Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1953)
Sunset Valley I - THE N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO UR N AL. N Y 8SA . OREGON. TH UR SD AY. A P R IL 1«. Ü U day night and Saturday at the Chadd home. Mr and Mr> Robert R effett and daby Richard, came from Quincy Sunday t« take back a load of cattle Monday morning John Reffett went to the Lindsey tractor sale in Nampa Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Ira Price and two sons were dinner gue-t- of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Price of Adrian Sun day. orchids and many others There were dinner guest at the Gerald Slippy shown in the Frazier auditorium at home Friday night the Gem State Academy. Mr and Mr> Keith K\gar and Mr- Adah Snyder is visiting at children of Parma were Sunday Lote ( «limali the heme of her daughter and son, guests at the heme of his mother. Phone *44 J l Mr and Mrs Grover Cooper. Mr- Florence Kvgar Mrs. Rosa Kirtlev entered the Mr and Mr Clyde Kimball of Oakland visited at her sister's heme, r.ur-ing home in Ontario Saturday Mr. and Mrs James Chadd and that cf Mr and Mrs James Lang- Mrs. K irtley has been ill for the pa-i family went to her parents, Clyde Es ter Sunday unt.I Wednesday. nine weeks at the home of her Diderick-ens home near Caldwell for Monday evening Mr and Mr- Heni- daughter, Mrs. O-car Houston dinner Sunday. Mrs. Chadd's broth Mr. and Mr- Harlar. Koger went •r Brewer and family. Mr and Mr-. er. Gerald Dideneksen. visited P r> Mr.-. D n Share and ne v daughter >-'m.ry Hobson and the Rev. and to Ontario Sunday where they had • . ..'d at the h< nit i her Mrs. R. t>ert Jackson and family dinner with their son, Dr and Mr- parent- Mr and Mrs. I:a Price. ailed They all enjoyed the pictures L M K uer. and sens Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duncan and ■•Ir and Mr-. Charles SchuLz and iinm -lid« that the Kinmballs had -to - ns cf Payette spent the day .aken in the Yellowstone park and daughters. Mary and Anne, of Pay Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Elver those ir, :n Africa the Rev. Jack- ette were Sunday evening gue.-ts at .he Kenneth McD« naki h< me on had taken. Nielsen and family. Mr and Mr.- Keith Tallman and Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Chap.n and Mr and Mr.- Wayne R«'bb were -• and Mr Claude Wilson fished Sunday mnner guests c f Mr and •hildren c f Hcmedale and Mr and Mrs Roy Eads cf Wilder were Sun at the Owyhee dam Sunday. virs. Jack Ward of M.tchell Butt-. day dinner guests at the T H Bre v- F bert Smith, Jr., and John Knot- Larry D.tnmick f Quincy, Wash., : r.'.am ran the ditcher n the O. 1 came Saturday to take his last lead er heme Mr and Mrs. Clarence Sullens of P Counsil place last Tuesday f furniture t > hi- new home Bob Mr. and Mrs. D I Fritl- of On- 3 er.-ma, who used to live in the Fruiiland and Mr- Dennis Hon of Ontario visited at the S. D. B.gelow ir. i visited and ate supper with the 1 i> in w i f O. P Counsil family Thursday eve- Quincy, d: ve d vn with him Mrs. home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ru--ell Patton. Jr., -.airy D.mmick and children went and children of Quincy. Wa-h . Paul Knottingham and O. p sack h. me her hu-band. rived Saturday to spend a few <i iy- - -’unsil went to the 4-H and F.F.A. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H .ke of the ale ¡n Boise Saturday. Paul brought Ovyhee community have a daugh with her parents, Mr and Mr- E E. Crocker. Sunday afternoon the two hack two pure bred Guernsey h eif ter born Sunday, April 12. families went t" Notu- to >ee Mr ers. _ Mr. and Mrs Jack Jones of Big and Mrs Keith Moore and son Your Car Rides and Mr and Mr.