THE NY %SK CATE CITY JOURNAL. H Y 5 IA . ORECOW. THURSDAY. APRIL 18 U5J GET TKiS Springtime BRAKE and LUBE SPECIAL Bargain Price $149 (Rtgvlar price $3.60) Here's what we do: • Labricite chassis. • Inspect brake beiiifs, eemfl- tton at drums sad wheel Nampa Woman D es In Car Crash E'rrly Saturday Nampa »■ man t s - killed early m:rni:'.g and the driver of car in which she was riding, .aped with minor injuries when I i . I . . »' Ny->a-Parma junction on highway 20 ea^t of Nyssa. According to Canyon Countv Cor ner John Alsip Mr Thelma Crow- I'.er. 36. died of internal injuries a ' m nutes after she was taken •i the wreckage Driver of the H L Ardrey Parks c f Nampa -i Mr; Crowther were going from ; N’ ■ a to Nampa in Parks' car about - 30 a m when they missed the ; •ura aad the car went end-over-end ■ 1 came to rest upside down at :h: angles to the highway. Parks '■a thrown clear and suffered only '] r • and bruises. Mrs. Crowther is survived by her yi'band, William H Crowther. two laughters, her parents, and one sis ter. all c f Nampa, as well as a sister n Washington and one in Ohio. Junior C lass to Present Play Fri. Court Cases. . . Editor s note Nys.-a justice court and municipal court ca>es as they *PPl ■ i 'jir »< courts, will appear each week in the Journal Arrangement, have been made to list ca>es in the order of their disposition in the two c«. u .. in an effort to show no discrimma- t.on Any . a>< muted will not bt the fault of thi- new paper Justice Court April 8. Erasmo Herandez Cab,, nas, Nyssa. one headlight, fined f and Si 50 cost April 11. Herman M rt. n * route 3. Parma, no operator's license fined $1 and St 50 costs April 13, Lester Howard Strawn •i. i fc> a. r. cp.rator's licen- ¡led SJ and $¡50 costs. Fine su. xnded April 13. Mtlvin Prinz, Seattle, n. ’ ” C permit, fined SiO and S4 5( Under direction of Scren C x speech instructor, the jun,or class 'f Nyssa school w.U present its annual three-act play at 8 p m Fr.- dav in the high schivi g>mn "Meet Me in St L. uis. : the title o f the comedy, which a 17- member cast Stage manager is On:.a Pounds and prompter- B, nine Mit chell and Mary Ar.n Alf :t • Check brake Master cyNadv. • lesped Wes ter cats, M H B IM I F O R » F A I T S mut HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. N y is s April 14, Jerry Lee Haney. Nyssa no motor vehicle license, fined $ and 84,50 costs. Municipal Court opru 6, Edward Bryan Davis, driv- tng under influence, fined S60 and dr.ver's license suspended April 8, John L Hadfield, improper parking, fined $5 April 9. Leonard J. Jones, vag rancy. floated. April 9, Clarence L. Mull, public Nyssa area's five Boy Scout troops, intoxication. 825 bail set six Cub Pack dens and three Explor Apr.l 11, Dayle R. Moss, violaAon er po^ts will take important parts in basic rule, fined $10. the Bey Scout circus, to be staged May 9 at Caldwell by the Ore-Ida Llounc.l of Boy Scouts, according to We will see you at Recce and King announcement of Bill Cunningham. Aves. April 19th and 20th Free Gift N’-mpa, circus director. to each lady. Theme of the circus, first to be staged by the local Council, will be “The Ore-Ida Story," and will be presented in pageant form to depict the coming of the pioneers and earlv settlement of the Snake River Basin. During the show a replica of Fort Boise will be built. There will be cov ered wagons. Indian attacks, stage coach rebbery, gold rush and other setting scenes frem the early h.s- cry c f this region. Ny- a Boy Scouts will re-enact the Ivor City gold episode as part of ae gold rush scene and the Cubs ■' 11 ‘ tage the Indian attack. Walter McPartland will direct the 'fyssa area acts. Purpose of the Scout circus is to Te-ent the activities of the scout irogram and to raise funds for im proved facilities. A ticket sale is now under way. ind tickets may be secured from any i-y. Cub or Explorer scout. King Ave. and Reece, Nyssa, Oregon Tension Tite Screens N O W —fe a t u r e - famous Whirlpool efficiency in a new fu lly a u to m a tic Washer that takea less than 25 inches of floor space ! W ANTED To Buy E A R CORN Extra - thorough SIVIN flINSIS; Total cleansing a o ir io