THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1353 r HS J I°F qv Ì c K * Classified Advertising Rates Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified paye for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the For Sale For Sale Journal office not later than n oon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mei Our New Business Building is Located 3 Block- North of “ Y ” PAGE ELEVEW COAST Blarktop Paving Co Is ready \ « » T K 1 O l Mi I f I NO to build your driveway, parkin? area, Big IVt-ii:l Irrigai.un Districi school yard, toed lot. lounging „r >■ the Implement shed. Only pugmill as phaltic concrete m.x in this area. B ard of Directors f the B.g Bend a Low cost, guaranteed w >:ic. free esti n the mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2. Box 250A lock or phone 280, Ontario. 13-tf. P M o f .-aid day at the home of H R Hatch C \RI> OF THANKS We wish to expre - o; ir sincere ap- the purpo.-e o f reviewing and .cr- predation to our friendU and neigh« recting its a ssessment roll. b rs f,>r all their kmdni?s*. the beau- nw « ■ -ment roll and record tiful flowers and ma ny cards of may be m.-f >ected at the residence sympathy at the pa- S i Ti ff n f nur of H R H; atch. Secretary jf said Di-triet, by any interested persons. daughter and granddaiighter. By order of Board of Directors of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hale the Big Bend Irrigation District. Mrs. Grace Hale Mr and Mrs. Ray Russell Pir-t publication April 16, 1953. Last publication April 30. 1963 CARD Til W H S I wish to thank my many friends for all the nice cards, letters and flowers that I received while in the hospital Al-o tho.-e who t<vk time out on busy day- to drop in for a chat. Geo. E Schweizer 15-ltp on U S. 20, across from Berrett’s Service Station. FOR SALE -3-burner, Electro-mas- FOR SALE Electric Kjr.mcre sew- I ARMS FARMS large barn cl.-e to i-v n , $37,000. ter range; Kenmore washer '*ith mg machine $127 Attachments in Just listed— acre- , in Sunset $1.000 per year. pump. Phone 123-W. eluded. Very good condition. Phene CATTLE RANCH „ . 100 .. 5 acres good land, close ----------- ————— r—Tnz----------- . .C 133-M or -ee Mrs Charles Kaneaster, 200 htad Taylor grazing permit Valley. Productive s .. FOR SALE—Purebred Guernsey bull 510 Oocd Ave 15. lfc plus several sections of leased 3 bedroom modern home $26 >00 to Nyssa. 5 room home. 5 head cow calf 5 mo. old From OWJT. K barn, brooder hou-e, chicken house, range. 117 acres bottom land irri- $16.000 down. Lady Ped. furn^hed. O. P. Council F o a BALI 5 acres. 4 mile scuth- gated with cheap water. Two sets ?g acre_, close to N >"a. highly pr $6.800, 4 down. Phone 044-J1. 14-2tc. vest Nyssa, 2 bedrooms, basement. of improvements. Also 160 acre ducllve 32 tons beet- per acre last HOMES FOR SALE-Guernsey spr.nger heif- *uriiace heat. Milk house, chicken dairy farm with 20 cows included. year spacious 6 room modem home. 1 acre, attractive now 2 bedroom ers. Vem Garner 0 4 0 -R 3 M-2tc 3-stanchion cowbarn. plenty Price on cattle ranch only, $65.000. ; u;i paym ent, stoker heat. al-c. 5- modern home, term ___________ ________________________ of shade, ideal for children. Has 23°; down. $3.009 plus 5r; interest room semi-modern home, adequate 2 bedroom modern home, attached per year. Da.ry farm $20.000, 4 out buildings. FOR SALE—1st catting hay, string State Q I. loan. Phone 060-J1 even- garage, full basement. 100 ft. front- down. tied. Will sell any amount. Lewis ings. Monty Fraser. Why pay $12,000 120. 