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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1953)
THE NYSSÂ GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 18. 19** PAGE EIGHT Sports Corner By Dick Yo»! Hatch Winners of 1st Jalopy Paces ’redimen Set J .v v Records at BJC Invitational Bulldogs Hold B-aves to 6-3 JL Makeup Game T imus iu .a sccrel:- unt rule *. the N j a Bulls g- 1 a -s an me te i .make-tip pre-sea-, n ba i bull game r college .r to the Boi-e Bruv 6-3 Th r.-day n Saturday - l.e Brakes diant i a ick t-am to The game was originally -chedjlecl a t with 421 f r last Tuesday, but was " no wed" the Bud K .ztl, Meridian, wo - ut. trophy da-h in the Owyhee M und man Gerald C x wi- B ¡.-e high -chocl w n the meet i, one of which club's first Jclopy race of the with 43-1 3 point-, Ontario tak charged the l , although Tare :>ne ing econd with 23-2 3 p ;nts. Other Glenn Marcum wu t e t r.i: i ri ultid fri'ia two e ■rrors. aided the 'last Sunday after w.nni h< 1- flnUhod In the following or- oitcher. Between the two of them Nya-.i high -■jhuol t ui-iball team in the preliminary heats. Lorraine winning its openin g Snake R.ver Chadd presented him with the tro dei Nampa, Fruitland, Payette, Ne w they allowed six hits. The Buldcgs made five hits, L- ve- Plymouth, Weiser, Cald well, Marsing Valli ,. c> nfer t-nce bi a.-eball game by phy—and a kiss. joy going three for one, Savage four Other ht at winners and competi- and Meridian. a score of 9-7 over a favored Ontario fer t wo Snider t wo fer one and Mar ! t~i in the tr< phy da-h were Donnie team. Bumgarner's time in the mile was cum going one for one with a t vc- Hatch and Eidon Tallman, both of socked by Ned > were 4:52 4, besting the old mark set by The h mri' bagger. ünid» r ( ..n t V J CIl in the third in- Adrian. Boi.-e last year of 3:50. The Bulldog- made five hits, Love- Hatch, driving car No. 222, was er the aulldc g- iiad tallied i . Tanner .- record time tor the low ^ the seven'h inning, te initial frame, to knot the ■Do w.nner of the main event a- hurdles was 21.5, beating the old ent a pj-^j irary game played at f ur each, Dan Lovejoy, gainst a field of 22 driver-. pe-orí -t.inding time set by Nampa with Veterans’ h pital field, the Nyssa ed one in the fifth, scoring ■who An estimated 500 persons attended 16 8 Tanner also al-o tock first in the Scphs lest tc the Boise S .phs 8-2 one ah d of him. and Talbot, whose the races in the ra w spring weather. high hurdles, with a time of 17.3 Nyssa 000 102 0—3 5 3 lifer ame in the seventh with one on Because of re-grading, the track Boise 200 220 X—6 6 1 Hartley took fir.sts in the 220-yard not recorded as a homer was not as fast as during last sum b t dash, time 23 4, and the 440-yard because of two Tiger errors by the mer. but there were plenty of thrills Johnny Siegal, former end for the da-h, time 53 4 Amble tossed the Uhort t p and center fielder and spills, most spectacular being di-cu a distance of 135 feet 7 inches Chicago Bears in the National Foot Glenn Marcum went the distance one by Ellis Horn. ball league, is now practicing den to take first in that event. for the Bulldog-, racking up seven Although planned for every Sun tistry in Plymouth. Pa. Beam of Ontario set a new record strikeouts and is-uing but eight day afternoon, weather permitting, - V bases on balls. Six Tigers were left there will be no race this Sunday in for the broad Jump with 20 feet on base. defference to the model home open 5 1 4 inches. Cottle took third in the low hur Ackerman for the Tigers issued house. Racing will resume Sunday, April dle.