THE Apple Valley Phone Ï-2769, Tornio Mrs. WiKalrvs MiLsoit W S .C i met at the home of Hel­ en W.lscn Wednesday of last week New officers were elected for the coming year. Mrs Francis Smallev, president; Ruth Fritts. vice presi­ dent; Irene Henshaw, secretary; Thelma Fox. treasurer and Mary Honey, spiritual life chairman. Mrs. Glen Landingham and daughter, Bonnie, from Arizona and Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell were Wednesday dinner guests at the C nley Wilson home Mr- Van Lan­ dingham returned to Arizona Friday and Bonnie will stay in Boise where she has a job. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Findley, former residents of Nyssa, have mov­ ed the Eichner place. Apple Valley P T A met Thursday evening Following officers were elec­ ted for the coming year: Mrs. Clay- t.n But-cher, president: Mrs. Ted Dick, vice president; Mrs Severet Fox. secretary, and Mrs Leo Thomp­ son. treasurer Friday, April 24. is field day at Ten Davis. Everyone come and bring a basket dinner There will lie several different sports events. NEW DEATH■KLUTCH :■ ■ .* The Beef Ewer 4 The New HEATH-KLUTCH Trap Catches Moles and Gophers Made of Strong Wire, Flat Metal Made to Set in Three Sizes For Larger or Smaller Gophers Fool-proof if Instructions Followed Hardware Merchants and Dealera Are Urged to See Us for Prices! HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc. Nyssa Distributor for Deaih-Klulch Phone 142 April 26 — May 3 Is Nyssa "Clean-up, Fix-up, Paint-up" Week Help the laycees MV J o A GA.’S C a I Y JOURN AL. NYSSA CREGCN Saturday. April 25 is the music Festival at Nampa It »..! be held m Central auditorium starting at 8 p m II i. II ... Ha ■< daughters fr. m Caldwell were Tue-- day evening callers at the Vear Haile home Dennis Huff, first grade, hurt his eye at school and has been absent the past few days. Larry Larkin returned to schccl monday after an 11 weeks absence due to yellow jaundice. Gladys Wilktrson had a ca t put on her arm Saturday due to an in­ jury suffered a week ago. Mrs. Tom Ferguson returned home from the Caldwell hospital Sunday of last week She returned to her teaching job Monday of this week. Just Neighbors club will be held Wednesday, April 20, at the home of Helen Wilson. Co-hostess will be Thelma Fox and roll call is plant exchange Mr. and Mrs. M O. Arnold from Jefferson, Ore . former residents of Apple Valley, were week-end guests at the Raymond Arnold home. Mr and Mrs. David Bay visited Mr Bay’s father. William Bay. at the St. Luke's hospital in Boise Sun­ day. He has been a patient there since Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston and family, Mrs Anna Boston. Dick Harris and Mrs. Jenny Boston and family of Ontario had a picnic at McCall Sunday Richard Wagner returned to San Diego after spending a 30-day fur­ lough with his parents. Mr and Mr.-. Alex Wagner. He expects to be sent to Pearl Harbor soon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston and family visited at the home of Ralph Rogers in Ontario Wednesday even­ ing. S Sgt. and Mrs. Dick Hixenbough left for great Falls, Mont., after a week-end visit at the Alex Wagner home. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Brown and chil­ dren visited Mr. Brown's mother, Eceva Miller, at Emme't Sunday evening. Mr. and Mr-. Ken M.ttleider and Douglas of Fruitland were Sunday dinner guests at the Alex Wagner home. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Butcher visited Bill Pollock and family at Jordan Valley Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Everett Jorgensen and family left Sunday on a busi­ ness trip to Blackfoot, Ida. Cathy and Jimmy Hill and Linda Vertrees spent Saturday night with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blevins and family, Boise, spent the week­ end with Mrs. Blevin’s sister. Mrs. Floyd Sommars. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sommars and family, Mr and Mrs. Raymond Blevins and family, Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Loye Bryan and baby, Mr and Mrs. Ed Stephans and Patsy, of Nyssa. and Mrs Virginia Ackhurst and baby had a picnic lunch at the school park Sunday. Mr and Mrs. George Bailey and Olive called at the C. L. McDer- motte home near Adrian Sunday. Olive MoDermotte is quite ill. Bill Richesin returned to Fort Lewis, Wash., after a week-end visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Richesin. Lynn Schiminels, who Is home from the Navy on a ten-day fur­ lough was a Tuesday evening dinner guest at the home of his brother, DeLoyd Schimmels, and family. