THE r S S A G\TH CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APR’L 23 ¡953 PAGE TWELVE IN VS SA THEATRE W e ise r N ips B u lld ogs R ig r jc - T o p s 5 4 in SRV Ball Game Senior r> _ C h iro p ra cto r To n Open Office Here , L) physician, announced Tue-day tn h? will epen off. e- next week at No. 2 Arcadia boulevard, which d hie p rticn cf the M A: W Market formerly occupied by an tppl.ance firm The chirc praetor came here from Portland where he ha- been practic- ng for ihe pa-t 18 month- He l- a graduate of Western State college. Portland. Dr Weed’s wife and two daughters expect to arrive here next month. > ri > There is no max.mum weight for heavyweight fighter. TB Report Shows IN L: . MANY MANEUVERS E G Stunz. USNR. as a mem- b- r of the per-:nnel of the USS Activity In crea se A total of 8.496 per n- were X- Ele.tra.-participated in the U. S. i t nz p v k i p ifate m in uvers la-t week, acc ird- rayed during the chest X-ray pro­ jr.g :o word received here. gram sponsored la t November :n The maneuvers were held eff the Malheur county, according to the Pacific coast and based on the annual report recently made by the i umpiicn that the fir-t atomic TELEPHONE 10K ,vi rid war was in progress and the Malheur county. This figure, it was pointed out. U. S bombed and invaded. represents 54.4 per cent of the coun­ NOTICE ty population and better than twice THURSDAY-FRIDAY the number X-rayed in 1949, when UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT APRIL 23-24 O F THE INTERIOR. Bureau of 3.601 responded. Land Management, Land Office. The 1952 survey revealed also that Swan Station, Portland 18, no active cases of pulmonary TB Oregon. Island 2, 1953 Notice is here­ have been vanfied. although there by given April on December 26. 1951. are a number of suspected ca-es Iven H. that Findley, Ontario, Oregon, which are being pursued with peri- filed application Oregon 02239 under Jiisticr C ourt , to <46 select M 4KY ( ASTI E the SE’«NE1», Nyssa, no operator’s license, $3 sus­ 1 April JO H N M r IN T IR E 1. 1952 of $4,058 27, for total SEN. E'vSW'-i, SWL8W', sec. 4. pended fine. »1 50 costs The story of the greatest gun- NW1«. W'-jNEU. tiW '.SW 1, sec. 9. receipts for last year of $9,453 54 April 18, Jesus M. Guterres, Weis- fighter of them all, John Wesley 19 S , R 46 E . W M , Oregon. 600 er. no operator's license, $3 fine, Total expenditures for such items T acres, Hardin. in exchange for the NW'<- as health education, case findings $4 50 costs. NEV SE'siNE1«, SE%, W'A sec. 2». April 20. Jose Hernandez Ramirez, and chest X-ray survey, seal sale, T. 19 S . R 46 E , W M , Oregon, 600 Nyssa, no operator’s license, $3 fine, administrative expense and share in acres. «vay Higgs This notice is for the purpose state and national program amount­ $1.50 costs Valedictorian of allowing all persons having bona SATURDAY. APRIL 25 April 20, Paul Everett Blaylock, ed to $5.473 10, leaving a balance on The 4th annual Ontario Amateur Kay Riggs and Amy Lewis were Nyssa, failure to display motor ve­ hand March 31. 1953, of $3,980 44. fide objections to the proposed ex­ change an opportunity to file their Golf championship, sponsored by the named valedictorian and salutator- hicle dismissed. objections in this office writhin 30 Ontario chamber of commerce, has ian, re-peetively, of the class of 1953 April license, 21, Jack Felton Duncan, Nys­ days from the date of first publica­ been scheduled for May 2 and 3, ac­ of Nyssa high school, it was revealed sa, violation of basic rule, $15 fine, R U M M A G E S A L E St. Paul’s Episcopal guild will hold tion, together with evidence that a cording to George Beechler and Bob this week by R V Wilson, principal. $10 suspended, $4.50 costs. a rummage sale April 28 through copy of such objections has been ser­ Van Orman, co-chairman. The med­ R :g g s topped the class’s 10 honor Court May 2 in the parish hall, from 1:30 ved on the applicant. with al play is for 54 holes and the other | students with a gradepoint average Municipal No new cases filed. to 5 p.m. each day. Frances A Patton, Manager. GENE AUTRY flights are 36 holes. Friday, May 1 ! of 107, while Miss Lewis’ average First publication April 23, 1953. will be free practice play for all en­ wa 1 20. These averages, Wilson VAGRANCY CHARGES PAT BITTRAM C L A S S IF IE D F O R R E S U L T S Last publication May 14, 1953. trants. Also pointed out, were set by the students DISMISSED MONDAY Newt Carter, Nampa, last year’s for their four-year high school car­ Charges of alleged vagrancy champ, Jlayed the course Sunday are eers, the exception of the last against Nate Thomas were reported it in top condition He in­ tme ter of their sen.or years, which dismissed Arthus Monday by City Police