78 acres irrigated, really t p age, $10.500 Mitchell farm in Sunset Valley, to $15,000 for just a house and lot BE PROSPEROUS HERE row crop land, ready for production, j bedroom modern home, sleeping 14—tfc. when you can own this five acres? Phone 043-R1. Vou can pasture 100 head of cat le ^niall heme, lots of out bu.ldiu * porch, bedroom in b.t einent, large — —-—■ ——— ——-—— ————— —— 1 13-tf i and still have 60-70 acres for hay $30.500. $15.000 down, easy terms, lot. garage, $6.000. ea.-y terms. FOR SALE—1 year out. White Rose and row crop. The former owner 292 acres, 72 acres irrigated. 5 room 2 bedroom modern home, wall to and Red seed potatoes. Phone 070-R1 y0 R SALE — White and .-potted got rich here. Buy this deal for modern home, also 3 room home. wall carpeting in living room. $5,800, Don’t risk driving with Hashitani. 13-3tp. Poland China sows and gilts. Bred $10.000 on terms and you can get ,everal out building-, land lays ex- terms cracked windshields or --------------------------------------------- — — to farrow in May and June. M. J. cellent, $36,000. $10,000 down rich, too. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE—Baoy chicks and sta rt-! V.lsmeyer, Brogan, Phone Vale 4414 windows. U s e 70 head cattle set up, outside 1*6 A DIVERSIFIED FARM 1 acre, good business location. ed chicks. Ed Lemon's Hatchery. 14-2t. REPLACE TODAY! of improvements. $17.- bUM>uC binidmg “and “ 5-room mod- [ 94 cultivated acres with good 2- Phone 331-W. 13-tfc. I Gate City Journal ern borne. Located on highway close ! bedroom modern home and good 000, $10,000 dow . ___ __ _____ New electric Iowa cream separator. set of buildings. Late model tractor 155 acres, water oost $90 per year, to Nyssa. Classified Ads. CORNER LOT for sale Excellent Ha,s ^ad 'eiis than 100 gallons of Business opportunity In Nyssa, It’s and all equipment included. $27.- suitable for row crop and stock, will residential district, 3rd and Ennis. milk run through. $35. Call Phone raise onions, beets and spuds. 3 bed- a money maker, building and bust 000, $15,000 down. 328-M. 7-tf. P.O. Box 510, Nyssa. 12-tf. room modern home, tenant house, ness goes. NEW HOME 100 ACRES One of the most beautiful hemes FOR SALE—6 dairy heifers; 2 cows, FREE freshen soon. Pr. 043-R2. 12-tfc in the county. Choice land in Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals good area. Owner has interests 110 Main Phone 310 HOMES FOR SALE INSt RANCE LOANS elsewhere and must leave. $50,000 Phone Nyssa 100-R Two bedroom modern home, elec, NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 20# w.ll buy this. T. E. (Tom) Sparks, Mgr. dish washer, living room carpeted. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. READY FOR BIG PROFITS Garage. Excellent location, paved Cheapest water in the valley. 1 St., $7750. About 70 acre- good land, 23 more ' FOR SALE—Used oil heaters—all 4 rooms, modern except heat, part a little steep. This one can De, -izeis and makes. Ideal Gas and Ap basement, big yard, shade. Only make to pay big $33,000, 1 3 down, pliance. 1-tf. Gone are the days . . when auto- The kings, the great men, rich easy terms. $1000 down, balance like rent. mobiles were horseless carriages and men, chief captains, might men, Two bedroom, modern except heat, 34 ACRES—NEW HOME FOR SAL» Nearly new. Attached garage. Large 70-80 cultivated, balance fenced white enamels turned Yellow! To- every bondman, freeman hid them- 100 acres—good location, beautiful utility room. $7000. pasture land. Above average for day’s automobile is a home on wheels selves in the rocks of the mountains I ho 1 ircstone Tire and Rubber Company wants time- home, new machine shed, excellent and today’s WHITE IMPERVO and said to the mountains and rocks, 3 rooms, bath. 4 acre ground with row crop and stock. $30,000. soil $50,000. Bob Thompson Agency. ENAMEL stays super-white as long on u-s ‘inc* ^1{*e us fronl the payment salesmen to work in the following locations; fruit trees, strawberries. Close to 63 ACRES—GOOD HOME as the duiable finish lasts . You fl‘ c« ,of H‘“ that lt}r(,.ne Blacksmith shop with equipment general store. $3000. 