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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1953)
THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . A P R IL 23. 1953 PAGE TW O THE GATE GU Y JOl KNAG and Publisher Advertising Manager RICH ARD 1 N YO ST a. L Whortnn. O * nur* D iane Il Alti m and Gn DUANE K. k & % l . \ & w ^ SUBSC R IP T IO N K \ T I> In M i lb tur O ou ut y Oreg n. and T’ .iyette ar.d Canyon n e w s PAPER C- unties. Iridic *100 1 IM I r u m i S H E R S $ 00 6 M 'nths ASSOC IATION El f » h f r e in the U S A . *3 n0 per year -J 07 Single Copies <Stnctly ai Advance) Published every Thursday r Nyssa. Malh.ur County. Oregon Entered at the postoffi.e it Nyssa»- Oregon for transmission through the United State. Mails, as second class matter under the act of March 3. 1879 Like the Weather. Many Things Can Change A two-day ses. ion of the Nyssa city council last week was virtually an open "trial” at which the accusers and the accused faced a public court. There were no decisions rendered nor were any verdicts handed down, but numer ous accusations were left dangling in mid-air. Actually, Major Thomas Jones was the original de fendant, hut proceedings developed into a three-ring circus that made defendants of every member of the city council and the entire citizenry of Nyssa. W e can sa c here that every councilman to a mdn han dled himself like a statesman. The mayor was present at only the Tuesday night meeting. For the record, it should be mentioned that Tom Jones was named mayor of Nyssa last January by the flip of a coin after the council was divided 3 to 3 in its choice for mayor. At last Wednesday’s afternoon session, he re ceived a 1 to 2 vote of confidence. The mayor has made some mistakes. The city council as a unit has made some mistakes. If there hadn’t been mis takes there would have been no need of these men spend ing their time each month taking care of the city s in terests to the best of their ability. In the first place, Nyssa’s present and previous coun cils have made no more errors and very probably less— than any town of less than 25,000 population. These men serve with no remuneration, they all have businesses or jobs and thev have little or no time to study all the intri cate details >f parliamentary procedure, municipal law — and politics There have been times when it was necas- sary to cut corners, just like any governing body does, to expedite matters of minor and major importance. In some cases thev have not followed the letter of the law, either because of their lack >f understanding or because they believed no harm would result in accomplishing some thing in a hurry. They, as individuals and as a governing board, might be wise in weighing every action they take because of the forces forever ready to make an issue of some insignifi cant incident that might lead to embarrassment, just like the unpleasant experiences last week Quiti a few of Nyssa’s citizens had a reawakening last week and w e can’t resist the comment that it was about time! This newspaper might have been at fault on several occasions when it was thought that deferment of some of the gruesome details of city affairs would do the pub lic no good and was not actually news Just why intelligent people will believe some of the ridiculous rumors that have been spread cannot be un derstood There is no i >ubt that the Rainbows Rooms, which continues to enter any discussion about Nyssa, is an issue in one form or another, and may or may not be a contributing factor to the current unpleasantries. W e have no quarrel with the police departments, either present or past, or with the municipal court. From a newspaper's viewpoint they have all been cooperative. some of the policie of all three, we have disagreed. A minor grievance we 1 ave had is that the city police and the municipal court h .ve been somewhat careless with thei: arrest and o o r t records, which has made it «rabarrassin.; for themselves, the city council and for us. I' »houl 1 t e noted that t ■ caieiessness referred to is no more serious than that <t any private business, includ ing our own, in keeping records The difference lies in the fact that the records are those of Ny’s citizens and people they invo. Noi one needs to 1)C lulledÍ to sleep bv the result s of actio n takcn by the c‘ouncil Wedne:s lay The council- men were count..eotis in mak;ing public their vote on the final iSSLU' of whethe r thev t! iounht the chairman of their body shou Id be retail ied or . asted SU trm clouds can form wi thin a slu >rt time after the wcatilier p red id ion of fair an i warmer. The clouds et>uld mean t h e .advent of silowers, !loods or ti rnadoes It would be well for those in the path >f the potential storm to pre pare for any eventualities Gill KGII NOTES FIRST Church of Christ CHRISTIAN \ , .tin I Hollingsworth. Minister , n i. church school. Elvtn 3 ,;: u. uperintendent. , : m rmn< worship, directed )•. minister. in. Christian Youth Fellow- -, p m . evening worship. \SSFMBI.Y OF GOD 1 rink C Coley. Pastor South 2nd ami Reece Are. :? i m . Sunday school. Il t m . morning worship s p in., evangelistic service. T ic- 8 p m.. prayer aervice. r n . 