-. Robert Smith. Jr., 3?:id entertained at dinner Sunday Miss Trula Franklin ef Parma -yu f Nv-sa and family and Mr. and t i hone- the birthdays o f three of Handles Much Better Mrs. Che-ter Counsil and Noel of the family relatives. Those honored an over-night guest o f Mr and Mr- New Plym. uth and their hauseguest, v re Larry Uidericksen, their grand- Gerald Slippy Wednesday. When it Runs Fric Mr and Mrs. Byrd Walters and M:-s Claire Mudduon of Au-tralia, n. Mrs. L, r > their daugh visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. ter and Victor Jones, their son. Mr and Mr- Bill Dunn went to Ola tion-Free. O P. Counsil Sunday afternoon. Those riesent were Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder and Leo Kellar and family, Mr. and Mrs DRIVE IN TO D AY! mother, Mrs. Adah Snyder, attended Louis Hoke and small daughter, the T Texas Tyler dance in On Alice, and Mr and Mrs. Homer Did- tario Friday night. encksen and their small son. Larry. Our men are tops in the Mr and Mrs Edd Price visited at Mr and Mrs Robert R effett of trade . . . that's why they’re the Lynn Ford home in Marsing. Moses Lake, Wash , visited with Mr here! You'll like their better Mrs. Price's sister. Mrs. A. E Ford, and Mrs. E E. Cloninger Sunday has been visiting at the Lynn Ford evening way of doing things! heme with her hu-band. They are I Morty \\ ixon o f Boise, a form 1-.- fn nr Grandvie w, Wash. resident of Cow Hollow, visited at ■ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Obendorf and the home of Dr W. T. Raff.ngtoi. daughter, Teresa, called Sunday at Sunday. he home of Mr. and Mr- Ora New- Dr and Mrs Raffinat :n had as , gen. gue-ts last week, her brothers John Sharon Field wa a guest all day and Jake Roberts. James Robert.-, j Phone 1 I Sunday and Sunday night o f Pattie a nephew, is helping with the work 1 Rxe. ; on the ranch this summer. Saturday evening Mrs. Ora New- Mrs. Don Bre ver entertained Tues- , gen drove to Caldwell with Pattie day evening at a birthday party for Rice and Beth Murray. They at- Mr Brewer. Gue.-ts were Woodrow : ndrd the colored motion pictures Brewer. Danny and Beverly of On- f Mexico, shown by the biology pro- tar,o; Mr. and Mrs T H. Brewer. f“ " r from Walla Walla. There were Mr and Mr Keith Tallman and view- cf the volcanoes Paraoutin e.’ -.ldren and Homer Brewer an i and Pop catapetl, a Mayan temple. children. Mr and Mrs. Burnett Smith of Ontario spent Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mr- Irvin Durfee. Wayne Berrett and his son. O ven, LUBRICATION BERRETT'S PA G E N IN E Sunday where they attended a jjot- luek lunch given by the Mjuare dan cers a .-social ion. Mrs. Burr Doolittle left Thursday for her home in Box Elder. Mont . after some time here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. George 8chweizer. Mr and Mr-. Charley Culbertson and Larry left Wedne.-day to take Mrs. Bertha Culbertson back to her home in Martinez, Calif., after she bad vis ted here several weeks. The Culbertson.- will visit their daughter, Mr- Buster Talbot, while there. Mr ana Mrs. George Jchnston and Harriet of Haines spent from Tues- «. > u:;:.l Friday with Mr and Mr- Omar H.te and family Harriet was here to see a doctor as she had food poisoning. Mr- Lynn K\gar and Maxine, Mr.-. Clayton Barnes and children ana br-tuer. Alfred Land, went to E i-e Saturday where :hey visited at the homes of Mr- K> .:ar - daugh ter-. Mr Di n Franklin and Mrs Dick Brown. Mr and Mrs. Jim Hite and Chil e a n > i Hume- called .it the Omar Hite heme Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson and children went to Utah Saturday m ruing : ■ visit with her parents, Mr and Mr.-. Or-on Borrett of Roy, Utah and his mother at Clinton. Mr and Mr.- Clyde Hoke are the parents of a daughter born Sunday m riling in Ny.-.