-. Amble a third in the shot put. five bases on balls and struck out 10 Cooper and Keck third and fourth Bulldog batsmen. Five Nyssarts were 26 in the pole vault, Bumgarner second left on base. and Toomb fourth in the high jump Big stickmen for the Tigers were and Forbess and Tanner third and Conklin, who hit a homer with t *• > fourth in the broad jump. on in the third, and Ackerman, who E stim ates Gladly Given knocked out a double Headed by Talb who had three for two, and Ny- a high school amassed a total Phone 134L2 tw . t'ae Build had eight earned of 77 3 4 points—201-, points more runs on eight hits, xrhile the Tiger, than its nearest competitor—to win Wilton Jack-on and B.ll Pearson hnd six earned run n eight hit f.r-t place in the Malheur county Parma, Idaho Vaughan did some clever ba .e tr > k meet, held at Ontario last returned late Sunday from Jerome, running in •tilling fa ir ba-e Tal Wedne-day, on 11 firsts, five sec Ida., where they attended the two- bot was credited with two stolen ond , four thirds and three fourths, day annual convention of the Idaho Gas association. bases. vdh '-n - event ending In a four-way Jackson, manager of Ideal Oai R H PO A E f"r fir-t place. and Appliance, said one of the main JMy I 103 030 2 9 8 11 9 5 Ontario wa rtth 87 1/4 subjects discussed at the confer- nee Out,li o n 000 3 78 12 a ;n; . Vale third with 11 and Adrian was the high freight rates on g «o .: Fourth with six. He aid the as.-ociation i preparing Juniii- Tanner was meet high W anted, Man or Lad y a petition to the Union Pacific rail pilnt man. with 14‘ j points. Harry way for lower rates, a- re-ult of con- ' age 50-65 to Manage tci k second place with Bumgarn vention action. 13 and It Hartley third with 12 L4 L o cal Store Wives of the two men accompanied Lu-t Thui- day wa “ work a> l >r points. them. Should have $4030 to $500( member, cl Owyhee Riding lib, Held on t wind-.-wept field, the ■when they descended upon the r deo meet pr dui ed no new conference Best Collateral, Double Se ground- with a battery of record j. curity Furnished grades , prinkler dump truck-, Tanner’s time for first place in end ' : - was 172 8f i paid quarterly. tion I ir the i .i on', fii t jalopy race ’s i first In the 180-yard l o f Also Salary, Commission on on Sunday. hu .1! . with a of 0.22, and was Ten members r f the Ily-.-a Rifle a i nib r 1 the winning Nyssa 830- and Pisti l club p.irtici.iaL 1 Sunday Not to be out-done, women of the Sales. Opportunity become club shouldered mop . brooms and y; : d relay team, which posted a in the club's fir-t scheduled rifle Eligible Old Age Pension brushes and carried supplie- I wat ti ne of 1 41 6 Other team members shoot of the year on the new range. and Social Security Bene er, soap, lye and “elbow gre.i e" into » re Forbess, Amble and Hartley. Top marksmen were Vern Ribert- Harry Bumgarner's fleetness won son, with a score of 25; Cecil rind- the concession stand and left It fits. This is Work You hour later as spic and pan as the him three firsts, one in the mile ling, socring 23, and John Rhodes run, with a time of 5.08:2; a second j Can Do. proverbial Dutch cottage and Neal Nicholson, tied f r th‘rd A halt was called at noon for the in the 880-yard run, with a time of with scores of 22. Write for Information two work brigades, and the Lynn 2 16, and a third In the high Jump, | Robert Points wa- chief re:,?, officer. eeod .rass home for a potluck din in which he set 5 feet, 8 Inches. Box Q, Nyssa, Ore. Hartley took first in the 440-yard ner. The club plan to held run, with at time of 54:4, and the shoot within t.vo or three week-. 220-yard dash, with a time of 23.6. Other firsts were taken by Leslie .tiatt, who niru t the Javelin for a. iliiau.e ' f 135 feet 9 Inches, a n d 1 'mb’ ' who heaved the discus for In 12J feet 3 inches. This Wednesday was the deadline Other f:r-ts were taken by Leslie tet for sp uisor.- to submit the.r en Hiatt, wh i thru.