8 p m.. young people. TIIE ( III Kl II OK THE NAZAKENK Hubert In ks in I'astor 10 a m., Sunday school. 11 p m , morning worship 7 p m . N Y F S ar.d Junior meet- •lgs 7 i i p m , evangelistic service. CO M MUNITY METHODIST C IIIIC S l>r. II. G. Mc( allKtrr. Minister 9 45 a m., church school 11 a m.. morning worship 7 p m . Youth Fellowship. L. DK. 1st W ARD Gordon Ray, Bishop 9 15 a. m.. priesthood meeting. 10 30 a m., Sunday school 7 30 p m . sacrament meeting Tuesday. 2 p m., relief society. Wednesday, 4 p m . primary; 7:30 d in. M., I. A. I.. D. S 2nd W ARD I). Hubert Christensen. Bishop 9 15 a m., priesthood meeting. 10 30 a m . Sunday school. 8 p m., sacrament meeting. Tuesday. 2 o. m.. relief society. Wedne-day, 4 p. m., primary; 8 j m . M I A. I M T U LUTHERAN ( Hi R< H Fifth Street and Park Avenue John L. Briehl. Pastor 10 a. ni , Sunday school. II a m . divine worship. Wed., 8 p. m „ education class. You are cordially invited to wor- ' -hip with us. CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rembert Allies, O. F. M. Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m. and daily at 8 a m. Saturday. 10 a. m., Catechism classes. Letters to Editer Grange Lauds Rev. Frank C o le y Leaving N yssa Signe.l letters to the editor are Re. and Mrs. Prank Coley. pa>- welcomed and will b< printed if they t : : the Assembly of God church do not contain comments of a libel for the pa t three years have rc- ous nature or attacks on religious 1 cently re igned their pastorate here and racial groups. Publication of the Their farewell service will be Sun-1 letters does not signify the agree The following resolution and I ment of this newspaper with opinions explanation was submitted by the day morning. May 3rd. expressed. Rev ir.d Mrs. Coley are planning Oregon T rail Orange and is self- . re: irn to evangelistic work from explanatory as to its action taken Dear Editor: •which they came when called to We country boy^ have tolerated last wetk: . the N fiu Awembly the greedy and stupid antics oi the “ The Oregon Trail Grange, by a f dV Lvn. inmates o f the hick town of Nyssa resolution adopted at their meeting - Haskel Friend of for many years and have come to April 17, wishes to commend the ac Idah ^ S tric t ».ii be o»mint. expect more of the ^ame from time tion of the city council -f Ny- a fo. with their family, to be the new to time. their stand on the issue c f law en pastors. Judging from -he recent adoles forcement. Rev and Mrs. Coley return cent outbursts f: m these inmates, Your Car Rides and “The Orange feels that since Ny.— we can only assume that the hick sa is our natural trade area, and ed Friday evening from Portland ■where they attended the Oregon dis town Is now in it- econd childhood. that since our contacts and those ol Handles Much Better There are two un olved burglaries our children are in the municipality trict council business meeting of and one possible murder which have of Nyssa, we welcome the oppor'un the Amenably of God churches. The When it Runs Fric meeting was attended by 600 mm been completely ignored to date. ity to give our moral support to those isters and several hundred guests. Perhaps these inmates uld have who stand for a better community." tion-Free. thair mouths *a .. it »ith ap and be put to work Talk cheap, RETURNS FROM D R IV E IN T O D A Y ! it takes money to buy whi. key. WINTER IN CALIFORNIA Sincerely. Harry Weidemann. Mrs. Nettie Simpson recently re- Our men are tops in the t ìrned to her heme in Nyssa after Mrs. John Ed wards, who appeared spending the winter in San Bernar trade . . . that’s why they’re Jear Editor: at the Nyssa city council meeting here! You'll like their better The other side of Oliver Burt Tuesday evening of last week to pro dino, Los Angeles, San Diego and way of doing things! Pounds’ arrest and conviction for le-t alleged statments of Nyssa city San Francisco, Calif., and Ashland, -unning down Stanley Titus, on a, stated that she wished to be Ore. Mrs. Simpson claims that Ny.s- rross walk at 3rd and Main streets. idenified as a former waitress at the sa’s weather and seasons cannot be U the time the car struck him, he B & E Cafe. Mrs. Edwards einpha- beat anywhere. I vas not on the crc-.; walk. s.zed that her reference to a conver A palindrome is a word or sentence Oliver Burt Found- was coming sation between herself and Acting 'own Main street fr in the west and Chief c f Police David Gray took that reads the same backwards as vas driving reasonably slow, and place at the B & E Cafe while she forwards. Phon* 117 :oked the cross walk ever good be was employed there. fore he -tarted to turn. As there was Samuel Morse, the inventor, was 10 one on it he did n t look to the Oliver Burt noticed that the rear ight any more after he turned, but wheels of the car were a little past also a portrait painter. vas locking in the direction in which the cross walk, he then went to the lis car was moving. After the front police station to make out an acci Did you know that you