dicated he would be here for the vere not included. Judge J. C. Smtth when the defend­ tournament to try and retain his A perfect grade-point average is ant appeared for trial Thomas was crown. arrested April 4 by Police Officer 10. Wil-on said, adding that the Van Orman li ted merchand; e with David Gray and $25 bail was posted cla - average, 2.403, was slightly prizes of nearly $700, including a suit RICH \KI> DENNING of clothes, clacks, sport shirts, radio, hunier than wa- the average of the for his release April 5 NANCY GATES camera, out-door equipment, lug­ 1952 class. gage and golfing needs. These will Other honor roll students, whose be on display at the club house on grarie-noint averages ranged from the municipal link' this week-end During the pa-t two weeks four SUNDAY-MONDAY There will be awards for all flights, babies were born at Malheur Memor­ as well as low scores on each 18 ial hospital. APRIL 26-27 holes, closest to the pm on short April 12—A son to Mr and Mrs. holes, high scores and long drives. Keith Wooley and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoke, both of Nyssa. Nearly 100 entered the tourna­ April 13—A Mr and Mrs ment last year from most towns within a 200 mile radius Beechler George Pullins, Nyssa. anticipates about the ame comp - April 20—A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Watson. Nyssa. l SUnlr.\ Kramer Production tition this year. with • STUDENTS COLLECT 86 Ki \ HARRISON • BAGS OF CLOTHING LILLI PALMER Here is a heart-warming story In a final report issued by Walter MCPartland. grade school principal, that thumps soundly for life­ a total of 86 bags of clothing were time marriage. 9 collected during the recent drive for Matinee Sun. 1 30 • the Save-the-Children Federation. Of these. 82 bags were collected by • grade school students and four by I no,-, the Junior high school. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY "THE LAWLESS BREED" "APACHE COUNTRY" their third set-bacK by defeating . ccnierence ba-eball game a: Wei.-er Tue'day. Buttery for the Build g was C.x and Lovejoy, who scored in the fir t inning for the only Nys a run until the fifth, when he cro ed the plate again Vaughn ar.d Talbot al'O sc r- ed in this inning. Nyss.a made eight hits to Wei-er’.- four. The Wolverine > made three runs in the first and one each in the fourth and ninth. DAUGHTER BOHN Mr and Mrs. Jack Atkeson of Boise are parents of a daughter born April 25 in Boise Mrs. Atkeson is the former Carlene Jones. Grand­ parents are Mr and Mrs Grant Jones and Mrs. Gertrude Atheson of Caldwell. ■ A n- T ’ "iv / is l.nri BRAKE 4th Annual Golf Tourney May 2-3 At Ontario Links and LUBE Nyssa Births "THE FOUR POSTER" APRIL 28-29 COMING EVENTS "TH E S T O O G E " Saturday, April 25—Book club at the home of Mrs Ralph Haworth in Nampa. Salutatorimn 27—Malheur Memorial hos­ 1 26 to 1.55, are, in the order of their April auxiliary meets at-9.30 p.m. at standings, Dan Lovejoy. Nannette pital hospital. Bybee. Jolene Hunter. Debvin Mace, the Friday, 1, 3rd annual May- Emeline Findling, June Coleman, Day Waffle May breakfast beginning at | Doris Rigney and Jack Teague. 6 a. m. sponsored by the Dorcas The 1953 graduating class num­ circle of the W S.CS. of the Metho­ bers 63 ,-eniors, 37 of whom are boys dist church. Amity club at the home and 31 girls. Ab ut 50 percent of the of Mrs. Lloyd Lewis. class have indicated intentions of C R A N D A L L E L E C T E D BJC going on to college. Wilson said graduation excercL-es STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT Gerald Crandall, brother of Miss will be held Thur day. May 28 Kathryn Crandall, Nyssa school ’ teacher, has been elected president of the student body of Boise Junior college according to word received here. ___ After withdrawing h.s request for JUN IORS TO 1) W’t'E a jury trial last Friday, Herbert The Junior high school will hold Fisher entered a plea of guilty to a dance in the high school gym­ charges of operating a motor ve­ nasium Friday night, according hicle while under the influence of t< Murl this Lancaster, principal. liquor when he appeared before Ju-- tice of the Peace Donald M Grah am IN K S He was fined $100 and $150 court < \ F K D r all O E the T i l kindness shown me by friends and churches, fac- Fisher wa- arrested March 21 by ti! the \ many and 'Indents of Nyssa schools, a state patrolman and had pc-ted the Malheur Memorial hospital staff $150 bail when he appeared in the and tiie Fraternal Order of Eagles justice court at 1 15 a in that day for their help and many flowers dur­ He had entered a pita of not guilty ing my recent illness, please accept and was granted until March 23 to our most sincere thanks. appear and had requested a trial by Mr and Mrs. Claude W ills o n Jury On March 24 he n-ked that the case be extended t April 15, and on Did you know that you lift over that day District Attorney Charles tons and walk 5 miles each day you ! Swan a'ked for an extension to 2 Iron? No wonder you are tired. Try April 17. a Frigidaire Ironer Free for 2 weeks. Justice Graham -aid that the dis­ 15-ltc. trict attorney stated that the state Ph ne 94-w . would be u ked to re tore Fisher'.