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Toney Schim­ mels, were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cunningham and daughter, Trudy, and Dorothy Henshaw from Seattle are visiting at the R. E. Henshaw homo. They plan to return to Seattle May 1. Mrs. Raymond Hild and Shirley visited Uvon Sevy at Caldwell Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. DeLoyd Schimmels and family spent Sunday at the par­ ental, Toney Schimmels, home along with all the Schimmels and their families in honor of Lynn Schim­ mels who leaves Tuesday by bus for San Francisco to assume his duties in the Navy. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Coley of Nys­ sa were honor gue.-ts at a farewell dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey Sunday. Dinner guests also included Mr and Mrs. Don Honey and daughters of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin and children. Afternoon callers at the Honey home were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Standall. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster of Cald­ well visited at the Ben Lancaster home Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Kellogg and family were dinner guests Friday evening at the Kenneth Saunders home. The dinner was in honor of Mr. Saun­ ders' birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Seward and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Kenneth Saunders home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stephens and daughter of Nyssa and Mrs. Ray­ mond Ackhurst and son of Califor­ nia, visited at the John Sommars home Sunday evening. The Supreme Forest Woodman’s Circle, Parma branch, is sending three representatives to the Idaho- Utah convention to be held in Twin Palls April 27 and 28. The ladies are Mrs. C. Ben Ross, Helen Usadel, and Mrs. Roy Wilkerson. The ladies also plan to spend a day at Sun Valley Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robinson and family and Mrs. Ura Robinson were Sunday dinner guests at the Laur­ ence Thompson home in Payette. Revolutionary NE ve lvet-flat finish for walls and woodwork- fesiest- to-app/ypaint you've e known Whether your painter or husband applies it — Ful-Color works with amazing ease over plaster, wallpaper, wallhoard and woodwork. Latex-base Ful-Color comes ready to use from the can with brush, roller or spray. Dries in one hour / Dries to touch in 30 minutes. Can rehang curtains, pictures in an hour. Put on second coat, if desired, in 3 hours. No objection­ able odor. Use room night of day painted! Washes clean in 2 wink. Fingerprints, grease and v>it wash off Ful-Color with soap and water. Easy to keep clean around light switches, along door cd ■. s on window sills. Non-p s Ful-Color actually resists dirt! only : Ippl \ vacation. . II > Ea ter at the home Sunday dinner gue.-ts at the Roy Cub Scout den Mr F ■ Kenneth Me- and Mr- Mills \.U b ■ den motners Glenn D nal ■ ■ N Hatt hi MM - Sun­ and Mr Slippy ».1 >e den l e.her. Announcement ha- been made of Gallant and sons t f Richland. Ida. Stanley Mills a ill be the den ch.ef. the appointment of We-tern Corru- day evening. B b Thomson ret irned Sunday r Mr and Mr- Grant Patterson re- I'ne group plans to meet Friday gator, Inc., of Ny--a as the local fr pi a tr.p to New Mt \. with the dealer for Massey-Harris Co . manu­ i rd fi their aoo, Dale, nights after school. Fruitland MYF Mr and Mr-. Ra Franklin of facturers of farm tract« r- and equip­ .natc he had -.».led for Japan last Mr and Mrs Tlu ma> Godwin v 1 .1 lday on beard a destroyer tender, Parma were Sundat t« t- of their ment. Grandview. Wash , visited at the j .he U.S.S Frontier John Palmer, manager of Western laughter, Mr- Gerald Slippy and homo of their daughter and family ; Corrugator, Inc., said hi- company Mr and Mrs Charley Culbertson Mr and Mrs Frank Ned bale k anc. and Larry returned he me from a Mr and Mrs Don Franklin and would soon have a complete line of Donna, over the week-end. Massey-Harris product.