-t the javelin for a | tries in the Ny a Softball league, di dance f 135 feet 9 inches, and ■with a meeting -ct for the evening Amble, w.i i heaved the discus fori for the committee to draw up a for- 129 feet 3 Inches. IS ll I ' i I Keek finished in a four-way tie in leagu \ a voiding to Dick Yo-t, > ile vault with Anderson, Acker chairman of the organising commit man and Ocodfellow of Ontario, tee of the i> nsoring Lion- club * .th a mark of 10 feet 1 4 inch. Any spoil r who may have over O r irio wu- the only other school lock d the deadline date i requeste I • M : ■ • in the 100- to g t in touch with a member of iid da-h, the shot put and the the ci mmittee before the end of the );■ ad Jump. ■we» k i >: ier memb r art Cal W il m i’ Open H e corner Reece iind C’ hurk Landreth. ti K 'i: Ave's. Electric Frigidaire Deadline for subnet ting play r list ’1 be announced later. L" mu > k ’ ¡ion April 19th and 20th. ili« \ .i n'.a: ve!\ set to begin fori t < f May! Til i- need f - veral uni; HEMSTITCHING ne tin v : t 1 • I expei i nnri GIFTS ard CARDS is r. i Bulldogs Win SRV Opener I ;o:r. Ontario Ilo t . c — i l Nyssa Takes Counly Meet H.rry Lun.- amer pr set ne v recor: un nd the lew hurd nnual Bi’i-e Jun enal track meet a. the Bulldog ti 3 d p.aee in the n O d iti W e s t i n g h o u s e h a t the a m a z in g , built-in FREEZ’FIIE It'» right on the doorl MEUT I.ER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS Just press to open! HEATING Jackson, Pearson Attend Convention fS O F R S E 2 ËSVS Et! TELLS Y O U A T A G L A N C E .w h a t froze n fo o d s y o u h a v e GEORGE J. KTNZER .w h e re th e y're stored . . . h o w lo n g y o u 'v e had them . . . h o w m uch y o u 'v e u sed y o u CAN 3E Position Open S U R E . ..IF i t ' s A\estinghousc M O D E L U F E -1 2 0 Work Day Held By Riding Club Members A n d cnly Westinghouse gives you A LL these features s m S r » Rifle Club Holds 1st Scheduled Shoot Softball Sponsors May Yet Turn Entries Here’s R O IL - O U T F R E E Z E R D R A W E R Q U IC K F R E E Z E SH E LF Provides convenient stor age for odd-shaped pack ages . . . big turkeys . . . " a 11 '-xrxa r\f tea croo m Seals in the original color, fla vor and v i t a m i n s a t 15° below zero. IN N E R PASTRY RACK S H E L F -D O O R S You opon only one compartment at a t iir j . . . file, not pile, frozen foods. Protects fragile pies and cakes. El) CASE FURNITURE Co. U. S. 20 Norih oí "Y" In Nyssa Ar € > z ^V.V . X«* i / m V CHRYSLER QUALITY - > % little more than a low-priced car! for all occasions Fri i i \ ii s ).i: j- s h o p 313 tîDoit Ave. thi nn> m iMU'Lt YOU can hanv Avail ¡friper successfully ÌÌ0 1 V iN / 300 RARER* PRICED FROM 89« T O $3.49 new! ^ HANG • Y ou can own this superb new Chrysler Windsor wallpapers for little m ore than a low -p riccd ca r with all its extra sl • Chrysler size and comfort . : ; 1 txy come to you iPRLTRIMMED toft N o mere fediovt, inaccurate wall« oper frlinming at homel Artiailna EW eZe HANG paper» com# al ready trimmed, both edges. Ready to paste and hang. Grand-new patterns for any room in your home. D O SEC T H E M ! R • Full-time Power Steering, also available, lets you turn easier and safer than ever. • A n y fine car is an important investment, so here’s good news for any car-buyer! . . ; PRE-MIXED PASTE, TOO quality : ; . prestige . . . safety. T h e y ’re all here at surprisingly modest cost. • Famous Spitfire engine gives you power ^ and performance that makes you want to just drive and drive and drive! A liquid—atready mixed fo r youl W o n ’t »tain, v. ashes off face of paper Ttlth damp cloth. A time end work saver, for swr*. • N ew Oriflow shock absorbers help you forget what bumps and bounce ever felt like. • Its engineering has been first with the most new improvements in the motor car V“ fk : ; . year after year after year! • Here is a kind o f money’s-worth that must be driven to be appreciated. Call on your Chrysler-PlymoutL dealer soon! fH R Y SLlR W INDSOR at NEW LOW PRICES due to greater production and demand for Chrysler cars . COO patterns with recommended room color schemes Don B. Moss Firestone Store 417 I., in Pilone 2 W AGGO NER M OTOR CO. - 118 Good Ave. Phone 180