w action ; Completely ru xi- ■II TIMIN«; Exclusive SUDS-MISlfl (optional); S-TKAfl w a u a n t t on Transmisaion. All thie at a Record Low Price! diseases Alumiwalls Stunz Lumber Co. Feed Be Sure You Inspect WOOLEN BLANKET LAY-AWAY EVENT the new Ends Saturday, April 25th ^ I N T E h » :!w ’J r*” AI i * fu r^ ifu j* * cenuM xi/ a n ji- J S E i 19 No. Second St. Nyssa. Oregon JAKE FISCHER COMING EVENTS Friday. April 16— Meeting of th. DUP at the home of Mrs. Fern Kes- ler at 2 p. m. Thursday. April 16—Ruth and Na omi circle of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs Ham ilton Chadderdon at 322 Reece Ave at 8 p. m. Phone 110 Nyssa Sw« Woadoihti Whirlpool al C IT E D A T M E E TIN G Insects and » Open House April 19. 1953 At Corner of Nyssa Scouts In Boy Scout Circus \RKA PROGlt£ 8 S IS Kill plant Tension-life Sreens in the Model Home O stS . See R I A L F O R B S IR V IC X Be Sure And Note the Alumiwall and Free Gift to each lady vh inspects the Model Home Corner of Reece and King, \pril 19th a..d 20th for • MjasMeet brake. PAGE TWK 51.00 Down (Continued from Page 1) F.H.A. which helped finance homes equipment and livestock, Machlan aid. In Malheur county, the FH.A office is alio ted SlOO.OtiO for opera tion, but 860,000 of it is turned back as unspent, the speaker reported The speaker commented that Nys- a’s Chamber is made up of people vho are working together with at- 'endance at weekly meetings f*- greater than any cUw- ^ in the ■‘/f* V “* .ne cooperative spirit * .7.* resulted in a fine hospital rood schools and the choice of churches. ‘"There is no place in the world where the living standard is so high is it is right here in this commun- " MaaLachlan asserted. The Nyssa visitors were welcomed to Nu Acres by Dave Spilde, over seer of the Nu Acres Grange and Jake Fischer, president of the Nyssa Chamber, expressed his organiza tion’s appreciation for the meeting J. L. Herriman served as toastmas ter. Miss Gail Maze entertained the wd with impersonations present ed in pantomine to the accompani- MODEL HOME Sun. 2 - 9 pan, — $1.00 Month Lay A Blanket Away Today! Mon.. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. N yssa, Ore. A luxurtoug 4-lb 4e«p-ii*pp«d blanket... that's Coronation by Wool O ’ Th« West ..lavishly bound in i* rayon satin binding. 1004 waol... guaranteed against moth damage for 3 years., getvii u— ■r y x 90' »ixe Order while stocks are complete Compliments of RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY G eneral Insurance Co. of Am erica Nyssa Phone 264-W — "fa Yoij are Invited MLj Pith • • &0TAN0 Deluxe So aim ple! R otano Deluxe ia ready-to-uae—no measuring, no mixing, no fuss. Simply point the dust gun packsge and pump. Give your garden thia most modern pest protection. Check the list below. B otano Deluxe gives effective control of all of the following: S u ck in g ineects: Aphis, Thrip«, White Flies, Leaf Hoppers, Lac* Bug. Spittle Bug*, Tarnished Plant Bug . . . C h ew in g in sects: Earwigs. Lawn Moth Larvae (Sod Web Worm), Diabrotica Beetle, Caterpillars, Rose, Cherry and Peer Slug* . . . Soil insects: Seed-Corn Maggot, Wire worms, Diabrotica Larva«. Plant d is «a a « s : Powdery Mildew, Black Spot os Laal Spot, R u st. . . Tobler s Feed & Fuel, Inc. 17 Good Ave. Phone 26 U JQ D L (Open House) Sunday 19th Monday 20th 240 P.M. — 9:00 P.M. 8:30 P.M.—9:30 P.M. Nyssa. O r « « Corner R e a c * a n d King A t «. See the All Electric Frigidcdre Kitchen. Free Gift to Each Lady. Builder Furniture an d Appliance C. K. Olsen Peterson Furniture Co. Nyssa Nyass. Vsl«. Ontario, P a y «!!« Coronation om VU 1 S T to Inspect: the New Mtidei Home 14.95 IN I I V I N DICORATOR SHADES... * /d a » «a a L L H i * » tN A IT R K U II, BUR 8 0 1 0 , C IM h a u ,I | U 1 , °* Take Advantage of Everybody's woolen blanket Lay aw ay event—come in and make your selection from the many styles and colors. Just $1.00 down and $1.00 a month—do it today! Be sure to see the MODEL HOME Sunday, April 19th. at the Com er of Reece and King. Curtains on display m ay be purchased from us! EVERYBODY SAVES AT dr We Give S <& H G reen Stam ps OPEN TIL • PJ*. SATURDAYS NYSSA 'GOV