- on hand, The Farmerettes club met at the week in California At Pasadena they sons of Boise visited at the Lynn although a Model 44 tractor, hay visited their son-in-law and daugh- Kygar h me and al-e Mr Flor­ hall Wednesday for their all-« < baler and mower are now on dis­ meeting, with a potluek dinner fol­ tei Mi and Mi B . tei Talbot and ence Kygar Saturday play in his company's equipment lot son and then tevk Mr- Bertha Cul­ lowed by the annual election of offi­ O K K met Wedne day afternoon cers. Tnere were 19 member- and six bertson to her heme m Martinez. at the h- me f Mr- Claude Skinner Did you know that you lift o/ir children pre-ent. During the buu-l Mrs Archie Mo.-es left Monday with Mrs William Pcu/ and Mrs : 2 tons and walk 5 miles each day you with her Louis Skinner as co-ho.-te es Dur­ ; Iron? No wonder you are tired Try ness meeting the club voted to con­ morning fer Boise to tribute $10 to the Red Cross, $10 to laugater. Mrs Ralph Shelton, and ing the business meeting it was vot­ a Frigidaire Ironer Free for 2 week*. the Cancer drive, $5 to the Fruitland tew -on. Ralph E ’.bert. who was born ed to give $5 to the cancer drive and Phone 94-W. 15-lte. library and $20 to the Payette h o s ­ April 15 the members decides! to save their Mrs. Clyde H ke and baby arrived coffee bands and get a coffee maker pital auxiliary. The members plan to sew about two dozen nospital home Wednesday afternoon from Door prizes were won by Mrs Earl gowns for the Nyssa hospital. Mrs -he Nyssa hospital The girl has been Kygar and Mrs William Peutz Bin- M c Seuell Is the chairman for hos- i:tu'd Marilyn Ga> | go was played with Mrs. Werner pital work for the club At the elec- Mrs Deraid Slippy. Mrs. Bvrd Peutz, Mrs. Chet Mills and Mrs. Ger­ tion, the following officers were elec- Walters and Mrs. Ellis Walters called ald Slippy winning prizes The next ted to serve for the coming vear ’r- ^ r' Harlan Koger Friday after- meeting will be in Ontario at the president. Mrs. Merle Thomson; vice n'x n surprising her on her birthday, home of Mrs Lulu Olmstead on president, Mrs. Harry Wood; secre- rhe J K’e «ream and May 20 Mrs Bill Wilson .......... ... ......... ....... . lad'es enJo:ved „ liauu „ and Mr tary, Mrs. Ed Meroney, and treas- cake alld visited during the after- John Mtttlestead will assist urer, Mrs. George Smit Mrs Paul n53 The New of the American Road Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Phone 0%-R3 Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Lovitt of Spo­ kane, Wash., spent Friday and Sat­ urday at home of his brother, Lee | Lovitt. Mr. and Mrs. T. H Brewer were Pie a la raede! With 41 "W orth More” features, it’s worth more when you huy it...w o r th more when you sell it! ; Built for <10... You ran choose your high-compression power in Ford. Take either the 110-h.p. Strato-Stnr V 8 or 101-h.p. Mile- age Maker Six. Both have Ford’s Automatic Power Pilot. Built for keeps... Rugged, 5 cross member box-section frame with special K bar lets this new to o l take it for years, lord s hull- tight construction keeps out water, dust and dralt9. A Rare Treat With Our Home - Made Pies Built lor heuulY... We Always Give • Good Service • Quality Food See Whit« tld«wall tlf t , two-ton« colon illo»traf«d optional at «*fra CO«t. Equipment, acc«$$ori«* and trim $ubj«ct to chang« wifhttrf not*«. We Are Open 24 Hours Daily. B & ECA FE Tlic 53 Foni leaves ’em all behind in style, with a new longer, lower, more massive look, (.boose Irorn 18 new models, 1 1 body styles, in a wide range of color and upholstery combinational i t . , . Value Cheek i t . . . lest Drive it 1 '( )R I F.D.A.F* HERRIMÁN MOTOR CO. 314 Main, Nyssa Phone 77 JbKtlL B E SURE W IT H P E R S O N A L IZ E D C H E C K S S 5 .4 2 PER GAL. Your name and address printed FREE on your regular checking account checks at First National, open 10 to 5, Monday through Saturday, for your convenience. Nu Acres News Farmerettes Club Don B. Moss Firestone Store PAGE FIVE THURSDAY. A PRIL 23. 1953 Mr. and Mr- Frank Nedbalek and Donna visited at the home of Mr. and Mr Oeorge Ora-mick of Cald­ well Sunday afternoon. Their daugh­ ter, Paula Kay, had been quite 111 but is much better. Mr and Mrs A P. Chesney visited Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr- Colwell of Fruitland. Frances Chesney visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. George Hag F I R S T NATIONAL B A N K n i m > N T JS A BRANCH