary | md treasurer Mrs. Gene Grasty is >ut-going president. The program was led by Mrs. Grasty on "The Christian Family.” Slides were shown. Following the business meeting, a social hour wa? held UMdltiOliÙÙUL A coat of good paio! enhances the vjtue of property r-akes »t rrwe a ’ Dative t» »*• *% »•hie buy#■ » — and pro- trot* tt from rut and Jt* ^ •■¿M " Cut y I he ».tra »• ..t y.Mj It takes an unusuo finish to withstan the constant scuff uuj of many feet. QUICK STEP ONE finish that will endure con tinuous wvar. Around Arcadia Mrs. Geerge Mueler Phone 052-R 2 The Arcadia t ck 4-H club and their leader. Pa:ley Feik. met M >nday night at the home of Doro thy Houston After the business meeting, refreshments were served by Mrs. Ce. il H u -ton. Floors are easier fo keep clean— Several ladies from Arcadia at- | tended a miscellaneous shower for QUICK STEP is tough and hard— Mr Dick C rn Saturday afternoon flows even ly—dries overnight Aik lei FREE COLOR LARD a -, < »’j ,»i at the h- rne of Mr? Carl Seburn. ©r% a'uJ b ^ c . i on» on how tu do a g<o»i FRIC COLOR CARD Mr and Mr- George Moeller and P * n tm g fob Jean visited Mr and Mr? Cecil B t k veg and family Sunday evening in Apple Valley 3 ; F ; W P A IN T Jimmy Hou-ton and Craig Bar- BlKiaAftB s**I CORPOR/ JIO N C ï .»4, I bank celebrated their sixth birth days together April 17 at the Bur bank home M- Burbank served the birthday cake and ice cream f r them Joretta Moeller spent Sunday night with Marlene Bcrgam of Nys At sa Mr and Mr A1 Thompson of Ad- rain visited Sunday afternoon at the h tne of Mr and Mr? John Zitter- cob A group of > ung people charlvar- ied Mr and Mr Dick Corn last P h o n e 110 Wednesday night T..t> *e;-. nur- N yssa rted recently and are living on one of the K S Ac D ranches near Snake river Mr. and M: - On? Bullard were business visitors in Ho:?e M. nda.. Mr and Mrs R o y Wallace called April 26 to May 3 Is Nyssa at the Ocorg. M eilet mine Satin- .lav evening M 1 II it ill I'M. M: "Fix-up. Clean up. Paint-up" Week and Mr». J, hn Zitter : M 1 1 Mr? M 1 * ti »11 visited Sunda> evening at the n ' : Ml Jaycees i M I . \! ... •> C: a . .t. g i: Mr? Ra de» I Ba d Lia i.? v; ¿t- Ge! Your GENERAL PAINTS STUNZ LUMBER CO. Help the Th# striking n«w Bel Air Sport Coupe, ono Of 16 beautiful models in 3 great new series. Chevrolet’s improved Velvet-Pressure Jumbo-Drum Brakes give maximum stopping power with maximum ease of application CHEVROLET ¥ Chevrolet owners have long been con vinced that they have the safest as well as the largest brakes on any low-priced car. And that is even m ore true in I ^53. This year you will find much sm oother, m ore responsive brake action . . . up to 23rc less pedal pressure . . . and a softer, m ore velvety fe e l o f operation. £*// '/?/y A/£hf MrouÇÂ on</ /ArooyAf Realize, tixv. that here is the onlv low- priced car with sturdy Fisher L’nisteel Construction. Safety Plate Glass in wind MORI FIORII BUY shield and all windLnvs of sedans and coupes, extra-easy Power Steering* and many other important safety factors, and you'll understand why owners rate the new Chevrolet tops. Come in; see and drive this thrillingly advanced car, and we believe you'll place your order now ! *O ption al at extra cost. P o u rr Steering m a ila b le on a ll m od tls. C o n tinuation o f standard equipm ent an d trim illus trated is depen den t o n availability o f m aterial. CHI VR OL I T S THAN ANY OTHI R NYSSA MOTORS 420 MAIN N YSSA. ORE. PHONE 189 CAR!