2-bedroom modern home on 63 can get IMPERVO from jour Ben- thp great day of Hls wrath „ come BOISE, IDAHO We have several good business lots and house on 1/4 acre fronting high good acres. Ideal for dairy and WEISER, IDAHO way in good farming center. $2,900, and d welling lots for sale. crap farming. $20,000, one-third jamin Moore Paint Dealer, Nyssa and who shall be able to stand? $1,000 down. BERNARD EASTMAN Lumber Co. 13-tfc. Revelation 6:15-16. Behold now is CALDWELL, IDAHO NYSSA, OREGON down. Real Estate Insurance -------------------------------- the day o f salvation Study your 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An Phone 61 abundance of free gravity water, RETIRE HERE 15-lt Applicants see Mr. Reiser at: Look out over your own 21 acres of Remember old King Midas, whose Bible. ------------------------------------------------------ $31,500, easy terms. touch turned everything to gold? _— —--------------------------------------- ideal hay and pasture land and Owyhee Hotel. Boise, Monday. Apr. 13. 9 a.m. io 5 p.m. FOR SALE—New 1952 and 1953 re- , 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 enjoy a perfect view of historic The room you "touch” this season MISCELLANEOUS — Orders taken I frigerators at close-out prices. Fire- j (^i0wn^ balance like rent. Big Bend country. Needs a new with Benjamin Moore paint won t nnw for certified bean seed. Why j R.B.R. Firestone Store. Caldwell. Apr. 15. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. stone Store, Nyssa. 8-tf. I Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn house. Good well and pressure change to gold, but its new-iound ncR raise some beans? We have the ■ R.B.R. Firestone Store. Weiser, Apr. 16. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. __ _ ' '— j _ .____ . „ . „ and chicken house $1.200. system, $7,000, $2,400 down. $500 beauty will amaze you. . . . Your equipment to clean. Government FOR S.ALE—Window shades from _ - n w _ _ _ _ _ _ Don Moss Firestone Store. Nyssa, Apr. 17. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. per year. friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. SUpport prices—small reds, $3.50- 1 ft. to 6 ft., cloth or paper Free 7 ACRES -6-ROOM HOUSE 13-tfc. pintos> $7.30. Commodity credit ap- I rayon pulls with each purchase, j BOB THOMFRON AGENCY LOCAL MEN PREFERRED Close in Oregon side location. Old ---------------------------------------------- ------- proved storage. Bonded warehouse. Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 block west j Phane 97 ditch water, $11,000, terms ar Child care in my home by day, week Permits commodity credit loans j depot. 5-tf. j Sell nationally advertised quality merchandise with to p ranged. or evening. Phone 337-R. 6-tf. Beans are now selling F O B. Nyssa | LISTINGS WANTED m i s c e l l a n e o u s —Do you need $1125 on Pintos-reds* $10 85. C o m e ! acceP*ance- Handle complete transaction, including closing I FOR S A L E -2 40-gal. and 2 50-galJ We have lots of prospetes for good money to remodel your^ home^ or^to jn and see us Owyhee Produce, Inc sales, credit extension and follow-through on collections used electric water heaters 26-foot -------- ------ ^ —________ _ farms and homes. List yours witn build outbuildings or garage? We Phone 340-J. 15-2tc I electric refrigerator. 