lift over 'f the car had pa -ed through the dent report where the police arrested 2 tons and walk 5 miles each day you toss walk a few feet, he heard him. Iren? No wonder you are tired. Try Oliver Burt’s arrest and conviction a Frigidaire Ironer Free for 2 weeks. cmething hit the ear and be ¿tep- >ed instantly. A Stanley Titus was reminds us o f those things you hear Phene 94-W. 15-ltc. talking to schcil he -aw the red about going on behind the Iron Cur ar coming but thought it was going tain, We are sending our Boys to .n by, so he tar: d aer >s the street Korea to keep that sort of thing The car vas traveling -lav enough to from spreading all over the world, ;:ve h:m t.rr.e t get the street and here it pops up, right here in i ways, when he noticed that the Nyssa. Thar.k God for America \t the C ounty Court House Monday, April 27, 1953, 10 A.M. on ■ar had turned. It va> too close for where the la ws are net made by the him to turn back, -o he whirled and police, but if we revile the police, for the proposed Owyhee River Water Control District. Why? Should ran ahead of the car, which ac- merely enforcing the law, then why have any laws, or any police? Obey inted for hi a sm-ii district of a handful of farmers be expected to take on cross walk wh°n th > r ght fender of ing the law is a habit, violating the flood, drainage and spillway responsibilities of the Owyhee River the car struck him pushing him !aw may also become a habit. along a few feet. When the car C. M. Pounds. which are the responsibility of ALL the water users of the Owyhee stopped it thr^v him to the pave ment. Stanley got up ar.d ran toward River including the Owyhee Reclamation Project? home. Frank Lawrence ran and H E M S T IT C H IN G 'aught him, carried h.m over to the Why harness one horse to a six horse plow when the barn yard station where he called the doctor. G IF T S and C A R D S is full of horses ready and willing to share the load? for all occasions 10 a. m.. Sunday school. FAIES GIF T SHOP 11 a. m., morning worship. Adv Paid by A. D. Moses 8 p m.. evening worship. 313 Good Ave. Wednesday, 8 p in., prayer service. City Council On Law Enforcement LUBRICATION N yssa W o m a n Asks E m ployer Identity BERRETT'S S ervice i WË'JËÊtiMsi VOTE ADRIAN C O M M UN ITY CHURCH Henry E. Moore, Tastor 10 a. m.. Bible school. 11 a. m.. morning worship 11 a m . Junior church. NO Now enjoy HUDSON'S CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN .«Tristlan Center Mission Fast 2nd and'Ehrgood 10 a m . Sunday school. 11 a m., morning worship 7 30 p m „ evangelistic service. mighty power, matchless roadability and economy in any price field FRFE METHODIST CHURCH Adrian. Oregon 10 a m , church school. 11 a m morning worship (INCLUDING THE LOW-PRICE FIELD ) CHURCH OF CHRIST Parma. Idaho McConnel Ave. O. F. R o b in s o n , .M in iste r 10 a m . Bible study. 11 a m . morning worship. 8 p. m Sunday evening service Wednesday. 8 p m .. Bible study. ST. PAUI. s EPISCOPAL CHURCH C. T Crenshaw, Rector 9:45 a m . Sunday school. U a m , mvrning worship. MISSION \It I BAPTIST < III RI H Fldrr Lrr Jolliff. Pastor C O M E ...S E E TH E N EW Newest of MODERN TRACTORS IT S NOT TO O LATE . . . . to order some of those big. O nly H U D SO N , with the lowest strong chicks from . . . . LEMON'S HATCHERY N E W H A M P S H IR E S . W H IT E ROCKS. W H IT E LE G H O R N S . A U S T R A W H IT E S Ask about our special prices on chicks ordered 3 w eeks in advance and on orders of 500 or more. Phone 331 W 1-mi. No. on H iw ay 20 You never before saw such com fort, conveniens* and all-ars>und utility in a low-cost 2-plow tractor. Low seal, low platform, vet lull crop clearance for front or rear cultivation. Try the one-minute hook-up to I igle Hitch. Test the " b o d y - g u a r d " sear, I shock-free steering, 1/• \ Constant Hydraulic » 1 8 » < ontroL Tlie fabuknw Hudson Hornet is now stock-car champion in all tliree major U.S. racing associations! The reason for this exciting per form ance is H u dson ’ s exclusive "step-down” design, with the lowest center o f gravity among American cars. That is w hy only Hudson can handle such tremendous power so safely— why it gives you the safest, most comfortable ride you’ve ever had. W hether you ch oose a Hudson Hornet or its lower-priced running- mate, the spectacular Hudson Wasp —or the low-priced Hudson Jet — you get Hudson’s exclusive "step- dow n’ ’ design, Hudson’s mighty power, matchless roadability and economy. Visit us and try the Hudson o f your choice. Wliat about tomorrow? center of gravity among American cars, can handle such tremendous power so safely! HYDRA-MATIC DRIVI and sensational TWIN H-POWE9 New Dual Range or both optional ot **tra co*t Se? Us Today H U D S O N H U D S O N HORNET WASP NATIONAL STOCK-CAR CHAMPION Carl & Burl's LOWER PRICED RUNNING-MATE TO THE HORNET StflncUr.i trim an«! other aprrifVati«ina an-! *«-<»»•»,rim ani.,,» t f,, , t M a c h ir i Shop H U D S O N BEST PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMY IN THE LOW-PRICE HELD •Ithniil noti,-». WESTERN CCRRUGATCR CO. 101 C e c i Ave. Phone ls l