- right to drive a motor vehicle, neces­ sary In his iarming operations. Amy ix-wis FOR TWO W E E K S.., FREE Chrome Ironer Chair With Every One THURSDAY. APRIL 30 "ANOTHER MAN'S POISON" $100 Fine Levied After Guilty Plea with BETTE DAVIS GARY Ml Klill.l. A portrait of man who killed because she was in love. .1 FRIDA Y-SATUKDAY MAY 1-2 "THE TALL TEXAN" with LLOYI) BRIDGES LEE .1. COBB M Mill WINDSOR He was given a bad name and lived up to it. Also "A DAY IN THE COUNTRY" The sensational new 3rd Dunen- s ion winch will amaze you electric Ironer (ha* i nghl I You can find out right in rour own home FREE how easy it It •o eliminate tho r long houri of monoto- ious d iu d g eiy standing over a hot iron- n j boettd. call us, and we ll have ■ ■ 1 net * to your home aefore next "Ironina D av." Weather SUNDAY-MONDAY MAY 3-4 "STOP YOUR KILLING olor ME" with 1 In Warner BKODKIl K ( It \W I ORD Cl.Miti TREVOR VIRGIN! \ GIltsoN BILL HAYES a Tt the ban bu T U E S U A Y - W E D N E S D A Y MAY 5 6 "TROPIC ZONE" ItilN (I II 1(1 \(. VS KIIOM) \ I I I MING NOAH HI KKY GNANI WITH»RS romance runs rio fly autpo't where ma en. Spring Special Court Cases . . . "TARGET HONG KONG" with DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS POLLY BERGEN EDDIE MAVIIAFF They clown and sing their way through a saga of show bu-slneae in their latest release. GET THIS We Give S & H Green Stamps PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Smiling skies have been giving Nys.-a a warm gl< v reflected in day­ time temperatures ranging fr<'tn 55 to 76 degree- the Litter being Tue - day’s therm, meter reading r an average of 6« Warmest nigh M, n- day and Ti le-d.iy, had a temperati!, of 46 degrt>e.s. Max Min Pre April 15 64 26 April 16 66 32 April 17 55 44 .05 April 18 65 36 03 April 19 41 April 20 75 38 April 21 V 76 46 April 46 III ( l.l: h >1! » I n The Cup metti April 17 1 * 4-H club he: Betty Murt on. with U Inctnbrr.s pre: D em .1 id Be The i M Too Late To Classify ’The Depcndab Furniture WANTED Cub Farmall after , h and Sundays. Phone 3 Sturt Give Yourself a Break! Drop in any time of the day or evening—for a snack or a complete meal. We’re always ready to serve you . . . RIGHT! Cake a la mode • • • lavishly lopped with Ice cream . . . covered with chocolate sauce. Brownie's Cafe REMINDER TO WATER USERS Effective May 1 Ordinance No. 288 prescribing use of water for irrigation will be enforced Water May Be Used For Irrigation From 6 a. m. to 12 noon and From 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Garden Nozzles or Sprinklers Must be Attached to Hose In Event of Fire Alarm, All Irrigation Water Must be Shut Off —By Order of the City Council Service! Lubricate chassis. We lisped bobe faiap. eaoR ben of drums mi M cyfwders. IWjwl feel bribe. Check bake I «pec! bra hr cad, bruts« ink H ERRIM AN M OTOR CO . Nyssa n I L . .MORE POWER FOR FARM JOBS New Model R-160 with 12-foot grain body and Comfo-Vision cab. N ew In te rn a tio n a l Trucks 168 Basic M odels Many improvements and new features have been proved and added to the thrifty “Silver Diamond’engine which powers the light and medium-duty models in the New International Truck line. With this power­ ful engine, the New International light and medium-duty models develop more power and lower-cost performance. [is. r HI N .w Mod.I R-120 pickup with Ad-A-Rck attochm.nt». you Now —features want in America’s most complete truck line: 168 basic models New International styling 307 new laboratory-proved, road, proved features . . First truck builder identified by the 111 em­ blem . . . to ofTer choice of gasoline or LI* gas with Underwrit­ ers’ Laboratories listing in 1'^ ton sizes and other models . . . Comfo-Vision cab with one- piece Sweepsight windshield . . . Steel-flex frames . . . 296 Wheelbases . . . Easy starting, greater fuel economy . . Wide range of axle ratios . . . Real steering comfort and control . . . Sizes from ‘ ¿-ton to 90,000 lbs. GVW New Model R-110 pickup with 8 foot body. ruling. pickup models available with 6 2 and 9-foot SEE The New Internationals at Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. 401 Main Phone 245 0 .1 N yssa-O ntario-V aU -Pavelt* Lawns mowed after sc urdajr». Phone 328-M and S.vt- 15-4tp wil H INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Itaederd ef tke S(plwo, l