2 electric ran- WANTED—Someone to put in gor can arrange a loan for you and give us and prepare to move. ges, one with griddle. 2 electric table den or melons on share. Burdette, you up to three years to pay it EXCELLENT FUTURE— PAID VACATION HOMES model griddles, also about 20 used oil 1 ml. north Nyssa. 15-ltp. 23atfc Wanted to Give Away—Good ca-t Nyssa Lumber Co. ENJOYABLE LIVING HERE iron cook stove. Near Charleys corn heaters and 2 used electric ranges. FREE LIFE INSURANCE Attractive and step-saving floor! er. James Stephen. 15-ltp. Ideal Gas & Appliance. Phone 12*. W ANTED-Trucking of any kind, MI3CELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. plan. 2 bedrooms, living room, 11-tf 1 except livestock. Phone 293-J. Here comes color. A washable, rub Retirement Plan—Hospitalization Plan for Self and Family dining room, kitchen and bath on | berized finish for interior walls and Child care in my home. Mrs. Roger ___________________________________ 'I 13-tfc/ J main floor. Finished apartment, wood trim. Tucker, Phone 011-R3. 6-tf. 1 _ . . , USED APPLIANCES utility room, storage room and _______________ ____ balaried position with bonus earnings opportunities, inr •covers most surfaces in one uni $25 00 WANTED — Pasture for about 40 Estate Range furnace room in basement. Stoker j 10 QQ head o f 1 and 2 year old dairy heif- form coat. MISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux eluding full salary during 30-day training period. Hotpoint Range heat. Best of locations. $12,51)0, •dries to a satin sheen in less than cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. Philco Console Radio $7500 «»• Glenn Brown- Phone 074- J2 one hour. F.H.A. terms. Anderson, route 3, Welser. Idaho, 13-tfc. Zenith Trans-Oceanic Portable •tweJve handsome colors all ready phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. MORE THAN A HOME Radio $75.00 w ANT e d —T o trade 3 h. p. Century to use. Choose this lovely pre-war h om e1 Priced to Sell Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. Septic tanks and cesspools cleaned. motor for 1/3 or 4 h. p. variable and enjoy a new way of life! Con WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Dial 4-3763, Parma or 24 Pi speed motor. Inquire Gate Citv venient location—walking distance Hardware. 13-tfc. Journal. 12-tf. to shopping, library, schools, chur FOR SALE—Pfaff sewing machines. ches, park. 4 finished bedrooms. Portable or cabinet. Firestone Store.' RADIO and TELEVISION 2-tf 1 SERVICE stoker heat, paved street. All this light housekeeping Working girls. evcnings 9-tf. for $12,500. terms arranged. women or man and wife preferred. I FOR SALE—4 room modern house, Complete Radio Repair Service with nice lawn and shade trees, JUST COMPLETED 1 313 ° 0cd Ave' 12-tfc Tubes and Parts in Stork equipped with gas. Phone 78-J. Quirk Service 3-bedroom home with attached 10-tfc. FOR RENT — Exceptionally clean Work Guaranteed garage. Shiny hardwood floors m./dern furnished apt. Close in. throughout, large kitchen with FOR SALE—Used Hotpoint refrige $50 REWARD $50 JAKE'S RADIO and T.V. Phone 133-R or 248-W. 13-tfc. | SARAZIN CLINIC DR. C. M. TYLER dinette, central heating. This is a rator, good cond.tion—bargain price. We will « ward you $50 on the pur- SHOP beautifully designed new home , Dr. J. J. Sarazin Firestone Store. 