-a. Mr and Mr-. Gerald Todd and twin daughters. Janine and Janice are visiting his parents. Mr and Mr- Bill Todd Mr Todd, who is on leave from the United State- Navy, will report to San Francisco when his ; stay is over here SEND Y O U R C L E A N IN G to PAR M A DRY CLEANERS The king cobra is the most poison ous of all snakes. Pick Up and Delivery A gaucho is a South American cowboy. Monday — Thursday Phone Parma Collect Free G ift to each lady whi in-; ;• the Model Home Corner of Reece and King, April 19th and 20th. 3-31 ill IT 3 NOT TOO LATE . . . . to order some of those big. strong chicks from . . . . LEMON'S HATCHERY NEW HAMPSHIRES. W H IT E ROCKS, W HITE LEGHORNS. A U S T R A W H IT E S Ask about our special prices on chicks ordered 3 weeks in advance and on orders of 500 or more. Phone 331-W 1-mi. No. on Hiway 20 POPCORN Service Now we're in the business of growing POPCORN — For information on acreage and contracts, see the boys at the Dessert Seed HELLO EVERYBODY I'm "Hank" Storm, selling Real Estate at Ken Pond's office at 16 N. 3rd here in Nyssa W e're in busines s to help every Nyssa Be your own landlord. We have a good two-bedroom modern home that only takes $700 down. Very low monthly payments. Call today about this. C A L L ME AT KEN'S OFFICE OR AT 374 E V E N IN G S TjtglQllHIMEire -vütr’ W ITH Q U A U T y FERTILIZERS W fiB iaa Enrich your soil with our fertilizers W e have a complete line of . . . Insecticides Phosphates Mixes Nitrogen dr v.' to Utah tin- we< k I Inv.tations have been received in the valley to the of Doris Ransom, a fermer resident of the valley. She is to be married to ’ ames William Thomason in the First Methodist church, April 18. in Farmington. N.M Leonard Newgen of Nyssa and his son. Bob, of Madras went Friday to visit the Robert R effett home near Moses Lake, Wash. They liked the prospects of the country very muen. Mr and Mrs. W ill Boo’th and Frank Jones, all of Nampa, called a. the L L. Booth home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. O. H Schweizer had a pleasant surprise Sunday when t vo of her nieces, who she had not -een for almost 10 years, drove in 1 r dinner. The visitors were Mrs. Lack Warncck of Enterprise and M . nd Mrs. Frank Shalup-ky and their , vo children. Owyhee Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kygar and laughters o f Crooked Creek spent the week-end here and in Vale vis.ting relatives. Mr and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and ons had supper Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Franklin in P a r ma. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Shelton of Boise spent the week-end with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs Archie Moses. Mrs. Rosa K irtley had several visitors Saturday. They were Mrs Frank Freeman of Hyline and Mrs. Geneva Smith and son. Jay, and -on. Bob. and wife and baby all of Weiser. On Friday Mrs. Jessie Skin ner and Mrs. John Mittlestead cal- .ed on Mrs. Kirtley. Mr and Mrs. Ray Sumpter and Jerry of Payette called at the E. L. 'Fort" Sumpter home Sunday even ing. Mrs. Jesse Rigney of Nyssa was a Give Yourself a Break! Drop in any time of the day or evening— for a snack or a complete meal. W e’re always ready to serve you . . . RIGHT! ta viably Upped r h w a b i« u w r Seed Potatoes W H ITE ROSE — RUSSETTS BLISS TR IU M PH Simplot Western Idaho Produce N t * h Phone 3-W Adrien Phone 10 . with . . ice errant . . . covered with Maggot control mixee Ontario Phone 101 SPRINGTIME IS PAINTING TIME Mrs. Kenneth M cDonald Phone 09t>-R3 Cake a la made Special Wire Worm and Phone 132 Nyssa, Ore. family own its heme. SPECIAL BUY OF THE WEEK: 1 o . Brownie's Cafe Plan To Do Your Spring Painting Now 20 /¡¡off on all PAINTS and PAINTERS' SUPPLIES And Take Advantage of Our Sale, With Pillsburg Paints Benjamin Moore WITH EACH $1 PURCHASE, Your Choice from our SPECIAL 10c TABLE Varnishes V a lu e s to S2.49 Paini Thinner Brushes Linseed Oil W e are alw ays glad to help make painting a pleasure instead of a chore, by being ready to supply home makers with color painting tools and the finest of paint information, efficient paint products. SEE JOHN ABOUT A LOAN TO COVER YOUR COMPLETE REMODELING NEEDS NYSSA Lum ber Co. Your Friendly Lumber Dealer’ J o b a E. Osi rom, owner 117 Goo4 Ara. and Ä may to maim floors and look liks MW with ¡ Fiorititi« E n « » « ! . h'l Eleve« durable a Black god Whit«. t 1 Phone 384 C