6-tf. WILSON BUILDING if Located in Wilson Bros. Dept. Store on a 70 foot lot. Paved street— FOR RENT Three bedroom home chase of an>' car as advertised Phone 165-J, Nyssa § Dr. K. E. Kerby sidewalks and driveway all In. in Nyssa. Three blocks from P. O you have no car to trade to us dur Used 62-gal. WestinghoUse water | Of fe e Hours From 9 to 5 g Dr. K. A. Danford ing the month of April. Strictly FHA construction. Be the owner, Mrv D. Pamperien, Rt. 1. heater $59 50. Ideal Gas & Appli Except Saturdays, 9 to 11 " Physician* and Surgeon* WANTED Our Prices Invite Comparison!! first to live in this home. $13,000, B lX 3 y a[e ance. 6 -tf. 13-3tp. easy term^ if dMfcreJI Dead Animals Our Price Invites Uomparisun FOR SALE -H otpoint home freezer FOR r e n t -4 ro< m modern hou se. 1951 Ford Victoria Coupe ROOM A-PLENTY - Removed Free. L. A. MAULDING. M. D. J. R. CUNDALL —excellent condition. Easy terms. 4 room house with four more furnished. $35 a nvnth. R.H. overdrive, very clean $1635 Phone N’yvsa 102-W Physician and Surgeon Dentist BERNARD EASTMAN Firestone Store. 2-tf. rooms in basement. Modern ten Harley Davidson Motor Cycle Phone 37 Phone 56-J Payette 670. Nyssa ant house, always rented. Extra lot Phone 61 _______ ____ Good condition Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Sarazin Clinic Idaho Animal Products Co. FOR SALE—Fuller paints and w all1 with this. $7250. Daily Except Saturday and F oil RENT i ■ ned cabins In -j New saddle bags $225 NYSSA ORBOON paper. Budget terms available. Fire- j Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 ANOTHER SPECIAL quire ae Berrett's Cafe or call 230 1951 Chev. Sedan, power glide stone Store. 2-tf. 1 WANTED—Highest price* paid for 14-4tp. ' transmission, radio, heater, Brick home on paved street. Not $1645 many other extras. Clyde Smith, Doctor new. but in very good condition. FOR SALE—r.IUk cows, Ouernseys, slaughter horses. DR. JOHN W, OLSEN Across from Holsteins and Jerseys, mllkers and 2 bedrooms and bath plus large. Ho^r H e a t ^ ' h o i 1 1951 Chevrolet Sedan C. R. VAN PATTEN Dental Clinic 23mtfc Springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone Ontario aales yard kitchen and front room, $3,500, Radio, h e a t e r ______________ $1495 Chiropractic Physician I water furnished. Phone 427-J. 7th and Bower Terms available 306 Ontario. Oregon, across frora 1 . ■ m» — 1950 Chev. sedan; with power glide, Physiotherapist 14-tfc. Phone 393-W ONLY $3,000? radio, heater. One owner $1445 Office* at 265 North Oregon Yes sir. we have one, all modern FOR RENT—7 room modern house, Ontario Phone 478 FOR SALE—Just arrived, new ship- ( good location. Rodger Anderson. Ph. 1950 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan; radio, orriy $1,500 down. heater, very clean interior and ment of 1953 wallpaper patterns, WANTED—Woman for housework 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME oe8 -ji. 14-tfc. runs like new $1.395 priced as low as 25c single roll. Nys- m modern Christian home with 5 Mr Working-man here is a spaci- ^ L3. riH,m furnished up sa Furniture Co., 1 block west U P. j children Board and room and wages ous, comfortable home for you r1 194S Buick sedan, fully equipped and EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. stairs apartment Utilities furnished. family, nearly new and well lo | Interview and references necessary, perfect in every respect, low 1 0 1 East 1st St. Phone 258 depot. PAULUS Corner of 9th and Bower Ave W W. cated, $7950, easy terms. j One mile south and 3 miles East of mileage $1,495 Physiotherapy Eloctre-Therapj Poster, Phone 157-J. 12-tfc. JEWELRY STORE fo r sale Nyssa, Oregon Fruitland. Bluffview Farm. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1941 Chevrolet, 3 to choose Union Pacific Time Inspector 2-bedroom home, new construc 14-2tp. MOTEL RATES HIGH? from $395 FOR RENT—2-room furnished cab JEWELRY — DIAMONDS tion; completely modern, dining Why don’t you get on the receiving in, Chadwick camp. WATCHEB 4-tf i 94i willys sedan, runs good. room, attached garage; very good end and enjoy those high rates? Main Street at Second As is, make offer. location on Kin? ave. $12,000, terms. FOR RENT—Three-room furnished We have a good 14 unit motel for 2-bedroom modern home, FH.A. $40,000, all modern and furnished. apartment, close In. H. H Kingrey, i N YSSA VETERINARY your price. approved, good location, corner lot. = Phone 127-W. 5-tf. Terms can be arranged. for return of wo- CLINIC paved street, very nice yard. $9500 Liberal reward 1933 Chevrolet sedan. Make an lost Thursday in AN INCOME FOR LIFE FOR RENT—3-room large furnished Rural grocery store with cold stor- man s wrist watch, wa' offer. Dr. B. E. Dr. D. R. Mason Apartment houses provide sure . . DR. J. A. McFALL age lockers, excellent location on Nyssa. Return to Journal office and steady incomes for thousands ^ ‘» » h .C .K . Olson. 704 King TRUCKS Large and Small Animals 15-lt. DR. JOHN EASLY busy highway. Reasonable terms. o f owners. We have several good Phone 25* 1346 Chev. 2-ton Truck 407 Main St. Phone 202-W P h o n e 21, Ontario, Oregon 2 bedroom modern home, full Beet bed, good 825x20 rubber ones' ! FOR RENT Paii.t spray gun Firr- basement, extra large lot well lm- 2 speed axle ___________ $385 DR. GEO. E. COBERN IV5JI’ R .• A proved, $5,000, easy terms. East 1949 Ford 4 -to n , 4-speed trans ; I . v ^ I K w Vi*** ( K | EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Dr. Marvin M. Prentice Fourth street . Phone 218 FOR RENT Furniihed ar.d uniur- runs like a new pickup, has radio 16 North 3rd. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 228 Main Phone 355 Veterinary Surgeon __________________________ Inlshcd apartments. Phone 123-J and heater. Ralph G.. Lawrence. Agent Large and Small Animal* 11-tf. 1947 Chevrolet 2-ton. with 2-speed Phone A 3 '■He Sells The Earth" ARTIFICIAL 1*5 Main St. 216 W Park 334 ! and beet bed; cab like new With INSEMINATION 5 4 acres good land. Cozy 3 room ------------------------------------------------------ *GR RHNT - New Clarke 8-Inch New Plymouth. Idaho out exception the nicest '47 beet LA GRANDE basement house with bath. Plenty of We have been appointed agents for floor r a,nd 6' tlch ed/ eti ’ truck on any lot. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT built-ins. Asphalt tile floors. Within the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Mak- Stunz Lumber Co.______________ BLUFFVIEW I/OOK THEM O V E R -T R Y THEM K. H. Mace one mile of Nyssa. Price $5250. Good ing loans on 40 acres or rnore. At- py>R RENT Furnished apartment DR. VERNON W ARD Jersey, Ouern.>ey. Holstein Nyssa Representative OUT — COMPARE PRICES — tractive lntere t rates Terms with heat and lights furnished COMPARE TERMS AND BY ALL Terms. Milking Shcrthorn Veterinarian Phone 134 suit the borrower. Phor.e Mr E M. Bair, 288-W. Lrnnle P. Ahnxtedt Large or Small Animal* MEANS — COMPARE WARRAN 111 Ennis Ave. BERNARD EASTMAN 8-tf Technician TIES BEFORE YOU BUY. Iloraedale, Idaho Real Estate Insurance Phone 2185 or 4073 165 A*. Oregon FOR RENT OR SAL£—Small mod Phone 64 ?63 Phone WTJ Ne w Plymouth. Ida. Ontario Phone 28 NYSSA MOTORS ern heme, clean. $15 month or $1500 Phone 188 4 a ON ... Nj a. 13-3’.p. Main * 3rd PLAY IT SAFE! SUPERIOR Paint & Glass MEL RECK—REALTOR Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SALESMAN WANTED FARM LOANS W anted FIRESTONE TIRE <S RUBBER CO. For Rent PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Used Car Bargains Physicians Dentists 1 o»t*n° “ “ Help W anted Jewelry Stores Veterinarians Lost and Found Optometrists Real Estate For Sale KEN POND DENNIS SMITH DENNIS SMITH CLA- - 4 i i F _ ) ¡ O H R E S U L T S Chiropractor Farm Loans